/3.2 (ODB.1 Dependencies: "c:/nhdtoolkit/nhdzcommon/nhdzcommon.avx\n" FirstRootClassName: "Project" Roots: 2 Version: 32 ) (Project.2 Name: "nhdwcpilot.apr" CreationDate: "Wednesday, July 25, 2001 11:13:31 AM" GUIName: "Project" Win: 3 CSMgr: 4 DocExts: 5 VisGUIWidth: 70 Doc: 6 Doc: 10 Doc: 14 Doc: 18 Doc: 22 Doc: 26 Doc: 30 Buttons: 44 Buttons: 45 Buttons: 46 Dependencies: 47 Scripts: 48 Prefs: 49 GUI: 52 WorkDir: 882 WinY: 1 WinW: 1288 WinH: 1003 SerialNumber: "825851114804" SelColor: 883 GUINames: 884 GUINames: 885 GUINames: 886 GUINames: 887 GUINames: 888 GUINames: 889 GUINames: 890 TocWidthScale: 1.00000000000000 ) (DocWin.3 Owner: 2 Open: 1 X: 38 Y: 128 W: 311 H: 454 ) (CSMgr.4 ) (DocAct.5 Doc: 2 ) (SEd.6 Name: "About NHD Tools" CreationDate: "Wednesday, August 06, 2003 2:30:03 PM" GUIName: "Script" Win: 7 CSMgr: 8 DocExts: 9 Source: "NHD ArcView Toolkit Version 4.1.1\n\nThe National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) Tools Extension Suite is designed to assist users in viewing, manipulating, and editing NHD data. At least one of the NHD Tools extensions has been added to this project.\n\nAll of these extensions were produced for the US Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water.\n\nContact: nhd@usgs.gov\n\n**********\nExtension Name: NHD Basin\nDescription: The NHD Basin extension is designed to allow users to ????. \nProducer: USGS\nVersion: 1.0.0b1 \n**********\n**********\nExtension Name: NHDWCharacteristics\nDescription: The NHD Watershed Characteristics extension is designed to allow users to ????. \nProducer: USGS\nVersion: 1.0.0b1\n**********\n" ) (DocWin.7 Owner: 6 X: 35 Y: 35 ) (CSMgr.8 ) (DocAct.9 Doc: 6 ) (SEd.10 Name: "Findword" CreationDate: "Wednesday, July 25, 2001 11:13:35 AM" GUIName: "Script" Win: 11 CSMgr: 12 DocExts: 13 Source: "'January 2000\n' Modified: \n' Activated by: Programmer\n' Called by: \n' Calls: \n' Returns: \n' --------------------------------------------\n' Description: Prompts the user for a search string. \n' Opens the scripts, one at a time. Then looks for the\n' string. Simplifies making changes such as changing\n' the name of a script or a global variable.\n' --------------------------------------------\n\ntheScriptName = \"S.Edit\"\n\n'msgBox.Info(\"Starting ......\", theScriptN ame)\n\n'*********************************************\n' Get the search string from the user ........\n'*********************************************\n\ntheText = MsgBox.Input(\"Please enter text string you want to find.\",\n \"MM -\" +theScriptName,\n \"\")\n\n\n'*********************************************\n' Get a list of the scripts...........\n'*********************************************\n\ntheScriptDocs = {}\nalldocs = av.getProject.GetDocs\nfor each i in alldocs\n if (i.getCl ass.GetClassName = \"SEd\") then\n theScriptDocs.add(i)\n end\nend\n\n'*********************************************\n' Search the list of scripts for the text string...........\n'*********************************************\n\ntheNameList = {}\n\nfor each theScript in theScriptDocs\n currentscript = av.GetActiveDoc.GetName\n wasOpen = theScript.getWin.isOpen\n theScript.GetWin.Activate\n theScript.GetWin.MoveTo(1,1)\n found = theScript.Search(theText)\n ' scroll to located item -- leaves the script highligted and open:\n if (found) then\n theScript.SetInsertPos( theScript.ReturnInsertPos - theText.Count )\n theScript.Search(theText)\n end\n ' if it does not have the search string, then close the window:\n if (found.NOT) then\n if (wasOpen) then\n theScript.Getwin.minimize\n else\n theScript.GetWin.Close\n end\n end\nend ' for each\n \n\n\n\n\n" SearchStr: "cache" ) (DocWin.11 Owner: 10 X: 1 Y: 1 W: 625 H: 368 ) (CSMgr.12 ) (DocAct.13 Doc: 10 ) (SEd.14 Name: "NHD Tools" CreationDate: "Wednesday, August 06, 2003 2:30:03 PM" GUIName: "Script" Win: 15 CSMgr: 16 DocExts: 17 Source: "/3.2\n(ODB.1\n FirstRootClassName: \"AVDict\"\n Roots: 2\n Version: 32\n)\n\n(AVDict.2\n Key: 3\n Key: 4\n Key: 5\n Key: 6\n Key: 7\n Value: 8\n Value: 14\n Value: 21\n Value: 22\n Value: 25\n)\n\n(AVStr.3\n S: \"NHDNAVNAVIGATIONOPTIONS\"\n)\n\n(AVStr.4\n S: \"NHDWSSELECTEDREACH\"\n)\n\n(AVStr.5\n S: \"NHDWSDATALOCATION\"\n)\n\n(AVStr.6\n S: \"NHDWSWSOPTIONS\"\n)\n\n(AVStr.7\n S: \"NHDBASINDATALOCATION\"\n)\n\n(List.8\n Child: 9\n Child: 10\n Child: 11\n Child: 12\n Child: 13\n)\n\n(Nil.9\n)\n\n(AVStr.10\n S: \"M\"\n)\n\n(AVStr.11\n S: \"L\"\n)\n\n(AVStr.12\n S: \"R\"\n)\n\n(Bool.13\n)\n\n (List.14\n Child: 15\n Child: 16\n Child: 18\n Child: 19\n Child: 20\n)\n\n(Numb.15\n N: 1574.00000000000000\n)\n\n(Numb.16\n N: 27040975.00000000000000\n Fmt: 17\n)\n\n(AVStr.17\n S: \"dddddddddd\"\n)\n\n(AVStr.18\n S: \"01080105001833\"\n)\n\n(Numb.19\n N: 38.02194495502274\n)\n\n(AVStr.20\n S: \"01080105_24shp - Reach (nhd.route.rch)\"\n)\n\n(Nil.21\n)\n\n(List.22\n Child: 23\n Child: 24\n)\n\n(Numb.23\n N: 30.00000000000000\n)\n\n(AVStr.24\n S: \"P\"\n)\n\n(FN.25\n Path: \"z:/gis1/projects/national/nat_nhd_tools/white_pilot/01080105_ff\"\n)\n\n" ) (DocWin.15 Owner: 14 X: 50 Y: 50 ) (CSMgr.16 ) (DocAct.17 Doc: 14 ) (SEd.18 Name: "NHDBASIN.ProjectCalculateBasinCharacteristics" CreationDate: "Monday, April 01, 2002 04:30:32 PM" GUIName: "Script" Win: 19 CSMgr: 20 DocExts: 21 Source: "'Name: NHDBASIN.ProjectCalculateBasinCharacteristics\n'Purpose: Calculate the project specific basin charactistics\n'Author: Jen Hill, Horizon Systems Corporation\n'Date: March 2002\n'Input Parameters: None\n'Input Files: None\n'Output Parameters (Return Values): None\n'Output Files: None\n'Calls: None\n'Called By: NHDBASIN.btnBasinCharacteristicsClick\n'Globals: None\n'Locals: \n'Notes: None\n\n'------------------------------------------------------------------------\n'Revision Author: Peter Steeves, US Geological Surve y\n'Revision Date: 9/30/02\n'Revision Notes: The 5 sample characteristic summaries below are a diverse\n' range of calculation types to give users a few examples for calculating their\n' own characteristics. Each characteristic summary is headed by a text section\n' explaining what is being calculated, and how the user could modify the characteristic\n' for their own project. \n'------------------------------------------------------------------------\n'\n'----------------------------------------------------------- -------------\n'Revision Author:\n'Revision Date:\n'Revision Notes:\n'------------------------------------------------------------------------\n'\n\n\nav.ShowMsg(\"Calculating basin characteristics\")\n\nviewCurrent = av.GetActiveDoc\nstrWatershed = \"Watershed Tool Results\"\nlistReach = av.run(\"NHDZCOMMON.RetrieveValue\",\"NHDWSSELECTEDREACH\")\n'listReach contains:\n' 0 record number\n' 1 com_id\n' 2 rch_code\n' 3 measure\n' 4 theme name\n \n'Gather some information that will be necessar y for several of the basin charactistics \n\n'Get information about the delineated watershed \n themeWS = viewCurrent.FindTheme(strWatershed)\n vtabWS = themeWS.GetFtab\n 'There will be only one record\n for each objRec in vtabWS\n 'Get the sq_km \n numWSSq_km = vtabWS.ReturnValue(vtabWS.FindField(\"sq_km\"),objRec)\n 'Get the shape\n shpWS = vtabWS.ReturnValue(vtabWS.FindField(\"shape\"),objRec)\n end\n 'msgbox.info(\"1\",\"\")\n \n'Get information about the location of th e basin characteristics supporting data location\n fnamePath = av.Run(\"NHDZCOMMON.RetrieveValue\",\"NHDBASINDATALOCATION\")\n if (fnamePath = Nil) then\n return nil\n end\n 'msgbox.info(\"2\",\"\")\n\n'Set the analysis environment \n ae=viewCurrent.GetExtension(AnalysisEnvironment)\n ae.setExtent(#ANALYSISENV_VALUE,shpWS.ReturnExtent)\n ae.Activate\n Grid.SetAnalysisCellSize(#GRID_ENVTYPE_VALUE,10)\n 'msgbox.info(\"3\",\"\")\n\n'1. Area in square miles\n\n' By default NHD Watershed should be calculating basin area in square \n' kilometers. This example shows a simple conversion of that value to square miles.