Other Studies

  1. In order to find all active Beaconing PAN coordinators, it requires an Active Scan with BO = 14 on all channels. Calculate time to do this best and worst, average.
  2. An MLME_POLL_request requires a) finding beacon, if present; b) CSMA/CA; c) TX data; d) RX ack; e) might RX data or another CSMA/CA coordinator plus TX data and RX ack
  3. If an ack is not received prior to the next beacon, will it still wait for the ack in the next superframe? No
  4. If the MLME_START included reset broadcast but a reset must precede it, how can all this be coordinated?
  5. Text states that should not request association or GTS if not accepting, since this is an upper layer decision, it is not represented in the SDLs except as a note.
  6. PAN coordinator MAC sublayer does not track duplicate associations. Yes.
  7. If in Promiscuous mode no ack is sent
  8. For disassociation MAC appears to be able to determine whether a device is associated, however for an orphan notification it does not.
  9. MLME_sync_request does not contain enough information to track beacon when not yet associated.
  10. Update Ack for data request to set frame pending.
  11. Upon receiving associate request, need to track beacon before sending associate request.
  12. PLME_SET_TRX_STATE_confirm currently causes NULL transition. Need to add for it to be consumed in Za
  13. Possibly accept Beacon in state F since Ack might be lost (This may also be part of Track beacon) No
  14. PD_data_indication currenly causes NULL transition. Need to add for it to be consumed in wait response state.
  15. Update timer T-ResponseWaittime ,so that I can execute
  16. Need to move coordinatior from Za to A after association response packet delivered or confirmed ack, then remove from pending list.
  17. 143(201) after confirming disassociation to not go to A, but to Zp if not PAN Coordinator or to A or Za, if PAN Coordinator (check if last associated data)
  18. Does not test for security in state F, since only Acks are accepted.
  19. While in Wait response can receiving a beacon indicating pending data override wait to timer expiry? Yes page 150 D18
  20. Should physical layer be shut off while waiting? Seems to be an option.
  21. Should a data_request_cmd be notified with an MLME_COMM_STATUS.indication?
  22. According to D18; page 162,, if a MCPS-DATA.request is received indicating GTS transmission, then it shall be deferred until the start of the receive GTS of the intended recipient, then doe this mean that if a MCPS-DATA.request for GTS is received during the correct GTS, then it cannot be sent and must wait until the next superframe?

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Last update: August 1, 2003