Entry_ID: (required) Entry_Title: North American Atlas - Glaciers Group: Data_Set_Citation Originator(s): Government of Canada, Natural Resources Canada, Canada Centre for Remote; Instituto Nacional de Estadística Geografía e Informática; U.S. Geological Survey Title: North American Atlas - Glaciers Publication_Date: 200406 Publication_Place: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Publisher: Government of Canada Data_Presentation_Form: Vector digital data URL: http://geogratis.cgdi.gc.ca/download/frameworkdata/North_America_Atlas10M/glaciers/ URL: http://antares.inegi.gob.mx/atlas_norteamerica/ URL: http://nationalatlas.gov/atlasftp.html End_Group Keyword: Glaciers Keyword: Ice fields Keyword: Ice caps Group: Temporal_Coverage Start_date: 200406 Stop_date: 200406 End_Group Data_Set_Progress: Complete Group: Spatial_Coverage Southernmost_Latitude: -5.0 Northernmost_Latitude: 90.0 Westernmost_Longitude: 152.0 Easternmost_Longitude: 4.0 End_Group Location: Mid-latitude Location: Western Hemisphere Location: Northern Hemisphere Location: North America Location: NAFTA Location: North America Free Trade Agreement Location: Canada Location: Mexico Location: United States Group: Data_Resolution Latitude_Resolution: 0.000001 Longitude_Resolution: 0.000001 End_Group Access_Constraints: None Use_Constraints: All data for Canada and other areas outside of Mexico and the United States of America are covered by the Geogratis User Agreement for Digital Data; see http://geogratis.cgdi.gc.ca/e_license.html. No use constraints are applied to data for Mexico and the United States of America. Acknowledgment of the North American Atlas, Instituto Nacional de Estadística Geografía e Informática, Natural Resources Canada, and (or) the U.S. Geological Survey would be appreciated in products derived from these data. Originating_Center: (required) Group: Data_Center Data_Center_Name: Government of Canada, Natural Resources Canada, Canada Centre for Group: Data_Center_Contact Last_name: Government of Canada, Natural Resources Canada, Canada Centre for First_name: N/A Email: info@GeoGratis.cgdi.gc.ca Group: Address Room 650-615 Booth Street Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0E9 Canada End_Group End_Group End_Group Group: Reference End_Group Group: Summary The North American Atlas data are intended for geographic display and analysis at the national and continental level. The data should be displayed and analyzed at scales appropriate for 1:10,000,000-scale data. No responsibility is assumed by Natural Resources Canada, Instituto Nacional de Estadística Geografía e Informática, or the U.S. Geological Survey in the use of these data. A joint venture involving the National Atlas programs in Canada (Natural Resources Canada), Mexico (Instituto Nacional de Estadística Geografía e Informática), and the United States (U.S. Geological Survey), as well as the North American Commission for Environmental Co-operation, has led to the release (June 2004) of several new products: an updated paper map of North America, and its associated geospatial data sets and their metadata. These data sets are available online from each of the partner countries both for visualization and download. The North American Atlas data are standardized geospatial data sets at 1:10,000,000 scale. A variety of basic data layers (e.g. roads, railroads, populated places, political boundaries, hydrography, bathymetry, sea ice and glaciers) have been integrated so that their relative positions are correct. This collection of data sets forms a base with which other North American thematic data may be integrated. Any data outside of Canada, Mexico, and the United States of America included in the North American Atlas data sets is strictly to complete the context of the data. The North American Atlas - Glaciers data set shows areas of permanent ice found on the North America landmass including Greenland, and also shows areas of land found within glaciers. No distinction is made between major glaciers, ice fields, and the Greenland ice cap. The only permanent ice shown on land areas outside of North America and Greenland is on Iceland. The Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) is an international organization created by Canada, Mexico, and the United States of America under the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation (NAAEC). The CEC was established to address regional environmental concerns, help prevent potential trade and environmental conflicts, and to promote the effective enforcement of environmental law. The Agreement complements the environmental provisions of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Further information on the CEC is available from http://www.cec.org/ or from >Commission for Environmental Cooperation >393, rue St-Jacques Ouest >Bureau 200 >Montréal (Québec) >H2Y 1N9 Canada > >Telephone: 514 350 4300 >Facsimile: 514 350 4314 >Electronic mail: info@ccemtl.org > All North American Atlas data sets are available in four data formats: Arc/INFO Export format (e00), ArcView Shapefile, Geography Markup Language (GML) and Spatial Data Transfer Standard (SDTS). Although these data are distributed in geographic coordinates, the North American Atlas Map uses a Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area projection. The following parameters were used for the map: >Longitude_of_Projection_Center: -100.00 >Latitude_of_Projection_Center: 45.00 >False_Easting (metres): 0.0 >False_Northing (metres): 0.0 >Semi-major_Axis: 6370997.0 >Denominator_of_Flattening_Ratio: 1.0 >Ellipsoid_Name: Sphere >Units: metres End_Group Group: DIF_Author Last_name: Government of Canada, Natural Resources Canada, Canada Centre for First_name: N/A Email: info@atlas.gc.ca Group: Address Room 650-615 Booth Street Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0E9 Canada End_Group End_Group DIF_Revision_Date: 20040709 Science_Review_Date: