
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*  $Id: validerror_feat.cpp 153919 2009-03-05 16:26:54Z bollin $
00002  * ===========================================================================
00003  *
00004  *                            PUBLIC DOMAIN NOTICE
00005  *               National Center for Biotechnology Information
00006  *
00007  *  This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the
00008  *  terms of the United States Copyright Act.  It was written as part of
00009  *  the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and
00010  *  thus cannot be copyrighted.  This software/database is freely available
00011  *  to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S.
00012  *  Government have not placed any restriction on its use or reproduction.
00013  *
00014  *  Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy
00015  *  and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S.
00016  *  Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that
00017  *  may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S.
00018  *  Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including
00019  *  warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular
00020  *  purpose.
00021  *
00022  *  Please cite the author in any work or product based on this material.
00023  *
00024  * ===========================================================================
00025  *
00026  * Author:  Jonathan Kans, Clifford Clausen, Aaron Ucko......
00027  *
00028  * File Description:
00029  *   validation of Seq_feat
00030  *   .......
00031  *
00032  */
00033 #include <ncbi_pch.hpp>
00034 #include <corelib/ncbistd.hpp>
00035 #include <corelib/ncbistr.hpp>
00036 #include "validatorp.hpp"
00037 #include "utilities.hpp"
00039 #include <serial/serialbase.hpp>
00041 #include <objmgr/bioseq_handle.hpp>
00042 #include <objmgr/seq_entry_handle.hpp>
00043 #include <objmgr/feat_ci.hpp>
00044 #include <objmgr/seqdesc_ci.hpp>
00045 #include <objmgr/seq_vector.hpp>
00046 #include <objmgr/scope.hpp>
00047 #include <objmgr/util/sequence.hpp>
00048 #include <objmgr/util/feature.hpp>
00050 #include <objects/seqfeat/Seq_feat.hpp>
00051 #include <objects/seqfeat/BioSource.hpp>
00052 #include <objects/seqfeat/Cdregion.hpp>
00053 #include <objects/seqfeat/Code_break.hpp>
00054 #include <objects/seqfeat/Gb_qual.hpp>
00055 #include <objects/seqfeat/Genetic_code.hpp>
00056 #include <objects/seqfeat/Genetic_code_table.hpp>
00057 #include <objects/seqfeat/Imp_feat.hpp>
00058 #include <objects/seqfeat/Org_ref.hpp>
00059 #include <objects/seqfeat/Prot_ref.hpp>
00060 #include <objects/seqfeat/RNA_ref.hpp>
00061 #include <objects/seqfeat/SubSource.hpp>
00062 #include <objects/seqfeat/Trna_ext.hpp>
00064 #include <objects/seqloc/Seq_loc.hpp>
00065 #include <objects/seqloc/Seq_interval.hpp>
00066 #include <objects/seqloc/Seq_point.hpp>
00067 #include <objects/seqloc/Textseq_id.hpp>
00069 #include <objects/seqset/Seq_entry.hpp>
00070 #include <objects/seqset/Bioseq_set.hpp>
00072 #include <objects/seq/MolInfo.hpp>
00073 #include <objects/seq/Bioseq.hpp>
00074 #include <objects/seq/seqport_util.hpp>
00076 #include <objects/pub/Pub.hpp>
00077 #include <objects/pub/Pub_set.hpp>
00079 #include <objects/general/Dbtag.hpp>
00081 #include <util/static_set.hpp>
00082 #include <util/sequtil/sequtil_convert.hpp>
00085 #include <algorithm>
00086 #include <string>
00090 BEGIN_SCOPE(objects)
00091 BEGIN_SCOPE(validator)
00092 using namespace sequence;
00095 // =============================================================================
00096 //                                     Public
00097 // =============================================================================
00100 CValidError_feat::CValidError_feat(CValidError_imp& imp) :
00101     CValidError_base(imp),
00102     m_NumGenes(0),
00103     m_NumGeneXrefs(0)
00104 {
00105 }
00108 CValidError_feat::~CValidError_feat(void)
00109 {
00110 }
00113 void CValidError_feat::ValidateSeqFeat(const CSeq_feat& feat, bool is_insd_in_sep)
