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Band of 107th U.S. Colored InfantryPhotographs of African Americans During the Civil War: A List of Images in the Civil War Photograph Collection

Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., 20540-4730

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African American Soldiers

*Select the thumbnail image to view larger versions and fuller information (if available) through the Prints & Photographs Online Catalog.
Hanging a deserter (Petersburg, Va.) "Hanging a deserter (Petersburg, Va.). Execution of a colored soldier, June 20, 1864." Soldier, face covered with cloth, hanging from scaffold. White soldiers sit nearby under tree. (Marked "B.")
Reproduction number: LC-B8171-783 (film negative)
Call number: LOT 4164-F
Hanging a Deserter (Petersburg, Va.) "Hanging a Deserter (Petersburg, Va.). Execution of a colored soldier, June 20, 1864. Vicinity of Petersburg, Va." (Title for negative: "Petersburg, Virginia (vicinity). Execution of William Johnson, Negro soldier.") Soldier, face covered with cloth, hanging from scaffold. Executioner stands behind body; white men, some in uniform, stand or sit nearby. (Marked "2355.")
Reproduction number: LC-B8184-2355 (film negative); LC-DIG-cwpb-01574 (b&w copy scan of variant); LC-DIG-cwpb-01573 (b&w copy scan of variant)
Call number: LOT 4164-F (NOTE: Another print of same image is in LOT 4172, titled "Execution of Wm. Johnson, June 20, 1864.")
[No Digital Image] "Bombproof quarters on the lines in front of Petersburg, Va., Aug. 1864." African American troops standing or sitting; one white man, not in uniform, seated in center of group.
References: Reproduced in Miller, vol. 3, p. 195.
Reproduction number: LC-B8184-802A (film negative)
Call number: LOT 4166-E
Bomb-proof quarters of Major Strong"Bomb-proof quarters of Major Strong at Dutch Gap, Va., July, 1864." Shows two black soldiers seated outside of quarters.
Reproduction number: LC-DIG-cwpb-01926 (b&w copy scan of left half of glass stereograph negative); LC-DIG-cwpb-01925 (b&w copy scan of right half of glass stereograph negative).
Call number: LOT 4166-F (Stereograph File); LC-B811-2551 (glass negative)
Chapin's Bluff, Virginia (vicinity). Fort Burnham, formerly, Confederate Fort Harrison, near James River "Chapin's Bluff, Virginia (vicinity). Fort Burnham, formerly, Confederate Fort Harrison, near James River"
Reproduction number: LC-DIG-cwpb-01950 (b&w copy scan of left half of glass stereograph negative); LC-DIG-cwpb-01949 (b&w copy scan of right half of glass stereograph negative).
Call number: LOT 4166-I (Stereograph File); LC-B811-2565 (glass negative)
Captain J.M. Robertson and Staff, 1st Brigade Horse Artillery "Captain J.M. Robertson and Staff, 1st Brigade Horse Artillery, Brandy Station, Va., February, 1864." Shows uniformed blacks in back of white officers.
Reproduction number: LC-DIG-cwpb-04044 (b&w copy scan)
Call number: LOT 4171
Execution of colored soldier, William Johnson "Execution of colored soldier (William Johnson), Petersburg, Va., June 20, 1864." Shows hanging man alone. (The charge on which he was convicted was attempted rape.)
Reproduction number: LC-DIG-cwpb-00383 (b&w copy scan of negative); LC-USZ62-49608 (film copy negative of print)
Call number:LC-B815-789 (glass negative); LOT 4172 (photographic print)
Field Hospital at Savage Station, Va."Field Hospital at Savage Station, Va., after the battle of June 27, 1862." Shows scores of men, black and white, stretched out on the ground. A black soldier sits in lower left foreground. (Marked "491.")
Note: A researcher has attributed the photograph to James Gibson.
Reproduction number: LC-DIG-cwpb-01063 (b&w copy scan of glass negative)
Call number: LC-B811-491 (glass negative); LOT 4172-A (photographic print)
Convalescent Colored Troops at Aiken's Landing "Convalescent Colored Troops at Aiken's Landing, A. M. Aiken's house at right." Shows about forty black soldiers sitting and standing on a slight hill.
Reproduction number: LC-DIG-cwpb-02032 (b&w copy scan of left half of glass stereograph negative); LC-DIG-cwpb-02031 (b&w copy scan of right half of glass stereograph negative)
Call number: LC-B811- 2608 (glass negative); LOT 4172-B
Camp of 10th U.S. Colored Infantry. "Camp of 10th U.S. Colored Infantry." Shows group of blacks standing outside tents. (Marked 4319).
Reproduction number: LC-USZ62-119848 (film copy negative).
Call number: LOT 4172-B
Camp of 27th U.S. Colored Infantry. "Camp of 27th U.S. Colored Infantry." Shows tents and men standing amid trees in distance. (Marked 4096.)
Reproduction number: LC-USZ62-119925 (film copy negative).
Call number: LOT 4172-B
Picket Post "Picket Post." Shows two black soldiers in uniform aiming rifles, while leaning against the edge of a damaged wooden house.
Reproduction number: LC-DIG-cwpb-01930 (b&w copy scan of left half of glass stereograph negative); LC-DIG-cwpb-01929 (b&w copy scan of right half of glass stereograph negative)
Call number:LC-B811-2553 (glass negative); LOT 4172-C (photographic print)
[No Digital Image] "1st U.S. Colored Infantry." Shows side view of infantry at attention. (Marked "3032.")
Reproduction number: LC-B816-3032 (glass negative).
Call number: LOT 4173
29th Regiment from Connecticut at Beaufort, S.C., 1864 [No original caption on item]. 29th Regiment from Connecticut at Beaufort, S.C., 1864. Shows black troops at attention, white officers aligned in front. Photo by Sam A. Cooley.
