Oklahoma Writerst Project ~ ~‚ Lote of ie niggersthere ha4 been in d.e Union army too, and they had. on parts of their ar‘niy clothes. They took them out from tmd.er their coats t and. their wagon seats ail pat them on tor &e picnic. There was a saloon over in ~i1dersvi1].e, and. a lot of then‘ went over there but they was scared. to go in, most of them. But a colored delegate named Taylor and. my pa~y went in and. ordered a drink. The bart ender &i& t pay them no mind. Then a white man named Billy Britt walked i~ and throwed a glass of whi skey in Jordan s face and ciassed him for being in de Yankee army. Then a white man from the North named. Pearson took up the fight and. him and. Jordan jwnped. on Billy Britt, btt de crowd stopped them and told. p~appy to git on back to whar he come from. ~ . Re got elected a delegate at de convention and. went on down to ~ashville and. helped nominate Browniow for governor. Then he couIdn~ t corne back home for a while, but finally he did.. Old. Master was uneasy about de way things was going on, and he come out to de farm and stayed in de big house a while. One day in broad daylight he was on de gallery and. • down de road come tbout 20 bushwhackers in Sesesh clothes on horses and rid. up to de tate. Old. Master knowed. ail of them, and. Captain Clay Taylor, who had. been de master of .. de nigger delegat e ‚ was at the head of them. ~ They bad Jordan Pyles tied. wIth a rope a~t& walked along ~i de ground betw~ixt two horses. . . . “Whar you taking my nigger? „ ‚ Old. Mast er say. Kê run down off d.~ gallery and out in d.~ z~oad.. . . . ~ uH5 ~j~t~ : ~ fligger no møre—‘u‘you know, that~ ‚ id Captain ¶raylor• hoflér~backo ~ ~ . . ~ flue jest as much m~‘ ni~ger as that ¶fa~lor nigger was your nigger,