Wednesday, Jan. 21st Dear Friends and Family, Brian spent today resting in the hospital. No food or anything---just hydration. Doctors don't want him to vomit anymore. They are giving his stomach a rest. He lost a pound during his short time at home. He is very unhappy about being back in the hospital. He is yelling at Sara and throwing things at her. He hit her in the head with his bedpan and metal truck; he tried to bite her hand; and he threw his bedpan at his doctor!!!! A counselor is coming to see him tomorrow!!! Sara and I put him on a tricycle to go to the playroom. He JUMPED off and RAN back to his bed. We scrambled to make sure the IV didn't tip over! We haven't seen him move so fast since early Dec. He said he wanted to stay in bed. I picked him up and put him back on the tricycle. He wouldn't pedal---was stiff like a board. It was hard not to laugh. In the elevator, he got on the floor and refused to exit . It was quite a show getting him out with his IV and maximum resistance! We did manage to get him to the playroom and he used beads to make a necklace. He stayed there about 45 minutes. Sara left us there and took a break. Brian walked the entire way back to his room. It is quite a distance! He was grumpy and JUMPED into his bed when he got to his room. We read books and he slowly started talking. His latest favorite is Corduroy books. A playroom person came by to play with him in his bed for a while. Having people other than Sara around is good for both of them. Poor mom is unfortunately the target of his tantrums. And he is MAD! Mucousitis has not gotten noticeably worse yet. His blood counts are going down and this is when the side effects get worse. He is not in a lot of pain at this point. He complained about being hungry and finally was told he could eat whatever he wanted. He asked for a Squeeze-It and a pink cupcake with sprinkles!!!! It was 8:00 p.m. and we laughed as we tried to think of a substitute that we could find in the hospital!!! A pink pop tart was the closest we could get. He actually didn't eat anything. Stan returned with a great meal from the church and we all feasted royally. He will sleep with Brian so that Sara can sleep at Happy House. Stan arranged for Sara to have a wonderful day of pampering in Santa Rosa tomorrow. He scheduled for her a manicure, a facial, a massage, hair app't., and back adjustment. Perfect way for her to spend tomorrow! E-mailed Prayers---I print your prayers and messages and take them to Stan and Sara. Sara always cries and says you are true blessings. Your words lift them up and give them hope. Thank you. Thank you. Pray that Brian continues to be comfortable and gets to return home soon. They need to get his vomiting under control. He needs to be able to tolerate delivery of the things he needs through his NG tube at home. His next round of chemo is scheduled for Feb. 5th. Love, Susan