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January-February 1977. 239 CHAPTER V TOBACCO USE COMPARED TO OTHER DRUG DEPENDENCIES 241 CONTENTS Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247 Clinical Characteristics of Drug Dependence ............. .248 Drug Dependence Defined ................................. 248 Diagnostic Criteria for Drug Dependence ............. 249 Features of Drug Dependence., ......................... .250 Highly Controlled or Compulsive Drug Use .. .250 Physical Dependence and Tolerance ............. 251 Harmful Effects ........................................ 252 Course of Drug Dependence.. ...................... 252 Polydrug Dependence and Multiple Psychiat- ric Diagnosis ......................................... 254 Spontaneous Remission .............................. 255 Chemical Detection Measures ............................ 256 Patterns in the Development of Drug Dependence.. . . . .259 Current Use of Cigarettes and Other Drugs . . . . . . . . . 259 Epidemiological Studies of the Progression of Drug Use . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .261 Tobacco Use as a Predictor of Other Drug Use.. . .262 Frequency of Use of Cigarettes and Other Drugs.. 263 Initiation of Drug Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264 Vulnerability to Drug Dependence: Individual and Environmental Factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265 Pharmacologic Determinants of Drug Dependence ..... .267 How Drugs Control Behavior.. .......................... .267 Dependence Potential Testing: Psychoactive, Rein- forcing, and Related Effects ............................ 269 Effects of Drugs on Mood and Feeling (Psy- choactivity) ........................................... 270 Methods and Results .............................. 272 Drug Discrimination Testing ....................... 274 Methods and Results ............................. .275 Drug Self-Administration ........................... .276 Initiation of Drug Self-Administration ...... .277 Evaluation of Reinforcing Effects ............. 279 Results from Drug Self-Administration Studies .............................................. 281 243 Drug Dose as a Determinant of Drug Intake ............................................... 282 Cost of the Drug as a Determinant of Intake .............................................. ,283 Place Conditioning Studies ........................ .284 Constraints on Dependence Potential Testing. 285 Dependence Potential Testing: Tolerance and Withdrawal ................................................. .286 Tolerance ............................................... .287 Cross-Tolerance .................................... .288 Mechanisms of Tolerance ....................... .288 Constitutional Tolerance ........................ .290 Withdrawal Syndromes ............................. .291 Spontaneous Withdrawal Syndromes ........ .292 Precipitated Withdrawal Syndromes ......... .293 Variability in Withdrawal Syndromes ...... .294 Cravings or Urges ................................ .295 Constraints on Physical Dependence Potential Testing ................................................ .296 Therapeutic or Useful Effects of Dependence-Pro- ducing Drugs .............................................. .298 Adverse and Toxic Drug Effects.. ...................... .298 Identification of Dependence-Producing Drugs ...... .304 Comparison Among Drugs .......................... 305 Environmental Determinants of Drug Dependence In- cluding Behavioral Conditioning ........................... .306 Drug Taking as a Learned Behavior .................. .307 Drug-Associated Stimuli Modulate Drug Seeking .. .308 Conditioned Withdrawal Symptoms May Precipi- tate Drug Seeking ........................................ 310 Relapse to Drug Dependence.. ................................. 311 Definition of Relapse ........................................ 312 Measurement of Relapse ................................... 313 Rates of Relapse.. ............................................ 313 Correlates of Relapse ...................................... .315 Pretreatment Correlates of Relapse ................... .315 Severity of Drug Dependence ...................... 315 Psychiatric Impairment .............................. 316 Demographic Factors ................................. 320 Treatment Correlates of Relapse ........................ 320 Posttreatment Correlates of Relapse ................... 321 Family Support Factors ............................. 321 Drug Use Among Peers ............................. 321 Involvement in Work and Leisure Activities .322 244 Negative Emotional States.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322 Treatment of Drug Dependence ............................... 324 Goals of Treatment .......................................... 325 Types of Treatment for Drug Dependence .......... .326 Pharmacologic Treatment of Drug Dependence .... .326 Replacement Therapy ............................... .326 Blockade Therapy .................................... .328 Nonspecific Pharmacotherapy or Symptomatic Treatment ............................................. 328 Pharmacologic Deterrents ........................... 329 Behavioral Treatment Strategies ........................ 329 Relapse Prevention Skills ........................... 330 Leisure Activity Skills ............................... 331 Stress Management Skills .......................... 332 Motivation Enhancing Treatments .............. .332 Conclusions .......................................................... 