9901 BLOG06-20051208-102-0000665263 Symbolizes America's response to 9/11 9901 BLOG06-20060216-000-0002978788 Strong leader, man with principals 9901 BLOG06-20051209-090-0031346748 Only Rudy has the --lls to name the enemy in the War on Islam 9901 BLOG06-20060105-019-0027158016 Rudy has a solidly conservative record on fiscal issues 9901 BLOG06-20060113-015-0000435730 Everyone was calling him a Mussolini 9901 BLOG06-20051208-102-0000665263 Too liberal 9901 BLOG06-20060206-020-0022327597 Not part of pro-life crowd 9902 BLOG06-20051222-014-0013437834 He should be commended for his passion for social issues 9902 BLOG06-20051222-023-0003513393 Lobbying for a variety of social issues, especially African relief and fighting poverty around the world 9902 BLOG06-20051225-087-0014047570 Made debt reduction sexy 9902 BLOG06-20051225-087-0014047570 Proving most effective in figuring out how to eradicate [disease & economic] calamities 9902 BLOG06-20051228-009-0011259747 Bono's campaign to make rich countries address the debt of poorer ones has had an equally impressive impact on the world 9902 BLOG06-20051221-029-0028769327 Gates gets a lot of attention for the amount of dollars he gives. I know people, however, who as a percentage of their time/income/energy do far more than him 9902 BLOG06-20051225-022-0003271778 Should have abandoned the philanthropy bandwagon and awarded it to people who created history whilst braving Islamofascist depravity 9902 BLOG06-20051223-002-0006769403 She gives away someone else's money? If that's the criteria Congress should be Time's Person of the Year. 9902 BLOG06-20051224-070-0016186787 She marries the software mogul after he has done his greatest work...and that makes her a co-person of the year 9903 BLOG06-20051206-057-0001117068 the movie was timely 9903 BLOG06-20051206-057-0001117068 it blew me away 9903 BLOG06-20051206-057-0001117068 the movie was hard hitting 9903 BLOG06-20051212-017-0023797465 movie was amusing 9903 BLOG06-20051213-010-0007562637 likes the thought-provoking content 9903 BLOG06-20051213-010-0007562637 the black and white cinematography is beautiful 9903 BLOG06-20051215-016-0016086228 the movie is a quality movie 9903 BLOG06-20051216-008-0017347561 it was a good movie 9903 BLOG06-20051216-008-0017347561 liked sound bites apropos to today 9903 BLOG06-20051216-008-0017347561 loved the McCarthy footage 9903 BLOG06-20060107-027-0003692455 best movie of the year 9903 BLOG06-20060107-027-0003692455 the movie is well shot 9903 BLOG06-20060123-013-0011753680 loved old movie feel 9903 BLOG06-20060128-014-0025954281 movie is elegant 9903 BLOG06-20060201-012-0005951812 feel of the movie flawless 9903 BLOG06-20060201-012-0005951812 flow of the movie was flawless 9903 BLOG06-20060213-000-0003245703 liked script language 9903 BLOG06-20051226-018-0015931098 it was a good movie 9903 BLOG06-20051208-071-0021456235 it was disappointing 9903 BLOG06-20051210-065-0019516863 the movie is too dry 9903 BLOG06-20051207-037-0008082733 overly bright black and-white 9903 BLOG06-20051208-071-0021456235 doesn't reach to the level of excellence it seems to promise 9903 BLOG06-20051210-065-0019516863 don't like movie in black and white 9903 BLOG06-20051210-065-0019516863 the movie is lacking in emotion 9903 BLOG06-20051215-017-0006048167 didn't like end of film 9903 BLOG06-20051226-018-0015931098 the movie was a heavy-handed 9903 BLOG06-20060107-027-0003692455 the movie is dry 9903 BLOG06-20060107-027-0003692455 the movie is slow paced 9904 BLOG06-20051208-045-0012059745 what Sean said is absolutely right 9904 BLOG06-20051208-045-0012059745 done a great job as a broadcaster 9904 BLOG06-20051215-004-0002891282 Hannity was right about Clinton 9904 BLOG06-20060107-006-0016018838 Hannity is a great American 9904 BLOG06-20060207-011-0011750919 best conservative talk radio host 9904 BLOG06-20060207-011-0011750919 tough on immigration 9904 BLOG06-20051208-011-0003189556 good job getting story out 9904 BLOG06-20060210-013-0004182815 all he did for troops 9905 BLOG06-20051215-022-0019459900 It works 9905 BLOG06-20051207-004-0003992057 Pedestrian friendly 9905 BLOG06-20060111-007-0018877288 Reduces traffic 9905 BLOG06-20051211-118-0019148860 Reflects true cost of automobile use 9905 BLOG06-20051211-118-0019167608 Progressive 9905 BLOG06-20051211-028-0002304192 no "free riders" 9905 BLOG06-20051211-071-0014959265 to manage limited