Reproduction number: LC-DIG-cwpbh-03373 (b&w copy scan of left half of glass stereograph negative); LC-DIG-cwpbh-03372 (b&w copy scan of right half of glass stereograph negative)
Call number: LC-BH822-341 (glass negative); LOT 4173 (photographic print)
Soldiers on Review, South Carolina "Soldiers on Review, South Carolina." Shows black troops at attention, white officers aligned in front. Similar to image with negative number LC-BH822-341, but photographed from slightly different angle and cropped differently. Negative for this image appears to be in worse condition.
Reproduction number: LC-DIG-cwpbh-03374 (b&w copy scan of left half of glass stereograph negative); LC-DIG-cwpbh-03375 (b&w copy scan of right half of glass stereograph negative)
Call number: LC-BH822-342 (glass negative); LOT 4173 (photographic print)
Battery of Light 12 Pounders on Ordnance Wharf, City Point, Va. "Battery of Light 12 Pounders on Ordnance Wharf, City Point, Va." Shows long line of canons guarded by one black soldier.
Reproduction number:LC-DIG-cwpb-01982 (b&w copy scan of left half of glass stereograph negative); LC-DIG-cwpb-01983 (b&w copy scan of right half of glass stereograph negative)
Call number:LC-B811-2583 (glass negative); LOT 4174
Dutch Gap Canal, November, 1864 "Dutch Gap Canal, November, 1864." Shows two black soldiers while canal is under construction. (Marked "4320.")
Reproduction number: LC-USZ62-119946 (film copy negative)
Call number: LOT 4178
Bv't-Major General E. Ferrero "Bv't-Major General E. Ferrero." Shows white officers seated under a "lean-to." (Title from caption book: "Petersburg, Virginia. Gen. Edward Ferrero and staff"). A black soldier stands guard at right. (Marked "53").
Reproduction number:LC-DIG-cwpb-03669 (b&w copy scan of glass negative)
Call number: LC-B817-7053 (glass negative); LOT 4186 (photographic print)
Officers, 4th U.S. Colored Infantry, Fort Slocum "Officers, 4th U.S. Colored Infantry, Fort Slocum, April, 1865." Shows a group of white officers and two blacks in uniform at the righthand side of the group. (Marked "689.")
Reproduction number: LC-DIG-cwpb-04140 (b&w copy scan of glass negative); LC-USZ62-107713 (film copy negative of print)
Call number: LC-B817-7689 (glass negative); LOT 4187 (photographic print)
Officers, 4th U.S. Colored Infantry, Fort Slocum "Officers, 4th U.S. Colored Infantry, Fort Slocum, April, 1865." Shows group of white officers and three blacks, one in uniform. (Marked "851.")
Reproduction number: LC-DIG-cwpb-04270 (b&w copy scan of glass negative); LC-B8171-7851 (film negative).
Call number: LC-B817-7851 (glass negative); LOT 4187
Field and Staff of 39th U.S. Colored Infantry "Field and Staff of 39th U.S. Colored Inf. In front of Petersburg, Va., Sep. 1864" [Group of six white officers, standing and seated; one black man in uniform and others not in uniform standing in background] (Marked "52" on verso of print.)
Reproduction number: LC-DIG-cwpb-04364 (b&w copy scan of glass negative); LC-USZ62-106650 (film copy negative of print)
Call number: LC-B817-7052 (glass negative); LOT 4187 (photographic print)
Officers of the 107th U.S. Colored Infantry "Officers of the 107th U.S. Colored Infantry." Shows a group of officers on a porch, including one black guard at attention. (Marked "684.")
Reproduction number: LC-DIG-cwpb-04136 (b&w copy scan of glass negative)
Call number: LC-B817-7684 (glass negative); LOT 4187 (photographic print)
[No Digital Image] "Negro Soldiers." Shows eighteen black men sitting in a row, some holding books, with three white men and two white women standing behind them, bay(?) in background.
Note: Identified by Bill Wiley in 1953: thought to be a group of Union soldiers, ca. 1863-1865, with their Northern officers and teachers probably on the South Carolina coast.
Reproduction number: LC-B8184-10061 (film negative).
Call number: LOT 4188
[No Digital Image] "Group, 22nd N.Y. State Militia, near Harper's Ferry, Va., 1861 (?)." Shows black soldiers seated and black cook standing in the background. (Marked "B163.")
References: Reproduced in Miller, vol. 7, p. 69.
Reproduction number: LC-B8184-B-163 (film negative).
Call number: LOT 4188.
[No Digital Image] "Group, 22nd N.Y. State Militia, near Harper's Ferry, Va., 1861 (?)." Shows black soldiers seated and black cook standing in the background. (Marked "B838.") (Similar to image in LOT 4188 with negative number LC-B8184-B-163.)
Reproduction number: -----
Call number: LOT 4189.
Co. E, 4th U.S. Colored Infantry "Co. E, 4th U.S. Colored Infantry, Ft. Lincoln, defenses of Washington." (title from print). Shows 27 blacks in two lines with rifles resting on the ground. (Print marked "890.")
References: Image of War, Vol. 3, p. 235.
Reproduction number: LC-DIG-cwpb-04294 (b&w copy scan of glass negative); LC-B8171-7890 (film negative); .
Call number:LC-B817-7890 (glass negative); LOT 4190F (photographic print)
Band of 107th U.S. Colored Infantry "Band of 107th U.S. Colored Infantry." Shows a group of 20 black soldiers with musical instruments. (Marked "861.")
References: Image of War, Vol. 3, p. 240.
Reproduction number: LC-DIG-cwpb-04279 (b&w copy scan of glass negative); LC-B8171-7861 (film negative).
Call number: LC-B817-7861 (glass negative); LOT 4190F

