========================================================================== Log of recent changes to CHIMERA GRID TOOLS Version number, release date, and brief notes from authors are listed ========================================================================== -------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 1.1 (8/99 - 11/99) WMC - New features in OVERGRID include: o Added reporting of individual vertex info for structured entities using the `v' key. o Added surface curve creation capability for surface triangulations by stencil walk between 2 specified vertices in the SEAMCR module. o Added capability to generate hyperbolic surface grid from an initial point in SURGRD (can be used on triangulated reference surfaces only). Added widget to turn on/off automatic following of interior control curves. o Added capability to project structured surface or curve entities onto triangulated reference surface in PROGRD. Also added Jacobian check for volume grids after projection. o Fixed bugs related to script comment addition. o Added shaded polygon offset preference parameter for clear display of wireframes over shaded surfaces. - More robust stencil search procedures for SURGRD on surface triangulations. - A new batch mode utility called TRIGED for performing grid editing on surface triangulations is introduced. Functions implemented so far include o Switch between different triangulation formats (CART3D/FAST) o Swap edge for two adjacent faces o Reverse vertex direction for one or more faces o Scale and translate o Mirror about x,y,or z=0 o Rotate about x, y, z or any arbitrary axis o Remove unused vertices o Extract faces on one side of Cartesian plane o Extract faces belonging to one or more components SER - Fixed bug in RunPeg: updated to version 1.4c - Added better searching for input files in BuildOveri, version 1.1a - Improved error checking in shole: better jcusp values for creating good slat holes. - Fixed problems with BuildPegi: was not using MESH(*,fringe) variables for defered meshes. Updated scripts.html. - Improved hole algorithm in lib/holelib/tehole.F - Added use of GetIfile in BuildVol - rewrote part of GetNegSubs in scriptlib/ovfi.tcl: improved algorithm which fixed some PEGSUS outer-boundary inputs and makevol smoothing inputs; modified proc Combine in same file. SMN - Fixed bug in plothole_f.F - Added nzreg to the allowable args for BuildVol - Upgraded BuildSurf and BuildVol to use -noignore flags. - Fixed bug in intgrd -- upgrade to 7.0h -------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 1.0 (6/99 - 7/99) WMC - New features in OVERGRID include: o Fixed a bunch of bugs in OVERGRID related to avoiding surface normal computations for non-surface entities, uninitialized bounding box at start-up, tmp arrays allocation for mixed sp/dp data, etc. o Added periodic index looping for constant J, K, L slices. o Modified the HYPGEN module to generate multiple volume grids with the same stretching function in one run. o Added topology analyzer for structured surface entities. o Added capability to add comment lines during script generation. o Added seam curve extraction and cutting plane curve creation capability for surface triangulations in the SEAMCR module. o Added hyperbolic surface grid generation capability for triangulated reference surfaces in the SURGRD module. o Added reporting of individual vertex and face info for triangulated surfaces. - Introduced a new batch module called SEAMCRT which extracts seam curves and x,y,z cutting plane curves for triangulated surfaces. - Added capability for SURGRD to grow hyperbolic surface grids on triangulated reference surfaces. - Added tolerance in K-direction bc resets when axis bc is detected in J under auto bc option in HYPGEN. Also added one line report on total number of negative Jacobians if some are found. SER - Added bin/extracttrac script and doc/extracttrac.html - Added subroutine gridmmcrs to chimera/lib/gridmm.F: a coarse estimate of a grid minmax box. - Upgraded VPRO to version 1.1: more reliable and efficient searching. - Fixed several routines which were using constants for arguments to intrinsic functions min, max, and sign: lib/minterp_s.F, lib/crv/{seg.F,sr_util.F}, lib/holelib/gap.F, lib/redist.F - slight mod to precompiler statements in lib/csystc.c so it works on DEC-ALPHA. - changed BuildVol input to boxgr to use IOPT=2 instead of IOPT=1, so that the min/max of the box grid would not extend beyond a symmetry plane. - changed BuildPeg5i: use OFFSET=4 for box grids - updated MINTERP to verison 1.3o: fixed double-precision problem with detecting iblank array in input grid. - added -config option to BuildPegi - modified ScriptClean -clobber behavior: no not remove MESH.vol or MESH.ovfi files if MESH(nomakevol) is set. - updated BuildPegi to version 1.8a: use MESH(link_limit) input to limit LINK and ADDLINK lists. - added documentation to doc/scripts.html describing all the recognized input variables which can be used in the inputs.tcl file. - RunPeg version 1.4a: added cleaning of PEGSUS tmp files - updated WINGCAP to version 2-69: added -familyhalf argument - modified BuildMixsuri: skip subsets which do not define a surface - added proc Cross to scriptlib/Math.tcl, from David Baker - plothole version 1.0f: modified search for config and inputs files - updated BuildPegi to verison 1.8b: MESH(link_limit) can be a list of strings SMN - Added ability for ReadOvfi and WriteOvfi to handle BCFILE - Changed configure to look for "OSF*" for the return type from uname for alpha - Changed default offset for extractsrf from 0 to 1. - Added -legridargs to makevol. