Flicker comparison of SWISS-2DPAGE DB gel images with URLs

You may Flicker compare a SWISS-2DPAGE clickable gel with a gel you specify from a URL. This may be useful for comparing one of your gels against a SWISS-2DPAGE gel where they have identified spots and have defined links to SWISS-PROT.

You can also access SWISS-2DPAGE data for individual spots by turning on the "Click to access DB" checkbox and then clicking on the image.


You to select a SWISS-2DPAGE map image and a URL for a cooresponding gel image anywhere from the Internet which will be used with Flicker. After setting the "Click to access DB", you may click on a spot in the left SWISS-2DPAGE gel image and to obtain information on the corresponding protein from SWISS-2DPAGE with links to SWISS-PROT.

You must select two gel images. One is from the list of SWISS-2DPAGE gels (which can access the SWISS-2DPAGE databases) and the other from a URL of the gel image you wish to compare. Note: the left image will be clickable and the right one will not. You may wish to increase the image canvas size before Flicker starts. The default works nicely for the 1024x768 SVGA.

Canvas Size,
1. Select SWISS-2DPAGE gel:

2. Enter URL of gel image URL (http:// or ftp://)
(e.g., http://www.lecb.ncifcrf.gov/flicker/plasmaL.gif) or use your URL:

$Date: 2003/09/03 18:33:56 $ P. Lemkin, E-mail: lemkin@ncifcrf.gov
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Acknowledgement: This page was derived from the SWISS-2DPAGE Map Selection.