GERON Genotyping

  • The GERON (GEnetics Research ONline) Genotyping data management system provides a repository for the storage and mining of genotype data as well as streamlining the multitude of steps required to perform any type of marker based linkage/association analysis.
  • The system has the capacity to handle polymorphic marker data for family and case-control based genetics research. The database includes current Genethon allele frequency data, fragment sizes for 891 CEPH (Centre d'Etude du Polymorphisme Humain) reference individuals at 10251 unique markers and also enables the user to build their own estimates of allele frequencies based on analysis of ethnicity specific genotyping. The database automatically applies allele offsets based on CEPH genotypes. The database includes dynamic links to UniSTS and dbSNP for marker information, and integrates genetic location data from several different published genetic maps. The system has the ability diagnose and track mendelian errors, perform simple statistical analysis and export to various linkage/association analysis file formats.
  • Importing and storage of genotype data (both SNP and Microsattelite).
  • Importing and storage of relevant pedigree data. Including age of onset, gender, affectation status, and relations.
  • Checks and tracks Mendelian errors in families using PEDCHECK.
  • Powerful and customizable export to various linkage analysis programs including MEGA2 and LINKAGE file formats.
  • Preliminary statistical analysis of data including case-control analysis, Hardy-Weinberg, to Linkage Disequilibrium output.
  • Easy viewing of CEPH Genotype data and allele frequencies.
  • Integrate genetic maps such as Genethon, Marshfield and deCode Genetics.
  • Builds allele frequencies for export from individuals in the database including ethnicity specific breakdowns.
  • Genotyping Screenshots.