334 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 336 245 Introduction The present Chapter compares cigarette smoking and nicotine with other forms of drug dependence and addicting drugs. Other chapters in this Report describe the behavior of cigarette smoking, the known biobehavioral mechanisms and modulators of nicotine's actions, and techniques for achieving abstinence from smoking. As is evident from this Report, cigarette smoking is most usefully ex- plained and characterized as a drug dependence process in which nicotine is the identified drug of dependence. It is also evident that by either the World Health Organization (WHO) definition of "drug addiction" that was issued in the 1950s (WHO 1952) or by the definitions of "drug dependence" issued since the 1960s (WHO 1964, 1969, 1981), nicotine is appropriately categorized. as an addicting or dependence-producing drug. Its designation as a drug is also consis- tent with the definitions provided by the WHO (1981) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) (1987). Nicotine-delivering tobacco preparations (which include all currently marketed tobacco prepara- tions) could, therefore, be appropriately categorized as addicting or dependence-producing drugs. In addition to evaluating nicotine with respect to definitions of dependence-producing drugs, it is also useful to compare features of tobacco dependence and the pharmacologic properties of nicotine to other drug addictions and addicting drugs, respectively. This comparison is the purpose of the present Chapter. Two of the most widely studied drug addictions provide standards to which other addictions may be compared. They are the addictions to the opium-derived or related substances ("opioids," e.g., morphine, heroin, methadone, codeine) and to alcohol. For nearly a century, it has been widely accepted that use of these substances could lead to addictive behavior and to adverse effects. Moreover, such conse- quences of use develop in a sufficient number of persons that there have been recurrent regulatory efforts to restrict access and conditions of use. Cocaine and related psychomotor stimulants (e.g., amphetamine) provide an additional important standard by which to judge suspected and known addicting chemicals. These stimulants have been accepted as standards by which to evaluate the addicting potential of other stimulants since the 1950s. It is beyond the scope of the present Chapter to review all aspects of drug dependence in detail. Rather, this Chapter summarizes primarily the pharmacologic aspects of drug dependence. In particu- lar, the Chapter provides information that permits a comparison of the pharmacologic basis of tobacco dependence, as described in the other Chapters, with the pharmacologic basis of other forms of drug dependence. More extensive reviews of the topics to be discussed have emerged from various review panels sponsored by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) (Krasnegor 1978,1979a,b,c; Thomp- son and Johanson 1981; Grabowski, Stitzer, Henningfield 1984; 247 Sharp 1984) and the National Academy of Sciences (Levison, Gerstein, Maloff 1983); other reviews have been held under the auspices of professional scientific societies (Goldberg and Hoffmeis- ter 1973; Thompson and Unna 1977; Balster and Harris 1982; Taylor and Taylor 1984; Seiden and Balster 1985). Other important determinants and consequences of drug dependence are more thoroughly described elsewhere (Blaine and Julius 1977; Manatt 1983; Tims and Ludford 1984; Petersen 1978; Bell and Battjes 1985; Richards and Blevens 1977; Dupont, Goldstein, O'Donnell, Brown 1979; Lettieri, Sayers, Pearson 1980; Crowley and Rhine 1985). Clinical Characteristics of Drug Dependence Drug Dependence Defined Before the 1960s it was fairly common to invoke factors such as "criminality, " "character deficit," "immorality," and "weakness of will" in the clinical diagnosis of "drug addiction." In addition, these factors often included various social connotations. In part, it was because these attributes were not objective or scientifically based that the WHO in 1964 recommended that the term "addiction" be replaced with "drug dependence" in an effort to be more precise and descriptive in definition (WHO 1964, 1981). According to current conceptualizations, the central and common element across all forms of drug dependence is that a psychoactive drug has come to control behavior to an extent that is considered detrimental to the individual or society (WHO 1981; APA 19873. Although the precise wording varies, the central concept of drug- dependence definitions refers to the behavior of the individual who has come under the control of a psychoactive drug, and this concept has provided the cornerstone of most definitions of depen- dence/addiction for at least a century (Berridge 1985) and arguably for several centuries (Murray et al. 1933; Austin 1979; Levine 1978). The involvement of a psychoactive drug is the critical feature that distinguishes drug addictions from other habitual behaviors. In principle, the term "drug dependence" might be used to characterize any form of drug ingestion; however, the term is generally reserved for use when the chemical meets criteria as a "psychoactive" drug. These criteria are based on drug-induced changes in brain function; such changes may involve alterations in mood, feeling, thinking, perception, and other behavior. In this Chapter the term "drug dependence" or "drug addiction" refers to self-administration of a psychoactive drug in a manner that demon- strates that the drug controls or strongly influences behavior. In other words, the individual is no longer entirely free to use or not use the substance. Often times, this reduction in the degree to which use TABLE l.