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Adaptive Management Work Group (AMWG)
This web page includes documents used by
the Humpback Chub Ad Hoc Group in preparing the
Humpback Chub Comprehensive Plan

Federal Register Notice(s):

AMWG Special Session - The purpose of this AMWG meeting will be to consider actions to implement a comprehensive research and management program for the Humpback Chub.  At the AMWG meeting held on January 28-29, 2003, the Humpback Chub Ad Hoc Group (HBC AHG) was created to develop the above actions as well as a timeline for completing certain products/work assignments.  For more information on the HBC AHG, please refer to the following documents:

HBC AHG Feb. 12, 2003 Meeting Minutes and Attachments:
  • Agenda and Meeting Minutes
  • List of Combined Projects
  • An Overview of Status and Trend Information for the Grand Canyon Population of the Humpback Chub (prepared by GCMRC)
  • Updated Action Items List
  • Combined Projects List
  • Project #17 Trip Schedule
  • Conference Call Minutes - April 25, 2003
  • Chute Falls Q&A
  • Draft HBC AHG Report
  • Draft HBC AHG Report, redline-strikeout version
  • Draft Proposed Projects
  • Project Timelines, revised April 29, 2003
  • Response to Comments on Draft Report
  • Response to Comments on Project Proposals
  • Crosswalk Table
  • Draft Agenda and Meeting Minutes
  • Hualapai Letter (dated April 16, 2003) to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
  • Strategy Addition to Draft Report - May 6, 2003
  • HBC AHG Interim Report (includes project timelines and proposals)