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Hawaii Tropical Specialty Fruits
Frequency: Annual
Released: September 16, 2004


Hawaii tropical specialty fruit utilization for 2003 totaled 1.2 million pounds, up 20 percent from the previous year, according to the Hawaii Agricultural Statistics (HAS). More acreage and maturing plantings contributed toward the boost in output. Compared with 2003, higher outputs were reported for mango, lychee, rambutan, persimmon, cherimoya, and longan, but lower for atemoya, passion fruit, and star fruit.

The 2003 farm value of tropical specialty fruits is estimated at $2.1 million, 21 percent higher than the 2002 value. Rambutan, mango, longan, and lychee were the top four contributors to the 2003 value.

In-crop acreage of tropical specialty fruits totaled 1,250 acres in 2003, an increase of 80 acres from the previous year. More acreage was reported on all islands. Harvested acreage was also up 40 acres from 2002 to 600. Growers intended to plant more longan, rambutan, and lychee in 2004.

Fruits included in this survey are listed at the bottom of this page. Not all fruits are published separately to avoid disclosure of individual operations.


TROPICAL SPECIALTY FRUIT: Number of farms, acreage, number of trees, production,
price, and value, State of Hawaii, 1999-2003 1
Crop Farms 2 Acreage Number of trees Utilized
production 3
Farm price 3 4 Value of sales
In crop Harvested Total Bearing
Number Acres 1,000 pounds Dollars per pound 1,000 dollars
1999 5
2000 40 40 10 2,300 500 24.0 4.02 94.0
2001 35 90 30 4,700 1,500 37.0 3.05 111.0
2002 40 120 35 6,600 1,900 46.0 3.20 147.0
2003 55 135 75 6,400 3,300 114.0 3.33 380.0
1999 80 275 45 12,900 3,100 86.0 2.81 242.0
2000 90 300 50 15,200 3,700 5 5 5
2001 85 305 65 16,400 4,300 5 5 5
2002 90 330 95 15,500 5,000 77.0 2.64 203.0
2003 110 370 80 16,500 3,200 88.0 2.84 250.0
1999 80 240 85 11,200 4,600 162.0 1.02 166.0
2000 105 250 100 12,000 5,500 207.0 .93 193.0
2001 70 255 185 11,100 8,200 242.0 .86 209.0
2002 80 260 200 10,700 7,100 377.0 .92 348.0
2003 85 260 200 10,700 7,400 481.0 .86 414.0
1999 60 205 70 9,400 3,500 113.0 2.88 326.0
2000 70 225 85 9,800 5,000 220.0 2.98 656.0
2001 60 245 100 12,500 6,400 205.0 3.01 618.0
2002 55 270 145 13,200 6,800 257.0 3.01 773.0
2003 60 270 185 12,900 8,500 306.0 2.73 834.0
1999 25 20 15 1,800 1,700 96.0 .66 63.0
2000 30 20 15 1,800 1,700 107.0 .64 69.0
2001 40 20 15 2,000 1,900 69.0 1.06 73.0
2002 50 25 15 2,100 1,800 63.0 1.51 95.0
2003 45 25 7 2,400 700 24.0 1.57 38.0
1999 -- 170 55 8,900 3,700 189.0 -- 243.0
2000 -- 125 50 6,700 3,400 169.0 -- 309.0
2001 -- 155 65 8,900 5,100 188.0. -- 297.0
2002 -- 165 70 10,900 4,800 142.0 -- 194.0
2003 -- 190 53 15,300 7,600 141.0 -- 212.0
1999 140 910 270 44,200 16,600 646.0 -- 1,040.0
2000 145 960 310 47,800 19,800 727.0 -- 1,321.0
2001 145 1,070 460 55,600 27,400 741.0 -- 1,308.0
2002 160 1,170 560 59,000 27,400 962.0 -- 1,760.0
2003 170 1,250 600 64,200 30,700 1,154.0 -- 2,128.0
-- = Not applicable. 1 Tropical specialty fruits include: abiu, atemoya, breadfruit, caimito, canistel, cherimoya, durian, jaboticaba, jackfruit, langsat, longan, loquat, lychee, mango, mangosteen, persimmon, poha, rambutan, rollina, sapodilla, soursop, starfruit, white sapote, and other fruits. If not shown separately, then combined and included in "Other" category. 2 A farm may grow more than one type of fruit. Total farms is an unduplicated count; excludes home use. 3 Includes fresh and processed utilization when applicable. 4 Beginning 2001, price shown reflects average prices received as sold by farmers (loose, packed, etc.), excluding any value added through processing. Prior to 2001, prices for fresh sales were adjusted to prepacked equivalent. 5 Data not shown separately to avoid disclosure of individual operations but combined and included with "Other".


