2005P-0411 Seeking FDA Actions to Counter Flagrant Violations of the Law by Pharmacies Compounding Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy Drugs
FDA Comment Number : EC1555
Submitter : Mrs. Terri Jaggers Date & Time: 02/13/2006 11:02:53
Organization : Mrs. Terri Jaggers
Category : Individual Consumer
Issue Areas/Comments
My name is Terri Jaggers and I am the reigning Mrs. Texas United States. A little over a year ago I realized that my health had to become a priority in my life as my migraine headaches, sleepless nights, exhausted days, memory lapses, inability to articulate a point to conclusion, weight gain, chronic sinus infections and a host of other 'aging symptoms' were making my life DEPRESSING and unfulfilling. I began a search for help and after conventional medicine's and the Pharmaceutical companies' unending, confusing, EXPENSIVE, addictive solutions, I realized that I didn't believe in what was being offered, and sought out natural remedies to improve my health, sleep, hormone levels etc. After much research I found a Health and Wellness Center that offered compounded natural bio-identical hormones over an hour drive from my home. The drive was worth it! Just a few months after I began my regimen of bio-identical hormones, armor-thyroid and daily vitamin supplementation, I noticed such a remarkable change and renewed health. I was able to return to the lifestyle of raising my 6 children, owning my own business, caring for my aging mother and LOVING and being loved by my husband of 21 years without fear of pharmaceutical side effects. In fact, at the age of 45, I feel as good as I did at 30! I felt so good that I took on the challenge of the Mrs. Texas pageant and not only won the coveted 'Swim Suit Competition' at 45 years old mine you, but with my mind able to focus and articulate thoughts as I did in my prime, I won the title of Mrs. Texas and now have the privilege of representing Texas women and families.

Being able to regain my life and health is PRICELESS. I am so thankful that I had the ability and right to choose safe, effective, NATURAL treatments for my health. My 22 year old twin daughters have also experienced tremendous benefits in natural progesterone to control their migraine headaches, cramping and PMS associated with the cycle.

PLEASE do NOT allow the giant 'Goliath', Wyeth Pharmaceutical, to take away or regulate our choices for health treatments! If you would like a personal testimony, I will fly to wherever is necessary, as this affects my life, health and the health and future for MILLIONS of ladies all around the United States.


Terri Jaggers
Mrs. Texas United States 2005
