Use this form to submit data to the online version of ASHRAE Standard 152. First choose SI or IP units:

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Système Internationale - All Data

If you would like to use default information for duct locations Click Here


House Information

Floor Area of Building [m²]:
Location of house:

Duct Location Information

Enter the fraction of the duct system that is in the various spaces listed below. These are fractions of the WHOLE duct system, not fractions of the ducts outside conditioned space. For two story houses, only 65% of ducts are typically outside conditioned space. E.g., for a two story house with exposed ducts in the attic the fraction in the attic = 65% and the fraction = 0 for all other locations. Note that the fractions are entered as decimals NOT percentages. For example, if one quarter of the ducts are in the attic, then the fraction to be entered is 0.25, NOT 25.

Supply Return
Unvented uninsulated crawlspace:
Unvented crawlspace with insulated walls and building floor:
Unvented crawlspace with insulated building floor:
Vented uninsulated crawlspace:
Vented crawlspace with insulated walls and building floor:
Vented crawlspace with insulated building floor:
Uninsulated basement:
Basement with insulated walls:
Basement with insulated ceiling:
Exterior walls:

Thermal Energy Regain

The default values are listed below for regain factors for the various spaces in which ducts are located. If you would like to change a factor enter the new value in the box to the right.

Unvented uninsulated crawlspace:
Unvented crawlspace with insulated walls and building floor:
Unvented crawlspace with insulated building floor:
Vented uninsulated crawlspace:
Vented crawlspace with insulated walls and building floor:
Vented crawlspace with insulated building floor:
Uninsulated basement:
Basement with insulated walls:
Basement with insulated ceiling:
Exterior walls:


Duct Information

Number of Return Registers:
Use Default for Supply and Return Duct Surface Area: Yes No
If defaults are not used enter: Supply Duct Surface Area [m²]:
Return Duct Surface Area [m²]:
Type of material: Metal Flexduct/Ductboard
Supply Duct Insulation [RSI]:
Return Duct Insulation [RSI]:
Duct insulation does not include air films, so enter 1 for bare ducts and the R-value on the insulation label for insulated ducts
The following questions are only important if there are ducts in the attic.
Is the attic is well vented? Yes No
Are there attic temperature reduction measures? Yes No
The attic is well vented if the open vent area is greater than 1/300th of the attic floor area and these vents are distributed on all attic surfaces. Attic temperature reduction measures are limited to: radiant barriers, reduced absorptivity exterior coatings or tile roofs. The duct system must be installed below the radiant barrier and the attic must be well vented.

Heating Equipment Information

Type of heating system:
Heating equipment capacity [W]:
(Don't include strip heat for heat pumps)
Heating Equipment fan flow [m³/s]:
Heating equipment supply duct leakage [m³/s]:
Heating Equipment return duct leakage [m³/s]:

Cooling Equipment Information

Does the cooling equipment have single capacity or multi-capacity? Single Multi
If the system is single speed then enter the capacity in the normal column only. If the system has both normal and high capacity then enter the capacities seperately.
Normal High
Cooling equipment capacity [W]:
Cooling Equipment fan flow [m³/s]:
Cooling equipment supply duct leakage [m³/s]:
Cooling Equipment return duct leakage [m³/s]:
What type of control does the cooling system have? TXV Oriface/cap tube
Was an ACCAD design performed? Yes No

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Last Modified: May 23, 1999