00114 {
00115     if ( !feat.CanGetLocation() ) {
00116         PostErr(eDiag_Critical, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_MissingLocation,
00117             "The feature is missing a location", feat);
00118         return;
00119     }
00120     _ASSERT(feat.CanGetLocation());
00122     CBioseq_Handle bsh = m_Scope->GetBioseqHandle(feat.GetLocation());
00123     m_Imp.ValidateSeqLoc(feat.GetLocation(), bsh, "Location", feat);
00124     x_ValidateSeqFeatLoc(feat);
00126     if ( feat.CanGetProduct() ) {
00127         ValidateSeqFeatProduct(feat.GetProduct(), feat);
00128     }
00130     ValidateFeatPartialness(feat);
00132     ValidateExcept(feat);
00134     ValidateSeqFeatData(feat.GetData(), feat, is_insd_in_sep);
00136     ValidateBothStrands (feat);
00138     if (feat.CanGetDbxref ()) {
00139         m_Imp.ValidateDbxref (feat.GetDbxref (), feat);
00140     }
00142     if ( feat.CanGetComment() ) {
00143         ValidateFeatComment(feat.GetComment(), feat);
00144     }
00146     if ( feat.CanGetCit() ) {
00147         ValidateFeatCit(feat.GetCit(), feat);
00148     }
00150     const CGene_ref* gene_xref = feat.GetGeneXref();
00151     if ( gene_xref != 0  &&  !gene_xref->IsSuppressed() ) {
00152         ++m_NumGeneXrefs;
00153     }
00154 }
00157 // =============================================================================
00158 //                                     Private
00159 // =============================================================================
00162 // static member initializations
00163 const string s_PlastidTxt[] = {
00164   "",
00165   "",
00166   "chloroplast",
00167   "chromoplast",
00168   "",
00169   "",
00170   "plastid",
00171   "",
00172   "",
00173   "",
00174   "",
00175   "",
00176   "cyanelle",
00177   "",
00178   "",
00179   "",
00180   "apicoplast",
00181   "leucoplast",
00182   "proplastid",
00183   ""
00184 };
00187 static string s_LegalRepeatTypes[] = {
00188   "tandem", "inverted", "flanking", "terminal",
00189   "direct", "dispersed", "other"
00190 };
00193 static string s_LegalConsSpliceStrings[] = {
00194   "(5'site:YES, 3'site:YES)",
00195   "(5'site:YES, 3'site:NO)",
00196   "(5'site:YES, 3'site:ABSENT)",
00197   "(5'site:NO, 3'site:YES)",
00198   "(5'site:NO, 3'site:NO)",
00199   "(5'site:NO, 3'site:ABSENT)",
00200   "(5'site:ABSENT, 3'site:YES)",
00201   "(5'site:ABSENT, 3'site:NO)",
00202   "(5'site:ABSENT, 3'site:ABSENT)"
00203 };
00206 static bool s_IsLocRefSeqMrna(const CSeq_loc& loc, CScope& scope)
00207 {
00208     CBioseq_Handle bsh = scope.GetBioseqHandle(loc);
00209     if ( bsh ) {
00210         FOR_EACH_SEQID_ON_BIOSEQ (it, *(bsh.GetBioseqCore())) {
00211             if ( (*it)->IdentifyAccession() == CSeq_id::eAcc_refseq_mrna ) {
00212                 return true;
00213             }
00214         }
00215     }
00217     return false;
00218 }
00221 static bool s_IsLocGEDL(const CSeq_loc& loc, CScope& scope)
00222 {
00223     CBioseq_Handle bsh = scope.GetBioseqHandle(loc);
00224     if ( bsh ) {
00225         FOR_EACH_SEQID_ON_BIOSEQ (it, *(bsh.GetBioseqCore())) {
00226             CSeq_id::EAccessionInfo acc_info = (*it)->IdentifyAccession();
00227             if ( acc_info == CSeq_id::eAcc_gb_embl_ddbj  ||
00228                  acc_info == CSeq_id::eAcc_local ) {
00229                 return true;
00230             }
00231         }
00232     }
00234     return false;
00235 }
00238 // private member functions:
00240 void CValidError_feat::ValidateSeqFeatData
00241 (const CSeqFeatData& data,
00242  const CSeq_feat& feat,
00243  bool is_insd_in_sep)
00244 {
00245     switch ( data.Which () ) {
00246     case CSeqFeatData::e_Gene:
00247         // Validate CGene_ref
00248         ValidateGene(data.GetGene (), feat);
00249         break;
00250     case CSeqFeatData::e_Cdregion:
00251         // Validate CCdregion
00252         ValidateCdregion(data.GetCdregion (), feat);
00253         break;
00254     case CSeqFeatData::e_Prot:
