Current Events -- Last Update:

        * * * MEDOC CAMPAIGN #7, WEEK 1 * * * 

      MEDOC Latest Calendar, POC: Karine Bocchialini (
      MEDOC Planner E-mail:

M May 14 (W 20) Submode switch 12:45 UT
		SUMER opening door
                EIT Bakeout ends
		JOP139 Flare Helium Abundance (#6750)
                  POC: Vincenzo Andretta (
 		JOP131/107 Dynamics of Active Regions/Ly alpha in prominences,
                  (Spectro-polarimetric diagnostics of prominences and 
                  filaments) (#6740), 
                  TBC: SUMER/CDS/MDI/TRACE/THEMIS/EIT/VTT/Yohkoh/GBOs,
                  POC: Brigitte Schmieder

T May 15        Ulysses equatorial crossing 
		Whole Sun Month - Ulysses fast equatorial scan (#6735),
                  LASCO/UVCS/Ulysses, POC: Gareth Lawrence/Andy Breen
		JOP139 Flare Helium Abundance (#6750)
                  POC: Vincenzo Andretta (
		JOP124 Eruptive Filament in Active Region (#6745),
		  CDS/SUMER, POC: Stephane Reg
 		JOP131/107 Dynamics of Active Regions/Ly alpha in prominences,
                  (Spectro-polarimetric diagnostics of prominences and 
                  filaments) (#6740), 
                  TBC: SUMER/CDS/MDI/TRACE/THEMIS/EIT/VTT/Yohkoh/GBOs,
                  POC: Brigitte Schmieder

W May 16	JOP139 Flare Helium Abundance (#6750)
                  POC: Vincenzo Andretta (
		JOP124 Eruptive Filament in Active Region (#6745),
		  CDS/SUMER, POC: Stephane Reg
 		JOP131/107 Dynamics of Active Regions/Ly alpha in prominences,
                  (Spectro-polarimetric diagnostics of prominences and 
                  filaments) (#6740), 
                  TBC: SUMER/CDS/MDI/TRACE/THEMIS/EIT/VTT/Yohkoh/GBOs,
                  POC: Brigitte Schmieder

T May 17	JOP139 Flare Helium Abundance (#6750)
                  POC: Vincenzo Andretta (
 		JOP131/107 Dynamics of Active Regions/Ly alpha in prominences,
                  (Spectro-polarimetric diagnostics of prominences and 
                  filaments) (#6740), 
                  TBC: SUMER/CDS/MDI/TRACE/THEMIS/EIT/VTT/Yohkoh/GBOs,
                  POC: Brigitte Schmieder

F May 18	JOP139 Flare Helium Abundance (#6750)
                  POC: Vincenzo Andretta (
		JOP124 Eruptive Filament in Active Region (#6745),
		  CDS/SUMER, POC: Stephane Reg
 		JOP131/107 Dynamics of Active Regions/Ly alpha in prominences,
                  (Spectro-polarimetric diagnostics of prominences and 
                  filaments) (#6740), 
                  TBC: SUMER/CDS/MDI/TRACE/THEMIS/EIT/VTT/Yohkoh/GBOs,
                  POC: Brigitte Schmieder

S May 19	JOP139 Flare Helium Abundance (#6750)
                  POC: Vincenzo Andretta (
 		JOP131/107 Dynamics of Active Regions/Ly alpha in prominences,
                  (Spectro-polarimetric diagnostics of prominences and 
                  filaments) (#6740), 
                  TBC: SUMER/CDS/MDI/TRACE/THEMIS/EIT/VTT/Yohkoh/GBOs,
                  POC: Brigitte Schmieder

S May 20	JOP139 Flare Helium Abundance (#6750)
                  POC: Vincenzo Andretta (
 		JOP131/107 Dynamics of Active Regions/Ly alpha in prominences,
                  (Spectro-polarimetric diagnostics of prominences and 
                  filaments) (#6740), 
                  TBC: SUMER/CDS/MDI/TRACE/THEMIS/EIT/VTT/Yohkoh/GBOs,
                  POC: Brigitte Schmieder

Other activities for Week 20:
* Feb 28-May 30 3-Month MDI Continuous (first month best effort)
                  First two months Full Disk in best focus.

