111-7 Figure 2 also gives the postings of the nine Mesh terms used in the search formulation plus two more terms from the request not used in the search for- mulation. Assuming that the search formulation included all the terms likely to be connected with the requestort 5 need, it can be seen that, ignoring the logical combinations asked for in the search formulation, 8,ooo to 10,000 documents in the file are associated with the search term chosen, or, `i~re simply still, regarding `tCerbrospinal fluid11 as an essential notion, 1162 associated items are in the file. The user' 5 second need would almost certainly be satisfied by some of these 1162 items, but it might have been possible to have satisfied both the user's first and second needs in a single search in the following manner: with `tcerbrospinal f1~id1' identified as a key notion, all the ll62 documents posted with that term would be retrieved, and would then be presented to the user in some `1ranked'1 order of probable relevance. A satisfactory result for this process would be obtained if the U references found in the Medlars search were to appear at the front of this ranked list (the user identified 10 of these ll as relevant). ~f such a system could be provided, the user' 5 second need could have been satisfied merely by an examination of more than the first 11 documents in the search output. A second example of problems of this type lies at the opposite extreme: a request on the effects of drugs and pesticides on the bone marrow of man and animals resulted in 1,235 retrieved documents. Since the set almost certainly contains too many items, a ranked output would again provide a solution, allowing the requestor to examine only as many documents as he desired. Searches in Medlars are frequently made in three matching strengths in an attempt to meet this latter problem.