Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center

Fish Checklists of the United States

Egmont Key State Park and National Wildlife Refuge

small state map showing location

St. Petersburg, Florida

Fish Checklist

Common Name                             Scientific Name

___ Speckled Worm Eel                   Myrophis punctatus
___ Spotted Seatrout                    Cynoscion nebulosus
___ Tarpon                              Megalops atlanticus
___ Common Snook                        Centropomus undecimalis
___ Mosquitofish                        Gambusia sp.
___ Striped Mullet                      Mugil cephalus
___ Redfish                             Sciaenops ocellatus
___ Barracuda                           Chaetodipterus faber
___ Atlantic Spadefish                  Chaetodipterus faber
___ Blacktip Shark                      Carcharhinus limbatus
___ Bonnethead Shark                    Sphyrna tiburo
___ Burrfish                            Chilomycterus sp.
___ Pigmy File Fish                     Monacanthus setifer
___ Florida Pompano                     Trachinotus carolinus
___ Gafftopsail Catfish                 Bagre marinus
___ Nassau Grouper                      Epinephelus striatus
___ Nurse Shark                         Ginglymostoma cirratum
___ Pinfish                             Lagodon rhomboides
___ Scrawled Cowfish                    Lactophrys quadricornis
___ Sharksucker                         Echeneis naucrates  

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