[No Digital Image] "Guard House and Guard, 107th U.S. Colored Infantry, Ft. Corcoran, near Washington, D.C.." Shows 15 black soldiers in two rows, rifle butts resting on the ground. (Marked "841.")
References: Image of War, Vol. 3, p. 240.
Reproduction number: LC-B8184-841 (film negative).
Call number: LOT 4190F
[No Digital Image] "Group of Federal Soldiers." Shows black and white soldiers on review.
Reproduction number: LC-B818-10029 (glass negative).
Call number: LOT 4190F
[No Digital Image} "Provost Marshal's Guard House, Vicksburg, Miss." Shows three black soldiers, one guard at attention, and the other two riding the sawbuck. (Marked "8187.")
Reproduction number: LC-B8171-8187 (film negative); LC-B816-8187 (glass negative).
Call number: LOT 4203
Soldiers in camp "Soldiers in camp."
Reproduction number: LC-DIG-cwpb-02023 (b&w copy scan of left half of glass stereograph negative); LC-DIG-cwpb-02024 (b&w copy scan of right half of glass stereograph negative).
Call number: LC-B811-2604 (glass negative);

Soldier group "Soldier group."
Reproduction number: LC-DIG-cwpb-02019 (b&w copy scan of left half of glass stereograph negative); LC-DIG-cwpb-02020 (b&w copy scan of right half of glass stereograph negative).
Call number: LC-B811-2602 (glass negative);

Unknown location. 12-pdr. Napoleon (model 1857?) [Unknown location. 12-pdr. Napoleon (model 1857?)]
Reproduction number: LC-DIG-cwpb-01981 (b&w copy scan of left half of glass stereograph negative); LC-DIG-cwpb-01980 (b&w copy scan of right half of glass stereograph negative).
Call number: LC-B811-2582 (glass negative);

City Point, Virginia. Supply wagons of 2d Brigade, 2d Corps "City Point, Virginia. Supply wagons of 2d Brigade, 2d Corps"
Reproduction number: LC-DIG-cwpb-01970 (b&w copy scan of left half of glass stereograph negative); LC-DIG-cwpb-01971 (b&w copy scan of right half of glass stereograph negative).
Call number: LC-B811-2577 (glass negative);

Dutch Gap, Virginia. Bomb-proof quarters "Dutch Gap, Virginia. Bomb-proof quarters"
Reproduction number: LC-DIG-cwpb-01927 (b&w copy scan of left half of glass stereograph negative); LC-DIG-cwpb-01928 (b&w copy scan of right half of glass stereograph negative).
Call number: LC-B811-2552 (glass negative);

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