ADA and GridPP David Adams Original: August 2, 2004 Update: August 5, 2004. GridPP is expected to be a major contributor to ADA (ATLAS Distributed Analysis) described at Foremost is is a python-based interface for job submission and monitoring, presumably delivered as part of the GANGA project. There are many other components required to provide ATLAS with an end-to-end analysis and we additionally look to the GridPP for these components. Most notable is a software package managment service. User interface for job submission --------------------------------- ADA describes ATLAS data in terms of datasets that may include either event or non-event (e.g. histograms) data. There are transformations that act on an existing dataset to produce new datasets and jobs that describe the invocation of a transformation to produce a physical dataset. The user interface should provide: 1. Means to browse and select from previously defined transformations. 2. Means to create a new transformation by modifying an existing one. Note that an ADA transformation is decomposed into an application plus a task and it is the latter that users typically modify. 3. Means to construct a dataset from an existing file or collection of datasets. This need not appear in the first release. 4. Means to browse and select from existing datasets. 5. Means to submit a job specified as a transformation, dataset and user preferences. The job is submitted to an analysis service. 6. Means to select an appropriate anlysis service. 7. Means to interrogate the analysis service or job catalog for the status of a previously submitted job. This status may include a reference to the partial or complete output dataset. 8. Means to examine a dataset, e.g. see the number of events in an event dataset or view the histograms in a histogram datset. All the above (and more) should be availble from an easy-to-use command line and an intuitive GUI. The above is implemented in Python and long term should be very portable, i.e. can be run on almost any platform. In the short term, a python wrapper around the DIAL C++ classes can provide a quick implementation of the command line interface restricted to those platforms where the DIAL libraries are available. The functionality of the former may be restricted. User interface for job monitoring --------------------------------- ADA provides mechanisms for cataloging both active and inactive jobs. At present one contacts an analysis service with a job ID and can ask the service for the ID's of known jobs. The existing GANGA job monitoring interface looks attractive here. A user should be able to get a view of all (or just his or her) high-level jobs submitted over some time period and then drill down to view the subjobs for any or these. The view should include essentially everything in the AJDL job description. The view should be dynamic, i.e. updated as active job progress. Package management service -------------------------- ADA plans to make use of a package management service to locate and install software packages at a site. This will free users and site managers from installing software by hand at predefined locations. Given a package name, this service could do the following: 1. Indicate if the packge is installed. 2. If so, indicate the location (directory). 3. If not, indicate whether it is availble for installation. 4. Install the package. The service would also manage disk space, deleting packages in accordance with site and VO policies. The service should be developed in cooperation with gLite.