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 0.9 (3/99 - 5/99) WMC - Added checks for node index JNOD out of range in SURGRD. Also added optional input parameter IFCC (after IAUC) to control automatic following of interior control curves. - Fixed bug in multiple concats in GRIDED, added checks for output filename validity. - Added library routines for reading/writing and computing data structures for triangles database. - Significant changes have been made to upgrade OVERGRID to 1.1. New features include - significant efficiency improvement by eliminating copy of entities on disk. Double precision entities are now stored in-core. Grided functions are now internal. - average cell size grid diagnostic function to highlight mismatches in grid resolution in overlapped zones. - iblanks and Jacobians statistics under the DIAGNOS module. - new preliminary capability to handle triangles database. Functions supported include read/write files in CART3D or FAST unstructured formats (files must have .tri and .fst extensions, respectively) view in wireframe or shaded modes, grided functions for reverse, mirror, scale, translate, rotate. SMN - Added check to see if all of [JKL]INCLUDE should be specified in the $MESH namelist for RunPeg. - Added ifdef's to plothole_f.F to control plot3d command file output. Also, the script will fix "MESH NAME" in $BOUNDARY namelists. - Added RunIntgrd to Exec.tcl - Added ability to read/write BCPAR parameter in OVERFLOW input files. - Added ability to handle arc length in physical space to function 5 for gridinf. - Fixed bug with Gridinf.tcl routines when requesting info on the first grid in a multiple grid file. - Fixed bug with intgrd for when there is an optional collar grid filename in the input file. - Fixed bug with deinstallall in Makefile.in SER - Updated SMOGRD to version 1.33: add -kfold option. - Updated bin/RunPeg to version 1.4; fixed bug with update INGRID file(s). - Fixed two bugs in RECURV; one would produce bad results if compiled with -trapuv; other was bad bug with -smooth,-smooth2 options. Vers. 1.0l -------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 0.8 (11/98 - 2/99) WMC - Modified SURGRD for short initial lines, added divide by zero protection in lib/smooth_s.F:smowts - Modified SRAP PLOT3D command file to follow format of output grid. - Modified HYPGEN to read single or double precision surface grid file, irrespective of whether the code was compiled sp or dp. Also fixed bug in IVSPEC=2 option. - Added optional parameter NSMOO in SURGRD (appears after ITSVOL), to control number of smoothing steps when interiot control curves are detected, and when IBC=15 or 20 is used. Metric blending for BC types 15 and 20 is disabled. Also fixed a few other bugs. - Added auto grid point clustering in SEAMCR based on turning angle at sharp and rounded corners. - Added new options in GRIDED to swap grid numbers of two grids, rearrange sequence of all grids, and to write selected grids to file as many times as needed prior to final output. - Major upgrades have been made to OVERGRID to introduce version 1.0. New features include - capability to read and operate on double precision files (current implementation degrades GUI efficiency for large files, next release will involve another re-write to improve efficiency) - redesigned SURGRD interface that uses direct screen picking for initial curve and reference entities specification - grid quality diagnostics for surfaces and curves (stretching ratio, turning angle, truncation error) - display of fringe points (colored by grid number) and orphan points - auto display of point coordinates and iblank value for point subset (constant J, K and L switched on in Entity Highlight window) - grid ID swapping and resequencing functions in grided - split function in grided to split an entity along constant J, K, or L at a given index - tog button to swap blanked and unblanked entities - buttons to reset view to front/back/left/right/top/bottom - file path names up to 200 characters are now accepted - option to write file with or without iblanks - edge labels for highlighted or screen picked entity - new .overgridrc format for storing preferences on single AND double precision executables directories and background color. SMN - added (command) ability to BuildVol -- upgrade to 1.4 - deleted tput commands in the intersect script - added kdir to logical common block in common_recurv.h - changed INTGRD to accept filenames as well as the old input file format This allowed all the examples to run such that they auto detect file format (collar is no longer needed). - changes to Makefile.in's to get rid of library path for element definitions (caused problems on the Sun), and compile libararies before doing the src/ directory. - fixed problem when reading formatted PLOT3D files using getinput for Cray run-length-encoded headers. - added extractsrf - changed Makefile to use the autoconf/configure process - upgraded makevol to 1.9a - added option to specify the INSTALLDIR for the Makefile - added ability for lsect and intgrd to use formatted grid files. Changed flipjk to handle formatted grid. - added checkflags.csh script to Makefile, so that when re-compiling, it will check to see that your current flags match those used when the library files were compiled. Also fixed some bugs associated with the VPATH, and re-compiling cmpltm.o. - updated the examples, eliminated: canard, etsif, orbtail, and collar. Added scripts example. - changed verify script to Tcl to greatly simplify - bug fix for compx when grids are exactly the same - added gridinf program for basic grid information SER - Fixed src/gridinf.F bug: SRCHLN: was printing only 4 significant digits - Fixed bug in scriptlib/Trim.tcl: ZP getting set to y-value; changed logic to chose the trim-side. - Fixed p3dtyp.F: P3DREA, P3DREB: IPREC=2 on CRAY machine - Added chimera/Tcl_lib/GrowSrf.tcl version 1.0a - Changecd examples/cap/makecollar: use grided instead of plot3d - Added sgi_mips4_dp_dbg option to Makefile - Fixed bug in splitmq: bad q-file header reading for dp. - makevol 1.9: Added logic to not overwrite npzreg if -srmax flag is 0.0 - Added chimera/Tcl_lib/RespanL.tcl - Tcl_lib/Exec.tcl: fixed bug: added File to global statements in RunMinterp and RunSmooth - Updated RunPeg to version 1.3: improved checking for INGRID.* files - Updated HYPIN to version 1.0b: formatting of informational output - Updated wkcut to version 1.0j: fixed bug and better wakes for -cap option - Fixed bug in crvlib(patch.F). - Fixed bug in MINTERP, was failing for single-zone function files. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 0.7 (7/98 - 10/98) WMC - Modified SURGRD to use input BC to determine ref. curve periodicity rather than using the grid itself. - Modified GRIDED to write output grid dimensions, and added optional inquiry on single/multiple grid format for writing 1 grid. - Added bc type 0 (auto determination) in HYPGEN, increased filename to 120 chars. - Reactivated modes 3,11,12 in PROGRD for coincident points specification and projections in parameter space (mods from Steve Krist). - Modified SURGRD to automatically follow interior control curves (alpha test mode). Fixed bug in TFI. - Modified SEAMCR (batch mode) to generate seam corner (spider web) surface grids, trim and redistribute points in seam curves, and automatically create SURGRD input files. - Added .overgridrc file for storing preferences in OVERGRID, added capability to specify directory where CGT executables are located, added checks and info message for file types, removed hard coded M2D constant for tmp arrays. Also updated OVERGRID tutorial. Added iblanks and color preferences capability. - Modified p3dtyp.F, p3drw.F to recognize double precision files. SMN - bug fix to RMSP routine in include/getinput.F -- trims NULL and TAB now too - added if (debug) test to removing .f files in Makefile - added dummy variables to common blocks to get wkcut and wingcap to compile w/o warnings for double precsion mips2. SER - Updated WINGCAP to version 2-66, modified Makefile to include WINGCAP dependency on HOLELIB. - Update BOXGR to version 2.0c: re/i for double precision, modify INIPAR because GETINPUT is not reliable for parsing filenames - Update WKCUT to verion 1.0h: added -hgrid,-ibdir options - Added the program RECURV, verison 1.0i - fixed bug in chimera/include/getinput.F: subroutine getnames: was broken for parsing the last name because of recent change in rmsp - Added re/i for D_PRECISION to plot3d command file in CONMUG: vers 1.1b - Fixed bug in wingcap: version 2-67 - Updated WINGCAP to version 2-68: added -cove + -halfcap capability. - Added the program SHFTGRD, version 1.0; added to Makefile, added files src/shftgrd.F and doc/shftgrd.html, modified doc/man.html - Updated programs to support p3dtyp iform=0/1/2: minmax, shftgrd, splitmx, splitmq, wkcut, lsect, and include/p3drw.F -------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 0.6 (5/98 - 7/98) WMC - Fixed bug in point to curve projection in PROGRD. - Fixed bug in several places where __REAL should be used in SRAP. Added consecutive coincident points check. Link to CSPLIN library routine. - Fixed NaN problem revealed by -trapuv for 2-D