* May 14-28	SUMER Full Sun profiles, POC: Phillipe Lemaire
                  (SUMER part of JOP129)

* May 14-28	CDS Studies (once a week),

* May           Whole Sun Month - Ulysses fast equatorial scan (#6735),
                  LASCO/UVCS/Ulysses, POC: Gareth Lawrence/Andy Breen

Targets of Opportunity (TOO):

Monday 00:00 UT -- Monday 12:45 UT --> Submode 6
Monday 12:45 UT -- Sunday 24:00 UT --> Submode 5

Planners for Week 20:
SOL 	-- Karine Bocchialini (TBC)
CDS     -- Thierry Hortin &     MDI     -- Sarah Gregory
           Rym Ben El Hadj
EIT     -- TBD                  SUMER   -- Frederic Baudin
LASCO   -- Ops Team             UVCS    -- Giannina Poletto
        * * * MEDOC CAMPAIGN #7, WEEK 2 * * *

      MEDOC Latest Calendar, POC: Karine Bocchialini (
      MEDOC Planner E-mail:

M May 21 (W 21)	JOP139 Flare Helium Abundance (#6750)
                  POC: Vincenzo Andretta (

T May 22	JOP139 Flare Helium Abundance (#6750)
                  POC: Vincenzo Andretta (

W May 23	JOP139 Flare Helium Abundance (#6750)
	          ULYSSES/CDS/LASCO/UVCS/Yohkoh-SXT/Sac Peak,
                  POC: Vincenzo Andretta (

T May 24	JOP139 Flare Helium Abundance (#6750)
                  POC: Vincenzo Andretta (

F May 25	SPWG in EAF at 2 p.m. EDT

		JOP139 Flare Helium Abundance (#6750)
	          ULYSSES/CDS/LASCO/UVCS/Yohkoh-SXT/Sac Peak,
                  POC: Vincenzo Andretta (

S May 26	JOP139 Flare Helium Abundance (#6750)
	          ULYSSES/CDS/LASCO/UVCS/Yohkoh-SXT/Sac Peak,
                  POC: Vincenzo Andretta (

S May 27	JOP139 Flare Helium Abundance (#6750)
	          ULYSSES/CDS/LASCO/UVCS/Yohkoh-SXT/Sac Peak,
                  POC: Vincenzo Andretta (

Other activities for Week 21:
* Feb 28-May 30 3-Month MDI Continuous (first month best effort)
                  First two months Full Disk in best focus.

* May 14-28 	JOP124 Eruptive Filament in Active Region (#6745),
		  CDS/SUMER, POC: Stephane Regnier

* May 27-Jun 2  UVCS/Ulysses coordinated observations, POC: Shadia Habbal

* May 14-28	SUMER Full Sun profiles, POC: Phillipe Lemaire

* May 14-28	CDS Studies (once a week),

* May           Whole Sun Month - Ulysses fast equatorial scan (#6735),
                  LASCO/UVCS/Ulysses, POC: Gareth Lawrence/Andy Breen

Targets of Opportunity (TOO):

Submodes:  Submode 5 all week

Planners for Week 21:
SOL	-- Jean-Claude Vial
CDS     -- Dave Pike            MDI     -- Sarah Gregory
EIT     -- TBD                  SUMER   -- Phillipe Lemaire
LASCO   -- Ops Team             UVCS    -- Giannina Poletto
M May 28 (W 22) USA Memorial Day Holiday
T May 29        AGU Meeting (ends June 2)
W May 30	MDI Continuous Contact Ends
                Ulysses west limb passage

T May 31        Submode switch (TBC)
F Jun 01
S Jun 02
S Jun 03

Other activities for Week 22:
* Feb 28-May 30 3-Month MDI Continuous (first month best effort)
                  First two months Full Disk in best focus.
* May 27-Jun 2  UVCS/Ulysses coordinated observations
* May           Whole Sun Month - Ulysses fast equatorial scan (#6735),
                  LASCO/UVCS/Ulysses, POC: Gareth Lawrence/Andy Breen

Targets of Opportunity (TOO):

Monday   00:00 UT -- Thursday (TBC) _____ UT --> Submode 5
Thursday (TBC)_____ UT    -- Sunday 24:00 UT --> Submode 6 

