function [SEMA, ECC, INC, PHA, w, TWOCIR]=ap2ep(Au, PHIu, Av, PHIv, plot_demo) % % Convert tidal amplitude and phase lag (ap-) parameters into tidal ellipse % (ep-) parameters. Please refer to ep2app for its inverse function. % % Usage: % % [SEMA, ECC, INC, PHA, w]=ap2ep(Au, PHIu, Av, PHIv, plot_demo) % % where: % % Au, PHIu, Av, PHIv are the amplitudes and phase lags (in degrees) of % u- and v- tidal current components. They can be vectors or % matrices or multidimensional arrays. % % plot_demo is an optional argument, when it is supplied as an array % of indices, say [i j k l], the program will plot an ellipse % corresponding to Au(i,j, k, l), PHIu(i,j,k,l), Av(i,j,k,l), and % PHIv(i,j,k,l); % % Any number of dimensions are allowed as long as your computer % resource can handle. % % SEMA: Semi-major axes, or the maximum speed; % ECC: Eccentricity, the ratio of semi-minor axis over % the semi-major axis; its negative value indicates that the ellipse % is traversed in clockwise direction. % INC: Inclination, the angles (in degrees) between the semi-major % axes and u-axis. % PHA: Phase angles, the time (in angles and in degrees) when the % tidal currents reach their maximum speeds, (i.e. % PHA=omega*tmax). % % These four ep-parameters will have the same dimensionality % (i.e., vectors, or matrices) as the input ap-parameters. % % w: Optional. If it is requested, it will be output as matrices % whose rows allow for plotting ellipses and whose columns are % for different ellipses corresponding columnwise to SEMA. For % example, plot(real(w(1,:)), imag(w(1,:))) will let you see % the first ellipse. You may need to use squeeze function when % w is a more than two dimensional array. See example.m. % % Document: % % Revisions: May 2002, by Zhigang Xu, --- adopting Foreman's northern % semi major axis convention. % % For a given ellipse, its semi-major axis is undetermined by 180. If we borrow % Foreman's terminology to call a semi major axis whose direction lies in a range of % [0, 180) as the northern semi-major axis and otherwise as a southern semi major % axis, one has freedom to pick up either northern or southern one as the semi major % axis without affecting anything else. Foreman (1977) resolves the ambiguity by % always taking the northern one as the semi-major axis. This revision is made to % adopt Foreman's convention. Note the definition of the phase, PHA, is still % defined as the angle between the initial current vector, but when converted into % the maximum current time, it may not give the time when the maximum current first % happens; it may give the second time that the current reaches the maximum % (obviously, the 1st and 2nd maximum current times are half tidal period apart) % depending on where the initial current vector happen to be and its rotating sense. % % Version 2, May 2002 if nargin < 5 plot_demo=0; % by default, no plot for the ellipse end % Assume the input phase lags are in degrees and convert them in radians. PHIu = PHIu/180*pi; PHIv = PHIv/180*pi; % Make complex amplitudes for u and v i = sqrt(-1); u = Au.*exp(-i*PHIu); v = Av.*exp(-i*PHIv); % Calculate complex radius of anticlockwise and clockwise circles: wp = (u+i*v)/2; % for anticlockwise circles wm = conj(u-i*v)/2; % for clockwise circles % and their amplitudes and angles Wp = abs(wp); Wm = abs(wm); THETAp = angle(wp); THETAm = angle(wm); % calculate ep-parameters (ellipse parameters) SEMA = Wp+Wm; % Semi Major Axis, or maximum speed SEMI = Wp-Wm; % Semin Minor Axis, or minimum speed ECC = SEMI./SEMA; % Eccentricity PHA = (THETAm-THETAp)/2; % Phase angle, the time (in angle) when % the velocity reaches the maximum INC = (THETAm+THETAp)/2; % Inclination, the angle between the % semi major axis and x-axis (or u-axis). % convert to degrees for output PHA = PHA/pi*180; INC = INC/pi*180; THETAp = THETAp/pi*180; THETAm = THETAm/pi*180; %map the resultant angles to the range of [0, 360]. PHA=mod(PHA+360, 360); INC=mod(INC+360, 360); % Mar. 2, 2002 Revision by Zhigang Xu (REVISION_1) % Change the southern major axes to northern major axes to conform the tidal % analysis convention (cf. Foreman, 1977, p. 13, Manual For Tidal Currents % Analysis Prediction, available in k = fix(INC/180); INC = INC-k*180; PHA = PHA+k*180; PHA = mod(PHA, 360); % plot at the request if nargout >= 5 ndot=36; dot=2*pi/ndot; ot=[0:dot:2*pi-dot]; w=wp(:)*exp(i*ot)+wm(:)*exp(-i*ot); w=reshape(w, [size(Au) ndot]); end if any(plot_demo) plot_ell(SEMA, ECC, INC, PHA, plot_demo); end if nargout == 6 TWOCIR=struct('Wp', Wp, 'THETAp', THETAp, 'wp', ... wp, 'Wm', Wm, 'THETAm', THETAm, 'wm', wm, 'ot', ot, 'dot', dot); end %Authorship Copyright: % % The author retains the copyright of this program, while you are welcome % to use and distribute it as long as you credit the author properly and respect % the program name itself. Particularly, you are expected to retain the original % author's name in this original version or any of its modified version that % you might make. You are also expected not to essentially change the name of % the programs except for adding possible extension for your own version you % might create, e.g. ap2ep_xx is acceptable. Any suggestions are welcome and % enjoy my program(s)! % % %Author Info: %_______________________________________________________________________ % Zhigang Xu, Ph.D. % (pronounced as Tsi Gahng Hsu) % Research Scientist % Coastal Circulation % Bedford Institute of Oceanography % 1 Challenge Dr. % P.O. Box 1006 Phone (902) 426-2307 (o) % Dartmouth, Nova Scotia Fax (902) 426-7827 % CANADA B2Y 4A2 email %_______________________________________________________________________ % % Release Date: Nov. 2000, Revised on May. 2002 to adopt Foreman's northern semi % major axis convention.