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Cedar Waxwing

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File size: 2.64 MB
Format: JPEG image (image/jpeg)
Dimensions: Screen: 3600px x 2400px
  Print: 12.00 x 8.00 inches
Resolution: 300 dpi (high, print quality)
Depth: Full Color
File size: 755 KB
Format: JPEG image (image/jpeg)
Dimensions: Screen: 1050px x 700px
  Print: 7.00 x 4.67 inches
Resolution: 150 dpi (mid, presentation quality)
Depth: Full Color
Data Icon Primary Metadata
Title: Cedar Waxwing
Alternative Title: Bombycilla Cedrorum
Creator: Karney, Lee
Source: WO-Lee Karney-394
Publisher: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Language: EN - ENGLISH
Rights: (public domain)
Audience: (general)
Subject: Karney
Perching Birds
Description Icon Description
Table Of Contents: Cedar waxwings are fruit eaters, and many of their habits are influenced by this fact. Flocks travel widely in search of fruiting shrubs or trees and often arrive suddenly in an area to exploit a crop of berries, disappearing again when the supply is exhausted. They nest late in the season, when a good supply of fruit assures sufficient food for their young, although like many fruit-eating birds they also eat inseats during the breeding season to obtain additional protein.
Date Icon Date
Available: April 01 2004
Issued: March 26 2004
Modified: April 21 2004
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