cases in Jacobian computation for HYPGEN. - Implemented new boundary connectivity determination routine BNDCON into SURGRD. Re-designed algorithm to improve robustness for quad search routine FNDIQD for points on initial curve. Fixed uninitialized xi metrics bug for reflected symmetry bc. - Updated box.com read statement and other formatted write statements in BOXGR. - Added option to read multiple filenames from command line in OVERGRID. Also added point entity picking with CTL plus right mouse button, and fixed some bugs in SURGRD family i/o. - Fixed bug in cgtclean all option. - Fixed another uninitialized variable in HYPGEN. Also fixed bug in using real array for integers. SER - Updated VPRO to version 1.0s: fixed -trapuv floating-pt exception caused when truncating by too large a,b,g with int(a), int(b), int(g). - Updated HOLELIB to version 1.0j: fixed bug in flapdist, un-initilized indices which could cause floating-pt exception in intsec. - Updated MINTERP to 1.3l: fixed bug: was passing integer tmp array to readqs, which needed a real tmp array; was destroying part of the grid data; added protection against subsets or zones which are just lines or points. - Update WINGCAP to 2-61: added -cove option; added -ow, -oc options; changed default input/output filenames; added output of OVERFLOW BC file; added -top_anchor argument; fixed bug in BC for cusp option. - Added smogrd option to cgtclean - Fixed bug compx: in subroutine output: q.compx was not writing the q-header record for each zone. - Fixed bug in crvlib, upgraded to version 1.0-15: fixed bug in spline.F: sign(1.0 --> sign(one - Fixed bug in progrd: real*8, integer*4, reading iblank failed in READ[JKL]C. - new Makefile with VPATH changes - Fixed double-precision bugs in SRAP - Fixed bug in minterp: sorting failed when cut went through an axial singular point - Fixed bug in SMOGRD: o-grid periodicity was broken for hgrid option - Fixed bug in include/getinput.F: RMSP, do 30: LEND=L+1 --> LEND=L - Updated MINMAX to version 1.0a: added -jacchk flag - Fixed double-precision bugs in STRCHK SMN - Change to Makefile for unicos 10 (thanks to Arsenio Dimanlig) - Added cmpltm.o to the prerequisites for the libtools.a in the Makefile. This can be used to determine how the object library was compiled. - Added ZERO parameter to STRCHK for grids with tight spacing on 64 bit machines. Also added check to the other pointers after the getarr call to make sure memory was allocated. VERSION 0.5 (2/98 - 4/98 ) WMC - Added bounding box check for fringe point projection in PROGRD. This should speed up cases with numerous reference subsets. - Performed major re-write in GRIDED to introduce multiple grid options. Added routines to support iblanks in all functions. Added function to add/remove iblanks for all grids. Added function to split one grid into 2 in J, K or L direction. Added function to substitute a grid by reading new single grid. Added function to create new grid(s) by duplicating existing grid(s). - Modified p3dtyp.F to check for iblanks properly when the file is formatted with 1 grid but contains spaces at the end of the file. - Modified smooth.F, smooth_s.F to fix boundary points when smoothing in both J and K. - Added script generation capability in OVERGRID. Fixed core dump bug in picking under IRIX 6.3. Fixed file selection problem under Tcl/Tk 8.0. - Made sure MNOD>=1 before calling memory allocation in SURGRD. Put in test for filenames that start with . or / in first line of input. Improved robustness of search procedures for points on initial curve. Also code now allows absence of reference surface file for TFI cases with projections turned off. - Modified PTOCUR library routine to return lower index of segment in which point is located. Updated srap.F. - Fixed bug in NSHIFT routines in PROGRD for some seldom used values of NSHIFT. Call bounding box calc. for NRGRD>=1. Store cell centered surface normals instead of cell vertex surface normals. - Introduced cgtclean script for removing CGT temporary files. - Introduced BNDCON library routine for computing surface patch connectivity. - Introduced new module SEAMCR (auto seam curve extraction - alpha test mode) into chimera/src. - Added hypgen.F to src directory (version 2.2c needed for script replay in batch mode). Complete hypgen package will be incorporated later. - Added detection of boundary with some distinct and some collapsed points in include/topdet.F (ibc=19). SMN - Converted the README's in the doc directory to HTML - Modified SURGRD input routine so it will quit gracefully - Modified WKCUT input routine so it will quit gracefully - Added some new options to WKCUT for blunt TE problems. - Added to the cmpltm.csh script so you know what flag was used to compile an executable (right now just setup for SURGRD). - Added banner with version number to HYPIN, CONMUG, INTGRD, LSECT, SPLITMX, SPLITMQ, SMOOTH, and STRETCH. - Some more error checks in collar script - Added RDX3MN routine to read in a single grid from a multiple grid file. SER - Makefile: ala Pieter Buning: added -trapuv to all sgi F77FLAGS and CFLAGS, removed -r10000 from sgi_mips4_dp - Fixed bug in MINTERP found by Pieter Buning: upgraded to 1.3h - Fixed ANOTHER bug in subroutine p3dtypq in include/p3dtyp.F: was failing for 3D multiple grid PLOT3D q files (OK for OVERFLOW q files). 