126 MONTHLY WEATHER HEVIEW. FEBRUARY, 1920 The following station recorded no earthquakes during February, 1920 : C~ALIFORNIA. Theosophical l h k r r i t y , Point Lonu. Reports for Februay, 1920, have not been received ALASKA. Sitka, U. S. ('. & C;. Survev. DISTRICT 01. (!OI.CMDLL Washi~@on.h. C., Georgetown Pirircrpity. KANSAS. Lawrence. Irniwmity of Kansas. MISSOURI. St. Louin, St. Louis Univelrrit.y. NEW PORK. Buffalo. C'anisiuA College: New York, Fordha.m 1Tniversit.y. For the reports of the stations at the University of California, Berkeley, Calif. ,and at the Lick Observatory, Mount Hamilton, calif., see Bulletin of t7t.a Seismographic Sta.tions, Un.iversify of CaKforn.ia.. For the report of the University of Santa Clara station, see Record of the Seismograp7t.i~ Sba.Eiom,lTnive.rsi.ty of S a d a 0a:ra.. from the following stations: SEISMOLOCilCAL DISPATCHESJ Buenos Aires, Februarry 2, 1920.-Dispatclies from the statre of Minas Geraes, Brazil, report that an earth- quake Sunday shook down a number of houses in the country districks, creating great panic amongst the in- habitants. The dispatches say that in intensit the earth shock is without precedent in that region. &sso- ciated Press.) - - 1 Collected b the organization lndlcated and reported by the Seismological Station, Qeorgetown dPnlverslty, Washington, D. 6. Mexico City, Mexico, February 6, 192O.-Earth shocks were felt at 12.50 o'clock this morning in the Vera Chu region, according to report. (Associated Press. Paris (Haver), February 16, 192O.-The ministry colonies re orted to-day that a tidal witve had swept over damage caused was important, the ministry added, and the losses were great on Makalea Island. (Associated Press.) Cadiz, Spain, February 20, 1920.-A sli ht earth- quake occui-red yesterday at Benemargosa, &malema, and other centers of Andalusia. Considerable damage wa.s done to various hamlets and villages but no loss of life was re ort,ed. (Associated Press.) Rome (kavas), February 23, 1920.-Tiflis dispatches say t,hat a peat earthquake has occurred in the district of which the town of Gori is the center. There hare been numerous casualbies and serious damage. (Associated Press.) Washington, D. C., February 28,1920.-!Cwo earth- quakes occurred in the South Pacific Ocean to-day, resulting in the breaking of both South American cables. No further details are available. Washington, D. C., February 28, 1920.-A report on the breaking of the cables, both of which were south of Callao, has been made to the Navy De artment by the less stations in the Pacific. bhe Frenc P 1 possessions in Oceania in the Pacific. The (Associated Press.) cable companies, but the de artment E as received no reports concerning the distur f ances from ships or wire- (Associated Press.) 0