NuMI-MIN-GEN-811 January 24, 2002 D. Ayres Minutes of the MINOS Collaboration meeting at Caltech January 3-6, 2002 Present: Argonne: Dave Ayres, Tacy Joffe-Minor, Dave Reyna, Rich Talaga, Jonathan Thron Athens: George Tzanakos Brookhaven: Milind Diwan, Brett Viren Caltech: Barry Barish, Brajesh Choudhary, John Hanson, Yan Liu, Doug Michael, Harvey Newman, Charlie Peck, Eric Tardiff, Jason Trevor Fermilab: Bruce Baller, Bob Bernstein, Greg Bock, Dave Boehnlein, Dixon Bogert, Aesook Byon-Wagner, Sam Childress, Debbie Harris, Robert Hatcher, Jim Hylen, Peter Lucas, Alberto Marchionni, Jorge Morfin, Jeff Nelson, Adam Para, Rob Plunkett, Peter Shanahan, Wes Smart Harvard: Gary Feldman, Andre Lebedev, Roy Lee, Mark Messier, Sharon Seun IIT: Chris White Indiana: Chuck Bower, Stuart Mufson, Jim Musser, Brian Rebel Livermore: Peter Barnes, Ed Hartouni London: Phil Adamson, Leo Jenner, Ryan Nichol, Ruben Saakyan, Chris Smith, Jenny Thomas Macalester: Nat Longley Minnesota-TC: Bernie Becker, Pete Border, Mike DuVernois, Ken Heller, Marvin Marshak, Bill Miller, Leon Mualem, Earl Peterson, Dipu Rahman, Keith Ruddick, Jon Urheim Minnesota-DLH: Alec Habig Oxford: Nathaniel Tagg, Alfons Weber, Nick West Pittsburgh: Jeff McDonald, Donna Naples Rutherford: Tass Belias, Jeff Hartnell, Peter Litchfield, Geoff Pearce South Carolina: Tim Bergfeld, Andrew Godley, Carl Rosenfeld Stanford: Sergey Avvakumov, George Irwin, Stan Wojcicki Sussex: Phil Harris Texas A&M: Edward Tetteh-Lartey, Bob Webb U. Texas, Austin: Sacha Kopp, Mike Kordosky, Karol Lang, Tricia Vahle, Bob Zwaska Tufts: Tom Kafka, Mayly Sanchez, Jack Schneps, Alex Sousa Wstrn Washington: Louie Barrett Wisconsin: Albert Erwin, Christos Vellisaris Visitors: Roy Holt (Argonne), Julia Thompson (Pittsburgh) Transparency copies and minutes of MINOS committee meetings held in conjunction with this collaboration meeting are available as NuMI notes: Transparency copies: NuMI-TRANS-GEN-809 Executive Committee minutes: NuMI-MIN-GEN-812 Institutional Board minutes: NuMI-MIN-GEN-813 A. Summary This meeting was held at Caltech on Thursday through Sunday, January 3-6. The main meeting plenary sessions on Saturday and Sunday were preceded by parallel sessions on Thursday and Friday. A week-long MINOS Software Workshop was held after the collaboration meeting, on January 7-11 at Caltech. The MINOS Executive Committee and Institutional Board both met in conjunction with this meeting. The IB held annual elections for IB Chair and for three members of the Executive Committee. The IB also discussed proposed changes to the collaboration leadership structure that would replace the current Spokesperson with two Co-Spokespersons during the next two years. The specific proposal under discussion called for changing the collaboration bylaws at the April meeting to incorporate the new structure, followed by the election of a Co-Spokesperson at the July collaboration meeting. This person would serve under the current Spokesperson until his term expires in December 2003. At that time a second Co-Spokesperson would be elected and the office of Spokesperson would be eliminated. The detailed proposal for changes to the bylaws would be distributed to the IB prior to its April meeting so that it could be voted on at that meeting. The following working groups and committees met in parallel sessions on Thursday and Friday: Beam commissioning, Beam monitoring, CalDet analysis and results, Core software, Hadron production experiment, Electronics and DAQ, FarDet data collection, FarDet physics analysis, MICCO (outreach), Non-oscillation physics, and Reconstruction, calibration and Monte Carlo software. The most important topics discussed at this meeting were: 1. Main Injector proton intensity for NuMI. A working group of Beams Division staff and MINOS collaborators has begun work to develop a realistic plan for increasing the MI intensity on the NuMI target. 2. Beam technical component design. Since the October meeting the NuMI group has continued to make good progress in the design and construction planning for NuMI beam technical components. This progress was a key factor in the recent DOE approval of the NuMI Project rebaseline proposal. The participation of non-Fermilab MINOS collaborators in this work has continued to increase but a higher level of involvement is still needed. 3. NuMI beam design. The MINOS Beam Specifications Advisory Group and the NuMI Beam Commissioning Group requested collaboration consideration of several proposals they have developed for improving of the NuMI neutrino beam. These included (1) increasing the range of the remotely controlled longitudinal motion of the NuMI production target and baffle to allow rapid change of beam energy (without moving the horn positions), (2) reduction of beam losses between the second horn and the decay pipe by decreasing the thickness of the decay pipe window and/or extending the decay pipe to the exit of the second horn in its low energy position (which then could not be moved downstream) and (3) the installation of fiducial crosswires on the horns to aid in checking horn alignment. The collaboration generally supported these proposals with the exception of the decay pipe extension, which was seen to seriously reduce future flexibility of the NuMI beam facility. 