Items 1 through 37 of 37

1. H.CON.RES.204 : Voicing concern about serious violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms in most states of Central Asia, including substantial noncompliance with their Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) commitments on democratization and the holding of free and fair elections.
Sponsor: Rep Smith, Christopher H. [NJ-4] (introduced 10/21/1999)      Cosponsors (3)
Committees: House International Relations
Latest Major Action: 10/21/1999 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on International Relations.

2. H.CON.RES.218 : Expressing the sense of the Congress that the Government of the People's Republic of China should stop its persecution of Falun Gong practitioners.
Sponsor: Rep Smith, Christopher H. [NJ-4] (introduced 11/2/1999)      Cosponsors (72)
Committees: House International Relations; Senate Foreign Relations
Latest Major Action: 11/19/1999 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations.

3. H.CON.RES.238 : Expressing the sense of Congress regarding a peaceful resolution of the conflict in the state of Chiapas, Mexico, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep Pelosi, Nancy [CA-8] (introduced 11/18/1999)      Cosponsors (64)
Committees: House International Relations
Latest Major Action: 2/1/2000 Referred to House subcommittee. Status: Referred to the Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere.

4. H.CON.RES.397 : Voicing concern about serious violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms in most states of Central Asia, including substantial noncompliance with their Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) commitments on democratization and the holding of free and fair elections.
Sponsor: Rep Smith, Christopher H. [NJ-4] (introduced 9/12/2000)      Cosponsors (5)
Committees: House International Relations
Latest Major Action: 11/1/2000 Received in the Senate.

5. H.R.230 : To make an exception to the United States embargo on trade with Cuba for the export of food, medicines, medical supplies, medical instruments, or medical equipment, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep Rangel, Charles B. [NY-15] (introduced 1/6/1999)      Cosponsors (73)
Committees: House International Relations; House Ways and Means
Latest Major Action: 3/23/1999 Referred to House subcommittee. Status: Referred to the Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere.

6. H.R.1211 : To authorize appropriations for the Department of State and related agencies for fiscal years 2000 and 2001, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep Smith, Christopher H. [NJ-4] (introduced 3/22/1999)      Cosponsors (1)
Committees: House International Relations
House Reports: 106-122
Latest Major Action: 4/29/1999 Placed on the Union Calendar, Calendar No. 65.

7. H.R.1644 : To provide the people of Cuba with access to food and medicines from the United States, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep Serrano, Jose E. [NY-16] (introduced 4/29/1999)      Cosponsors (176)
Committees: House International Relations; House Agriculture
Latest Major Action: 6/15/1999 Referred to House subcommittee. Status: Referred to the Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere.

8. H.R.2269 : To prohibit United States military assistance and arms transfers to foreign governments that are undemocratic, do not adequately protect human rights, are engaged in acts of armed aggression, or are not fully participating in the United Nations Register of Conventional Arms.
Sponsor: Rep McKinney, Cynthia A. [GA-4] (introduced 6/17/1999)      Cosponsors (94)
Committees: House International Relations; House Armed Services
Latest Major Action: 7/13/1999 House committee/subcommittee actions. Status: Executive Comment Requested from DOD.

9. H.R.2367 : To reauthorize a comprehensive program of support for victims of torture.
Sponsor: Rep Smith, Christopher H. [NJ-4] (introduced 6/29/1999)      Cosponsors (5)
Committees: House International Relations; House Commerce
Latest Major Action: Became Public Law No: 106-87 [GPO: Text, PDF]

10. H.R.2415 : To enhance security of United States missions and personnel overseas, to authorize appropriations for the Department of State for fiscal year 2000, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep Smith, Christopher H. [NJ-4] (introduced 7/1/1999)      Cosponsors (1)
Committees: House International Relations; House Judiciary
Latest Conference Report: 106-970 (in Congressional Record H9723-9765)
Latest Major Action: 12/19/2000 Pocket Vetoed by President.
Note: As sent to the President, H.R. 2415 was a bankruptcy reform bill. Originally, H.R. 2415 was an FY2000 State Department authorization bill with provisions for enhancing the security of American embassies. On 11/17/1999 another version of the FY2000 State Department authorization bill was introduced as H.R. 3427. H.R. 3427 was incorporated by cross-reference in the conference report to H.R. 3194, which became Public Law 106-113. On 10/11/2000 the H.R. 2415 conference committee struck all of the House bill after the enacting clause and inserted the provisions of S. 3186, the Bankruptcy Reform Act of 2000. The President pocket vetoed the Bankruptcy Reform Act of 2000.

