------------------------------------------------------------------------ Contents Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 123 Monday, June 26, 2000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ African Development Foundation NOTICES Meetings; Sunshine Act, 39347 [00–16201] [TEXT] [PDF] Agency for International Development RULES Acquisition regulations: Contractor performance evaluation system Correction, 39470 [C0–13486] [TEXT] [PDF] Agricultural Marketing Service RULES Almonds grown in— California, 39281–39284 [00–16017] [TEXT] [PDF] Walnuts grown in— California, 39284–39286 [00–16016] [TEXT] [PDF] Agriculture Department See Agricultural Marketing Service See Farm Service Agency Antitrust Division NOTICES National cooperative research notifications: Advanced Lead-Acid Battery Consortium, 39427–39428 [00–16000] [TEXT] [PDF] Advanced Technology Institute, 39428 [00–15998] [TEXT] [PDF] ATM Forum, 39428 [00–16002] [TEXT] [PDF] CommerceNet Consortium, Inc., 39428 [00–16004] [TEXT] [PDF] Die Products Consortium, 39429 [00–16003] [TEXT] [PDF] National Storage Industry Consortium, 39429 [00–16001] [TEXT] [PDF] Southwest Research Institute, 39429–39430 [00–15999] [TEXT] [PDF] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention NOTICES Grants and cooperative agreements; availability, etc.: American Indian/Alaska Native Support Centers for Tobacco Programs, 39410–39413 [00–16034] [TEXT] [PDF] Meetings: Energy-Related Epidemiologic Research Advisory Committee, 39413 [00–16275] [TEXT] [PDF] Children and Families Administration NOTICES Grant and cooperative agreement awards: American Public Human Services Association, 39413–39414 [00–16055] [TEXT] [PDF] Welfare Information Network, 39414 [00–16056] [TEXT] [PDF] Coast Guard RULES Ports and waterways safety: Hudson River, NY; safety zone, 39299–39301 [00–16214] [TEXT] [PDF] PROPOSED RULES Electrical engineering: Marine shipboard electrical cable standards Correction, 39334–39335 [00–15942] [TEXT] [PDF] Commerce Department See Export Administration Bureau See International Trade Administration See National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration See Patent and Trademark Office Comptroller of the Currency PROPOSED RULES Federal Deposit Insurance Act: Customer information safeguard standards establishment; and safety and soundness standards Year 2000 guidelines rescission, 39471–39489 [00–15798] [TEXT] [PDF] Corporation for National and Community Service NOTICES Grants and cooperative agreements; availability, etc.: Organizations that support service days or events that include persons with disabilities, 39370–39372 [00–16044] [TEXT] [PDF] Defense Department See Navy Department NOTICES Agency information collection activities: Submission for OMB review; comment request, 39372–39373 [00–15989] [TEXT] [PDF] 39373 [00–15990] [TEXT] [PDF] Drug Enforcement Administration NOTICES Applications, hearings, determinations, etc.: Celgene Corp., 39430 [00–15986] [TEXT] [PDF] Organichem Corp., 39430 [00–15984] [TEXT] [PDF] Penick Corp., 39430 [00–15985] [TEXT] [PDF] Education Department PROPOSED RULES Special education and rehabilitative services: State Vocational Rehabilitation Services Program, 39491–39497 [00–15991] [TEXT] [PDF] NOTICES Agency information collection activities: Proposed collection; comment request, 39374 [00–16030] [TEXT] [PDF] Grants and cooperative agreements; availability, etc.: National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research— Field Initiated competition, 39499–39500 [00–15992] [TEXT] [PDF] Postsecondary education: William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program— Income contingent repayment plan formula; annual update; correction, 39374–39377 [00–16040] [TEXT] [PDF] Energy Department See Federal Energy Regulatory Commission See Southwestern Power Administration NOTICES Grants and cooperative agreements; availability, etc.: Alternative fuel vehicle user infrastructure projects, 39378 [00–16047] [TEXT] [PDF] Meetings: Environmental Management Site-Specific Advisory Board— Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory, ID, 39379–39380 [00–16049] [TEXT] [PDF] Kirtland Area Office (Sandia), NM, 39378 [00–16046] [TEXT] [PDF] Oak Ridge Reservation, TN, 39379 [00–16048] [TEXT] [PDF] Fusion Energy Sciences Advisory Committee, 39380 [00–16050] [TEXT] [PDF] Environmental Protection Agency RULES Pesticides; tolerances in food, animal feeds, and raw agricultural commodities: Prallethrin, 39304–39314 [00–16077] [TEXT] [PDF] Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, 39301–39304 [00–16076] [TEXT] [PDF] PROPOSED RULES Air pollutants, hazardous; national emission standards: Primary copper smelters, 39326–39334 [00–15915] [TEXT] [PDF] Air programs: Ambient air quality standards, national— Northern Ada County/Boise, ID; PM-10 standards nonapplicability finding rescinded, 39321–39326 [00–14854] [TEXT] [PDF] NOTICES Hazardous waste: Land disposal restrictions; exemption petitions— E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc., 39387–39388 [00–16074] [TEXT] [PDF] Meetings: Clean Air Act Advisory Committee, 39388 [00–16072] [TEXT] [PDF] Science Advisory Board, 39388 [00–16165] [TEXT] [PDF] Executive Office of the President See Presidential Documents See Trade Representative, Office of United States Export Administration Bureau NOTICES Export privileges, actions affecting: Boone, David Sheldon, 39348–39349 [00–15993] [TEXT] [PDF] Farm Credit Administration PROPOSED RULES Farm credit system: Loan policies and operations, etc.— Other financial institutions lending, 39319 [00–16053] [TEXT] [PDF] Farm Service Agency NOTICES Warehouse Act fees: Cotton, etc., 39347–39348 [00–16060] [TEXT] [PDF] Federal Aviation Administration RULES Airworthiness directives: Rolls-Royce Ltd., 39286–39288 [00–15424] [TEXT] [PDF] PROPOSED RULES Class E airspace; correction, 39470 [C0–8969] [TEXT] [PDF] Federal Communications Commission PROPOSED RULES Common carrier services: Tariffs— Competitive local exchange carriers interstate access services; mandatory detariffing, 39335–39336 [00–16166] [TEXT] [PDF] NOTICES Common carrier services: Telecommunications services between United States and Cuba, 39400 [00–16118] [TEXT] [PDF] Wireless telcommunications services— 800 MHz specialized mobile radio service; licenses auction in General Category (851-854 MHz) and Upper (861-865 MHz) Bands, 39388–39400 [00–16117] [TEXT] [PDF] Television broadcasting: Blanco, TX; licenses auction for new station construction permit, 39400–39406 [00–16099] [TEXT] [PDF] Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation PROPOSED RULES Federal Deposit Insurance Act: Customer information safeguard standards establishment; and safety and soundness standards Year 2000 guidelines rescission, 39471–39489 [00–15798] [TEXT] [PDF] Federal Energy Regulatory Commission NOTICES Electric rate and corporate regulation filings: CPV Gulfcoast, L.P., et al., 39381–39384 [00–16011] [TEXT] [PDF] Meetings; Sunshine Act, 39384–39386 [00–16167] [TEXT] [PDF] Applications, hearings, determinations, etc.: ANR Pipeline Co., 39380 [00–16012] [TEXT] [PDF] Central Power & Light Co. et al., 39380 [00–16015] [TEXT] [PDF] ISO New England Inc., 39381 [00–16014] [TEXT] [PDF] Northern Natural Gas Co., 39381 [00–16013] [TEXT] [PDF] Federal Highway Administration NOTICES Environmental statements; notice of intent: Milwaukee and Waukesha Counties, WI, 39464–39465 [00–16005] [TEXT] [PDF] Ouachita Parish, LA, 39465–39466 [00–16006] [TEXT] [PDF] Federal Reserve System PROPOSED RULES Federal Deposit Insurance Act: Customer information safeguard standards establishment; and safety and soundness standards Year 2000 guidelines rescission, 39471–39489 [00–15798] [TEXT] [PDF] NOTICES Banks and bank holding companies: Formations, acquisitions, and mergers, 39407 [00–15983] [TEXT] [PDF] Permissible nonbanking activities, 39407 [00–15982] [TEXT] [PDF] Meetings; Sunshine Act, 39407 [00–16148] [TEXT] [PDF] Federal Trade Commission NOTICES Prohibited trade practices: Pfizer Inc. et al., 39407–39409 [00–16041] [TEXT] [PDF] Federal Transit Administration NOTICES Environmental statements; notice of intent: Dulles Corridor Rapid Transit Project, Fairfax and Loudoun Counties, VA, 39466–39467 [00–16036] [TEXT] [PDF] Fish and Wildlife Service NOTICES Endangered and threatened species permit applications, 39421 [00–16033] [TEXT] [PDF] Environmental statements; availability, etc.: Incidental take permits— Bastrop County, TX; Houston toad, 39421–39422 [00–16032] [TEXT] [PDF] Food and Drug Administration NOTICES Food for human consumption: Food labeling— Added sugars; citizen petition availability, 39414–39415 [00–16066] [TEXT] [PDF] Grants and cooperative agreements; availability, etc.: Food Safety and Applied Nutrition Center— Program priorities; comment request, 39415–39416 [00–16067] [TEXT] [PDF] Meetings: Medical Imaging Drugs Advisory Committee, 39416 [00–16065] [TEXT] [PDF] Geological Survey NOTICES Grant and cooperative agreement awards: Rio Algom Exploration, 39422 [00–15995] [TEXT] [PDF] Health and Human Services Department See Centers for Disease Control and Prevention See Children and Families Administration See Food and Drug Administration See Health Care Financing Administration See Health Resources and Services Administration NOTICES Committees; establishment, renewal, termination, etc.: National Vaccine Advisory Committee, 39409–39410 [00–16031] [TEXT] [PDF] Health Care Financing Administration RULES Medicare: Home health prospective payment system rule; overview; town meeting, 39314 [00–16045] [TEXT] [PDF] NOTICES Agency information collection activities: Proposed collection; comment request, 39416–39417 [00–16080] [TEXT] [PDF] 39417 [00–16081] [TEXT] [PDF] Health Resources and Services Administration NOTICES Grants and cooperative agreements; availability, etc.: HIV/AIDS primary health care; targeted capacity building assistance, 39417–39419 [00–15988] [TEXT] [PDF] Housing and Urban Development Department PROPOSED RULES Multifamily properties; civil money penalties, 39501–39505 [00–16024] [TEXT] [PDF] NOTICES Committees; establishment, renewal, termination, etc.: U.S.-Israel Bi-National Commission on Housing and Community Development, 39419–39420 [00–16164] [TEXT] [PDF] Interior Department See Fish and Wildlife Service See Geological Survey See Land Management Bureau See National Park Service See Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement Office NOTICES Indian Appeals Board decisions: Legal fees reimbursement; review by Secretary, 39420–39421 [00–16093] [TEXT] [PDF] Internal Revenue Service RULES Income taxes: Annuities valuation, interests for life or terms of years, and remainder or reversionary interests; actuarial tables use Correction, 39470 [C0–12986] [TEXT] [PDF] PROPOSED RULES Income taxes: Qualified retirement plans; optional forms of benefits Hearing cancellation, 39319 [00–15867] [TEXT] [PDF] International Trade Administration NOTICES Antidumping: Expandable polystyrene resins from— Indonesia, 39349–39351 [00–16106] [TEXT] [PDF] Korea, 39351–39355 [00–16107] [TEXT] [PDF] Industrial phosphoric acid from— Belgium, 39355–39358 [00–16105] [TEXT] [PDF] Large diameter carbon and alloy seamless standard, line, and pressure pipe from— Mexico, 39358–39359 [00–16102] [TEXT] [PDF] Large diameter carbon and alloy seamless standard, line, and pressure pipe, etc., from— Japan and South Africa, 39360–39362 [00–16104] [TEXT] [PDF] Small diameter carbon and alloy seamless standard, line, and pressure pipe from— Czech Republic, 39363–39364 [00–16101] [TEXT] [PDF] Tin mill products from— Japan, 39364–39367 [00–16108] [TEXT] [PDF] Welded stainless steel pipe from— Taiwan, 39367–39369 [00–16103] [TEXT] [PDF] International Trade Commission NOTICES Import investigations: Industrial belts from— Various countries, 39425 [00–16202] [TEXT] [PDF] Industrial nitrocellulose from— Various countries, 39426 [00–16095] [TEXT] [PDF] Seamless carbon and alloy steel standard, line, and pressure pipe from— Japan and South Africa, 39426 [00–16096] [TEXT] [PDF] U.S.