TROPICAL SPECIALTY FRUIT: Number of farms, acreage, production, and value,
by counties, 1999-2003
Island Farms Acreage Utilized
production 1
Value of sales
In crop Harvested
Number Acres 1,000 pounds 1,000 dollars
19992 140 910 270 646.0 1,040.0
2000 145 960 310 727.0 1,321.0
2001 145 1,070 460 741.0 1,308.0
2002 160 1,170 560 962.0 1,760.0
2003 170 1,250 600 1,154.0 2,128.0
1999 85 375 110 256.0 397.0
2000 85 405 135 329.0 651.0
2001 80 515 180 351.0 736.0
2002 90 585 250 417.0 1,008.0
2003 95 600 280 462.0 1,214.0
Honolulu/Kauai/Maui 3
1999 55 535 160 390.0 643.0
2000 60 555 175 398.0 670.0
2001 65 555 280 390.0 572.0
2002 70 585 310 545.0 752.0
2003 75 650 320 692.0 914.0
1 Includes fresh and processed utilization when applicable. 2 Specialty pineapple excluded beginning 1998. 3 Kauai and Maui combined with Honolulu to avoid disclosure of individual operations.


OUT-OF-STATE SUPPLY: Fresh fruit arrivals into the State of Hawaii, 1999-2003
Commodity 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
1,000 pounds
Atemoya N.A. N.A. 1 0 0
Caimito N.A. N.A. 0 * 0
Cherimoya N.A. 3 3 1 2
Durian N.A. N.A. 0 1 0
Longan N.A. * 10 0 3
Lychee N.A. 4 25 114 77
Mango 479 810 698 735 799
Persimmon 448 957 907 1,110 1,170
Star fruit N.A. N.A. 1 4 12
NA = Not available. * = Less than 500 pounds. Source: Department of Agriculture, Market Analysis and News Branch.


U.S. FRESH MANGO IMPORTS: Quantity and value, by country of origin, 2000-2003
Harmonized Numbers: 0804504040 (9/1 - 5/31) 0804506040 (6/1 - 8/31)
of origin
2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003
9/1 to 5/31 6/1 to 8/31 9/1 to 5/31 6/1 to 8/31 9/1 to 5/31 6/1 to 8/31
Metric tons
Mexico 60,990 95,383 76,423 87,544 71,485 101,766
Haiti 3,191 2,686 5,955 2,417 4,653 1,411
Brazil 25,842 1,094 33,097 2,943 35,550 3,483
Peru 15,553 0 20,515 0 20,582 0
Nicaragua 1,666 89 1,429 0 2,183 0
Guatemala 9,990 324 9,470 80 8,200 59
Ecuador 19,048 19 21,460 0 27,296 0
Costa Rica 1,989 0 1,334 0 1,382 0
Honduras 0 0 482 0 156 123
Other 57 18 144 57 79 15
Total 1 138,327 99,614 170,307 93,041 171,565 106,857
Value (Million dollars)
Total 96.5 60.2 112.1 41.0 105.3 55.4
1 Totals may not add due to rounding. The conversion for 1 metric ton = 2,204.6 pounds. Source: U.S. Department of Commerce.

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