2005P-0411 Seeking FDA Actions to Counter Flagrant Violations of the Law by Pharmacies Compounding Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy Drugs
FDA Comment Number : EC7895
Submitter : Mrs. Peggy Parker Date & Time: 03/07/2006 04:03:32
Organization : Mrs. Peggy Parker
Category : Individual Consumer
Issue Areas/Comments
I am a woman over 60 but you would think me to be 48 or so. The reason is because not only have I followed a healthy diet and exercise program but I discovered herbs before I became menopausal. I breezed through menopause and if I have any symptoms, I go back to the harmones I get from plants (phytohormone). I hope we will always have the freedom to choose the supplements we put into our bodies. I have never taken any of the artificial hormones that are usually prescribed by doctors. We individuals should be the ones to say what we will or will not use for healing our bodies. My body is mine and I should be able to decide to accept or reject anything that someone else wants to put into it. Good or bad, that is my choice, not the FDA, the doctor or anyone else. I cannot fathom using most of the stuff that has been approved for use. I believe in prevention of health problems and natural supplements are essential to me, so I need the freedom to choose. I feel that the FDA should not force the public to endanger their health for the sake of commercialism.