Planners for Week 22:
CDS     -- TBD                  MDI     -- Sarah Gregory
EIT     -- TBD                  SUMER   -- TBD
LASCO   -- Ops Team             UVCS    -- Shadia Habbal
M Jun 04 (W 23) 
T Jun 05
W Jun 06
T Jun 07	Earliest date for HESSI launch, 

F Jun 08
S Jun 09
S Jun 10

Other activities for Week 23:
* Jun 3-17      UVCS CME Watch program (JOP136 Default HESSI collaboration)
                  Note: May be delayed depending on HESSI launch
* Jun 5-13	JOP145 Sources of Coronal Oscillations (TBC), 
		  CDS/MDI/TRACE/Kanzelhoehe, POC:  Jack Ireland

Targets of Opportunity (TOO):

Submodes:  Submode 6 all week

Planners for Week:
CDS     --  TBD                 MDI     -- Sarah Gregory 
EIT     --  TBD                 SUMER   -- TBD
LASCO   --  Ops Team            UVCS    -- John Raymond
M Jun 11 (W 24)
T Jun 12
W Jun 13
T Jun 14
F Jun 15        EIT Bakeout starts
S Jun 16  
S Jun 17

Other activities for Week 24:
* Jun 3-17      UVCS CME Watch program (JOP136 Default HESSI collaboration)
                  Note: May be delayed depending on HESSI launch
* Jun 13-17     UVCS Stellar Observations, Zeta Tau
* Jun 5-13	JOP145 Sources of Coronal Oscillations (TBC), 
		  CDS/MDI/TRACE/Kanzelhoehe, POC:  Jack Ireland

* Jun 15-21     JOP142 Motions in Filaments, TRACE/CDS/MDI(TBC)/Sac Peak,
                  (Sac Peak: 13-24 UT; Prime observing time: 13-18 UT)
                  POC: Terry Kucera

Targets of Opportunity (TOO):

Submodes:  Submode 6 all week

Planners for Week:
CDS     --  TBD                 MDI     -- Sarah Gregory 
EIT     --  TBD                 SUMER   -- TBD
LASCO   --  Ops Team            UVCS    -- John Raymond
M Jun 18 (W 25) EIT Bakeout ends
T Jun 19
W Jun 20
T Jun 21        Solar eclipse.
                EIT/LASCO support TBC, POC: Chris StCyr (
                TXI Rocket flight (JOP123), CDS/EIT/TRACE
F Jun 22
S Jun 23
S Jun 24

Other activities for Week 25:
* Jun 18-24     UVCS Characterization of White Light Channel
* Jun 21        UVCS Coordinated Observations for Solar Eclipse

Targets of Opportunity (TOO):

Submodes:  Submode 6 all week

Planners for Week:
CDS     --  TBD                 MDI     -- Sarah Gregory 
EIT     --  TBD                 SUMER   -- TBD
LASCO   --  Ops Team            UVCS    -- Marco Romoli
M Jun 25 (W 26)
T Jun 26
W Jun 27
T Jun 28        Maneuver activities (TBC)
F Jun 29	CDS GIS Dumps -- 10 hours (DSN/NRT requested)
S Jun 30
S Jul 01

Other activities for Week 26:
* Jun 25-Jul 04 UVCS Observations of a High Latitude Coronal Hole

Targets of Opportunity (TOO):

Submodes:  Submode 6 all week

Planners for Week:
CDS     --  TBD                 MDI     -- Sarah Gregory 
EIT     --  TBD                 SUMER   -- TBD
LASCO   --  Ops Team            UVCS    -- M.P. Miralles
* Jul 4-10	MDI 5 Day Continuous Contact
                  Possible THEMIS collaboration.

* Jul 23-Aug 6  JOP097 Oscillations in Sunspots and Active Regions (TBC),
                  CDS/MDI/TRACE, POC: Eoghan O'Shea (

* July 30       GENESIS Launch, with DSN hot backups - Minimal DSN 
                  support for SOHO, possibility of data loss due to large gaps

* August	JOP104 (TOO) Doppler Shifts in X-ray Jets (#6715),
                  POC: Davina Innes (

* Aug 23-24     SUMER Alpha Leo Observations
* Aug 20-25     UVCS Stellar Observations, Alpha Leo 

* Aug 27-31     UVCS Stellar Observations, Rho Leo  

* Nov 23-26     UVCS Stellar Observations, Delta Sco 

* Dec 12-15     UVCS Stellar Observations, Theta Oph