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Photo of Mt. Snowmass

Central Zone Fire is located in Rifle, Colorado. The interagency fire response area covers an estimated 2.16 million acres. Fuel types on the zone vary greatly, depending on elevation. At lower elevations near 5000’ pinyon, juniper, and sage are the dominate fuel types. As elevations climb to 10,000’ the fuel type transitions into mixed conifer with oak brush and mountain mahogany filling in at the mid levels.

Rifle, Colorado was ranked number 17 out of 200 towns “for the Sportsman,” according to the April 2008 edition of Outdoor Life magazine. Locally around Rifle there is world class climbing, hiking, biking, hunting, fishing, rafting, and skiing.

Our facility is located at the Garfield County Regional Airport where we share a building with Rifle Fire Department and Garfield County. Central Zone has two bunk houses for seasonals to live in for the fire season. The bunk houses are clean, well maintained, roomy, and affordable.

At Central Zone we work together in a family atmosphere promoting teamwork and pride in our accomplishments.



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