You are a DES son if your mother took DES while she was pregnant with you. Many people, including some doctors, do not know that men can be affected by DES exposure before birth. However, some may face an increased risk for problems with their genital organs. Some research has also shown there may be a link between high doses of DES and problems with fertility. To date there has been little research on DES sons. Studies are now in progress, and new findings may apply to you. The best way to protect your health is to find out whether you have been exposed, get recommended cancer screening tests for men of your age, and stay informed about new research findings.


If you know you're DES-exposed (or think you might be):



Epididymal cysts are the most common abnormality in DES sons. The epididymis is a structure on the back of each testicle where sperm are stored. Epididymal cysts are non-cancerous growths that feel like small lumps. They may disappear and recur over time. They do not need to be treated unless they are painful, but report all lumps to your doctor.

Testicular Problems

Testicular problems in some DES sons include both small testicles and undescended testicles. Men with undescended testicles (even if their mothers didn't take DES) have an increased chance of developing testicular cancer.

Male reproductive system


There has been little research on the impact of DES on male fertility. A clinical trial found that some DES sons had a higher rate of abnormal sperm and low sperm counts. The average total dosage of DES received by these women was over 12,000 mg., which is considered a high dose of DES.

A second observational study found no increase in sperm abnormalities in men exposed to lower doses of DES. In this second study the total average DES dosage was 1,429 mg.

What to Do

If you can, ask your mother about the amount of DES she took during her pregnancy with you. You can describe the dosage given above.

Unfortunately, in many cases it is impossible to determine the dose of DES prescribed. If you are concerned about fertility problems, consult your doctor.


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