\n' The 'numSq_miles' is the only line of code in this section, and would need to be \n' modified for other area measurements (i.e. square feet).\n\n\n 'Convert from sq_km to sq miles\n 'To convert sq_km into sq miles multiply sq_km by .3861\n\n numSq_miles = numWSSq_km * 0.3861\n 'msgbox.info(\"4\",\"\")\n\n'2. Percent of area that is waterbodies (lakes,ponds, and reservoirs)\n\n' This is an example of how to use N HD to calculate a summary statistic, in\n' this case, area of waterbodies (lakes and ponds). \n\n strLinearReachThemeName = listReach.Get(4)\n strWBReachThemeName = strLinearReachThemeName.\n Substitute(\"Reach\",\"Waterbody Reach\").\n Substitute(\"nhd.route.rch\",\"nhd.region.rch\")\n themeWBR = viewCurrent.FindTheme(strWBReachThemeName)\n \n if (themeWBR <> Nil) then\n \n 'Get the current waterbody reach selection\n vtabWBR = themeWBR.GetFtab\n bmpTe mp = vtabWBR.GetSelection\n\n 'Select the waterbody reaches in the watershed shape\n themeWBR.SelectByShapes({shpWS},#VTAB_SELTYPE_NEW) \n\n numWBRSq_km = 0\n 'Add the sq_km for selected wbs \n for each objRec in vtabWBR.GetSelection\n numWBRSq_km = numWBRSq_km + vtabWBR.ReturnValue(vtabWBR.FindField(\"sq_km\"),objRec)\n end\n\n 'Reset the waterbody reach selection\n vtabWBR.SetSelection(bmpTemp)\n vtabWBR.UpdateSelection\n \n numPercentWB = (numWBRSq_km / numWSSq_km) * 100\n \n else\n \n 'TODO - the waterbody reach theme has not been added via NHD load. Add it temporarily. \n \n end\n 'msgbox.info(\"5\",\"\")\n \n'3. Percent (%) of basin greater than 1200 feet.\n\n' This example shows how to use a grids \"value\" attribute to summarize areas in percent.\n' The grid (grid_1200ft) is divided into cells < 1200 feet (value = 1) \n' and cells > 1200 feet (value = 2). \n\n 'Create theme and grid objects for the grid_1200\n srcn ame1200 = grid.MakeSrcName(fnamePath.AsString +\"\\grid_1200ft\")\n theme1200 = theme.make( srcname1200 )\n grid1200 = theme1200.GetGrid\n 'viewCurrent.AddTheme(theme1200)\n \n 'Get the intersection of the watershed polygon and the grid\n gridPartial = grid1200.ExtractByPolygon(shpWS, prj.MakeNull, false) \n themePartial = gtheme.make(gridPartial)\n 'viewCurrent.AddTheme(themePartial)\n \n 'Get the counts for values for 1 and 2\n ftabPartial = themePartial.GetVtab\n num1 = 0\n num2 = 0\n for eac h objRec in ftabPartial\n if (ftabPartial.ReturnValue(ftabPartial.FindField(\"value\"),objRec) = 1) then\n num1 = ftabPartial.ReturnValue(ftabPartial.FindField(\"count\"),objRec)\n end\n if (ftabPartial.ReturnValue(ftabPartial.FindField(\"value\"),objRec) = 2) then\n num2 = ftabPartial.ReturnValue(ftabPartial.FindField(\"count\"),objRec)\n end\n end\n \n numPercentGT1200 = (num2 / (num1 + num2) ) * 100\n 'msgbox.info(\"6\",\"\")\n \n \n'4. The northing (GetY) coordinate of the cent roid of the basin. \n\n' Note: calculating this characteristic includes calling a second script \"NHDBASIN.ProjectPolyCent\" \n \n themeCentroid = av.run(\"NHDBASIN.ProjectPolycent\",{viewCurrent,strWatershed})\n ftabCentroid = themeCentroid.GetFtab\n for each objRec in ftabCentroid\n shpCentroid = ftabCentroid.ReturnValue(ftabCentroid.FindField(\"shape\"),objRec)\n end\n numNorthing = shpCentroid.GetY\n 'msgbox.info(\"7\",\"\")\n \n'5. Mean annual precipitation.\n\n' This example shows how to extract def ault statistics of an integer grid, in\n' this case a precipitation grid. The grid name here is \"precip_grid\".\n\n 'Create theme and grid objects for the grid_1200\n srcnamePrecip = grid.MakeSrcName(fnamePath.AsString +\"\\precip_grd\")\n themePrecip = theme.make( srcnamePrecip )\n gridPrecip = themePrecip.GetGrid\n 'viewCurrent.AddTheme(themePrecip)\n \n 'Get the intersection of the watershed polygon and the grid\n gridPartial = gridPrecip.ExtractByPolygon(shpWS, prj.MakeNull, false) \n themePartia l = gtheme.make(gridPartial)\n 'viewCurrent.AddTheme(themePartial)\n \n listStatistics = gridPartial.GetStatistics\n \n numMeanPrecip = listStatistics.Get(2)\n 'msgbox.info(\"8\",\"\")\n\n\n''''''\n \nlistBasinCharacteristics = list.Make\nlistBasinCharacteristics.Add(numSq_miles)\nlistBasinCharacteristics.Add(numPercentWB)\nlistBasinCharacteristics.Add(numPercentGT1200)\nlistBasinCharacteristics.Add(numNorthing)\nlistBasinCharacteristics.Add(numMeanPrecip)\n\n \n \nmsgbox.info(\"Square Miles: \" + numSq_miles. AsString + NL +\n \"Percent WBs: \" + numPercentWB.AsString + NL +\n \"Percent > 1200: \" + numPercentGT1200.AsString + NL +\n \"Northing: \" + numNorthing.AsString + NL +\n \"Mean Annual Precip: \" + numMeanPrecip.AsString,\"\") \n\n\nav.ShowMsg(\"\")\n\nreturn listBasinCharacteristics\n" SearchStr: "Run" ) (DocWin.19 Owner: 18 X: -1 Y: -1 W: 1290 H: 899 ) (CSMgr.20 ) (DocAct.21 Doc: 18 ) (SEd.22 Name: "NHDBASIN.ProjectPolycent" CreationDate: "Friday, March 29, 2002 03:27:58 PM" GUIName: "Script" Win: 23 CSMgr: 24 DocExts: 25 Source: "' Name: NHDBASIN.ProjectPolyCent\n' Purpose: Find the centroid of a polygon\n' Author: Tara Montgomery 12/20/99\n' Called by: \n' Runs:\n' Self: \n' Returns: Theme containing one event and the coordinates of the centroid\n'------------------------------------------------------------------------\n'Revision Author: Jennifer Hill, Horizon Systems Corporation\n'Revision Date: March 2002\n'Revision Notes: Modified the script slightly to use it to calculate one\n' of the basin characteristics. Have not rewritten it \n' to use the proper variable naming conventions, etc.\n'------------------------------------------------------------------------\n'\n\nviewCurrent = SELF.Get(0)\nstrWatershed = SELF.Get(1)\n\ntheView = viewCurrent\n\n\ntheTheme = viewCurrent.FindTheme(strWatershed)\n \ntheFullThemeName = theTheme.GetFTab.GetName\nthePeriod = theFullThemeName.Indexof(\".