4/1/98 - Fixed bug in subroutine p3dtypq in include/p3dtyp.F: was failing for 3D multiple grid PLOT3D q files (OK for OVERFLOW q files). - Updated WKCUT to version 1.0d: accepts multiple-zone input files. - Updated WKCUT to version 1.0e: Steve's mods for error handling. - Updated WKCUT to version 1.0f: Steve's additions of jclose,bluntclose. - Updated LOADIS to version1.0c: fixed input bugs/problems. - Added re/ieee_dp for plot3d .com file in STRCHK - Updated WINGCAP to version 2-59: fixed benign bug: accessing uninitilzed data, and undefined cthick in an informational write statement. - Updated VPRO to version 1.0p: fixed bug in topo3d: eps was uninitialized VERSION 0.4 (1/98 - 2/98) WMC - Developed WKCUT panel in overgrid. Added bounding box widget. Fixed a few bugs. - Implemented dynamic memory allocation in grided. - Fixed a number of bugs in srap. It can now redistribute points on all entities in the input grid file with the same parameters as an option. Added option for double precision in plot3d command file. - Added option to not project automatically generated missing lines under TFI options in surgrd. - Added library routine CELNOR in surfnr.F to compute surface normals at cell centers. - Developed self-guided tutorial exercises for overgrid. WMC and SMN - Implemented direct picking of surface and curve entities from graphics window. SMN - changed the Makefile to no longer use the macro $$@, as this causes problems for gmake. Also, Dennis Jespersen added flags for PC*. - bug fix for vpro for periodic grids (was picking the wrong side for the intersection). SER - Updated vpro to version 1.0n: Steve's fix to c-grid bug - Updated VPRO to version 1.0o: double precision fixes - Updated CRVLIB to version 1.13: double precision fixes - Updated SMOGRD to version 1.30: double precision fixes - Changed STRCHK to version 1.0b: changed AMAX1 to MAX. - Changed WKCUT to version 1.0c: include precis.h, double precision fixes - Changed LSECT to version 6.0e: com file ieee_dp for double precision - Changed SURGRD to version 8.0a: com file ieee_dp for double precision - Changed MINTERP to version 1.3e: double precision fixes - Changed PROGRD to version 0.4l: com file ieee_dp for double precision - Changed LOADIS to version 1.0b: double precision fixes - Added -dp arg to scr/collar script, examples/verify script, and to most of the examples/*/makecollar scripts, so they will create plot3d command files with "read/ieee_dp" instead of "read/unf". Made dp version of examples/*/3d.com files. - Update MINTERP to version 1.3d: changed dot-product tolerance in reordr, and fixed bug in dimensioning of q-array, which could have caused bad Cp data if coincident points were being removed. - Fixed include/p3dtyp.F, subroutine p3drex: was missing a character declaration for PFILE. - Fixed problem in collar: replace `line` with `/bin/line`. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 0.3 (11/97 - 12/97) SMN - changed Makefile to use different rules for each of the tools. Requires 2 non-standard capabilities: VPATH - allows use of "make PGM=minterp cray" at the command line, without specifying the whole path for the PGM. If this isn't supported, all the PGM tools will be compiled regardless of whether they need to be updated. VPATH is not supported on the Cray. ${*D} - macro used change to the proper directory before creating the .o files. If this is not supported, the intermediate .o files have to be placed in the main chimera/ directory. This seems to be supported on every platform I've tried, but the manual for make says it is non-standard. - changed include/strchk.F to include/strchk_s.F so it doesn't conflict with the program STRCHK. SER - Modified MINTERP (version 1.3a, 1.3b): split into main program and a separate callable subroutine. The minterp subroutine now installed in chimera/include/minterp_s.F. Added features to chimera/src/minterp.F so that any surface subset can be specifed. Rewrote reordr subroutine for sorting of points. Added an example test case to examples/minterp. Converted minterp.readme to minterp.html, modified man.html. Modified examples/verify. - Modified verify to add a command-line options to run just one specific verification case. - Modified man.html: added another reference. - Updated wingcap to 2-56: workaround for f77 bug with implied-do-loop write statements with negative strides. - Added subroutines READQS, READQJ, READQK, READQL, READFS, READFJ, READFK, READFL to include/p3drw.F - Updated minterp to version 1.3a: pass data into subroutine minterp_s and perform data I/O external to