-Diagnostic criteria for psychoactive substance dependence A. At least three of the following: Substance often taken in larger amounts or over a longer period than the person intended Persistent desire or one or more unsuccessful efforts to cut down or control substance use A great deal of time spent in activities necessary to get the substance (e.g.. theft), to take the substance (e.g., chain smoking), or to recover from its effects Frequent intoxication or withdrawal symptoms when expected to fulfill major role obligations at work, school, or home (e.g., does not go to work because of hangover, goes to school or work "high," intoxicated while taking care of own children), or when substance `~(se is physically hazardous (e.g., drives when intoxicated) Important social, occupational, or recreational activities given up or reduced because of substance use Continued substance use despite knowledge of having a persistent or recurrent social, psychological, or physical problem that is caused or exacerbated by the use of the substance (e.g., continuing heroin use despite family arguments about it, cocaineinduced depression, or ulcer made worse by drinking Marked tolerance: need for markedly increased amounts of the substance (i.e., at least a 50 percent increase) to achieve intoxication or desired effect, or markedly diminished effect with continued use of the same amount (Note: The following items may not apply to cannabis, hallucinogens. or PCP) Characteristic withdrawal symptoms (see specific withdrawal syndromes under Psychoactwe Substance-Induced Organic Mental Disorders) Substance often taken to relieve or avoid withdrawal symptoms B. Some symptoms of the disturbance persistent for at least 1 month, or occurrent repeatedly over longer period of time SOURCE: American Psychiatric Association (1987). is considered "voluntary" is described as "habitual" or "compulsive" drug use. Diagnostic Criteria for Drug Dependence The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-III-R) of the Ameri- can Psychiatric Association (APA 1987) provides a useful example of the objective criteria currently used to define drug dependence. As stated in DSM III-Revised: "The essential feature of this disorder is a cluster of cognitive, behavioral, and physiological symptoms that indicate that the person has impaired control of psychoactive substance use and continues use of the substance despite adverse consequences." Specific diagnostic criteria for psychoactive sub- stance dependence are shown in Table 1. The APA designated 10 classes of psychoactive substance for which use may lead to dependence: alcohol; amphetamine or similarly acting sympathomimetics; cannabis; cocaine; hallucino- 249 gens; inhalants; nicotine; opioids; phencyclidine (PCP) or similarly acting arylcyclohexylamines; and sedatives, hypnotics, or anxiolyt- its. The fact that dependence criteria are the same for all classes of drug use highlights the assumption that dependence processes are functionally similar across substances with different pharmacologic profiles. Features of Drug Dependence Behavior that leads to drug ingestion, as well as the various behavioral and physiological sequelae resulting from the ingestion, are determined by both drug (pharmacologic or agent) and nondrug (behavioral or environmental) factors which will be discussed in this Chapter. The nondrug determinants include characteristics of the individual ("host" characteristics) such as age, genotype, and person- ality. Highly Controlled or Compulsive Drug Use Highly controlled or compulsive drug use indicates that drug- seeking and drug-taking behavior is driven by strong, often irresisti- ble urges. It can persist despite a desire to quit or even repeated attempts to quit. Compulsive drug use may take precedence over other important priorities. The extent to which compulsive behavior is apparent varies across individuals and is most easily detected in extreme cases. For example, to maintain daily drug intake laryngectomized patients may smoke cigaret.tes through their tracheostomy hole, cocaine users may take cocaine at the risk of loss of family and job, and prostitution has been observed to occur in exchange for a variety of drugs for which availability was low or price was high. The drug-seeking behavior itself ranges from the routine and licit procurement of cigarettes or alcohol, to the possibly more extensive behavioral repertoire necessary to obtain prescriptions for certain drugs, to the highly intricate chains of behavior required to procure many illicit drugs. Drug-seeking behavior is not determined entirely by the specific pharmacologic properties of a particular drug, however. For instarce, when alcohol or tobacco has been prohibited, procurement has at times involved as much risk and involvement as the procurement of illicit drugs in the 1980s (Austin 1979; Brecher 1972). A drug may be taken to avoid withdrawal symptoms and other undesirable sequelae of drug abstinence. This factor may contribute to the level of compulsivity which develops. Addicting drugs often provide some therapeutic benefit or otherwise useful effect (Chapter VI); these effects may also contribute to the compulsive nature of drug use. Whether or not such benefits are considered to be more