186 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. AUGUST, 1884. ... - ........ ........ .......... - As comlm*etl wit.11 the chart for the preceding 1nont.h (Jiily) there appears to have been i1 slight hit. gener~l drift of ice- bergs t,owards the soiith aatl east, ; later newsimper reprts, however, iuclicate au estensive sout,herly movement of icelmgs along the ea.steni coast of Newfonutllnnd. So far a.s caii be deterniiuecl from the reports at liaurl, tlie region south of N . -kjo amppears t.0 he coml>ilrrttiVelg clenr of ice. A comparisou wi tli the chiwt fiw t.he correnpoutling month of last gear (1883) sliows uc) luat.erial diflerence i n the est.ent of t.lie ice region, either in its easteru or southern limits. In lSP3, a.s iu blie liresent yem, ouly a few isolated bergs were observed soiit.11 of N. 150; iu the strait, of Belle Isle more ice has been report,ecl t.his yeax tmliau in the two iirecediug gei1,rs; in lSS3 the strait was u1ea.r of ice. As regards Angost, 1882, tlie 1imit.s of t’he ice region tlnriug t.liat mont,li were not shomu on t>liechitrt, the suiitll area ctov- erecl 1)y t,he report,s, rendering niiuecessary the issne of such aliart. No icebergs were reported after August 16, 1S83, and those obserred prior t.0 tliilt (late were 1.wt.ween N. 40°, W. 46O and N. 48O w. 4S0. Icebergs were reported during A411g1ist, 1SS4, as follows : :3tl.-B~rk b‘ Relinblik,” in N. 4Y0, W. 4S0, passed R hrge iceberg. Bth.-Bar% “Orpl~eiis,~’ in N, 4Y0 90’, W. 44O 40’ passed two la.rge icebergs; s. s. bbSta1t.e of N e l ~r i ~k i ~,” in E. 4 i o 241, W. 4io, iiassed an iceberg. 6tli.-Ship ‘b Dora,?’ in N. 4S0 561, W. 4S0 3S’, passed two very large icebergs nbonb two IiiiuJred feet high, also several small pieces from t,went,y to f0rt.g feet high. ith.-Shil) “ Doix,” iu N. 4d020’, W. 4So Y Y , passed six rery large icebergs ringing froni iibout one hiin~lred to five hnuilred feet high. 8th.-S. S. “Stmate of Georgia,” iu N. 4S0 311, W. 4ci0 401, passed an iceberg ii nil several sma.11 pieces. !,th.-S. S. “St.ate ot’ Georgia,” in X. 4io S f , W. 31O 141, passed t8mo icebergs. lOth.-S. S. ‘b Lake Hiiroii,” in N. 4S0 3O’, W. 49O 101, 1i:issed several Iarge illid sliii1ll icebergs ; s. H. ‘b Gellia,” in S. 43O W , W. 4 8 O 4-41, p.wsed it hrge ice.berg. lltli.-S. 8. ‘6 City of Ri~hnioiid,” in N. 4i0 W, W. 43O 5.01, passed three icebergs; illso, in h’. 4i0 E’, W. 4G0 2i’, passed two icebergs. large icebergs. l4t.li.-S. S. ‘‘Arizouii,,” in X. 4,i0 lo’, W. 4io 37f, passed an iceberg aboiit fifty feet liigli. lGtli.-Captiaiu G;1mou, comlliiiilding ‘the s. R. 6‘ Rhodora.,” reported: 16t,li, 7 1’. ni., lilt. 4s’ 14’ N., long. 45’ 40’ W., blie therIuol11et.t.r in t,he chitrt ~O O I I I kll to I S 0 i1.11(1 kelit st.tr.atlg itt thnt point until !J iIm. ui. tlie nest ihy, wheu we iinsserl a liwge iceberg in N. 47O 30’, W. 4i0 d’: SOOII il.fter, tmlie theruionieter rose to its nsuiil lieiglit ; did uot see i I U s ice tliiriug t,he night,, tlioiigli i t W R ~ clear, but no doiibt other icebergs were p;issotl. iceberg; ship “Siistmue,” in N. #io 571, IT. #io II’, passrd a11 iceberg; s. s. b b Wjouiiug,” in N. 4G0 231, W. 47O S I , passed n lSt.ll.-Biirk ‘b Orl~lie~s,” in N. 44’ lB’, \V. 65’ O’, 1)ijssed two The W . S. “AxiI.leiE,” iu 9. 4i0 YS’, IV. 4 5 O 3W, lii1,sSerl it, large .~ 1 arge fiberg. icelwrg, also in N. 4rj0 31, W. 4io 35’, pa.ssed one 1:wge and oiie siudl berg; t,empel.ntiire of a,ir, 5 2 O .i ; wn.t.er, &io ; sliili ‘- Sn- siliiiie,” iu N. 4G0 351, W. 47O 301, 19t:h.-S. S. ‘‘ Egypt,” in N. 45O 431, W. -fyo W, 11iIssd au iceberg. SOtmli.