pro sum_dt_genx, dt ;+ ;NAME: ; sum_dt_genx ;PURPOSE: ; To summarize a set of detune GENX data results ;SAMPLE CALLING SEQUENCE: ; sum_dt_genx,dt ;INPUT: ; dt = structure (presumably averaged) of GENX detune results ;OPTIONAL KEYWORD INPUT: ;OUTPUT: ; This version simply prints out the means of M1 & M2 using the mask dt.m ;HISTORY: ; Written 30-Dec-97 by T. Tarbell ; 27-Mar-00 (TDT) - put online, compute the means using standard IDL ;- fsr1 = 189. fsr2 = 378. type = strmid(dt.label,0,3) vorb = v_orbital(strmid(dt.label,4,20)) ; m1 = fsr1*mean(dt.ftfit(*,*).a(0),dt.m) ; m2 = fsr2*mean(dt.ftfit(*,*).a(1),dt.m) w = where(dt.m ne 0.) npi = 1./float(n_elements(w)) m1 = fsr1*npi*total(dt.ftfit(w).a(0)) m2 = fsr2*npi*total(dt.ftfit(w).a(1)) print,dt.label print,'Orbital Velocity: ',vorb print,'Mean M1 (mA): ',m1 print,'Mean M2 (mA): ',m2 end