THE MONUMENTS. 303 fection, and the lotus that of Buddha, these words may perhaps be taken to express the desire of acquiring perfection, in order to be reunited to Buddha; and the symbolic formula, ' 0 the jewel in the lotus ! Amen,' may be paraphrased, '0 that I may attain perfection, and be absorbed in Buddha ! Amen.' "According to the explanation of the regent, the mani may be, in some sort, the resume of a vast Pantheism, the base of all Buddhist belief. The educated Lamas say that Buddha is the one necessary being, independent, the principle of all things.. The "earth, the stars, man; all that exist, is a partial and temporary manifestation of Buddha. All has been created by Buddha, in the sense that all proceeds from him, as the light from the sun. All beings emanating from Buddha have had a beginning, and will have an end; but as they proceeded necessarily from the universal essence they will be reabsorbed also necessarily. Thus as Buddha is eternal, his manifestations always have been and always will be, although taken separately-all have had a beginning and will have an end." We remained some time' upon the promontory of Ghenghis Khan, as I named it, because it seemed to be but just to the Great Mogul that this far eastern point of land, made historical by these long-preserved monuments, denoting perhaps the limits of his conquests east, should receive his name, in accordance with the inscription-as the Youan dynasty was that of Ghenghis.. On a Chinese map that I have seen this point is called Toon; the Russians call it Teer or Tver, or rather that is the name,perhaps native,(Gelack) of the village just below the pro-