00255         // Validate CProt_ref
00256         ValidateProt(data.GetProt (), feat);
00257         break;
00258     case CSeqFeatData::e_Rna:
00259         // Validate CRNA_ref
00260         ValidateRna(data.GetRna (), feat);
00261         break;
00262     case CSeqFeatData::e_Pub:
00263         // Validate CPubdesc
00264         m_Imp.ValidatePubdesc(data.GetPub (), feat);
00265         break;
00266     case CSeqFeatData::e_Imp:
00267         // Validate CPubdesc
00268         ValidateImp(data.GetImp (), feat, is_insd_in_sep);
00269         break;
00270     case CSeqFeatData::e_Biosrc:
00271         // Validate CBioSource
00272         ValidateFeatBioSource(data.GetBiosrc(), feat);
00273         break;
00275     case CSeqFeatData::e_Org:
00276     case CSeqFeatData::e_Region:
00277     case CSeqFeatData::e_Seq:
00278     case CSeqFeatData::e_Comment:
00279     case CSeqFeatData::e_Bond:
00280     case CSeqFeatData::e_Site:
00281     case CSeqFeatData::e_Rsite:
00282     case CSeqFeatData::e_User:
00283     case CSeqFeatData::e_Txinit:
00284     case CSeqFeatData::e_Num:
00285     case CSeqFeatData::e_Psec_str:
00286     case CSeqFeatData::e_Non_std_residue:
00287     case CSeqFeatData::e_Het:
00288         break;
00290     default:
00291         PostErr(eDiag_Error, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_InvalidType,
00292             "Invalid SeqFeat type [" + CSeqFeatData::SelectionName(data.Which()) + "]",
00293             feat);
00294         break;
00295     }
00297     if ( !data.IsGene() ) {
00298         ValidateGeneXRef(feat);
00299     } else {
00300         ValidateOperon(feat);
00301     }
00303     if ( !data.IsBond() ) {
00304         ValidateBondLocs(feat);
00305     }
00306 }
00309 void CValidError_feat::ValidateSeqFeatProduct
00310 (const CSeq_loc& prod, const CSeq_feat& feat)
00311 {
00312     CBioseq_Handle bsh = m_Scope->GetBioseqHandle(feat.GetProduct());
00313     m_Imp.ValidateSeqLoc(feat.GetProduct(), bsh, "Product", feat);
00315     if ( IsOneBioseq(prod, m_Scope) ) {
00316         const CSeq_id& sid = GetId(prod, m_Scope);
00318         switch ( sid.Which() ) {
00319         case CSeq_id::e_Genbank:
00320         case CSeq_id::e_Embl:
00321         case CSeq_id::e_Ddbj:
00322         case CSeq_id::e_Tpg:
00323         case CSeq_id::e_Tpe:
00324         case CSeq_id::e_Tpd:
00325             {
00326                 const CTextseq_id* tsid = sid.GetTextseq_Id();
00327                 if ( tsid != NULL ) {
00328                     if ( !tsid->CanGetAccession()  &&  tsid->CanGetName() ) {
00329                         if ( m_Imp.IsNucAcc(tsid->GetName()) ) {
00330                             PostErr(eDiag_Warning, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_BadProductSeqId,
00331                                 "Feature product should not use "
00332                                 "Textseq-id 'name' slot", feat);
00333                         }
00334                     }
00335                 }
00336             }
00337             break;
00339         default:
00340             break;
00341         }
00342     }
00343 }
00346 bool CValidError_feat::IsPlastid(int genome)
00347 {
00348     if ( genome == CBioSource::eGenome_chloroplast  ||
00349          genome == CBioSource::eGenome_chromoplast  ||
00350          genome == CBioSource::eGenome_plastid      ||
00351          genome == CBioSource::eGenome_cyanelle     ||
00352          genome == CBioSource::eGenome_apicoplast   ||
00353          genome == CBioSource::eGenome_leucoplast   ||
00354          genome == CBioSource::eGenome_proplastid  ) { 
00355         return true;
00356     }
00358     return false;
00359 }
00362 bool CValidError_feat::IsOverlappingGenePseudo(const CSeq_feat& feat)
00363 {
00364     const CGene_ref* grp = feat.GetGeneXref();
00365     if ( grp  ) {
00366         return (grp->CanGetPseudo()  &&  grp->GetPseudo());
00367     }
00369     // !!! DEBUG {
00370     // For testing purposes. Remove when test is done.