subroutine. Use READXS, READQS, READFS for reading data into program MINTERP. - Added TOL to argument list of subroutines NRSTPS, NRSTPI in chimera/include/{nrstps.F,nrstpi.F}. Modified programs SBLOCK (version 0.2j), PROGRD (version 0.4k) - Added SPLITMX, SPLITMQ programs. Wrote doc/splitm[xq].html, added links to doc/man.html - Added subroutines p3dtypq, p3ddimq to include/p3dtyp.F - Added LOADIS program: src/loadis.F, doc/loadis.html added link to doc/man.html - Updated vpro to version 1.0m: fixed bug - Added subroutine getnames to include/getinput.F - Updated minterp to version 1.3c: fixed bug - Modified COMPX to version 1.0b: change MRGRD to MGRID, added dynamic memory allocation, removed prompting for input describing file types; modified examples/verify script for new compx input. - Fixed bug in Makefile: inlclude/hole fixed to include/holelib WMC - Introduced library routine P3DREX to read plot3d grid given filename. Pointers to dimension and coordinate arrays are returned. This is a driver to P3DTYP, P3DDIM, P3DREA. Calling arguments to P3DDIM were modified, introduced P3DREB for reading files with iblanks. - Modified INDARR library routine to do one direction only. - Added SMOOTH grid smoothing tool to src directory and smooth_s library routine to include directory. - Fixed minor bug in SFUNS for ISTR=3 when initial sp. = end sp. - Modified wake cut test in periodic check in topdet.F to account for possibility of axis points in the other direction. - Restructured all routines related to surface geometry communication in SURGRD. Completely rewrote all input routines to use dynamic memory allocation. Added transfinite interpolation capability so that surface grids can be generated with 2, 3, or 4 reference curves, as well as with 1 (hyperbolic). Fixed bug in stretching function calc.for bctype=20 at one end. - Redesigned SURGRD panel in OVERGRID. Upgraded Togl package to 1.4. Fixed bug in normal calc. for periodic shaded surface display. Added help boxes for MAIN, SURGRD, GRIDED. - Fixed axis detection bug in include/autoco.F. SER and WMC - Removed section of subroutine surnor which zeroed components of the surface normals at boundaries with constant x,y,z planes. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 0.2 (8/97 - 10/97) WMC - Modified periodic topology detection in topdet.F to distinguish between a true periodic grid and one with wake cut. Also improved reflected symmetry determination. - Fixed bugs in nrstpc.F and nrstpi.F. Should look for distance from target point to cell vertices. Distance squared may end up in the wrong cell when comparing between different grids. Also R(JMIN,KMIN) is now reset properly. - Fixed bug in include/ptocur.F and src/srap.F for periodic cases. - Added extra input in SBLOCK so that user can specify a marker cells size that is different from the block grid cell size. Rewrote and improved Type-2 stitching algorithm and routines. Also fixed a number of bugs. - Added new stretching option in sfuns.F library routine (ISF=3). For input, the user supplies the distance to march out, an end spacing, and a max stretching ratio. A geometric stretching is used until the end spacing is reached, and the remaining distance is covered by a uniform spacing equal to the end spacing. The stretching ratio in the geometric region may be lowered to accommodate an exact fit of the uniform spacing. If the specified end spacing cannot be reached within the total distance, a hyperbolic tangent stretching is used. - Modified SURGRD and STRETCH to use new stretching as an option. - Modified BOXGR to have option to read in a PLOT3D multiple volume grid file to auto-determine inner box dimensions, and auto-determine uniform inner cell size from specified volume/surface grids; implemented dynamic memory allocation; made outer box minmax input optional; changed ISTR=2 to use new stretching above. - Incorporated the OVERGRID package under the chimera/gui directory. - Modified autoco.F library routine to prevent auto-concantenation of edges that are singular axis points. SER - added smosurf 1.0 program - updated holelib to version 1.0i - updated smogrd to version 1.0-28 - changed include/chimera_dimens.h: MGRID = 250 - modified ishell.F: replaced NCHPWD with NCHINT - updated vpro to version 1.0k - updated crvlib to 1.0-11 (Steve Nash mods to seg.F); updated examples/wingcap/cap2d_1.TEST - updated wingcap to 2.0-54 - added wkcut 1.0a SMN - Improvements to MINTERP for the sorting, I/O, and some bug fixes. - added strchk: grid stretching ratio code. - Changed Makefile so Cray uses unicos9 as default, and you must specify unicos8 to use cf77 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 0.1f (5/97 - 7/97) WMC - Removed implicit write statement with -1 increment in SURGRD so that code will not dump core when compiled with sgi_mips4. - Modified BOXGR to generate far field grid for non-symmetric cases, i.e. a periodic ellipsoid in K. - Fixed bug in SRAP related