11. H.R.2642 : To amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to provide that aliens who commit acts of torture abroad are inadmissible and removable and to establish within the Criminal Division of the Department of Justice an Office of Special Investigations having responsibilities under that Act with respect to all alien participants in acts of genocide and torture abroad.
Sponsor: Rep Franks, Bob [NJ-7] (introduced 7/29/1999)      Cosponsors (None)
Committees: House Judiciary
Latest Major Action: 8/6/1999 Referred to House subcommittee. Status: Referred to the Subcommittee on Immigration and Claims.

12. H.R.3058 : To amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to provide that aliens who commit acts of torture abroad are inadmissible and removable and to establish within the Criminal Division of the Department of Justice an Office of Special Investigations having responsibilities under that Act with respect to all alien participants in acts of genocide and torture abroad.
Sponsor: Rep Foley, Mark [FL-16] (introduced 10/12/1999)      Cosponsors (31)
Committees: House Judiciary
Latest Major Action: 2/17/2000 House committee/subcommittee actions. Status: Subcommittee Hearings Held.

13. H.R.3194 : Making consolidated appropriations for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2000, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep Istook, Ernest J., Jr. [OK-5] (introduced 11/2/1999)      Cosponsors (None)
Committees: House Appropriations
Latest Conference Report: 106-479 (in Congressional Record H12230-12609)
Latest Major Action: Became Public Law No: 106-113 [GPO: Text, PDF]
Note: The following measures were enacted into law by Public Law 106-113. These bills were incorporated by cross-reference in the conference report [Division B] to H.R. 3194: H.R. 3421 - Commerce Justice State Judiciary Appropriations; H.R. 3422 - Foreign Operations Appropriations; H.R. 3423 - Interior Appropriations; H.R. 3424 - Labor HHS Education Appropriations; H.R. 3425 - Miscellaneous Appropriations [0.38Ļuts, offsets, international debt relief, etc.]; H.R. 3426 - Medicare, Medicaid, and SCHIP Balanced Budget Refinement Act of 1999; H.R. 3427 - Foreign Relations Authorizations; H.R. 3428 - Federal Milk Marketing Orders; and S. 1948 - Intellectual Property and Communications Omnibus Reform Act of 1999 [satellite television, trademark cyberpiracy prevention, inventor protection, patent reform, Superfund recycling equity, etc.].

14. H.R.3244 : To combat trafficking of persons, especially into the sex trade, slavery, and slavery-like conditions in the United States and countries around the world through prevention, through prosecution and enforcement against traffickers, and through protection and assistance to victims of trafficking.
Sponsor: Rep Smith, Christopher H. [NJ-4] (introduced 11/8/1999)      Cosponsors (37)
Committees: House International Relations; House Judiciary; House Banking and Financial Services; House Ways and Means
House Reports: 106-487 Part 1, 106-487 Part 2; Latest Conference Report: 106-939 (in Congressional Record H8855-8877)
Latest Major Action: Became Public Law No: 106-386 [GPO: Text, PDF]

15. H.R.3382 : To modify the enforcement of certain anti-terrorism judgments, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep McCollum, Bill [FL-8] (introduced 11/16/1999)      Cosponsors (6)
Committees: House Judiciary
Latest Major Action: 2/4/2000 Referred to House subcommittee. Status: Referred to the Subcommittee on Immigration and Claims.

16. H.R.3427 : To authorize appropriations for the Department of State for fiscal years 2000 and 2001; to provide for enhanced security at United States diplomatic facilities; to provide for certain arms control, nonproliferation, and other national security measures; to provide for reform of the United Nations, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep Smith, Christopher H. [NJ-4] (introduced 11/17/1999)      Cosponsors (3)
Committees: House International Relations
Latest Major Action: 11/17/1999 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on International Relations.
Note: H.R. 3427 was incorporated by cross-reference in the conference report to H.R. 3194 [Division B]. H.R. 3194, the FY2000 Consolidated Appropriations bill, became Public Law 106-113 on 11/29/1999.

