U S. Department Commandant 2100 Second Street SW of Transportation US Coast Guard Washington, DC 20593-0001 Staff Symbol: G-CC/104 Phone 202 366-4280 July 16, 1993 The Honorable James Oberstar Member, United States House of Representatives 231 Federal Building Duluth, Minnesota 55802 Dear Mr. Oberstar: This is in reply to your letter of June 14, 1993, on behalf of XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX(b)(7)(C) equested that the Coast Guard consider regulations which would exempt handicapped and elderly people from the requirement to lower appurtenances unessential to navigation when transiting drawbridges. The Coast Guard shares X(b)(7)(C) concerns and endeavors to issue regulations which provide every citizen with the opportunity to enjoy the nation's waterways as conveniently and as safely as possible. At the same time we also must provide for the efficient and safe passage of vehicular traffic that use drawbridges. Present regulations allow for the opening of drawbridges during emergency conditions. XXXX(b)(7)(C) suggestion, although understandable, is not practical as it would be difficult to enforce. Bridge tenders are located at such a distance that it would be difficult, if not impossible, to identify vessels with handicap designations. Additionally, the possibility of widespread abuse exists due to the drawtenders' inability to verify legitimate handicapped vessel operators when a signal for a drawbridge opening is given. The resultant unnecessary bridge openings would adversely affect highway traffic. XXXX(b)(7)(C) suggestion is appreciated and will be kept in our files for possible use should circumstances in the future render feasible. At present XXXX(b)(7)(C) may wish to pursue appropriate modification of his vessel to enable him to lower and raise appurtenances unessential to navigation more easily. Sincerely, JOHN W. WHITEHOUSE Commander, U.S. Coast Guard Deputy Chief, Congressional Affairs Staff 01-02686