to divide by zero at axis points when multiple nodes are specified. Developed generalized input specifications via new optional parameter ISPEC. User can now specify (1) number of points and end spacings, or (2) max stretching ratio and end spacings, or (3) uniform spacing value. - Fixed several bugs in SBLOCK related to temporary array dimensions and Type-2 stitching. - Modified sfuns.F in library to return max stretching ratio if input number of points is supplied. Modified affected codes appropriately (boxgr,intgrd,sblock,surgrd). - Installed Stu's getinput.F into include directory. - Added minmax box command file output routine to plotcf.F in include directory. - Added autoco.F library routine to include directory and conmug.F (driver for autoco) to src directory for auto-concatenation of multiple surfaces/curves in arbitrary orientations. - Added FORTCALL_LC stuff in include/csystc.c and +U77 in F77FLAGS in Makefile for hp's (suggested by Tom Olsen, no machine on which we can check that at Ames right now). - Updated argument list of p3dtyp.F call in conmug.F, lsect.F, srap.F. SMN - Modified MINTERP by putting MGRID parameter in the chimera_dimens.h file. - Fixed format statement in compx.F SER - fixed bug in GRIDED (-> GRIDED version 1.7g): routines set2d and setaxi were using wrong indexing for ITYPE=2 and 4. - Updated SMOGRD to version 1-24. - Updated WINGCAP to version 2.0-51: added -mgrid option to force good multigrid dimensions. - Modified WINGCAP: changed input to surgrd: itsvol from 5 to 100 (-> WINGCAP version 2.0-50). Changed examples/wingcap to save and test all 3 cap grids, instead of only the last one; modified examples/verify script. - Updated WINGCAP to version 2.0-51. - Updated MINTERP to version 1.1c. - Updated crvlib to version 1.0-10. - Added holelib library, version 1.0a - Added program HYPIN, version 1.0 - Modified subroutine p3dtyp in include/p3dtyp.F: added arg iblnk, check for existance of iblank array; added logic to handle more cases for formatted multizone grid files. - Added program MINMAX, version 1.0 - Modified Makefile: do mkdir only if $(HOME)/bin does not exist -------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 0.1e (4/97) WMC - Modified PROGRD to project to non-blanked reference cells if iblanks are provided for the reference grid (-> PROGRD version 0.4i). Also fixed bug in surface normals computation for active curve subsets derived from surfaces (-> PROGRD version 0.4j). - Added nrstpi.F to include directory for searching closest cell with non-blanked vertices. An input flag controls whether surface normal tests are done. - Removed MSUB for PROGRD from chimera_dimens.h. - Added WRX3I and WRX3N routines to p3drw.F in include directory for writing PLOT3D multiple grid XYZ files with/without IBLANKS. - Modified P3DREA in p3dtyp.F to close file after reading coordinates. - Added Spline, Redistribute and Project program SRAP (version 2.0) to src/srap.F. Modified Makefile. Included sample input and readme in doc/, and wing example in examples/srap/wing/. - Added ptocur.F to include directory for projecting a point on to a curve described by a string of points connected by line segments. SMN - Added the intersect script to run lsect, using command line arguments. - Change LSECT so that you can intersect with a multiple grid reference grid. It now checks the format of the file, and will continue to read in additional grids for as long as there are points that do not find intersections (i.e. the "priority" used when there are multiple intersections will be the order of the grids). Also added a routine to write the intersect.com file within lsect, instead of the collar script. NOTE: the input format has changed for lsect, where it now prompts you for the filenames. The collar script was changed, so as long as you don't run lsect by itself, the change should be transparent. - Changed minterp to output the intersection curves as one composite curve. Also outputs minterp.com, and can accommodate when there is no Q file, but you want the intersection curve. SER - Updated crv library to version 1.0-9. - Updated wingcap to 2.0-46 (minor bug fix in computing kmax). - Updated vpro to 1.0i: fixed bug in s3d* surface searches. - Updated wingcap to 2.0-49. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 0.1d (3/97) WMC - Updated PROGRD to version 0.4h. Fixed bug in surface normal computation of active points located at J=JMAXG, K=KMAXG, L=LMAXG slices. Fixed bug on search defaulting to NS=JS=KS=1 when FNDNRS failed. Now when closet point + surface normal test fail, try closest point test alone. - Added p3dtyp.F to include directory: contains a number of routines to automatically determine PLOT3D file type unformatted/formatted, single/multiple, 2-D/3-D; also contains routines to read dimensions and coordinates separately (used for dynamically allocated grid arrays). - Modified SURNOR in surfnr.F file in include directory: modified surface normals at grid boundaries that lie on constant planes so that the normals themselves also lie on the constant plane. This ensures a good phantom cell for capturing points near the constant plane for projection. The argument list has been modified to include axis info in J and K. - Added SBLOCK (partial surface domain decomposition and surface grid generation module - alpha version) to src/sblock.F and Makefile. Included readme and sample input under doc/ and some test cases under examples. - Modified doc.tex to LaTeX format for easier table/figures updates. PGB - Updated nrstp[cst].F to use faster search scheme, giving a 20x speedup on the CRAY, 12% on the IRIS. Because a scratch array was added to the calling sequence, the following utilities were updated: LSECT (6.0b), INTGRD (7.0a), SURGRD (7.0e) and PROGRD (0.4g). - Updated the Makefile to add Cray Unicos 9.0. SER - Replaced include/ishell.c with include/{ishell.F,csystc.c} taken from PLOT3D routines: forces null-termination of the string, coded for all platforms, not just SGI. - Updated SMOGRD to version 1-18. Fixes bug with c-grid smoothing in which kbeg,kend specified a smaller subset than 1,kmax. - Updated MINTERP to version 1.0g. Fixes bug with rgrid in which all iblank values were overwritten with 1. - Added doc/cgt2.sgi, cgt2.ps: landscape version of cgt.sgi w/ updates - Updated crv library to version 1.0-5. - Updated wingcap to version 2.0-46. Minor fix to cap projection and addition of -jle input. Refinement of spacing on face of slat grids. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 0.1c (1/97) WMC - Updated PROGRD to version 0.4f. Fixed bug in surface normal checks for curve active grids. Do surface normal checks for nearest point initial guess if active points are derived from surface subsets; otherwise, just do nearest point search. - Added mathfn.F to include directory (contains some common math functions). Modified arclen.F to use mathfn functions. SER - Added minterp to latest Makefile - Added vpro program version 1.0h - Reduced M3D parameter to 1100000 in include/chimera_dimens.h so that grided will fit within a 10mw memory limit. SMN - Changed the Makefile to remove recursions from 'clean', and removed redundancies in the clean/install commands. Also had 'clean' remove any .f files in the include directories (this will cause problems - so always do a clean). - Added compx.F code to src/, and the verify script to the examples. This provides a means to checkout a particular distribution to make sure that the grids created by the example scripts are the same (within an tolerance) as those created on some datum machine. This also required changing the example scripts to have a '-noplot' option, and also to put reference formatted grid files in the examples, so we have something to compare against. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 0.1b (12/96) SER - Added minterp program, updated smogrd, wingcap. - Fixed bugs in include/crv/*.F: some routine did not include precis.h. WMC - Updated grided to version 1.7f: generalized 2-D i/o options. - Updated doc.tex - Included progrd.i sample input file in doc directory. - Updated general README and introduced log file for recent changes in doc/log.txt. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 0.1a (11/96) WMC - Designed framework for CHIMERA GRID TOOLS. - Included all files from COLLAR GRID TOOLS into CHIMERA GRID TOOLS. - Replaced old PROGRD with new complete re-write version for multiple grid projection. - Updated SURGRD to version 7.0d: dynamic memory, general input reference curves, etc. SMN, SER - Added tools from Stuart Rogers: smogrd: program to perform elliptic smoothing to a portion of a grid and spread out an undesired region of fine spacing. wingcap: generates a fine-resolution surface grid on the tip of a wing These tools reside in src/smogrd, and src/wingcap, and rely on the include/crv/crvlib.a object library. - began keeping track of version for the package Consolidated Makefiles: There is now one makefile for all the supported machines, and the machine is specified at the command line. Command line options are now available to restrict compilation to a subset of all the tools, and also do things such as clean, install, etc. Type 'make' without any command line arguments to see the options menu. Error Logging: An error logging capability has been added, where in most cases, if the tool fails, a file named .err will be created with some text message in it. If the file .err exists (whether or not there is anything in it), the tool failed to do what it was supposed to. Thus the existence of this file can be used to test success or failure. (This still needs testing as to whether one can RELY on it...) Support for Different Workstations: Makefiles for a variety of computers have been added. In general, workstation versions are configured for 32-bit REAL variables; this can be changed in the Makefile by adding -DD_PRECISION to CPPFLAGS.