For Immediate Release
May 4th, 2006
Contact: Selam Mulugeta: 202-225-2631

Sustainable Development Briefing Series:

Ethiopian American Participation in
American Culture and Politics, and Its Impact on Ethiopia

Washington, DC – As Chair and Founder of the Congressional Ethiopia and Ethiopian American Caucus, my role is to feature Ethiopian Americans and lead an effort to expose the Congressional community to the myriad ways in which they contribute to our society. In this vein, the Ethiopia Caucus presents its third sustainable development briefing featuring members of that community who represent its diversity. The purpose of their presentation is to familiarize Members and staff with Ethiopian American concerns, and to display the importance of involvement in that community. Our overarching goal is to encourage the Ethiopian American community to engage their representatives, to utilize and promote the need for an Ethiopia Caucus, and to make Ethiopian and Ethiopian American issues pervasive and relevant to Congressional leadership.


The relevance of this briefing to the discussion of sustainable development in Ethiopia lies in the nature of Ethiopian American-ness. Ethiopian Americans by-and-large utilize their citizenship and education to impact the lives of Ethiopians in Ethiopia. If we are going to discuss sustainable development issues in Ethiopia, we must also be knowledgeable about the existing contributions of Ethiopians in the Diaspora. The Caucus is initiating an effort to include Ethiopian Americans in this discussion, so that when decisions are made on the Hill about development and humanitarian assistance, Members and staff will look to the existing programs led by Ethiopian Americans. To generate that instinct, Members and Staff will need to be introduced to the reality and significance of Ethiopian American active participation in American politics and culture.




Tadias Magazine

Founder and Publisher, Liben Eabisa

The leading lifestyle and business publication devoted exclusively to the Ethiopian-American community in the United States.


Ethiopian Women for Peace, Development, and Humanitarian Aid (EWPDH) Founder and President, Maigenet Shifferraw

Community group of women who advocate for the protection of human rights, particularly those of women both in the US and in Ethiopia.


Society of Ethiopians Established in Diaspora

SEED National Youth Coordinator, Menna Demessie

PhD Student in Political Science and Public Policy

University of Michigan

SEED hosts annual award and recognitions banquets to serve as a platform to motivate Ethiopians in Diaspora by encouraging them to strive for excellence and to enable them to be productive model citizens where they are. This activity has created a network of professionals and young Ethiopians that has started bearing fruit in job searches, career consultations, and business creations through partnership.


EthioCorps Inc.

Founder, Addisu Mesfin

A 501(c)(3) non-profit organization whose mission is to contribute to the reversal of the brain drain by enabling Ethiopian Americans to volunteer in Ethiopia via public-service fellowships.


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