--8. 8. .‘ City of Berlin,” in B. 4G0 361, W. Go 4:3’, passed :i.n iceherg i I ,I i d several small pieces ; in N. 4Ci0 lo’, ‘Ar. 4io 301, passed two large icebergs. 34tli.-Quebea, 94tli--Be\-eml incoming ressels report liean-y mil,sse.i; of ice in the GnIf aiid Stramit of Belle Isle. Some ot t.lie oldest mariners ciuiuot recollect haz\-ing euconut,eretl so much ice before at this t,iuie of t,he year. Sitli.--Ca,ptain Dale, cnniniiindiug the s. s. ‘b Brooklgu ” re- ported : Passed uiinierous icebergs’:ind c1et;wlietl liieces froin lit,h.-S. 8. “ DOWIU,” in N. 46’ SS’, W. 4tio 4’, lii1,Ssed two large icehergn. Belle Isle eastward; last ice was seen in N. 5So 501, W. 50° YO’. SiIilit Joli~is, N. F., Sept,. 3d.--Oue hundred +nd forty-fire icebergs lie between Wadliani’s Islaud iEUd Triuit,y Bay, New- fotllldland. The New York Maritime Register ’, of Septemher l i t l i , pnblislies the following : Cape Frcels and Cape Race. * l’hrrr huodrell an11 ninetern icrlwrgs arr IICIW dri!iiiig stmtliwartl 1)etwec.n TEMPERATURE OF THE -4TR. P i N t r i t t n . ....... - ....... I I o 0 ............................ ............................ ....... ................... 79.2 y6.g M u i l l i t \V:wliiii:tam. S. 11 ............................................... 47.a 47.7 ............................................................... l’ikv’fi I’rdi. 1:dam S i l t Lskc I.%!, l ’ t d i ....................................................... ,3.3 72.0 39.0 35.? The l’cillowiiig are wine of the highest and lowest, iiiont8hly niean t,emi iera,t.nres reiiort,etl from tlie Simn.1 Service stn.tinus : 0 5j.6 47.7 5Q.Q 5s. I 5s.7 56.7 i0.S 59.1 8 .4 61 .Q 61.7 Pl.0 62.2 AUGUST. 1884 . MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW . 187 I&&,urees for Angnst. lSS4 . Voliintary observerw r e l h t t.he followiug notes in connection with thin subject : Arkcc.~ceas.-Leacl Hill , Booue coiiiity : mean tempemtiire. i G O .3 , in OO.1 a. l>ove the Augnst a. rerage of t. lie two preceding gears . Dakota.-Webster, Day c:onutp : u1e:i.n teml)era.tiire, 71O.3, is Illiiioi8.-FuInttooii . Coles connt, y : mean temperatiire. 7So.i, is 4O.S helow the Augnst average of the last, fonr years . Aniia. Union county : mean temperature. iSO.2, is 1 O .Y below t.lie Aiigiist average of t.he last uine yea.rs. The highest An- p a t iiieaii of that . lwiocl. 85O.5, occiirrecl in 1 8 3 . Riley, McHenry coiiuty : mean teinperntnre. 6S0.d, is 2 O .S below the August azverilge for last tweuty-three ye~rs. aud i n only t, liree years during that period 1ia.s tlie niouth 01' Angust beeu colder thau that of' tlie present year. viz: i l l 18GG. 1MS. a, nd IS75 . The i n a n teuiperature for t, he siimnier of lW4. is GGO.4, or 3O.3 below the summer average for tlie la, st t\renty- t, liree years; 011ly the siiminers of 1875 ittld 18Y9 were colder . Swam uwick , Perry conut, y : meau t,emperatnre, 730.0, is 30.4 below t h e August average for the last tliree years . Colliusville, Natlison uouuty : mean temperatiire. 'iSO.3, cor- responcls to tha.t for Angnat, 1875, which was a11 nunmiilly (roo1 n1ont.11. 8,vc.i,uiore. De . Kdl) comitg : mean temperature . GSO.5, is 5 O .9 k 1 0 ~ t, he .411gnst, a\*eria.ge for the tliree 1lreoediilg 4O.3 below tht: Angt1Stm ii, \.tWage of the two preceding p t r s . wars . I ......... -.'-I-. I Alalmnia ................... I n h t p l l i q ............ 11" ....................... Mold* .................... nn ....................... PrwOmtt .................. Arliaii*;i* ................... I Fawt riiiit~i .............. ....................... ............ It.. Littlv Ihwk 49 ' 59 i.*:i~ifmmia .................. ne01 niI1m ............... t b j I 55 11a.u L':IIW fibiidnaiiiu n8 I 47 r,,~,.~ni+n ................... \Vvr;t L.. . .\ iiiiiiiis ... ~o t I sz .* riz..iin ..................... 1 \riciwiilmr< ........... ...................... ...... l h s ........................ I 'rmnr.cti*w t ............... It# I ....................... D n t d i t ....................... na ....................... I Drla\v;w ................... District uf l.'dunibiit ... Florids ...................... . Jhs ...................... <.*.a ryi.8 .................... lh ........................ Ids111:~ ....................... D., ....................... Illin..ii, ...................... ~ IhB ........................ 1ndi:iii:i ..................... Da ....................... 1iirli;iii Tzrri tvry ........ I h I ....................... ! 1 L B W t .......................... Dv ....................... Pike.'. l'eali ............I NI.ll- Il.lv~ll ............. ! Nvw LIm'l"11 ...........I Bllb.l', 1 ............ Il*!ild\\ #nMl ............... : Ilt.1. l%rc-:ili\iatvr ...... i Waahiiiq toil 1.3 I y ..... ' r;aiit'aunl .................. I r ~-l l ~~t a .a ~~~~t ...............I A 11yirrta .................I .~tllllltil ................... L~wi-tam ............... I.'wiiraI'AIviw ........... S]nriiigti4d .............. I.'liicipu .................. Ft-rt .Sill ................. / Des 3Iviirv.- ............ I h v r i i 11s I r t ............... Iidi:aii:ip4i* .......... ............................... l::lllfamlll*llt ........... j ~i i u i s n a ...................... ! hdgv.t:ity .............. I D#B ....................... I Le:lvrllwr.rtir .......... 03 50 ICeirtirarlq .................. ! Lmi-viik ................ 02 57 I.#.ii i-in1i.i ................. SIirtw~luwr .............. 104 % 31:iinv ........................ ~ I'urtiaiisl ............... i 2 . a+ Jhn ......................................................................... 1 1 6 3 ....................... h a l.irlv:iiis ........ A' ....................... ................. I So AO nInrim .................. I I; I 5s 1::tivr:i .................. B.wr &.I#., i v r l l ......... Tesm ILill .............. Iievaili'* RlntY ......... Nrn purt ................ R l i t ~i ~~i i i ~t l ~ T:ili li ...... 12s ....................... C'ircn, 79 Grniid Jiiiwtiuii ...... 104 V..lllrlt .. 11 I t .............. 94 H:trt fi~ril i 96 Io? Fart Hatimi Fort >~.I C I C ............. I go Ilistrihting Rvs'vr., 9s T : \v:lIiti:iI~ii .......................... Nrvnala ........................ I ..................................................................... \\.iiliit.iiiiiwx ............................... I I W IS52 l ' X l I l 1 # Ilsllccli ................................ .............. ..................... ........................ .... n l a ~y l , I I N I Biiltiiiimw ~n ~~;~~~i i c e r ts I 1iustm ...... ~ n h o r h n d ...................... ............................................ 1)u ..................... ~ l u r t l i I'htte ................................... ................................. io5 I 157s I Nivlilaiinl ...................................... ............................................................................................. ......................................... 1x7" I i*ump n ~~.~i w r t t i i ......................... h~ I'iui:lir ................................... ............ ........................... ........................ is76 ~ A i i ~~i i r i ~ Nrr Hei~il~diirc 1I~mi1I \Va*Iiiiigtt~~i 65 I Muiiiit \\iiAiiigIoit .......................................................... ... ~lllds HVUJk ..................................... ................................... ... Littlv Egg Harlriir ............................ ........................ . Yvrt Ptniituii .................. ...... ........................................ XCH Tawk .................... I I~WI.#~# ............................................. ........................................ , 11, ......................... norliectt.r ......................................... h w l r ~-*t w .................................... I ...... c'h:ulutrr ......................................... I 92 I'liiirhnttv .................................... Ilu ........................ \Viliiiiiigtaw .................................... YO \V i I ~i i i ~i ~t ~.~i ~ .................................. .................. .. V ~r t Craig ..................... ...... La Mrrillu i.ihiv, .......................... ~ ~:iiicii~iiiiti ....................................... 92 b n ......................... t.'h-vriiiwI ......................................... 9 ......................... .......................................... l I r *p ~l l A .. l l l a l l .l 100 118.~ P..rtl;iiirl 94 Pvi~~~-ylsiiiiin l'i~taimrg 98 I h P1iilsdrllilii:i 95 R l i d r Irlnnd ............... Bhak Irlnntl ................................... I Dim , ... ......................... :iii i.igaiict.lt I'irr ........................... ........................ .......................................... ............... ......................................... ........................ .................................... g; i .. ............... I*9. 1577 , I 1881 ~ ............... ............... 'W.'49. ';a ............... ............... 1e-1 18;s . 1675 I s34 . IS75 I ............... ............... ............... I ............... .... * ......... 1575 ' Ik70 . 1876 .........I , ~ ... I I'~wt#iiiimtlr ................. ............... ............................................. I S l .................................. I lc*I IRSI IUS IS70 ................................... 107 I .............. 97 ish .\ iiImriI ......................................... 110 I I%I I%#5 101 I ISSI Yaw1 . l u l i i i a ~.i i ..................... 101 ' 1 s j t i ; W 1875 \VCl*l~lil .......................................... lU7 I IS81 .................................. 56 11874, rbb? Li~iiNiiigl8iil.g ................................ 1 ' 3 I .. I i:inviiiiiiti .................................... .. I:lev~.l.~ntl ...................................... L'rtliitiilr ........................................ I Portl.ill#l ....................................... ' pit t "I nii rg .................................... ! t ' h i l ~i ~l d i ~l ~i :~ ................................. I Newpvrt ...................................... ' 6 C W slll~rrllalll .............................. ~ l%nrlwtm .................................. ! ?Jn*livillr ....................................... ! >fviiilnIiis ....................................... i l i i g s (.r.iiialr . i.'it y ............................. Sa ii . \ 11 ts.miu ................................ Salt L:ttr C'ity ............................... Biirliiigtuii .................................... LyII'.lII'IIrg .................... ..............I Ihp H a r y .................................. Aliiiotn ..................................... ~IIyiiipin ...................................... i 3IIIrgHlltllB I , ................................ Mil wit iit I 1.i~ i:rw8e ~.~l l v y ~i ,l l e ...................................... Yurt \\'aahskie ........................ ....................................................... ................................... I ...................................... I 'iiiciii ii:iti ................................... U4lr.t'~mtillll,~ ................................. I VlWt 1l;cller ............................. Y w t kluakiiic ................................ 1 ni 1 1 ~~~1 t .lug .................. I'l~il:iili.lliliiii ............... ................................... ........................... Fort I'Iarliv .................................. ! Furt Gr:iIi:iiii ................................. ~ I A i i i ~~~i I ~i i r g ..................... I:l~nrIulte ........................ .%Ii~s.iii.lri. i ................................... Yurt rew Nmirw ........................... Fnrt V;iiicmwr ............................. F l ~~~i i i i i g t m ................................... Fawt Huwaral ................................. Yurt l.'rnsfi~rnl ............................ ~~~l l ~l ~~ 1h3llghN ............... Y'lll't \r:tlh \V:iII:b ......................... i 17; .I C j I . IS74 Is;.] IS52 I 1- lS7'.. 1681 i ............... . 1871 iM3 1551 1519 . id50 ............... I F 1 '2;.'20. 30 I Is69 ............... is76 31 7 41 28 52 12 21 21 Bi, 22 12 44 45 bO IO 5! 17 11 5 7 13 5; 3 43 25 4 55 7 53 17 50 35 45 3 45 22 5: 2 11 n.2 10 5 4a 4 14 b 15 Q 1.1 8 5 7 0 3? 50 7 7 10 8 Y 123 35 33 104 4 11 25 4 25 20 6 I! 50 IS ; I O 21 34 12 1 38 27 5 ................... ~ ...... - .... ...... _. - ... ..................... GREATEST DAILY RANGES OF TEMPERATURE. FROSTS. On chart ir., Are showu the limits of the regions over which frost.s occurred on t,he niornings of the 9t.b and 25t.h, with the niiiiiiiiniii isot,hernial lines for tlie siinie dates. The frosts wliicli oc.cnrrei1 on the 9th were contined to the upper lake reginn, an(1 were generallj light, ca.nsing no serions injiiry. The host.s of tlie 55th ~Cciirred i n New Englimd, New York, nort,heasterii Pennsylvania, a.ud northern New Jersey, aid in niii.ny localities were very destructive to vegetation. The following notes rdi3,te to frosts nrllic?ll occnrrecl during Augnst : Ari=otue.-Prencot,t : on the 1'3th ;t killing frost occnrred three itnd oue Iialf' miles sont,li of' this station, cansing injury to veget,atioii. C!ulorndo.-Frosts occnrrecl on the summit of Pike's Peak on the 15th, 23d, 54th and 30th. ~~w#ecti~cb.-Bridgei~tJrt : reports from points dong Housa- tonic tind Naiiga,tuck ra,iIi.oncls, state that hea,vy frosts occiirred on tlie iuoriiiug of the 35th. New Hi1mreIi: ou t,lie nioriiiiig of t.he SBtli, light frost UC- ciirred in t,he snrrounding (Ioiiiltr.y, but i t wa8 not 8iifficiently heavy t.o camuse injnrg t.o reget.ation. Bet.lie1, Fa.irfield connt,v. a liglit frost occiirred in the low Iimcls on the 26th, C'ilusing 110 tlamage. Frosts also occiirre(1 a,t T'oliuit8owi, New Loiidoii C.tiiiiity, id ilt Hprt.!ord on t.he same date. DnknCrr.-A light frost occiirrecl on the iuoruing of the 2lst. Illiir.ois.-Edgiiigtoii, R.0c.k Islaiitl conntg : :% light frost oc- cnrrecl on t.he Pth, whnsing no tliuna.ge. ~~,rn6a,r.n.-~abnsli, Wn Ixwh coim t.y : a light frost, is report.ed bo ]ia,i-e occurred in ueigh1)oring localities ou the uioruing o f ' blie 9th ; temperatiire a$ 6 a,. ui., dSo. ~orrcc.-&~a,ncBtster, I)ela.w.zre county : a frost, cutting ten- der veget,at:iou, occurred on t,he niorniug of t,he 8bh. Ckesco, HoWiIrd cQnUt,V: a light frost occurrecl in some loca.lities iu this coiinty on t,he morning of the 23~1. -~f~iue.