-Jordan Free Trade Agreement; economic impact on U.S., 39426–39427 [00–16097] [TEXT] [PDF] Senior Executive Service: Performance Review Board; membership, 39427 [00–16098] [TEXT] [PDF] Justice Department See Antitrust Division See Drug Enforcement Administration Labor Department See Pension and Welfare Benefits Administration NOTICES Agency information collection activities: Submission for OMB review; comment request, 39430–39431 [00–16090] [TEXT] [PDF] Land Management Bureau PROPOSED RULES Minerals management: Oil and gas leasing— Alaska; National Petroleum Reserve unitization, 39334 [00–15959] [TEXT] [PDF] NOTICES Meetings: Gila Box Riparian National Conservation Area Advisory Committee, 39422 [00–15996] [TEXT] [PDF] Resource Advisory Councils— Sierra Front/Northwestern Great Basin, 39423 [00–15997] [TEXT] [PDF] Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board, 39423–39424 [00–16100] [TEXT] [PDF] Maritime Administration NOTICES Coastwise trade laws; waivers: REEF DIVER, 39467–39468 [00–16021] [TEXT] [PDF] National Aeronautics and Space Administration NOTICES Senior Executive Service: Performance Review Board; membership, 39442 [00–16042] [TEXT] [PDF] National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration RULES Fishery conservation and management: West Coast States and Western Pacific fisheries— Western Pacific crustacean, 39314–39318 [00–16111] [TEXT] [PDF] PROPOSED RULES Fishery conservation and management: Alaska; fisheries of Exclusive Economic Zone— Gulf of Alaska groundfish, 39342–39346 [00–16114] [TEXT] [PDF] Marine mammals: Humpback whales in Alaska; approach prohibition, 39336–39342 [00–16113] [TEXT] [PDF] NOTICES Endangered and threatened species: Recovery plans— Johnson's seagrass, 39369 [00–16112] [TEXT] [PDF] National Park Service NOTICES Environmental statements; availability, etc.: Death Valley National Park, CA and NV; Timbisha Shoshone Tribal Homeland, 39424 [00–16094] [TEXT] [PDF] National Register of Historic Places: Pending nominations, 39424–39425 [00–16007] [TEXT] [PDF] National Science Foundation NOTICES Committees; establishment, renewal, termination, etc.: Graduate Education Special Emphasis Panel et al., 39442–39443 [00–16092] [TEXT] [PDF] Meetings: Biological Sciences Advisory Committee, 39443 [00–16091] [TEXT] [PDF] Navy Department NOTICES Environmental statements; notice of intent: Atlantic Fleet F/A-18 E/F aircraft introduction on East Coast of U.S., 39373–39374 [00–16116] [TEXT] [PDF] Northeast Dairy Compact Commission NOTICES Meetings, 39443 [00–16035] [TEXT] [PDF] Nuclear Regulatory Commission NOTICES Environmental statements; availability, etc.: Northeast Nuclear Energy Co., 39443–39444 [00–16084] [TEXT] [PDF] Meetings: Consensus standards development and use; NRC coordination with standards development organizations, 39444–39445 [00–16082] [TEXT] [PDF] Reactor Safeguards Advisory Committee, 39445–39446 [00–16085] [TEXT] [PDF] 39446 [00–16086] [TEXT] [PDF] Applications, hearings, determinations, etc.: Southern Nuclear Operating Co., Inc., 39443 [00–16083] [TEXT] [PDF] Office of United States Trade Representative See Trade Representative, Office of United States Patent and Trademark Office NOTICES Agency information collection activities: Submission for OMB review; comment request, 39369–39370 [00–16022] [TEXT] [PDF] 39370 [00–16023] [TEXT] [PDF] Pension and Welfare Benefits Administration NOTICES Employee benefit plans; prohibited transaction exemptions: Morgan Guaranty Trust Co. of New York et al.; correction, 39431 [00–16020] [TEXT] [PDF] Southco, Inc., 39432–39442 [00–16019] [TEXT] [PDF] Personnel Management Office RULES Acquisition regulations: Federal Employees Health Benefits Program and Defense Department demonstration project and other miscellaneous changes Correction, 39470 [C0–13851] [TEXT] [PDF] Postal