
[Albuminous exchange relevant to separate barley (Hordeum Vulgare L.) genotypes under the effect of phytoregulators and fungicides].

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Title:[Albuminous exchange relevant to separate barley (Hordeum Vulgare L.) genotypes under the effect of phytoregulators and fungicides].
Author: Sudnik,-A.F.; Deeva,-V.P
Citation: [n.d.].
Abstract: Vintsit fungicidal preparation and plant growth regulators (emistime C, Epibrassinolide) interact in separate reactions of albuminous metabolism of varieties and isoplasmic barley lines at the initial developmental stages has been shown. We also describe the peculiarities of the effect rendered by 'vintsit' and plant growth regulators under the above conditions. Phytoregulators differently reduced phytotoxic fungicide influence at the level of gene transcription and hydrolytic protein splitting depending on fungicide doze, preparation properties and genotypes. The role of a nucleus and cytoplasm in the response reaction to both separate and combined use of preparations has been discussed.
Review References: None
Notes: Summaries (Ru, En).
Language: Ru (Russian)
Publication Type: B (Monograph)
URL:No URL associated with this record.