--C'oriiisli, York couut,y : H light frost occurred in t h e lowlrtnds ou the moruiug of the 25th. . ,~~~.s~nclrneef~.-Tauntoii, Bristol Colin ty : a light frost occur- red here and in neighboring localit,ies on the morning of the 25th. Reports from Fall R,iver, West,boroiigh, aud Williams- t,owu stmate that frosts occnrrecl at t,liose p1:iees on the Ramme [late. ,~~iclri~~nr~.--Tliorurille, Lapeer coiiiity : the frost,s of t,he 9th mtl loth, killed the corn aiicl bnckwhea,t on the low grouucls. light fkostw also occnrred ou t,he niornings of the 8th and 34th. S\vil,rt.e Creek, Genesee coiinty : frost occurred on t,he morn- iug of the Yth, when the t~ellI~J~~iit~lWe fell to 3i0. meutof tliis statioii iu 1.871. Port Huron : light frost ocwirretl i n t.he snrrounding conntie> on the rnoriiiiig oi'the 10th. Coru, bnckwIiea,t, i l n d reget,al)ler; were danii%ged. No frost occurred on the 10th in the coiiiit,j (Saiut Clair ), in which Port Huron is sitnated, bin a light frosl occurred on the moruing of the 94th. Alpeuit : frosts occurred 011 the mornings of the 9th, 10th nncl S'ith, causirrg no tlauiage iu this vicinity. Nevadn.--Clarson Ci tg, Or~nsby county : frosts occurred 011 t,he 20th a,ud 91st. Xeio H~tr~paRire.-Concorcl: a heavy frost wciirred in the Merrimwk valley during the night of the 24th-S5th, cit11sing cousiderable damage to vegetation. At Ca.uaan, Grilfton county, the te.niperature fell to 2S0. Berlin Mills, Coos county : a heavy frost occurred thongli. out this section on the luoruiug of the 25tt1, citnsiug consider, able dil,IUiIge to crops in tlie lowlands. Nearly all garden vegetables are reported to hiire beeu destroyed. Plyruonth, Gritt'tou coiiuty : a heavy frost occurred in tlii$ viciuity on tlie uiorniiig of tlie Sbth, killiug vines and daniirg ing the coru crop. Neio Jera~~.-Readiiigtc,u, Hnu tercltru coiiuty : frost wits seeu 011 the inornlng of tlie 25th within oue niile of this l i l w e . (.!olclwell, Esses county : frost occurred iu the lowlauds ou the 25t11, causing uo damage. Nero York.-Rocliester: a heavy frost, the first of this sei^ 8011, occurred 011 tlie nioruing of the 25th. Cousiderable (li1,lu. age was rloue to crops iu this part of tlie state. Albany: frost occnrred at Berue, Albauy couuty, 011 t,lie uioruing of the %th, vegetables were slightly iujured. Lyons, Wayne county : R heavy frost wciiiiwl t,hroaghont this Kectioli duriug the night of the 4435th, cansiug a large arnouut of damage. The coru crop iu Wayne coiiutj- \va~ allnost eutirely ruined, and it is estimated that ahout tliree- fourths of the 1mckwliea.t cn:yi were (1estr0,vr.d. Hiiudrrt11.i of wres of peppermint were coiiipletely destroyed. In the east- em pa,rt of this coiiuty the tobacco crop was also iiijuretl. Factorp-ille, Tioga coniit.y : the frost of the 25th killed bnck- wheat aud other vegetation. A heavy fog' protected the crops in t h e valleys. Flnshiug, L. I., August 35th: f:iinuers along tlie north shore of the isleud report it heavy frost litst night, which has iu.jui.ed corn, cablmge, and potatoes to a considerable extent. Moutgomery, Orauge county : there was a heavy !kost iu this sect,ion on the moriiing of the 95th. At Mouticello, Sullivm coiintr, the frost was also severe, aut1 caused damage t.0 veg- etation. Frosts nlso occurred at Le Roy, Genesee couuty, 011 t,he S4tmli ; at North Volney, Oswego county; Ithaca,, Tompkius county, aud at Meuand Station (near Albany), ou the 95th; aurl at Cooperstowu, Otsego couuty, 011 the 15th, 2lst, and 30th. Ohio.