Muon reconstruction in release 12.0.4

D. Adams
January 12, 2006

Release 12.0.4 is intended for production reconstruction.

Also see the issues and performance.


1. Muonboy fit chi-square is not the actual chi-square but is some other measure of quality. This may not be critical for muon identification but is a loss of important information for assessing the quality of the track fits.
This is fixed in a later version of Muonboy although errors are not yet tuned.
In, the problem gets worse.
Worsening is expected to go away in 12.0.5.
Status in 12.0.5: Expect a fix.

2. MuTag does not recover efficiency around eta=1.2 as promised in recent muon and trigger/physics meetings.
This requires enabling propagation to medium stations:
  MuTagMediumStations= Algorithm( *"MuTagMediumStations"* )
  MuTagMediumStations.doExtrapolateToMediumStation = 1
which is not done in 12.0.4 because the authors wanted time to do more high-statistic studies.
The situation is the same in
Status in 12.0.5: No change planned.

3. MuGirl reconstruction causes the muon geometry system to log messages at the level ERROR. Production considers jobs to be failed when messages appear at this level and so MuGirl will have to be disabled in production reconstruction.
The situation is presumably the same in
Status in 12.0.5: Expect a fix or workaround.

4. Although at least one calorimeter-based muon ID algorithm is being run as part of reconstruction, the identified tracks are not written to the ESD or AOD as muons or in any other form. It may be possible to infer the track by looking at the (object-based) missing ET container and searching the inner detector tracks for a match.
The situation is the same in
Status in 12.0.5: No change expected.

5. Staco match chi-square and fit chi-square are the same for all tracks.
This is because chi-square is only that for the statistical combination and does not include that for the constituent tracks. Thus the two values should be the same.
IMHO, it would be best to return a combined chi-square that includes the contributions from the inner and outer fits as well as the combination. Note that this is also relevant to Muid which presently includes the contribution from the outer track but not from the inner.
Status in 12.0.5: No change expected.

6. Staco, mutag, muid, and moore_extrapolated track particles are missing track summary information.
ID rather than mutag track particles are referenced in the staco muon container so the missing mutag information does not affect users of the staco muon container.
The summary for moore_extrapolated may be derived from the value for moore standalone.
The summaries for staco and muid can be derived by adding the inner and standalone summaries.
The situation is the same in
Status in 12.0.5: Expect muid and moore_extrapolated will be fixed; staco and mutag not

7. MuGirl has no track particles.
The situation is presumably the same in
The track particles relevant for MuGirl are found in the inner detector collection and MuGirl does not refit and so the track parameters are available. The list of muon hits that MuGirl associates with the innter track are lost.
Status in 12.0.5: No change expected.

8. Both muid and staco AOD muon containers have high fake rates if all track types are included.
Users might be able to suppress these if information about hits and holes were available.
Hole counts have been added to 12.X.0.
Evidence that fakes might share muon hits with reals comes from the fake delta-R plots (staco, muid) which peak at DR=0.
Hit counts are in 12.0.4 but something like a list of hit identifiers is needed if we are to filter muons sharing muon hits.
Status in 12.0.5: No change expected.

9. The muid container has a peak in etisol at -999 indicating that it is not being filled. They are all inner tracks, presumably those found only by mugirl as reported by Stephane.
There is not such peak in the staco container.
Status in 12.0.5: Unclear.

10. There are a few events in both muid and staco with etisol below -10 GeV (10000).
Status in 12.0.5: No change expected.

11. The track summaries for Muonboy track particles do not include CSC hit counts. This will be fixed when muonboy starts using CSC clusters.
Status in 12.0.5: No change expected.

Efficiency and fakes are for pT>4 GeV/c, |eta|<2.8 and r0<2 cm.
Note: Cuts are very loose.