My maop3.&n concurs w%fh yours, thatit mild be aa likely that other mama&y used hrobee shortid Deco= pathogenic for man. I suppose there is some risk attacrbd to the introduatlsn of s nm agent, blo- logical or el#odcd, 1nf.a our envinrmatnt. For ample, it fa plmasible that one hmmn in, sag, tea thoueati .tiqht be exqufs1+aly seneitlve, owing to hia partiuu3.a~ gemtic constftu?&on, to sody) new chemical in- reatsleide. Blot many pralimlnary safaty tests could nick that upt Any bi010~.%0al pr~ctoufit to bm srdmbk!tmednith Ilonm cam. U tha BaaAllw spearer are goad antigw8, aa they nsy wmll be, they stand a pod ohanee of provoking ell.ergla reactions in a reinarfty 02 handlera, I.2 beuiellud usu~zrpsely. Pa&p 2 - my 27, 3.938 Dr. ?sdmrd A. stainballs possib.iUtiss of himan risks fron t2d.r products as may apply to tbas miaroorganiams. It 3s possible tC, ratis as mq hypothetical. posai- billti~s of tmubb ,for OM) as far th@ OthWj if we ars to ham any chsncm af ~ogreas at all, we have to take a balanced vlem, and accept aom rmota risks, after astrenuous re&w of si@ximl asfotg tosting. JosW Ladarbarg Pmfossor of Miadical Oenatics P. 5. Have you .~.,a recent word on the Buchrmr translation project?