Ulysses S. Grant
Eighteenth President 1869-1877

General Ulysses S. Grant's victories in the Civil War made him a national hero. His fame propelled him into the White House.

Although Grant did not like politics and did not wish to hold any office, the death of Abraham Lincoln changed his plans. The new President, Andrew Johnson, did not appear to have the same forgiving leanings toward the South as Lincoln. Grant argued with President Johnson and challenged his views on the best way to reunite the country. He aligned himself with the Conservative Republicans, who also supported Lincoln's views on reunification. It soon became clear that as a symbol of the Union victory in the Civil War, Ulysses S. Grant was the Republican Party's candidate for President in 1868.

Grant's skills as a general and his ability to engage the enemy in combat contributed greatly to the country. Without Grant in the Civil War, the United States would have been a different country-or maybe not a country at all. Many historians agree that Grant's contributions as President and as a Union general were not appreciated.

To find out more about the life and Presidency of U.S. Grant, go to these sections:

Life Before the Presidency
The Hero of the Civil War
Presidential Accomplishments
Grant: A Misunderstood Leader
A Loving Family Man
Life After the Presidency
Did You Know?

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