Service NOTICES Privacy Act: Systems of records, 39446–39447 [00–16008] [TEXT] [PDF] Presidential Documents EXECUTIVE ORDERS Russia; blocking property of the Government relating to disposition of highly enriched uranium extracted from nuclear weapons (EO 13159), 39279–39280 [00–16252] [TEXT] [PDF] Public Health Service See Centers for Disease Control and Prevention See Food and Drug Administration See Health Resources and Services Administration Securities and Exchange Commission NOTICES Investment Company Act of 1940: Exemption applications— Ark Funds et al., 39452–39453 [00–16025] [TEXT] [PDF] Self-regulatory organizations; proposed rule changes: American Stock Exchange LLC, 39454–39455 [00–16028] [TEXT] [PDF] Chicago Stock Exchange, Inc., 39455–39456 [00–16027] [TEXT] [PDF] MBS Clearing Corp., 39456–39457 [00–16064] [TEXT] [PDF] National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc., 39457–39459 [00–16063] [TEXT] [PDF] New York Stock Exchange, Inc., 39459–39461 [00–16026] [TEXT] [PDF] 39461–39462 [00–16029] [TEXT] [PDF] Applications, hearings, determinations, etc.: Public utility holding company filings, 39447–39451 [00–16062] [TEXT] [PDF] Small Business Administration NOTICES Disaster loan areas: Texas, 39462 [00–16109] [TEXT] [PDF] Social Security Administration NOTICES Agency information collection activities: Submission for OMB review; comment request, 39462 [00–16119] [TEXT] [PDF] Southwestern Power Administration NOTICES Power rates: Sam Rayburn Dam Project, 39386–39387 [00–16051] [TEXT] [PDF] State Department RULES Nationality and passports: Passport application regulation; amendment, 39288–39289 [00–16089] [TEXT] [PDF] Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement Office RULES Permanent program and abandoned mine land reclamation plan submissions: Pennsylvania, 39289–39299 [00–16087] [TEXT] [PDF] PROPOSED RULES Permanent program and abandoned mine land reclamation plan submissions: Kentucky, 39319–39321 [00–16088] [TEXT] [PDF] Surface Transportation Board NOTICES Railroad operation, acquisition, construction, etc.: Pittsburgh & Lake Erie Properties, Inc., 39468–39469 [00–15970] [TEXT] [PDF] Thrift Supervision Office PROPOSED RULES Federal Deposit Insurance Act: Customer information safeguard standards establishment; and safety and soundness standards Year 2000 guidelines rescission, 39471–39489 [00–15798] [TEXT] [PDF] Trade Representative, Office of United States NOTICES Generalized System of Preferences: Copper wire bars from— Russia, 39463 [00–16061] [TEXT] [PDF] Transportation Department See Coast Guard See Federal Aviation Administration See Federal Highway Administration See Federal Transit Administration See Maritime Administration See Surface Transportation Board NOTICES Senior Executive Service: Performance Review Boards; membership, 39463–39464 [00–16115] [TEXT] [PDF] Treasury Department See Comptroller of the Currency See Internal Revenue Service See Thrift Supervision Office NOTICES Agency information collection activities: Submission for OMB review; comment request, 39469 [00–16018] [TEXT] [PDF] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Separate Parts In This Issue Part II Department of the Treasury, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, Office of Thrift Supervision; Federal Reserve System; Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, 39471–39489 [00–15798] [TEXT] [PDF] Part III Department of Education, 39491–39497 [00–15991] [TEXT] [PDF] Part IV Department of Education, 39499–39500 [00–15992] [TEXT] [PDF] Part V Department of Housing and Urban Development, 39501–39505 [00–16024] [TEXT] [PDF] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Reader Aids Consult the Reader Aids section at the end of this issue for phone numbers, online resources, finding aids, reminders, and notice of recently enacted public laws. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Search Federal Register] Browse FR Contents: [ 1998 ] [ 1999 ] [ 2000 ]