HISTORY.txt changes to PGE35/MOD_PR13A2 This file shows the following: (a) What was changed in the PGE (b) Why it was changed (c) How the output product will be affected by the change (d) The data of the change. v2.3.0 03/05/2001 =========================================================================== Source SCF: (v2.2.2 02/05/01) (1) Code modified to either ingest Terra or Aqua data. (2) Supplied two separate MCF files for AQUA (MYD....) and Terra (MOD...). (3) Addition of an error messages to signal contradiction between SatellietInstrument and execution. Please check/recompile the seed file (*.t). (4) Started using the run time parameter with LUN= 800510 to decide on the SatellietInstrument source of data. (5) Accommodated the change made in MOD09 to address cloudy data production. (6) Modified all Quality data filters to be more robust, and after accumulated experience with REAL-MODIS data. (7) Corrected the EVI problem over snow/ice and cloud. This correction is made in response to issues reported by LDOPE and finding in our facility. Changes by SSTGer: (8) MCF files: - Changed Mandatory from "False" to "TRUE" and Data_Location from "PGE" to "MCF" for the following attributes: AssociatedSensorShortName, AssociatedPlatformShortName, and AssociatedInstrumentShortName. v2.0.9 08/28/2000 =========================================================================== (1) MCF file: Added the value of attribute "ScienceQualityExplanation" in MOD13A2.mcf: Value = "See http://modland.nascom.nasa.gov/QA_WWW/release.html for the Science QA status of this product." v2.0.8 07/19/2000 ====================================================================== (1) Changed from local time to GMT time for LOCALGRANULEID in vi3_1.c. v2.0.7 07/10/2000 ====================================================================== (1) Fixed the bug in MOD_PR13A2.c (line154: Adding "int32 Num_Cloudy=0" statement) for the coredump problem when running with certain test input datasets. v2.0.6 07/06/2000 ====================================================================== Source SCF: (v2.2.0 04/20/00) (1) Current version is made to address the following problems and provides the following enhancements: - Metadata problems and valids - Localgranule ID is based on the actual beginning of the composite period even if data is missing during the first days. - Ability to process cloudy pixels - Enhanced the science filtering - Disabled BRDF till June 1st 2000 - Implemented all production rules within the code - Fixed some problems with QAStats to add up to 100% - Fixed a stripping (Not the current seen one in most of MODLAND products) problem with the output, this is an old problem due to initialization - Issue more warning regarding production to help identify processing problems. - Updated the File Specification to reflect production cloudy pixels (2) Added the following Runtime parameters: Param Value LUN BRDF method Flag for compositing 1 213620 (1:BRDF, 0 No BRDF) CVMVC method Flag for compositing 1 213621 (1:CVMVC, 0 No CVMVC) Anciallry BRDF Data base file name none 213622 Minimum # of observation for BRDF 5 213623 inversion A minimum threshold for BRDF NDVI -0.3 213624 A maximum threshold for BRDF NDVI 0.05 213625 Minimum # of observation for CVMVC 2 213626 A minimum threshold for CVMVC NDVI -0.3 213627 A maximum threshold for CVMVC NDVI 0.05 213628 Source SCF: (v2.2.1 06/07/00) (3) Current version is made to address the following problems and provides the following enhancements: (a) Implements the Coarse Resolution product (b) Added two new Metadata fields : - DESCRrevision - ProductionHistory (c) Re-name of the "*.fs" to MOD_PR13A2.fs to MOD13A2.fs and MOD_PR13A2.mcf to MOD13A2.mcf (d) Created these two new files: MOD13A2C.fs : Coarse resolution 5km MOD13A2C.mcf : Coarse resolution 5km (e) Added the necessary LUN entery in the PCF file as follows: - 213253 for the Coarse Resolution (5km) MCF file name - 213103 for the Coarse Resolution(5km) output profuct name (f) Created the necessary HDF_EOS structures, metadata data fields, etc... for the new Coarse Resolution 5km VI product. Additional changes by STIG: (4) Changed the seed file name in MOD_PR13A2.mk from "PGS_MODIS_37199.h" to "PGS_MODIS_37132.h" (5) mcf file Part 1: Incorporated ECSed mcf file: MOD13A2.mcf (Ref. MOD13A2.001.MCF_000121) Changes from the earlier baselined version are - Added new attributes DESCRrevision and ProductionHistory Part 2: Made the following changes on the above ECS validated (Ref. MOD13A2.001.MCF_000121) mcf files(MOD13A2.mcf) (will send this newly modified mcf files to ECS for further validation) - Changed Mandatory from FALSE to TRUE for