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Wild Birds in Captivity

name         Suzanne
status       other
age          20s
Question -   Our cat has found a young cedar waxwing - which he left
unharmed - on our lawn.  We have taken him in and have been hand-feeding
him berries over the weekend.  He eats well and seems in perfect health,
but he is unable to fly for more than 2 or 3 feet at a time....we think he
must have fallen from the nest - although we haven't been able to locate
it. My question is wether this young bird will be able to make it outside
on his own once he is big and strong enough to fly?  Or will he simply not
be able to find food on his own, not having lived with other birds?  Also,
will he simply not be afraid (enough) of humans and/or domestic animals(we
have a cat which doesn't seem to affect him any), and risk harm by being
left on his own outside?  If we are to keep on looking after him, what else
should we feed him?

This is a tough one.  Historically, wild birds do not survive in captivity.
 Furthermore, your bird may be injured or very young. If the bird has seen
its parents for any lenght of time, it has probably imprinted to them, so
releasing the bird once healthy may work, but I'm skeptical. If you live
near a nature center or a vet that will look after your bird, I would
contact them.  

Steve Sample
York High School
Elmhurst, Illinois
Birds at this stage of growth MUST leave the nest, they get too big, start
flapping their wings to try to fly, and fall out of the nest. The parents
(in the absence of cats, and free roaming cats are considered by many to be
one of the greatest single threats to birds) continue to feed these
not-quite-fledglings on the ground or bushes for the day or two it takes for
them to get strong enough to fly, and may continue feeding them some after
but will wean them quickly. Feed it canned cat food (presumably you have cat
food!), while adult cedar waxwings eat lots of fruit, berries are not
sufficient nutrition by themselves for growth at this stage, the parents
would be feeding it insects also, cat food is a fair enough substitute.
Leave it out as much as possible and as soon as it can fly on its own let
it. It may come back to beg for food for a while but let it go as soon as it
    You should know that you are technically in violation of federal
wildlife laws. It is illegal to possess any native wild bird, even with the
best of intentions, without a license. Rehabilitators are licensed to care
for birds, their facilities are inspected, and if the situation ever comes
up again you should try to find one in your area. And as often as at all
possible wildlife, even when it appears to be in danger, should be left
alone. Thousands of young birds and other animals die every year, usually we
just don't see it. That is why there is an "overproduction" of young, to
compensate for those losses.
John Elliott


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