Minutes for SAM Nov 24, 1998 meeting ------------------------------------ Present: Julie, Matt, Lee , Heidi, Igor, Steve, Rich Topics: status and plans We discussed the plan for the next 6 weeks ( Through Jan 15). The items on the plan are as follows: 1.Bring up our db server machines and make a production version of the database. 2.Build command line interface for consumer, with example script. 3.Complete project editing and creation machinery. 4.Work out farm interactions with sam and get sam to work with farm batch system. 5.Create system to verify import scripts. 6.Set up one of the sam nodes as an import station. 7.Complete station design and station disk responsibilities, including proxies with other stations. 8.Put together a db browser. 9.Iterate with D0 on sam interfaces: command line, gui, administrative. 10.Connect with the d0 d0om and d0 framework. 11.Work on Batch needs for SAM analysis-type environment. 12.Prepare for von Ruden Review (Jan 25-28). Discussion of the plan: Steve is working on making sam db server multi-threaded or multi-process so it can handle many clients simultaneously. He asked what the performance needs for the server are and if we intend to continue to develop it in Python. We discussed that we would continue to develop IDL interfaces and the current single threaded version is adequate for the next few weeks/months. We will eventually need it to be more perform-ant and would consider moving to c++ if needed. We briefly discussed the db server machines (sun 3500 and 4500) and people think it is good to have a real production platform for keeping the db needed for the D0 MC challenge. Phase I of the MC challenge is starting now, and we will have 10's to 100's of files to manage early next year. This is a way to test everything with d0 users. In the summer, Phase II will start and we plan to have 1000's of files ready for October next year. (Ruth and I spoke with Dane about managing the hardware, and I talked Dave Fagan this morning (11/25) about getting ready to install these.) We went over the command line interface (CLI) and Heidi showed some examples of what she thought would be useful for the farm system. She and Igor will meet to discuss this further. (See her mail in sam_design for more details.) Concerning point 3, we said that we need to finish up the connections for the GUI interface. Heidi suggested that the physical streams and L3 triggers will be important for the MC challenge. I described, briefly, the farm test system and we discussed using their batch system with the sam system. We talked about what is needed for the "verify" of the import python scripts. There are two aspects, 1. verify that the script python is ok, and 2. check that the import information is consistent with itself, and with what is already in the data base. We think we may be able to simply have people run the script on the real database, and not do the commit. We will return the error messages and they can keep trying until they get the import info correct. This can be done by mailing the scripts to a test address which returns a log file. When the script works, they can send the script to an official place, and we will do the official import, with the commit, when the data is ready. Short discussion about sam import station. This means we will make one of the sam testbed nodes an import station, where data can be shipped from outside fir import into the sam system. Matt thought there may be some tools available for browsing the db. Concerning use of a batch system for analysis computing. People from Platform Computing (LSF batch system) will be at the lab at some undecided data in the next 2 months. (Two possible dates currently are Dec. 15, and January 12). A few of us should attend this meeting. We may be able to use a batch system as part of our station management?? We need to think how/if SAM needs to communicate with a batch system under which consumers are running. Julie presented some changes she has been working on in the db schema wrt users and groups. We had a long discussion about where to get the userid, groupid etc. from. The easy way is to get it from Yolanda's lab data base. We might want to screen this if we get it there or just enter users as they apply for db accounts. There were a couple of relations which needed to be added to the db. Please look at the current schema for details of these modifications. There was a lot more discussion which I glazed over on. Steve has added exceptions to the db server. They are documented in the IDL files. Rich is interesting in working with the interfaces to the db server and how to use them. Also expanding the capabilities of the info server. Next Tuesday, he will give a demo of the current sam admin and we can discuss it and what we would like to see in the future. Matt wanted to know where the official sam page is now? runIIcomputing/sam I am not sure if this is automatically updated, but changes should be made to the sam cvs area and they will be incorporated asap. Happy Holiday, Lee