the following attributes: AssociatedPlatformShortName, AssociatedSensorShortName, AssociatedInstrumentShortName - Changed NUM_VAL of attributes "INPUTPOINTER" and "INPUTFILENAME" from "160" to "16" - Added the following new attributes CharacteristicBinAngularSize, CharacteristicBinSize, DataColumns, DataRows, GlobalGridColumns, GlobalGridRows, NumberOfDays, DaysOfYear, GeoAnyAbnormal, GeoEstMaxRMSError, PERCENTLAND, QAPERCENTPOORQ1KM16DAYNDVI, QAPERCENTPOORQ1KM16DAYEVI - Removed the following attributes: NDVIUSEFULPERCENTAGE1KM16, EVIUSEFULPERCENTAGE1KM16 Part 3: Incorporated ECSed mcf file: MOD13A2.mcf (Ref. MOD13A2.001.MCF_000607) Made the following changes on the aboved mcf files(MOD13A2.mcf) - Added the value of the attribute "ScienceQualityFlag": value = "Not Investigated" - Changed the value of the attribute "LONGNAME" to "MODIS/Terra Vegetation Indices 16-day L3 Global 1kim ISIN Grid" - Changed the value of the attribute "DECRrevision" to value = "1.2" (6) Updated MOD13A2.fs filespecs Part 1: Compared with the earlier baselined version of MOD13A2.fs - Added the names and values of the following attributes: attribute name value SIZEMBECSDATAGRANULE variable OPERATIONALQUALITYFLAG variable OPERATIONALQUALITYFLAGEXPLANATION variable SCIENCEQUALITYFLAG variable SCIENCEQUALITYFLAGEXPLANATION variable ADDITIONALATTRIBUTENAME.5 GRIDTYPE ADDITIONALATTRIBUTENAME.8 1KM16DAYNDVIQCLASSPERCENTAGE ADDITIONALATTRIBUTENAME.9 1KM16DAYEVIQCLASSPERCENTAGE SPSOPARAMETERS variable - Deleted the attributes "ADDITIONALATTRIBUTENAME.7" and "ADDITIONALATTRIBUTENAME.8" - Added more explanation about "DataField_4 Bit0_1 10" "produced but most likley cloudy pixel" - Changed the explanation about "DataField_3 Bit8" and "DataField_4 Bit8" to "Adjacent cloud detected; yes (1) or no (0)" Part 2: Compared with new mcf file (waiting for ECS validation) - Changed the values of the following attributes: attribute value from to PROCESSINGCENTER EDC MODAPS - Added the following attributes: CharacteristicBinAngularSize, CharacteristicBinSize, DataColumns, DataRows, GlobalGridColumns, GlobalGridRows, NumberOfDays, DaysOfYear, GeoAnyAbnormal, GeoEstMaxRMSError, PERCENTLAND, QAPERCENTPOORQ1KM16DAYNDVI, QAPERCENTPOORQ1KM16DAYEVI, DESCRrevision,and ProductionHistory - Changed the type of following attributes: attribute name from to SIZEMBECSDATAGRANULE FLOAT DOUBLE VERSIONID STRING INTEGER NDVIUSEFULPERCENTAGE1KM16 STRING INTEGER EVIUSEFULPERCENTAGE1KM16 STRING INTEGER - Removed the following attributes: NDVIUSEFULPERCENTAGE1KM16, EVIUSEFULPERCENTAGE1KM16 (7) Changed LUNs of the following attributes: attribute name from to REPROCESSINGACTUAL(in mdefs_1.h) 213610 213600 REPROCESSINGPLANNED(in mdefs_1.h) 213611 213601 LOCALGRANULEIDVERSION(in mdefs_1.h) 213612 213602 PGEVERSIONNUMBER(in mdefs_1.h) 213613 800500 (8) Changed LUNs of "MOD13A2.mcf" in vi3_1.h from 213257 to 213251 (9) Changed to double-digit tile number display for both VERTICALTILENUMBER and HORIZONTALTILENUMBER(from h%dv%d to h%2.2dv%2.2d) at line #1094 and #1098 of funtion create_localgranuleid in vi3_1.c file. Note: Fix of double-digit display in v2.0.5 was undone in SCF current delivery. (10) Note: The executable code in the current version was compiled without optimization option. The one compiled with optimization option -O2 or -O3 failed. v2.0.5 10/19/1999 ======================================================================= 1. Resolved DDTS#1514. Changed output format %2d to %.2d meta_1.c (line 988) and vi3_1.c (line 454, 928). to patch double digits display for HORIZONTALTILENUMBER, VERTICALTILENUMBER and also for LOCALGRANULEID. v2.0.4 9/13/1999 ======================================================================= 1. Resolved DDTS#1516 (Incorrect directory structure of PGE35 product MOD13A2) Caused by the missing "period" between Ayyyyddd and hxxvxx in output filename. Added the "period" before h%dv%d (hxxvxx) in Line#927 of "vi3_1.c" code. (sprintf(id, "%s.A%s%s.h%dv%d.%s.%4.4s%3.3s%2.2s%2.2s%2.2s.hdf", esdt, year,......) v2.0.3 8/19/1999 ======================================================================= 1. Began the integration process with generation-3 perl script etc (Updated PGE35.pl, PGE35.ciList,driver.csh and PGE HISTORY.txt files Added PGE35.mk to /COMB directory) v2.0.2 7/22/1999 ======================================================================= 1. Started HISTORY.txt in MOD_PR13A2 to record modification associated MOD_PR13A2. 2. used ECS validated MCF for this PGE. 3. change LUN 213063 to the general LUN 800500 for PGEVERSIONNUMBER 4. change DAYNIGHFLAG defining "both" to "Both" in mdefs_1.h 5. UnitTest with PGE35.pl has been passed.