17. H.R.3485 : To modify the enforcement of certain anti-terrorism judgments, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep McCollum, Bill [FL-8] (introduced 11/18/1999)      Cosponsors (31)
Committees: House Judiciary
House Reports: 106-733, 106-733 Part 2
Latest Major Action: 7/26/2000 Received in the Senate. Read twice. Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 715.

18. H.R.4319 : To continue the current prohibition of military relations with and assistance for the armed forces of the Republic of Indonesia until the President determines and certifies to the Congress that certain conditions with respect to East Timor are being met.
Sponsor: Rep McGovern, James P. [MA-3] (introduced 4/13/2000)      Cosponsors (3)
Committees: House International Relations; House Armed Services
Latest Major Action: 4/27/2000 House committee/subcommittee actions. Status: Executive Comment Requested from DOD.

19. H.R.4357 : To continue the current prohibition of military relations with and assistance for the armed forces of the Republic of Indonesia until the President determines and certifies to the Congress that certain conditions with respect to East Timor are being met.
Sponsor: Rep McGovern, James P. [MA-3] (introduced 5/2/2000)      Cosponsors (54)
Committees: House International Relations; House Armed Services
Latest Major Action: 5/31/2000 House committee/subcommittee actions. Status: Executive Comment Requested from DOD.

20. H.R.4444 : To authorize extension of nondiscriminatory treatment (normal trade relations treatment) to the People's Republic of China, and to establish a framework for relations between the United States and the People's Republic of China.
Sponsor: Rep Archer, Bill [TX-7] (by request) (introduced 5/15/2000)      Cosponsors (3)
Committees: House Ways and Means
House Reports: 106-632
Latest Major Action: Became Public Law No: 106-286 [GPO: Text, PDF]

21. H.R.4596 : To require nationals of the United States that employ more than 20 persons in a foreign country to implement a Corporate Code of Conduct with respect to the employment of those persons, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep McKinney, Cynthia A. [GA-4] (introduced 6/7/2000)      Cosponsors (32)
Committees: House International Relations; House Government Reform; House Banking and Financial Services
Latest Major Action: 7/17/2000 Referred to House subcommittee. Status: Referred to the Subcommittee on International Operations and Human Rights.

22. H.R.5196 : To promote, protect, and enhance democracy and human rights in United States foreign policy.
Sponsor: Rep Gilman, Benjamin A. [NY-20] (introduced 9/18/2000)      Cosponsors (1)
Committees: House International Relations
Latest Major Action: 9/18/2000 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on International Relations.

23. H.R.5285 : To amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to prevent human rights abusers from being eligible for admission into the United States and other forms of immigration relief, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep Smith, Lamar [TX-21] (introduced 9/25/2000)      Cosponsors (1)
Committees: House Judiciary
Latest Major Action: 10/3/2000 House committee/subcommittee actions. Status: Forwarded by Subcommittee to Full Committee (Amended) by Voice Vote.

24. H.R.5325 : To amend title 18, United States Code, to ensure that acts of torture, as proscribed by the Torture Convention, as also recognized as criminal if committed in the United States.
Sponsor: Rep Waters, Maxine [CA-35] (introduced 9/27/2000)      Cosponsors (None)
Committees: House Judiciary
Latest Major Action: 10/2/2000 Referred to House subcommittee. Status: Referred to the Subcommittee on Crime.

25. S.CON.RES.76 : A concurrent resolution expressing the sense of Congress regarding a peaceful resolution of the conflict in the state of Chiapas, Mexico and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Sen Leahy, Patrick J. [VT] (introduced 11/18/1999)      Cosponsors (17)
Committees: Senate Foreign Relations
Latest Major Action: 11/18/1999 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations.

26. S.89 : A bill to state the policy of the United States with respect to certain activities of the People's Republic of China, to impose certain restrictions and limitations on activities of and with respect to the People's Republic of China, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Sen Hutchinson, Tim [AR] (introduced 1/19/1999)      Cosponsors (5)
Committees: Senate Foreign Relations
Latest Major Action: 1/19/1999 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Read twice and referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations.

