Follow these tips from the Illinois State Fire Marshal and your local fire department to make your winter fire safe. Have all heating equipment professionally cleaned and checked. Make sure heating units carry the label of a recognized testing laboratory. Always follow all manufacturer’s instructions. Place space heaters at least three feet away from walls, furniture, and other combustible items. Be sure wiring is sufficient for operating an electrical heater. Use extension cords sparingly, especially around the holiday season. Install and maintain your smoke detectors. A smoke detector that does not have a battery will not work, and it will not save your life. A working smoke detector is your first line of defense in the event of a fire. Be sure to clean and maintain your smoke detector. Replace the battery at least once or twice a year, and be sure to test it regularly. If you lose heat, never light a grill or wood burner in your home. If you have a portable generator, make sure you follow all of the safety precautions and be certain that it is properly ventilated outdoors to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning. Install and maintain a carbon monoxide detector, and make sure it has a fresh battery in case you lose power.