supply by setting market rates, generating incentives 9905 BLOG06-20060103-047-0004245206 will change the car culture 9905 BLOG06-20051211-071-0015025110 to fund other road/transit projects 9905 BLOG06-20060216-033-0005633455 Reduced traffic, increased speeds 9905 BLOG06-20060107-006-0006832100 to relieve congestion and increase average speeds 9905 BLOG06-20051215-022-0019459900 regressive 9905 BLOG06-20060110-030-0000934158 A (economic) burden 9905 BLOG06-20051211-118-0019148860 strain on mass transit, regressive, "big government" 9905 BLOG06-20060118-010-0029393893 Premature 9906 BLOG06-20051207-117-0009402391 Critics accuse Crawford of incompetence regarding Vioxx, cloned beef, approval of malfunctioning heart devices, and alleged corruption. 9906 BLOG06-20051207-004-0004593570 The possibility of terrorists attack is concern about the increase in states and municipalities trying to import drugs from Canada. 9906 BLOG06-20051208-142-0016915997 Failure to allow the morning-after pill, called Plan B, to be sold without a prescription. 9906 BLOG06-20060105-011-0017561311 Stronger steps are needed to keep mad cow disease infection from entering the food chain for cattle. 9906 BLOG06-20051210-105-0014727501 the FDA investigating veterinarian, based on the pharmaceutical company's wishes. 9906 BLOG06-20051213-068-0012182694 Placing scientists with direct financial conflicts of interest on its advisory committees. 9907 BLOG06-20051209-054-0004596161 There is a growing reliance on [computer] models to evaluate progress, instead of real data. 9907 BLOG06-20051209-054-0004596161 "We have not even defined what we mean by the 'harmful sprawl' 9907 BLOG06-20051209-054-0004834860 Chesapeake Bay Program Office has no coordinated, comprehensive plan for cutting pollution in the bay 9907 BLOG06-20051209-054-0004834860 The office does a poor job informing the public of its work 9907 BLOG06-20051216-057-0025045767 Many more non-scientists need to look at the science underlying the Chesapeake Bay cleanup with a skeptical eye. 9908 BLOG06-20051208-001-0007972547 "flaccid melodrama." 9908 BLOG06-20051215-032-0001952697 The music seems beholden to the dramatic moment, not inspired on its own terms. 9908 BLOG06-20051222-002-0014038210 We just heard the least exciting Gilda-Rigoletto duet in decades. 9908 BLOG06-20060202-000-0006093356 Regarding An American Tragedy, the critic would have wanted to witness more daring. 9908 BLOG06-20060202-000-0006093356 By definition, this is exultant, jubilant music, but it is not comic opera, and Ms. Bartoli's mugging, vocal as well as facial, falsified its exalted spirit. 9908 BLOG06-20060209-000-0005520323 Gheorghiu's behavior on stage borders on hysteria. 9909 BLOG06-20051215-005-0001148628 I've always been a big Peck fan since I saw him in To Kill a Mockingbird. A Charmed Life is a fine biography of one my favorite actors. 9909 BLOG06-20060212-012-0011498953 I have another fave movie... "To Kill a Mockingbird"...the 1961 version with Gregory Peck, of course. 9909 BLOG06-20051216-062-0003794913 I love the setting and the time period (To Kill a Mockingbird). 9909 BLOG06-20060125-011-0003009957 The Big Country (1958). One of "10 old movies not to miss." 9909 BLOG06-20060130-008-0003486572 Gregory Peck can be seen playing his first character without absolutely any redeeming quality in this thriller (Boys from Brazil). 9909 BLOG06-20051210-063-0000205330 after half an hour of the slow-paced antics of Roman Holiday, I voted to stop watching it, so I yoinked it from the DVD player, sealed up the disc in its return envelope 9910 BLOG06-20051225-043-0005754935 (To Have and Have Not): the dialog here is snappy -- people actually speak lines that you want to remember, instead of just barfing information at one another. 9910 BLOG06-20060113-012-0002493863 (Dogville) But I can say without reservation that with its unexpected, late-arriving depth and honest questions, Dogville was startling, worth the time and effort, and far more interesting than the Lars-hates-America crowd would lead you to believe. 9910 BLOG06-20060125-012-0007074772 (Young Man With a Horn): is a rare movie from 1950, in which dramatic and musical content combine to vividly depict an era when jazz was beginning to impose itself as a vibrant, new form of music. It contains a special mood. where melodic sounds of jazz music mixes with beautiful women and smoky clubs.