27. S.886 : An original bill to authorize appropriations for the Department of State for fiscal years 2000 and 2001; to provide for enhanced security at United States diplomatic facilities; to provide for certain arms control, nonproliferation, and other national security measures; to provide for the reform of the United Nations; and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Sen Helms, Jesse [NC] (introduced 4/27/1999)      Cosponsors (None)
Committees: Senate Foreign Relations
Senate Reports: 106-43
Latest Major Action: 6/24/1999 Held at the desk.
Note: On 8/3/1999, the Senate incorporated S. 886 in H.R. 2415 as an amendment. Subsequent State Department authorization action moved to H.R. 3427, which was incorporated by cross-reference in the conference report to H.R. 3194. H.R. 3194, the FY2000 Consolidated Appropriations bill, became Public Law 106-113 on 11/29/1999.

28. S.926 : A bill to provide the people of Cuba with access to food and medicines from the United States, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Sen Dodd, Christopher J. [CT] (introduced 4/29/1999)      Cosponsors (26)
Committees: Senate Foreign Relations
Latest Major Action: 4/29/1999 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Read twice and referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations.

29. S.1375 : A bill to amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to provide that aliens who commit acts of torture abroad are inadmissible and removable and to establish within the Criminal Division of the Department of Justice an Office of Special Investigations having responsibilities under that Act with respect to all alien participants in act of genocide and torture abroad.
Sponsor: Sen Leahy, Patrick J. [VT] (introduced 7/15/1999)      Cosponsors (3)
Committees: Senate Judiciary
Latest Major Action: 7/15/1999 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Read twice and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.

30. S.1491 : A bill to authorize a comprehensive program of support for victims of tortue abroad.
Sponsor: Sen Grams, Rod [MN] (introduced 8/4/1999)      Cosponsors (2)
Committees: Senate Foreign Relations
Latest Major Action: 8/4/1999 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Read twice and referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations.

31. S.1754 : A bill entitled the "Denying Safe Havens to International and War Criminals Act of 1999".
Sponsor: Sen Hatch, Orrin G. [UT] (introduced 10/20/1999)      Cosponsors (2)
Committees: Senate Judiciary; House Judiciary
Latest Major Action: 3/27/2000 Referred to House subcommittee. Status: Referred to the Subcommittee on Immigration and Claims.

32. S.1796 : A bill to modify the enforcement of certain anti-terrorism judgements, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Sen Lautenberg, Frank R. [NJ] (introduced 10/26/1999)      Cosponsors (25)
Committees: Senate Judiciary
Latest Major Action: 3/9/2000 Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 460.

33. S.1917 : A bill to abolish the death penalty under Federal law.
Sponsor: Sen Feingold, Russell D. [WI] (introduced 11/10/1999)      Cosponsors (1)
Committees: Senate Judiciary
Latest Major Action: 11/10/1999 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Read twice and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.

34. S.1940 : A bill to amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to reaffirm the United States' historic commitment to protecting refugees who are fleeing persecution or torture.
Sponsor: Sen Leahy, Patrick J. [VT] (introduced 11/17/1999)      Cosponsors (9)
Committees: Senate Judiciary
Latest Major Action: 11/17/1999 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Read twice and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.

35. S.2677 : A bill to restrict assistance until certain conditions are satisfied and to support democratic and economic transition in Zimbabwe.
Sponsor: Sen Frist, William H. [TN] (introduced 6/6/2000)      Cosponsors (2)
Committees: Senate Foreign Relations; House International Relations; House Banking and Financial Services
Latest Major Action: 7/20/2000 Referred to House subcommittee. Status: Referred to the Subcommittee on Domestic and International Monetary Policy.

36. S.2690 : A bill to reduce the risk that innocent persons may be executed, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Sen Leahy, Patrick J. [VT] (introduced 6/7/2000)      Cosponsors (14)
Committees: Senate Judiciary
Latest Major Action: 6/7/2000 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.

37. S.3117 : A bill to establish an Office of Children's Services within the Department of Justice to coordinate and implement Government actions involving unaccompanied alien children' to ensure that their best interests are held paramount in immigration proceedings and actions involving them; to prescribe standards for their custody, release, and detention; to improve policies for their permanent protection; and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Sen Feinstein, Dianne [CA] (introduced 9/27/2000)      Cosponsors (None)
Committees: Senate Judiciary
Latest Major Action: 9/27/2000 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.