-Jaclisonboro~igIi, Butler coiiuty : frost occnriwd on the 15th; miuimuiu temperature, &to. Pennx~lzmw'n.-Elooiiiiug Grove, Pike conuty : frost occurred on the inoruiug of the 25th. Dyberry, Wayut: county : the cor11 itnd bnckwheat crops in the lowlands of this county wwe b;~clly daliiilged hy the frost of the 25th. Erie: light frost is reported t.0 hew occoired uear t.liis pli3ce on t,he iuoruiug of the 35th. Frost nlso occui-recl on the 95th at tlie following plnces in this 8tnte : Catawisaa, CIoluinbia couutg ; Wellslmrough, Tioga coanty ; Qnii,kertOWn, Bocks coiiii ty ; aucl Driftou, Luzerne couuty . that frosts occurred 011 tlie inoriiing of the Ct,h; 011 the Stlt, the first frost of the seitsoli occiiii-ed at EsCit1iiIbi, t,liat dt1,t.e beiug the earliest at which frost hits owurred siwe t.lie est.ab ' tieltls of I~uckaheat were, i n niaiiy places, entii-ely rniiied. 1 corn, beaus, aiid other vegetables iii the low lauds. killiiig vines, et,(*. the eight of the !!-&%h Cil.iised slight da,uiage to cnru. Lnue1iburg, Esnes colllity: the frost of the 25th killed the Str;ttford, Orauge coi1ut.y: a. 1ie;wp frost occnrrecl on tlir SXh, Dorset, Eeiiningtou conutg : blie frost which occurred during Frost's a,lso occnrretl oii the abow date at Xewport, Orlesus co~1Iit~, atid ii,t Woodatock, Windsor C O U U ~~. PRECIPITATION. [E.rprfsst'il in i i w l t t ~.~ am1 11 utrtlrt~illka.] Tlie ilist,ril?ution of rilinfhll over the United Stat,es nird Oaiiailn, for Augiint, 1884, as detenniued by t,he reports from nea.rly eight Iiuncliwd sta.tions, is exhibited on clisrt iii. A conipa,risou of the mout,hly precipitatiou with the a,\'eriI.ge for August iu former years, shows 811 escess over the iiortlieru a,ud middle slopes ; estrenie uort.liwest ; northerii piwt. of the npper lake region ; upper Rf issinsippi mid Missoiiri valleys ; iiud in New Euglaud, the clepamrtriires being greatest iu the extreme northwest. In tlie lower hke regioii ; Ohio valley aud Teuuessee ; south Atlant.ic andl Gulf st,ii,tes ; Rio Grande ra,lleg ; and soutlierii slope, the 1wecipita.tion for August is below the average. I u tlie 10~e.r 1;rke region, and miclclle aucl south Atla.ntic $fates? the cleficieucies average less tmhan 1.00; while iii the other dintfricts liilli\etl the)- werage from 1 .OO t.0 more thau 5.00. Along the iiiiniec1i:it.e Gulf coast and in the ltio Gr;iude valley, the iiioiit,lilg r;hinfall has been very light. At Rio Grmide City, Tesils: he^ blie averiige precipitatiou for tlie mouth of Angiist during tlie last six yeera is neilrly sis iiiclies. uo miu fell tliroughont the iiinntlt, a .1 ~1 at Pensiicnla, Florida, the iiioutlily rainfdl n w bot. ' 3.07. the avsra,ge for Alignst. i1mt that; place in the four preceding ~\-e:\.rs being inore tliaii 15.00. At New Orleaas, Lnuisia,iia, there WRS :i defi- ciency of more thm 5.00 as coiulwed with t.lie m-erage for t.lie last thirteen gears. Tlie first coluinu of the fbllowiug ti,l>le slio\vs the a,veritge precipitntion for tlie niout,li of Angnst in each of tlie various districts RS tleteriuiued froni tlie Bigiial Service observntious- for a series of years ; iu t,he secoiid colnuiu we given the aver- ages for August, 1884; nncl tlie third colriun shows the excess or ileticiencF of August, 1884, a,s coinpared with the average. Ili.trict6, . . - ........................................... Pike's Prat, c'ulo ............................. Bnlt Lake I'ity, Utah ................................................... ....... -. ... ........ ..... -