Syntax of Remote Telescope Markup Language 3.0c

schema location:  RTML-3.0c.xsd
element CalibrationObservation
children Calibration History ImageData Telemetry
used by
elements Schedule Setup
Name  Type  Use  Default  Fixed  Annotation
uid  RTMLUniqueName        
uref  RTMLUniqueName        

Description of a generic spectroscopic calibration observation.  Like <Observation>, this is
mostly a place-holder which merely says "Do an appropriate calibration right now
using the present parameters."  What constitutes an "appropriate" calibration observation
should be decided by the server, but this presumably entails observing a wavelength
standard (e.g. between sequences of normal observations to insure wavelength calibration
<xs:element name="CalibrationObservation">
Description of a generic spectroscopic calibration observation.  Like <Observation>, this is
mostly a place-holder which merely says "Do an appropriate calibration right now
using the present parameters."  What constitutes an "appropriate" calibration observation
should be decided by the server, but this presumably entails observing a wavelength
standard (e.g. between sequences of normal observations to insure wavelength calibration
    <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
      <xs:element ref="Calibration"/>
      <xs:element ref="History"/>
      <xs:element ref="ImageData"/>
      <xs:element ref="Telemetry"/>
    <xs:attributeGroup ref="RTMLTagAttributes"/>

Mon Sep 2 18:56:59 MET DST 2002
XML Schema documentation generated with XML Spy Schema Editor