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Meet: Yuliy Berkovich

Yuliy Berkovich

Russian Scientist


Who I am and what I do for KSC
Hi my name is Yuliy Berkovich and I'm a Russian scientist working here at the Kennedy Space Center for one year as an invited Senior Researcher. I am here to investigate primarily a new root delivery system for the future space greenhouse. My task is to build the system containing a Fibrous Ion Exchange Resin Substrate instead of the usual soil for my crops and an automatic watering chinese cabbagesystem, which will be able to maintain an appropriate moisture level in the substrate for the root's requirements. You can see to the left the system inside a small automatic growth chamber, which looks like a simple refrigerator. This chamber can control a number of environmental parameters including light intensity and photoperiods, air humidity and temperature. Chinese cabbage is growing on a porous tubes wrapped in artificial soil under the fluorescent lamps. Root delivery system contains peristaltic pumps, solenoid valves, electronic balances and laptop PC. We can change water doze volume and frequency of the pumping. The main distinction between this system and other systems is the periodic pumping of water from the substrate for root ventilation or aeration. I work in close collaboration with my American colleagues at KSC and I enjoy this contact. I'm sure that our collaboration is a good way to accelerate our common investigations in this area and a great possibility to study new techniques and new methodologies in USA and Russia.

My Career Journey
I have an engineering degree from Moscow Aviation Institute, and a degree in mathematics from Moscow State University. My Ph.D. degree I received in 1977 from the Institute of Biomedical problems in Moscow. My primary field of interest is Closed Ecological Life Support Systems and their components for plant growth. I was one of the authors of the Russian-Bulgarian space greenhouse "Svet" which had flown on the Mir Space Station for 10 years. I'm currently the head of the Advanced Life Support subdivision at the Institute of Biomedical Problems in Moscow. Our primary goal is to develop a greenhouse, which could continuously supply the crews of the International Space Station with vitamin rich salads.

From the pictures you can see a few of our designs of the space greenhouses

phytocycleConveyor greenhouse "Phytocycle". You can see the picture on the left the leafy greens are growing on the cylindrical sowing surface under fluorescent lamps. Every 3 days the greenhouse gave about 250 grams of fresh salad inside the Russian Space Shuttle, which had been named "Buran".

Click here for better view of Phytocycle

vitocycleOn the picture to the right you will see a space greenhouse prototype "Vitocycle". This greenhouse also has a cylindrical planting surface and can give 450 g of fresh salad every 3 days. This apparatus uses technologies appropriate to weightlessness conditions. It has an air conditioner, water separator, water filters and a special root delivery system to feed the plants.

Click here for better view of Vitocycle

Personal Information
My family and I are from Moscow. My older son Alex is a Geological Engineer and has moved to the United States, however, my younger son Peter still lives with my wife in Moscow. My personal interests are cross country skiing, jogging, and mountain climbing.

My advice to the students is to work hard in everything you do and some day you dedication to you studies will pay off. Hard work is not easy but it is very rewarding when you finish. Good Luck!

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