4. MINOS detector issues. The MINOS Project management requested collaboration advice on several possible changes to the detector construction plan. These included the fabrication of additional channels of near detector front-end electronics to (1) remove the multiplexing from the spectrometer section and (2) to provide a full set of electronics for the CalDet that is not shared with the near detector at Fermilab. The collaboration (in agreement with the MINOS management) was generally negative about both of these proposals, which together would add nearly $1M to the detector cost. A related issue concerned the recent realization that the default plan for multiplexing the spectrometer section of the near detector needs to be reconsidered in detail before a final decision can be made. Additional simulations will be performed soon using a realistic multiplexing scheme. A final detector issue was the increase of the rate capability of the the far detector electronics and DAQ systems to cope with the higher than expected detector-plane singles rate. The Harvard group's proposal for a 2/36 VARC trigger meets all requirements with no effect on physics capability and has minimal cost. 5. Hadron production experiment. The collaboration's earlier plan to obtain needed hadron production data at CERN using the NA-49 apparatus (E-322) has to be reconsidered because it now seems unlikely that future running of NA-49 will occur. The recent stage 1 approval of E-907 (MIPP) at Fermilab provides an alternative way to obtain hadron production data, but at the expense of considerably more effort than E-322 would have required. The collaboration found it difficult to give high priority to work on MIPP in light of the urgent need for increased collaboration effort on NuMI beam tasks, including work to increase the Main Injector proton intensity for MINOS. 6. Starting physics data taking and analysis. With the first kiloton of the far detector now operating at Soudan, significant numbers of cosmic ray muons and atmospheric neutrino events will soon be available for physics analysis. At the October meeting the collaboration appointed a Run Coordinator and a Soudan DAQ Coordinator to maximize running time for physics data taking, consistent with detector commissioning activities. At this meeting the collaboration established physics analysis working groups for atmospheric-neutrino and cosmic-ray-muon events. Work to develop the software tools needed for these analyses is already well underway but will now be expanded to include specific requests from the physics analysis groups. Following the main collaboration meeting the Executive Committee recommended the appointment of two collaboration physicists to serve as Coordinator and Co-coordinator of the atmospheric-neutrino analysis group and two others to fill similar positions in the cosmic-ray-muon analysis group. 7. Reorganization of weekly working group meetings. As work on the beam and detector hardware and software systems continues to evolve, the same topics are often covered in the weekly telephone meetings of several groups. There was considerable discussion at this meeting about a proposal to reorganize these meetings to reduce the amount of time spent in different meetings discussing the same subjects each week. Specific proposals for reorganization of working group meetings will be developed after the collaboration meeting. B. Talks at the plenary session 1. MINOS experiment update Stan Wojcicki 2. NuMI Project update Greg Bock 3. NuMI Civil Construction update Dixon Bogert 4. Beam Spec Advisory Group report Adam Para 5. Beam Spec Advisory Group: decay pipe extension Sacha Kopp 6. NuMI technical components progress (WBS 1.1) Bruce Baller 7. Optimization of NuMI proton beam optics Peter Lucas 8. P-150 studies Alberto Marchionni 9. NuMI beam tasks Aesook Byon-Wagner 10. NuMI beam commissioning working group Adam Para 11. MI intensity working group Doug Michael 12. Workshop on physics with the NuMI beam Adam Para 13. MINOS Project update Aesook Byon-Wagner 14. MINOS scintillator update Doug Michael 15. CalDet update: light injection Ryan Nichol 16. CalDet update: MINOS in a beam Phil Adamson 17. CalDet update: online/offline trigger comparison Mike Kordosky 18. CalDet update: muon analysis Chris Smith 19. CalDet update: electron analysis Tricia Vahle 20. FarDet electronics/DAQ/online-software update Geoff Pearce 21. NearDet electronics progress, costs, decisions Jonathan Thron 22. Near detector surface assembly Chris White 23. Far detector installation & commissioning Jeff Nelson 24. MINOS offline computing Jon Urheim 25. FarDet analysis working group: cosmic rays Mike DuVernois 26. FarDet analysis working group: atmospheric nu's Peter Litchfield 27. Track reconstruction & calibration software Jim Musser 28. FarDet plane commissioning & calibration Roy Lee 29. Hadron production experiment Mark Messier 30. Non-oscillation physics with the NuMI beam Jorge Morfin 31. MICCO report Nat Longley 32. Institutional Board report Karol Lang 33. NuMI/MINOS design decisions Aesook Byon-Wagner C. Schedule of MINOS-related activities The current schedule of MINOS-related meetings and activities for 2002 is shown below. This schedule has been updated to reflect recent changes. Calendar of NuMI-MINOS-related Activities in 2002 ------------------------------------------------- (Latest version: MINOS offline software workshop at Caltech Jan 7-11 (Mon-Fri) Large detector PDK & neutrino workshop at CERN Jan 16-18 (Wed-Fri) DOE review of WBS 1.0 at Fermilab Jan 30-31 (Wed-Thu) Neutrino beam & instrumentation workshop, CERN Mar 14-19 (Thu-Tue) MINOS Collaboration meeting at FNAL Apr 4-7 (Thu-Sun) PAC meeting at Fermilab Apr 12-14 (Fri-Sun) Spring APS meeting, Albuquerque Apr 20-23 (Sat-Tue) New initiatives for the NuMI beam, Wkshp @ FNAL May 1-3 (Wed-Fri) DOE Review of NuMI at FNAL (proposed) May 21-23 (Tue-Thu) DPF 2002, Williamsburg May 24-28 (Fri-Tue) Neutrino 2002 at Munich May 25-30 (Sun-Thu) PAC meeting at Aspen Jun 15-21 (Sat-Fri) MINOS Collab meeting @ UofMinn-Mpls (proposed) Jul 11-14 (Thu-Sun) MINOS Collaboration meeting @ Sussex (proposed)Sep 12-15 (Thu-Sun)