\")\ntheThemeName = theFullThemeName.Left(thePeriod)\n\n'Add the polygon centroid to the theme's table\ntheFTab = theTheme.GetFTab\ntheFTab.Set Editable(True)\nif (theFTab.IsEditable) then\n\n if (theFtab.FindField(\"X\") = Nil) then \n X = Field.Make (\"X\",#FIELD_DECIMAL,18,5)\n Y = Field.Make (\"Y\",#FIELD_DECIMAL,18,5)\n theFTab.AddFields({X,Y})\n else\n X = theFtab.FindField(\"X\")\n Y = theFtab.FindField(\"Y\")\n end\n theFTab.Calculate(\"[Shape].ReturnCenter.GetX\",X)\n theFTab.Calculate(\"[Shape].ReturnCenter.GetY\",Y)\n\nend\ntheFTab.SetEditable(False)\n \n'Create a point event theme and add it to the view\ntheEventTheme = XYName.Mak e(theFTab,X,Y) \ntheEventTheme = Theme.Make(theEventTheme)\n'theEventTheme.SetName(theThemeName + \"_pt\")\n'theView.AddTheme(theEventTheme)\n'theEventTheme.SetVisible(True)\n'msgbox.info (\"A new point theme ( \" + theEventTheme.GetName + \" ) has been added to the \" + theView.GetName + \" view.\",\"NEW POINT THEME ADDED TO VIEW\")\n\nreturn theEventTheme\n\n\n\n\n" ) (DocWin.23 Owner: 22 X: -4 Y: -4 W: 1290 H: 899 ) (CSMgr.24 ) (DocAct.25 Doc: 22 ) (SEd.26 Name: "NHDBASIN.ProjectUseBC" CreationDate: "Friday, September 13, 2002 12:50:40 PM" GUIName: "Script" Win: 27 CSMgr: 28 DocExts: 29 Source: "'Name: NHDBASIN.ProjectUseBC\n'Purpose: Use the basin charactistics.\n'Author: Jen Hill, Horizon Systems Corporation\n'Date: September 2002\n'Input Parameters: None\n'Input Files: None\n'Output Parameters (Return Values): None\n'Output Files: None\n'Calls: None\n'Called By: NHDBASIN.btnBasinCharactisticsClick\n'Globals: None\n'Locals: \n'Notes: None\n'------------------------------------------------------------------------\n'Revision Author:\n'Revision Date:\n'Revision Notes:\n'--------------------------------------------- ---------------------------\n'\nlistBasinCharacteristics = SELF\n\n'Call the project-specific basin characteristics application script\n'Below is an example \n\n'av.run(\"NHDBASIN.ProjectCallFortran\",listBasinCharacteristics)\n" ) (DocWin.27 Owner: 26 X: 5 W: 1290 H: 899 ) (CSMgr.28 ) (DocAct.29 Doc: 26 ) (View.30 Name: "View1" CreationDate: "Wednesday, July 25, 2001 11:50:15 AM" GUIName: "View" Win: 31 CSMgr: 32 DocExts: 34 DocExts: 36 Graphics: 37 Dpy: 38 TOCWidth: 401 CoordPrecision: 2 ) (DocWin.31 Owner: 30 X: 2 Y: -5 W: 1290 H: 891 ) (CSMgr.32 Client: 33 Client: 35 ) (CSClient.33 Client: 34 ReqName: "ClientNfy" ) (PanMgr.34 Doc: 30 ) (CSClient.35 ReqName: "RefreshView" ) (DocAct.36 Doc: 30 ) (GList.37 Dpy: 38 FormatNumb: 43 ) (MapDpy.38 Left: 488984.00000000000000 Bottom: 133685.50000000000000 Top: 135984.50000000000000 Right: 491096.00000000000000 ReportUnits: 4 Units: 10 Scale: 39 FrameTop: 8.88541666666667 FrameRight: 9.10416666666667 PageDpy: 40 FitToPage: 1 MouseLoc: 42 ) (Numb.39 N: 0.00386490503117 ) (PageDpy.40 Top: 8.88541666666667 Right: 9.10416666666667 ReportUnits: 1 Units: 1 Scale: 41 ZoomRight: 9.10416666666667 ZoomTop: 8.88541666666667 GridSpacingX: 0.25000000000000 GridSpacingY: 0.25000000000000 ) (Numb.41 N: 0.10983981693364 ) (PointD.42 x: 489557.56037514651000 y: 135857.82590855804000 ) (Numb.43 ) (LButn.44 HelpTopic: "New_button" Update: "Doc.NewUpdate" Label: "&New" Click: "Script.New" ) (LButn.45 HelpTopic: "Open_button" Update: "Doc.OpenUpdate" Label: "&Open" Click: "Doc.Open" ) (LButn.46 HelpTopic: "Run_button" Update: "Script.ActionUpdate" Label: "&Run" Click: "Script.Action" ) (FN.47 Path: "c:/nhdtoolkit/nhdzcommon/nhdzcommon.avx" ) (NameDict.48 ) (NameDict.49 Obj: 50 Obj: 51 ) (AVDict.50 InternalName: "Table of Contents Defaults Dialog" ) (AVDict.51 InternalName: "_Thor_" ) (DocGUI.52 Name: "View" Type: "View" Modified: 1 Visible: 1 MenuBar: 53 ButnBar: 169 Popups: 210 ToolBar: 232 NewScript: "View.New" OpenScript: "Doc.Open" ActionScript: "Doc.Action" NewUpdateScript: "Doc.NewUpdate" OpenUpdateScript: "Doc.OpenUpdate" ActionUpdateScript: "Doc.ActionUpdate" Title: "Views" Icon: 309 ) (MenuBar.53 Child: 54 Child: 71 Child: 91 Child: 114 Child: 137 Child: 153 Child: 163 ) (PMenu.54 InternalName: "File" Child: 55 Child: 56 Child: 57 Child: 58 Child: 59 Child: 60 Child: 61 Child: 62 Child: 63 Child: 64 Child: 65 Child: 66 Child: 67 Child: 68 Child: 69 Child: 70 Label: "&File" ) (Choice.55 Help: "Closes the active component" HelpTopic: "Close" Label: "&Close" Click: "Project.CloseDoc" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.56 Help: "Closes all components" HelpTopic: "Close_All" Label: "Close &All" Click: "Project.CloseAll" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.57 ) (Choice.58 Help: "Allows you to specify the current working directory" HelpTopic: "Set_Working_Directory" Label: "Set &Working Directory..." Click: "Project.SetProjectWorkDir" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.59 Help: "Saves the current project" HelpTopic: "Save_Project" Label: "&Save Project" Click: "Project.Save" Shortcut: "Keys.Ctrl+S" ) (Space.60 ) (Choice.61 Help: "Saves the current project with a new name" HelpTopic: "Save_Project_As" Label: "Save Project As..." Click: "Project.SaveAs" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.62 Help: "Displays the Extensions dialog" HelpTopic: "Extensions" Label: "Extensions..." Click: "Appl.GetExtensionWin" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.63 ) (Choice.64 Help: "Prints the view" HelpTopic: "Print" Label: "&Print..." Click: "View.Print" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.65 Help: "Edits the printer and the printing options" HelpTopic: "Print_Setup" Label: "P&rint Setup..." Click: "Project.PrintSetup" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.66 Disabled: 1 Help: "Exports the view" HelpTopic: "Export" Update: "View.HasThemesUpdate" Label: "&Export..." Click: "View.ExportDisp" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.67 ) (Choice.68 Help: "Displays the dialog box to delete, edit, and copy data sources" HelpTopic: "Manage_Sources" Label: "&Manage Data Sources..." Click: "View.ManageSources" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.69 ) (Choice.70 Help: "Exits ArcView" HelpTopic: "Exit" Label: "E&xit" Click: "Project.Exit" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (PMenu.71 InternalName: "Edit" Child: 72 Child: 73 Child: 74 Child: 75 Child: 76 Child: 77 Child: 78 Child: 79 Child: 80 Child: 81 Child: 82 Child: 83 Child: 84 Child: 85 Child: 86 Child: 87 Child: 88 Child: 89 Child: 90 Label: "&Edit" ) (Choice.72 Disabled: 1 Help: "Cuts the active themes to the clipboard" HelpTopic: "Cut_Themes" Update: "View.ActiveDeletableThemesUpdate" Label: "Cut T&hemes" Click: "View.CutThemes" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.73 Disabled: 1 Help: "Copies the active themes to the clipboard" HelpTopic: "Copy_Themes" Update: "View.ActiveThemesUpdate" Label: "Cop&y Themes" Click: "View.CopyThemes" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.74 Disabled: 1 Help: "Removes the active themes from the view" HelpTopic: "Delete_Themes" Update: "View.ActiveDeletableThemesUpdate" Label: "De&lete Themes" Click: "View.DeleteThemes" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.75 ) (Choice.76 Disabled: 1 Help: "Undo the last edit to graphics on a view" HelpTopic: "Undo_Graphic_Edit_on_a_view" Update: "View.UndoEditUpdate" Label: "&Undo Graphic Edit" Click: "View.UndoEdit" Shortcut: "Keys.Ctrl+Z" ) (Choice.77 Disabled: 1 Invisible: 1 Help: "Redo the last edit operation on a theme that was undone" HelpTopic: "Redo_Feature_Edit_on_a_view" Update: "View.RedoEditUpdate" Label: "&Redo Feature Edit" Click: "View.RedoEdit" Shortcut: "Keys.Ctrl+Y" ) (Space.78 ) (Choice.79 Disabled: 1 Help: "Cuts the selected graphics to the clipboard" HelpTopic: "Cut_Graphics" Update: "View.CutUpdate" Label: "Cu&t Graphics" Click: "View.CutGraphics" Shortcut: "Keys.Ctrl+X" ) (Choice.80 Disabled: 1 Help: "Copies the selected graphics to the clipboard" HelpTopic: "Copy_Graphics" Update: "View.CopyUpdate" Label: "&Copy Graphics" Click: "View.CopyGraphics" Shortcut: "Keys.Ctrl+C" ) (Choice.81 Disabled: 1 Help: "Removes the selected graphics from the view" HelpTopic: "Delete_Graphics" Update: "View.DeleteUpdate" Label: "&Delete Graphics" Click: "View.DeleteGraphics" Shortcut: "Keys.Del" ) (Space.82 ) (Choice.83 Disabled: 1 Help: "Combines the selected polygons" HelpTopic: "Combine_Graphics" Update: "View.CombineUpdate" Label: "Com&bine Graphics" Click: "View.CombineGraphics" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.84 Disabled: 1 Help: "Unions the selected graphics to create a new graphic" HelpTopic: "Union_Graphics" Update: "View.UnionUpdate" Label: "U&nion Graphics" Click: "View.UnionGraphics" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.85 Disabled: 1 Help: "Subtracts one selected polygon from the other selected polygon" HelpTopic: "Subtract_Graphics" Update: "View.SubtractUpdate" Label: "&Subtract Graphics" Click: "View.SubtractGraphics" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.86 Disabled: 1 Help: "Creates a new polygon from the area of overlap between the selected polygons" HelpTopic: "Intersect_Graphics" Update: "View.IntersectUpdate" Label: "&Intersect Graphics" Click: "View.IntersectGraphics" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.87 ) (Choice.88 Disabled: 1 Help: "Inserts the contents of the clipboard" HelpTopic: "Paste" Update: "View.PasteUpdate" Label: "&Paste" Click: "View.Paste" Shortcut: "Keys.Ctrl+V" ) (Space.89 ) (Choice.90 Disabled: 1 Help: "Selects all graphics in the view" HelpTopic: "Select_All_Graphics" Update: "View.HasGraphicsUpdate" Label: "Select &All Graphics" Click: "Graphic.SelectAll" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (PMenu.91 InternalName: "View" Child: 92 Child: 93 Child: 94 Child: 95 Child: 96 Child: 97 Child: 98 Child: 99 Child: 100 Child: 101 Child: 102 Child: 103 Child: 104 Child: 105 Child: 106 Child: 107 Child: 108 Child: 109 Child: 110 Child: 111 Child: 112 Child: 113 Label: "&View" ) (Choice.92 Help: "Displays the dialog box to edit properties of the view" HelpTopic: "View_Properties" Label: "&Properties..." Click: "View.Properties" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.93 ) (Choice.94 Help: "Inserts themes into the view" HelpTopic: "Add_Theme" Label: "&Add Theme..." Click: "View.Add" Shortcut: "Keys.Ctrl+T" ) (Choice.95 Disabled: 1 Help: "Displays a dialog box to create a geocoded theme" HelpTopic: "Geocode_Addresses" Update: "View.GeocodeUpdate" Label: "&Geocode Addresses..." Click: "View.Geocode" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.96 Disabled: 1 Help: "Displays a dialog box to create an XY or dynamic segmentation event-based theme " HelpTopic: "Add_Event_Theme" Update: "View.AddEventUpdate" Label: "Add &Event Theme..." Click: "View.AddEvent" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.97 Help: "Creates a new theme" HelpTopic: "New_Theme" Label: "&New Theme..." Click: "View.NewTheme" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.98 Disabled: 1 Help: "Makes all themes visible" HelpTopic: "Themes_On_Themes_Off" Update: "View.HasThemesUpdate" Label: "&Themes On" Click: "View.ThemesOn" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.99 Disabled: 1 Help: "Makes all themes invisible" HelpTopic: "Themes_On_Themes_Off" Update: "View.HasThemesUpdate" Label: "T&hemes Off" Click: "View.ThemesOff" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.100 ) (Choice.101 Disabled: 1 Help: "Create a Layout from the View" HelpTopic: "Layout_menu_choice" Update: "View.HasThemesUpdate" Label: "La&yout..." Click: "View.Layout" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.102 ) (Choice.103 Help: "Shows a dialog where you can change the style of the TOC" HelpTopic: "TOC_Defaults" Update: "TocDefs.ShowUpdate" Label: "TOC Style..." Click: "TocDefs.Show" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.104 ) (Choice.105 Disabled: 1 Help: "Zooms to the extent of all themes" HelpTopic: "Zoom_to_Full_Extent" Update: "View.HasDataUpdate" Label: "Full E&xtent" Click: "View.ZoomFullExtent" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.106 Disabled: 1 Help: "Zooms in on the center of the display" HelpTopic: "Zoom_In" Update: "View.HasDataUpdate" Label: "Zoom &In" Click: "View.ZoomIn" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.107 Disabled: 1 Help: "Zooms out from the center of the display" HelpTopic: "Zoom_Out" Update: "View.HasDataUpdate" Label: "Zoom &Out" Click: "View.ZoomOut" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.108 Disabled: 1 Help: "Zooms to the extent of active themes" HelpTopic: "Zoom_to_Active_Theme" Update: "View.ActiveThemesUpdate" Label: "&Zoom To Themes" Click: "View.ZoomToThemes" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.109 Disabled: 1 Help: "Zooms to the extent of the selected features" HelpTopic: "Zoom_to_Selected" Update: "View.SelectableThemesUpdate" Label: "Zoom To &Selected" Click: "View.ZoomToSelected" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.110 Disabled: 1 Help: "Goes back to the previous extent you were viewing" HelpTopic: "Zoom_Previous" Update: "View.UndoZoomUpdate" Label: "Zoom Pre&vious" Click: "View.UndoZoom" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.111 ) (Choice.112 Disabled: 1 Help: "Finds features in the active themes using the text you enter" HelpTopic: "Find" Update: "View.TabularThemesUpdate" Label: "&Find..." Click: "View.Find" Shortcut: "Keys.Ctrl+F" ) (Choice.113 Disabled: 1 Help: "Locates an address in the active, matchable theme" HelpTopic: "Locate_Address" Update: "View.LocateUpdate" Label: "&Locate Address..." Click: "View.Locate" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (PMenu.114 InternalName: "Theme" Child: 115 Child: 116 Child: 117 Child: 118 Child: 119 Child: 120 Child: 121 Child: 122 Child: 123 Child: 124 Child: 125 Child: 126 Child: 127 Child: 128 Child: 129 Child: 130 Child: 131 Child: 132 Child: 133 Child: 134 Child: 135 Child: 136 Label: "&Theme" ) (Choice.115 Disabled: 1 Help: "Displays the dialog box to edit properties of the active theme" HelpTopic: "Theme_Properties" Update: "View.ActiveThemesUpdate" Label: "&Properties..." Click: "View.ThemeProperties" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.116 ) (Choice.117 Disabled: 1 Help: "Starts or stops editing of shapefile" HelpTopic: "Start_Stop_Editing_in_a_view" Update: "View.ToggleEditingUpdate" Label: "Start &Editing" Click: "View.ToggleEditing" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.118 Disabled: 1 Help: "Save edits to the source shapefile" HelpTopic: "Save_edits_theme" Update: "View.SaveEditsUpdate" Label: "Save Ed&its" Click: "View.SaveEdits" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.119 Disabled: 1 Help: "Saves edits to a new shapefile" HelpTopic: "Save_edits_as_theme" Update: "View.SaveEditsUpdate" Label: "Save E&dits As..." Click: "View.SaveEditsAs" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.120 Disabled: 1 Help: "Converts a theme to a shapefile" HelpTopic: "Convert_to_Shapefile" Update: "View.ExportUpdate" Label: "Convert to &Shapefile..." Click: "View.Export" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.121 ) (Choice.122 Disabled: 1 Help: "Displays the legends of the active themes" HelpTopic: "Edit_Legend" Update: "View.ActiveThemesUpdate" Label: "Edit &Legend..." Click: "View.EditLegendClick" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.123 Disabled: 1 Help: "Shows or hides the active themes' legends" HelpTopic: "Hide_show_Legend" Update: "View.ActiveThemesUpdate" Label: "&Hide/Show Legend" Click: "View.ToggleLegend" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.124 ) (Choice.125 Disabled: 1 Help: "Displays the Re-match dialog for re-matching addresses" HelpTopic: "Re_match_Addresses" Update: "View.EditMatchUpdate" Label: "&Re-match Addresses..." Click: "View.EditMatch" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.126 ) (Choice.127 Disabled: 1 Help: "Labels features in active, visible themes" HelpTopic: "Auto_label" Update: "View.LabelThemesUpdate" Label: "&Auto-label..." Click: "View.LabelThemes" Shortcut: "Keys.Ctrl+L" ) (Choice.128 Disabled: 1 Help: "Removes any labels from active themes" HelpTopic: "Remove_Labels" Update: "View.RemoveThemeLabelsUpdate" Label: "Rem&ove Labels" Click: "View.RemoveThemeLabels" Shortcut: "Keys.Ctrl+R" ) (Choice.129 Disabled: 1 Help: "Removes the overlapping labels from active themes, if they are still green." HelpTopic: "Remove_Overlapping_Labels" Update: "View.RemoveOverlapThemeLabelsUpdate" Label: "Remove Overlappi&ng Labels" Click: "View.RemoveOverlapThemeLabels" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.130 Disabled: 1 Help: "Converts selected overlapping labels to symbol of selected good label" HelpTopic: "Convert_Overlapping_Labels" Update: "View.ConvertOverlapLabelsUpdate" Label: "&Convert Overlapping Labels" Click: "View.ConvertOverlapLabels" Shortcut: "Keys.Ctrl+O" ) (Space.131 ) (Choice.132 Disabled: 1 Help: "Opens the tables of the active themes" HelpTopic: "Open_Theme_Table" Update: "View.TabularThemesUpdate" Label: "&Table..." Click: "View.ShowTable" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.133 Disabled: 1 Help: "Displays the Query Builder to select features with a logical expression" HelpTopic: "Query_Builder" Update: "View.AttributeThemesUpdate" Label: "&Query..." Click: "View.Query" Shortcut: "Keys.Ctrl+Q" ) (Choice.134 Disabled: 1 Help: "Selects features in the active themes using another theme's features" HelpTopic: "Select_By_Theme" Update: "View.SelectableThemesUpdate" Label: "Select &By Theme..." Click: "View.SelectByTheme" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.135 Disabled: 1 Help: "Creates buffers around features" HelpTopic: "Create_Buffer_Choice" Update: "WizardBuffer.OpenDialogUpdate" Label: "Create Buffers..." Click: "WizardBuffer.OpenDialog" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.136 Disabled: 1 Help: "Unselects the selected features of all active themes" HelpTopic: "Clear_Selected_Features" Update: "View.AttributeThemesUpdate" Label: "Clear Selected &Features" Click: "View.ClearSelect" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (PMenu.137 InternalName: "Graphics" Child: 138 Child: 139 Child: 140 Child: 141 Child: 142 Child: 143 Child: 144 Child: 145 Child: 146 Child: 147 Child: 148 Child: 149 Child: 150 Child: 151 Child: 152 Label: "&Graphics" ) (Choice.138 Disabled: 1 Help: "Displays the property editor for the selected graphic" HelpTopic: "Graphic_Properties" Update: "Graphic.HasSelectionUpdate" Label: "&Properties..." Click: "Graphic.Edit" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.139 ) (Choice.140 Help: "Shows a dialog where you can set the default values for the label and text tools" HelpTopic: "Default_settings_for_text_and_label_tools" Label: "&Text and Label Defaults..." Click: "Graphic.Label Defaults Show" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.141 ) (Choice.142 Disabled: 1 Help: "Displays a dialog box to adjust size and position of selected graphic" HelpTopic: "Size_and_Position" Update: "Graphic.SingleSelectionUpdate" Label: "&Size and Position..." Click: "Graphic.SizePos" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.143 Disabled: 1 Help: "Aligns the selected graphics" HelpTopic: "Align" Update: "Graphic.HasSelectionUpdate" Label: "&Align..." Click: "Graphic.Align" Shortcut: "Keys.Ctrl+A" ) (Space.144 ) (Choice.145 Disabled: 1 Help: "Moves selected graphics in front of other graphics" HelpTopic: "Bring_to_Front_on_a_view" Update: "Graphic.HasSelectionUpdate" Label: "Bring to &Front" Click: "Graphic.ToFront" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.146 Disabled: 1 Help: "Moves selected graphics behind other graphics" HelpTopic: "Send_to_Back_on_a_view" Update: "Graphic.HasSelectionUpdate" Label: "Send to &Back " Click: "Graphic.ToBack" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.147 Disabled: 1 Help: "Groups selected graphics" HelpTopic: "Group_on_a_view" Update: "Graphic.GroupUpdate" Label: "&Group" Click: "Graphic.Group" Shortcut: "Keys.Ctrl+G" ) (Choice.148 Disabled: 1 Help: "Ungroups selected graphics" HelpTopic: "Ungroup_on_a_view" Update: "Graphic.UngroupUpdate" Label: "&Ungroup" Click: "Graphic.Ungroup" Shortcut: "Keys.Ctrl+U" ) (Space.149 ) (Choice.150 Disabled: 1 Help: "Associates selected graphics with active themes" HelpTopic: "Attach_Graphics" Update: "View.AddGraphicsUpdate" Label: "A&ttach Graphics" Click: "View.AddGraphics" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.151 Disabled: 1 Help: "Removes association between graphics and active themes" HelpTopic: "Detach_Graphics" Update: "View.ClearGraphicsUpdate" Label: "&Detach Graphics" Click: "View.ClearGraphics" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.152 ) (PMenu.153 InternalName: "Window" Child: 154 Child: 155 Child: 156 Child: 157 Child: 158 Child: 159 Child: 161 Child: 162 Label: "&Window" ) (Choice.154 Help: "Arranges windows as non-overlapping tiles" HelpTopic: "Tile" Label: "&Tile" Click: "Project.Tile" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.155 Help: "Arranges windows" HelpTopic: "Cascade" Label: "&Cascade" Click: "Project.Cascade" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.156 Help: "Arranges iconified windows" HelpTopic: "Arrange_Icons" Label: "&Arrange Icons" Click: "Project.ArrangeIcons" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.157 ) (Choice.158 Help: "Shows the symbol window" HelpTopic: "Show_Symbol_Window" Label: "Show Symbol Window..." Click: "Project.ShowHideSymWin" Shortcut: "Keys.Ctrl+P" ) (Space.159 ObjectTag: 160 Update: "WindowMenuUpdate" ) (AVStr.160 S: "nhdwcpilot.apr View1" ) (Choice.161 Help: "Activates nhdwcpilot.apr" Label: "&1 nhdwcpilot.apr" Click: "WindowActivate" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.162 Help: "Activates View1" Label: "&2 View1" Click: "WindowActivate" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (PMenu.163 InternalName: "Help" Child: 164 Child: 165 Child: 166 Child: 167 Child: 168 Label: "&Help" ) (Choice.164 Help: "Displays the dialog for browsing and searching ArcView's help system" HelpTopic: "Help_on_Help_Topics" Label: "Help &Topics..." Click: "Project.HelpTopics" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.165 Help: "Provides instructions for how to obtain help from ArcView" HelpTopic: "Help_on_How_to_Get_Help" Label: "&How to Get Help..." Click: "Project.HelpHelp" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.166 ) (Choice.167 Help: "Provides information about ArcView" HelpTopic: "About" Label: "&About ArcView..." Click: "Project.About" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.168 Help: "Provides information about the loaded NHD ArcView Toolkit Extensions" Label: "About NHD ArcView Toolkit" Click: "NHDZCOMMON.menuShowAbout" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (ButnBar.169 Child: 170 Child: 172 Child: 173 Child: 175 Child: 176 Child: 178 Child: 180 Child: 182 Child: 183 Child: 185 Child: 187 Child: 189 Child: 190 Child: 192 Child: 194 Child: 196 Child: 198 Child: 200 Child: 202 Child: 203 Child: 205 Child: 207 Child: 208 ) (Butn.170 Help: "Save Project//Saves the current project" HelpTopic: "Save_Project" Icon: 171 Click: "Project.Save" ) (AVIcon.171 Name: "Save" Res: "Icons.Save" ) (Space.172 ) (Butn.173 Help: "Add Theme//Inserts themes into the view" HelpTopic: "Add_Theme" Icon: 174 Click: "View.Add" ) (AVIcon.174 Name: "AddTheme" Res: "Icons.AddTheme" ) (Space.175 ) (Butn.176 Disabled: 1 Help: "Theme Properties//Displays the dialog box to edit properties of the active theme" HelpTopic: "Theme_Properties" Update: "View.ActiveThemesUpdate" Icon: 177 Click: "View.ThemeProperties" ) (AVIcon.177 Name: "Props" Res: "Icons.Props" ) (Butn.178 Disabled: 1 Help: "Edit Legend//Displays the legends of the active themes" HelpTopic: "Edit_Legend" Update: "View.ActiveThemesUpdate" Icon: 179 Click: "View.EditLegendClick" ) (AVIcon.179 Name: "Legend" Res: "Icons.Legend" ) (Butn.180 Disabled: 1 Help: "Open Theme Table//Opens the tables of the active themes" HelpTopic: "Open_Theme_Table" Update: "View.TabularThemesUpdate" Icon: 181 Click: "View.ShowTable" ) (AVIcon.181 Name: "Table" Res: "Icons.Table" ) (Space.182 ) (Butn.183 Disabled: 1 Help: "Find//Finds features in the active themes using the text you enter" HelpTopic: "Find" Update: "View.TabularThemesUpdate" Icon: 184 Click: "View.Find" ) (AVIcon.184 Name: "Find" Res: "Icons.Find" ) (Butn.185 Disabled: 1 Help: "Locate Address//Locates an address in the active, matchable theme" HelpTopic: "Locate_Address" Update: "View.LocateUpdate" Icon: 186 Click: "View.Locate" ) (AVIcon.186 Name: "AddMatch" Res: "Icons.AddMatch" ) (Butn.187 Disabled: 1 Help: "Query Builder//Displays the Query Builder to select features with a logical expression" HelpTopic: "Query_Builder" Update: "View.AttributeThemesUpdate" Icon: 188 Click: "View.Query" ) (AVIcon.188 Name: "QueryBuilder" Res: "Icons.QueryBuilder" ) (Space.189 ) (Butn.190 Disabled: 1 Help: "Zoom to Full Extent//Zooms to the extent of all themes" HelpTopic: "Zoom_to_Full_Extent" Update: "View.HasDataUpdate" Icon: 191 Click: "View.ZoomFullExtent" ) (AVIcon.191 Name: "ZoomView" Res: "Icons.ZoomView" ) (Butn.192 Disabled: 1 Help: "Zoom to Active Theme(s)//Zooms to the extent of active themes" HelpTopic: "Zoom_to_Active_Theme" Update: "View.ActiveThemesUpdate" Icon: 193 Click: "View.ZoomToThemes" ) (AVIcon.193 Name: "ZoomTheme" Res: "Icons.ZoomTheme" ) (Butn.194 Disabled: 1 Help: "Zoom to Selected//Zooms to the extent of the selected features" HelpTopic: "Zoom_to_Selected" Update: "View.SelectableThemesUpdate" Icon: 195 Click: "View.ZoomToSelected" ) (AVIcon.195 Name: "ZoomToSelected" Res: "Icons.ZoomToSelected" ) (Butn.196 Disabled: 1 Help: "Zoom In//Zooms in on the center of the display" HelpTopic: "Zoom_In" Update: "View.HasDataUpdate" Icon: 197 Click: "View.ZoomIn" ) (AVIcon.197 Name: "ZoomIn" Res: "Icons.ZoomIn" ) (Butn.198 Disabled: 1 Help: "Zoom Out//Zooms out from the center of the display" HelpTopic: "Zoom_Out" Update: "View.HasDataUpdate" Icon: 199 Click: "View.ZoomOut" ) (AVIcon.199 Name: "ZoomOut" Res: "Icons.ZoomOut" ) (Butn.200 Disabled: 1 Help: "Zoom to Previous Extent//Goes back to the previous extent you were viewing" HelpTopic: "Zoom_Previous" Update: "View.UndoZoomUpdate" Icon: 201 Click: "View.UndoZoom" ) (AVIcon.201 Name: "ZoomPrevious" Res: "Icons.ZoomPrevious" ) (Space.202 ) (Butn.203 Disabled: 1 Help: "Select Features Using Graphic//Selects features in active themes using selected graphics" HelpTopic: "Select_Features_Using_Graphic" Update: "View.SpatialSelectUpdate" Icon: 204 Click: "View.SpatialSelect" ) (AVIcon.204 Name: "SpatialSelect" Res: "Icons.SpatialSelect" ) (Butn.205 Disabled: 1 Help: "Clear Selected Features//Unselects the selected features of all active themes" HelpTopic: "Clear_Selected_Features" Update: "View.AttributeThemesUpdate" Icon: 206 Click: "View.ClearSelect" ) (AVIcon.206 Name: "SelectNone" Res: "Icons.SelectNone" ) (Space.207 ) (Butn.208 Help: "Help//Gets help about the next button, tool, or menu choice you click" HelpTopic: "Help_button" Icon: 209 Click: "Help.Tool" ) (AVIcon.209 Name: "HelpTool" Res: "Icons.HelpTool" ) (PopupSet.210 Child: 211 Active: 211 ) (Popup.211 Child: 212 Child: 213 Child: 214 Child: 215 Child: 216 Child: 217 Child: 218 Child: 219 Child: 220 Child: 221 Child: 222 Child: 223 Child: 224 Child: 225 Child: 226 Child: 227 Child: 228 Child: 229 Child: 230 Child: 231 Label: "Menu" ) (Choice.212 Disabled: 1 Invisible: 1 Help: "Deletes the last entered point on the line or polygon being drawn" Update: "View.DelLastPointUpdate" Label: "Delete Last Point" Click: "View.DeleteLastPoint" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.213 Disabled: 1 Help: "Undo the last edit to graphics on a view" HelpTopic: "Undo_Graphic_Edit_on_a_view" Update: "View.UndoEditUpdate" Label: "Undo Graphic Edit" Click: "View.UndoEdit" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.214 Disabled: 1 Invisible: 1 Help: "Redo the last edit operation on a theme that was undone" Update: "View.RedoEditUpdate" Label: "Redo Feature Edit" Click: "View.RedoEdit" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.215 ) (Choice.216 Disabled: 1 Invisible: 1 Help: "Turns general snapping on" Update: "View.ToggleGeneralSnapUpdate" Label: "Enable General Snapping" Click: "View.ToggleGeneralSnap" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.217 Disabled: 1 Invisible: 1 Help: "Turns interactive snapping on" Update: "View.ToggleInteractiveSnapUpdate" Label: "Enable Interactive Snapping" Click: "View.ToggleInteractiveSnap" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.218 Disabled: 1 Invisible: 1 Help: "Turns snap tolerance cursor off" Update: "View.ToggleTolCursorUpdate" Label: "Hide Snap Tolerance Cursor" Click: "View.ToggleTolCursor" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.219 ) (Choice.220 Disabled: 1 Invisible: 1 Help: "Snaps the next entered point to the nearest vertex within the user tolerance" Update: "View.InteractiveSnapUpdate" Label: "Snap to Vertex" Click: "View.SnapToVertex" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.221 Disabled: 1 Invisible: 1 Help: "Snaps the next entered point to the nearest line segment" Update: "View.InteractiveSnapUpdate" Label: "Snap to Boundary" Click: "View.SnapToBoundary" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.222 Disabled: 1 Invisible: 1 Help: "Snaps the next entered point to the nearest node common to two or more features" Update: "View.InteractiveSnapUpdate" Label: "Snap to Intersection" Click: "View.SnapToIntersection" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.223 Disabled: 1 Invisible: 1 Help: "Snaps the next entered point to the nearest endpoint of an existing line" Update: "View.SnapToEndPointUpdate" Label: "Snap to Endpoint" Click: "View.SnapToEndPoint" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.224 ) (Choice.225 Disabled: 1 Help: "Unselects the selected features in all active themes" Update: "View.AttributeThemesUpdate" Label: "Clear Selection" Click: "View.ClearSelect" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.226 Help: "Zooms in at point where you click to bring up popup menu" Update: "View.HasDataUpdate" Label: "Zoom In" Click: "View.PopupZoomIn" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.227 Help: "Zooms out from point where you click to bring up popup menu" Update: "View.HasDataUpdate" Label: "Zoom Out" Click: "View.PopupZoomOut" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.228 Disabled: 1 Help: "Zooms to the extent of the selected features" Update: "View.SelectableThemesUpdate" Label: "Zoom to Selected" Click: "View.ZoomToSelected" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.229 Help: "Centers display on point where you click to bring up popup" Update: "View.HasDataUpdate" Label: "Pan" Click: "View.PopupPan" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.230 ) (Choice.231 Disabled: 1 Help: "Opens the shape properties window for editing vertex locations" Update: "ShapeWin.PopUp Update" Label: "Shape Properties" Click: "ShapeWin.PopUp Open" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (ToolBar.232 Child: 233 Child: 235 Child: 237 Child: 239 Child: 241 Child: 243 Child: 245 Child: 247 Child: 249 Child: 251 Child: 253 Child: 272 Child: 285 Child: 304 ) (Tool.233 Disabled: 1 Help: "Identify//Provides information about a feature" HelpTopic: "Identify_tool" Update: "View.IdentifyUpdate" Icon: 234 Cursor: "Cursors.ID" Apply: "View.Identify" ) (AVIcon.234 Name: "ID" Res: "Icons.ID" ) (Tool.235 Disabled: 1 Help: "Pointer//Selects, moves, and resizes graphics" HelpTopic: "Pointer_tool" Update: "View.HasDataUpdate" Icon: 236 Cursor: "Cursors.Select" Apply: "View.Select" Click: "View.SelectTool" ) (AVIcon.236 Name: "Select" Res: "Icons.Select" ) (Tool.237 Disabled: 1 Help: "Vertex Edit//Adds, moves, and deletes vertices of features and graphics" HelpTopic: "Vertex_Edit_tool" Update: "View.SelectToEditUpdate" Icon: 238 Cursor: "Cursors.SelectEdit" Apply: "View.SelectToEdit" Click: "View.SelectToEditTool" ) (AVIcon.238 Name: "SelectEdit" Res: "Icons.SelectEdit" ) (Tool.239 Disabled: 1 Help: "Select Feature//Selects features in the active themes by pointing or dragging" HelpTopic: "Select_Feature_tool" Update: "View.SelectableThemesUpdate" Icon: 240 Cursor: "Cursors.Default" Apply: "View.SelectPoint" ) (AVIcon.240 Name: "FeatureSelect" Res: "Icons.FeatureSelect" ) (Tool.241 Disabled: 1 Help: "Zoom In//Zooms in at a point you click or zooms in on a rectangle you drag" HelpTopic: "Zoom_In_tool" Update: "View.HasDataUpdate" Icon: 242 Cursor: "Cursors.ZoomIn" Apply: "View.ZoomInTool" ) (AVIcon.242 Name: "ZoomInTool" Res: "Icons.ZoomInTool" ) (Tool.243 Disabled: 1 Help: "Zoom Out//Zooms out from a point you click or zooms out to include a rectangle you drag" HelpTopic: "Zoom_Out_tool" Update: "View.HasDataUpdate" Icon: 244 Cursor: "Cursors.ZoomOut" Apply: "View.ZoomOutTool" ) (AVIcon.244 Name: "ZoomOutTool" Res: "Icons.ZoomOutTool" ) (Tool.245 Disabled: 1 Help: "Pan//Drags the display in the direction you move the cursor" HelpTopic: "Pan_tool" Update: "View.HasDataUpdate" Icon: 246 Cursor: "Cursors.Pan" Apply: "View.Pan" ) (AVIcon.246 Name: "Pan" Res: "Icons.Pan" ) (Tool.247 Disabled: 1 Help: "Measure//Measures distance" HelpTopic: "Measure_tool" Update: "View.HasDataUpdate" Icon: 248 Cursor: "Cursors.Measure" Apply: "View.Measure" ) (AVIcon.248 Name: "Measure" Res: "Icons.Measure" ) (Tool.249 Disabled: 1 Help: "Hot Link//Follows a hot link in the active themes" HelpTopic: "Hot_Link_tool" Update: "View.HotLinkUpdate" Icon: 250 Cursor: "Cursors.Media" Apply: "View.HotLink" ) (AVIcon.250 Name: "Media" Res: "Icons.Media" ) (Tool.251 Disabled: 1 Help: "Area of Interest//Sets the view's Area Of Interest for library-based themes" HelpTopic: "Area_Of_Interest_tool" Update: "View.AOIToolUpdate" Icon: 252 Cursor: "Cursors.Default" Apply: "View.AOITool" ) (AVIcon.252 Name: "AOI" Res: "Icons.AOI" ) (ToolMenu.253 Disabled: 1 Help: "Label//Labels a feature in the active theme with data from its table" HelpTopic: "Label_Tool" Update: "View.LabelToolUpdate" Icon: 254 Cursor: "Cursors.Tag" Apply: "View.LabelTool" Child: 255 Child: 256 Child: 258 Child: 260 Child: 262 Child: 264 Child: 266 Child: 268 Child: 270 ) (AVIcon.254 Name: "Tag" Res: "Icons.Tag" ) (Tool.255 Disabled: 1 Help: "Label//Labels a feature in the active theme with data from its table" HelpTopic: "Label_Tool" Update: "View.LabelToolUpdate" Icon: 254 Cursor: "Cursors.Tag" Apply: "View.LabelTool" ) (Tool.256 Disabled: 1 Help: "Callout Label//Click on a feature and drag in the direction you want the label to appear" HelpTopic: "Label_Tool" Update: "View.CalloutUpdate" Icon: 257 Cursor: "Cursors.Tag" Apply: "View.CalloutLabelTool" ) (AVIcon.257 Name: "CallOutLabel1" Res: "Icons.CallOutLabel1" ) (Tool.258 Disabled: 1 Help: "Bullet Leader Label//Click on a feature and drag in the direction you want the label to appear" HelpTopic: "Label_Tool" Update: "View.CalloutUpdate" Icon: 259 Cursor: "Cursors.Tag" Apply: "View.BulletLeaderLabelTool" ) (AVIcon.259 Name: "CallOutLabel2" Res: "Icons.CallOutLabel2" ) (Tool.260 Disabled: 1 Help: "Banner Label//Click on a feature you want to label" HelpTopic: "Label_Tool" Update: "View.CalloutUpdate" Icon: 261 Cursor: "Cursors.Tag" Apply: "View.ShadowBoxLabelTool" ) (AVIcon.261 Name: "CallOutLabel3" Res: "Icons.CallOutLabel3" ) (Tool.262 Disabled: 1 Help: "U.S. Interstate//Click where you want to place a highway shield" HelpTopic: "Label_Tool" Update: "View.CalloutUpdate" Icon: 263 Cursor: "Cursors.Tag" Apply: "View.Highway1 Apply" ) (AVIcon.263 Name: "BW US Interstate" Res: "Icons.BW US Interstate" ) (Tool.264 Disabled: 1 Help: "U.S. Route//Click where you want to place a highway shield" HelpTopic: "Label_Tool" Update: "View.CalloutUpdate" Icon: 265 Cursor: "Cursors.Tag" Apply: "View.Highway2 Apply" ) (AVIcon.265 Name: "USRoute" Res: "Icons.USRoute" ) (Tool.266 Disabled: 1 Help: "Generic State Hwy//Click where you want to place a highway shield" HelpTopic: "Label_Tool" Update: "View.CalloutUpdate" Icon: 267 Cursor: "Cursors.Tag" Apply: "View.Highway3 Apply" ) (AVIcon.267 Name: "GenericStateHighway" Res: "Icons.GenericStateHighway" ) (Tool.268 Disabled: 1 Help: "Generic Square Hwy//Click where you want to place a highway shield" HelpTopic: "Label_Tool" Update: "View.CalloutUpdate" Icon: 269 Cursor: "Cursors.Tag" Apply: "View.Highway4 Apply" ) (AVIcon.269 Name: "GenericHighway1" Res: "Icons.GenericHighway1" ) (Tool.270 Disabled: 1 Help: "Generic Oval Hwy//Click where you want to place a highway shield" Update: "View.CalloutUpdate" Icon: 271 Cursor: "Cursors.Tag" Apply: "View.Highway5 Apply" ) (AVIcon.271 Name: "GenericHighway2" Res: "Icons.GenericHighway2" ) (ToolMenu.272 Help: "Text//Creates text on the display" HelpTopic: "Text_tool" Update: "View.TextToolUpdate" Icon: 273 Cursor: "Cursors.Text" Apply: "View.TextTool" Click: "SymWin.DisplayFontPanel" Child: 274 Child: 275 Child: 277 Child: 279 Child: 281 Child: 283 ) (AVIcon.273 Name: "Text" Res: "Icons.Text" ) (Tool.274 Help: "Text//Creates text on the display" HelpTopic: "Text_tool" Update: "View.TextToolUpdate" Icon: 273 Cursor: "Cursors.Text" Apply: "View.TextTool" Click: "SymWin.DisplayFontPanel" ) (Tool.275 Help: "Callout Text//Click and drag to where you want your text to appear, then enter the text" HelpTopic: "Text_tool" Update: "View.TextToolUpdate" Icon: 276 Cursor: "Cursors.Bullseye" Apply: "View.CalloutTextTool" ) (AVIcon.276 Name: "CallOutText1" Res: "Icons.CallOutText1" ) (Tool.277 Help: "Bullet Leader Text//Click and drag to where you want your text to appear, then enter the text" HelpTopic: "Text_tool" Update: "View.TextToolUpdate" Icon: 278 Cursor: "Cursors.Bullseye" Apply: "View.BulletLeaderTextTool" ) (AVIcon.278 Name: "CallOutText2" Res: "Icons.CallOutText2" ) (Tool.279 Help: "Banner Text//Click where you want your label to appear and enter your text" HelpTopic: "Text_tool" Update: "View.TextToolUpdate" Icon: 280 Cursor: "Cursors.Bullseye" Apply: "View.ShadowBoxTextTool" ) (AVIcon.280 Name: "CallOutText3" Res: "Icons.CallOutText3" ) (Tool.281 Help: "Drop-Shadow Text//Click where you want your text to appear and enter your text" HelpTopic: "Text_tool" Update: "View.TextToolUpdate" Icon: 282 Cursor: "Cursors.Target" Apply: "View.CreateDropShadowText" ) (AVIcon.282 Name: "DropShadowText" Res: "Icons.DropShadowText" ) (Tool.283 Help: "Spline Text//Adds text that is aligned to a splined baseline" HelpTopic: "Text_tool" Update: "View.TextToolUpdate" Icon: 284 Cursor: "Cursors.Bullseye" Apply: "View.SplineText" ) (AVIcon.284 Name: "TextAligned" Res: "Icons.TextAligned" ) (ToolMenu.285 Help: "Draw Point//Creates a point on the display" HelpTopic: "Draw_tool" Update: "View.PointToolUpdate" Icon: 286 Cursor: "Cursors.CrossHair" Apply: "View.PointTool" Click: "SymWin.DisplayMarkerPanel" Child: 287 Child: 288 Child: 290 Child: 292 Child: 294 Child: 296 Child: 298 Child: 300 Child: 302 ) (AVIcon.286 Name: "Point" Res: "Icons.Point" ) (Tool.287 Help: "Draw Point//Creates a point on the display" HelpTopic: "Draw_tool" Update: "View.PointToolUpdate" Icon: 286 Cursor: "Cursors.CrossHair" Apply: "View.PointTool" Click: "SymWin.DisplayMarkerPanel" ) (Tool.288 Help: "Draw Straight Line//Creates a line on the display" HelpTopic: "Draw_tool" Update: "View.GraphicToolUpdate" Icon: 289 Cursor: "Cursors.CrossHair" Apply: "View.LineTool" Click: "SymWin.DisplayPenPanel" ) (AVIcon.289 Name: "SelectLine" Res: "Icons.SelectLine" ) (Tool.290 Help: "Draw Line//Creates a line with two or more points on the display" HelpTopic: "Draw_tool" Update: "View.PolyLineToolUpdate" Icon: 291 Cursor: "Cursors.CrossHair" Apply: "View.PolyLineTool" Click: "SymWin.DisplayPenPanel" ) (AVIcon.291 Name: "Lines" Res: "Icons.Lines" ) (Tool.292 Help: "Draw Rectangle//Creates a rectangle on the display" HelpTopic: "Draw_tool" Update: "View.PolyToolUpdate" Icon: 293 Cursor: "Cursors.CrossHair" Apply: "View.RectTool" Click: "SymWin.DisplayFillPanel" ) (AVIcon.293 Name: "Rect" Res: "Icons.Rect" ) (Tool.294 Help: "Draw Circle//Creates a circle on the display" HelpTopic: "Draw_tool" Update: "View.PolyToolUpdate" Icon: 295 Cursor: "Cursors.CrossHair" Apply: "View.CircleTool" Click: "SymWin.DisplayFillPanel" ) (AVIcon.295 Name: "Disk" Res: "Icons.Disk" ) (Tool.296 Help: "Draw Polygon//Creates a polygon on the display" HelpTopic: "Draw_tool" Update: "View.PolyToolUpdate" Icon: 297 Cursor: "Cursors.CrossHair" Apply: "View.PolyTool" Click: "SymWin.DisplayFillPanel" ) (AVIcon.297 Name: "Poly" Res: "Icons.Poly" ) (Tool.298 Disabled: 1 Help: "Draw Line to Split Feature//Creates a line to split line features" HelpTopic: "Draw_tool" Update: "View.SplitLineToolUpdate" Icon: 299 Cursor: "Cursors.CrossHair" Apply: "View.SplitTool" ) (AVIcon.299 Name: "SplitLine" Res: "Icons.SplitLine" ) (Tool.300 Disabled: 1 Help: "Draw Line to Split Polygon//Creates a line to split polygon features" HelpTopic: "Draw_tool" Update: "View.SplitPolyToolUpdate" Icon: 301 Cursor: "Cursors.CrossHair" Apply: "View.SplitTool" ) (AVIcon.301 Name: "SplitPoly" Res: "Icons.SplitPoly" ) (Tool.302 Disabled: 1 Help: "Draw Line to Append Polygon//Appends a new polygon adjacent to other polygons" HelpTopic: "Draw_tool" Update: "View.AutoCompleteUpdate" Icon: 303 Cursor: "Cursors.CrossHair" Apply: "View.AutoCompleteTool" ) (AVIcon.303 Name: "AutoComplete" Res: "Icons.AutoComplete" ) (ToolMenu.304 Disabled: 1 Invisible: 1 Help: "Snap//Sets the general snapping tolerance for the editable theme" HelpTopic: "Snap_tools" Update: "View.SnapToolUpdate" Icon: 305 Cursor: "Cursors.Default" Apply: "View.SnapTool" Child: 306 Child: 307 ) (AVIcon.305 Name: "SnapTool" Res: "Icons.SnapTool" ) (Tool.306 Disabled: 1 Invisible: 1 Help: "Snap//Sets the general snapping tolerance for the editable theme" HelpTopic: "Snap_tools" Update: "View.SnapToolUpdate" Icon: 305 Cursor: "Cursors.Default" Apply: "View.SnapTool" ) (Tool.307 Disabled: 1 Invisible: 1 Help: "Snap//Sets the interactive snapping tolerance for the editable theme" HelpTopic: "Snap_tools" Update: "View.InteractiveSnapToolUpdate" Icon: 308 Cursor: "Cursors.Default" Apply: "View.InteractiveSnapTool" ) (AVIcon.308 Name: "SnapFeatureTool" Res: "Icons.SnapFeatureTool" ) (AVIcon.309 Name: "Icon" Res: "View.Icon" ) (FN.882 Path: "$HOME" ) (TClr.883 Red: 0xffff Green: 0xffff ) (AVStr.884 S: "View" ) (AVStr.885 S: "Table" ) (AVStr.886 S: "Chart" ) (AVStr.887 S: "Layout" ) (AVStr.888 S: "Script" ) (AVStr.889 S: "Project" ) (AVStr.890 S: "Appl" )