00371     if ( m_Imp.AvoidPerfBottlenecks() ) {
00372         return false;
00373     }
00374     // }
00376     // check overlapping gene
00377     CConstRef<CSeq_feat> overlap = 
00378         GetOverlappingGene(feat.GetLocation(), *m_Scope);
00379     if ( overlap ) {
00380         if ( (overlap->CanGetPseudo()  &&  overlap->GetPseudo())  ||
00381              (overlap->GetData().GetGene().CanGetPseudo()  &&
00382               overlap->GetData().GetGene().GetPseudo()) ) {
00383             return true;
00384         }
00385     }
00387     return false;
00388 }
00391 bool CValidError_feat::SuppressCheck(const string& except_text)
00392 {
00393     static string exceptions[] = {
00394         "ribosomal slippage",
00395         "artificial frameshift",
00396         "nonconsensus splice site"
00397     };
00399     for ( size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(exceptions) / sizeof(string); ++i ) {
00400     if ( NStr::FindNoCase(except_text, exceptions[i] ) != string::npos )
00401          return true;
00402     }
00403     return false;
00404 }
00410 unsigned char CValidError_feat::Residue(unsigned char res)
00411 {
00412     return res == 255 ? '?' : res;
00413 }
00416 int CValidError_feat::CheckForRaggedEnd
00417 (const CSeq_loc& loc, 
00418  const CCdregion& cdregion)
00419 {
00420     size_t len = GetLength(loc, m_Scope);
00421     if ( cdregion.GetFrame() > CCdregion::eFrame_one ) {
00422         len -= cdregion.GetFrame() - 1;
00423     }
00425     int ragged = len % 3;
00426     if ( ragged > 0 ) {
00427         len = GetLength(loc, m_Scope);
00428         size_t last_pos = 0;
00430         CSeq_loc::TRange range = CSeq_loc::TRange::GetEmpty();
00431         FOR_EACH_CODEBREAK_ON_CDREGION (cbr, cdregion) {
00432             SRelLoc rl(loc, (*cbr)->GetLoc(), m_Scope);
00433             ITERATE (SRelLoc::TRanges, rit, rl.m_Ranges) {
00434                 if ((*rit)->GetTo() > last_pos) {
00435                     last_pos = (*rit)->GetTo();
00436                 }
00437             }
00438         }
00440         // allowing a partial codon at the end
00441         TSeqPos codon_length = range.GetLength();
00442         if ( (codon_length == 0 || codon_length == 1)  && 
00443             last_pos == len - 1 ) {
00444             ragged = 0;
00445         }
00446     }
00447     return ragged;
00448 }
00451 string CValidError_feat::MapToNTCoords
00452 (const CSeq_feat& feat,
00453  const CSeq_loc& product,
00454  TSeqPos pos)
00455 {
00456     string result;
00458     CSeq_point pnt;
00459     pnt.SetPoint(pos);
00460     pnt.SetStrand( GetStrand(product, m_Scope) );
00462     try {
00463         pnt.SetId().Assign(GetId(product, m_Scope));
00464     } catch (CObjmgrUtilException) {}
00466     CSeq_loc tmp;
00467     tmp.SetPnt(pnt);
00468     CRef<CSeq_loc> loc = ProductToSource(feat, tmp, 0, m_Scope);
00470     loc->GetLabel(&result);
00472     return result;
00473 }
00476 void CValidError_feat::ValidateFeatPartialness(const CSeq_feat& feat)
00477 {
00478     static const string parterr[2] = { "PartialProduct", "PartialLocation" };
00479     static const string parterrs[4] = {
00480         "Start does not include first/last residue of sequence",
00481         "Stop does not include first/last residue of sequence",
00482         "Internal partial intervals do not include first/last residue of sequence",
00483         "Improper use of partial (greater than or less than)"
00484     };
00486     unsigned int  partial_prod = eSeqlocPartial_Complete, 
00487                   partial_loc  = eSeqlocPartial_Complete;
00489     bool is_partial = feat.CanGetPartial()  &&  feat.GetPartial();
00490     partial_loc  = SeqLocPartialCheck(feat.GetLocation(), m_Scope );
00491     if (feat.CanGetProduct ()) {
00492         partial_prod = SeqLocPartialCheck(feat.GetProduct (), m_Scope );
00493     }
00495     if ( (partial_loc  != eSeqlocPartial_Complete)  ||
00496          (partial_prod != eSeqlocPartial_Complete)  ||   
00497          is_partial ) {
00499         // a feature on a partial sequence should be partial -- it often isn't
00500         if ( !is_partial &&
00501             partial_loc != eSeqlocPartial_Complete  &&
00502             feat.GetLocation ().IsWhole() ) {
00503             PostErr(eDiag_Info, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_PartialProblem,
00504                 "On partial Bioseq, SeqFeat.partial should be TRUE", feat);
00505         }
00506         // a partial feature, with complete location, but partial product
00507         else if ( is_partial                        &&
00508             partial_loc == eSeqlocPartial_Complete  &&
00509             feat.CanGetProduct ()                   &&
00510             feat.GetProduct ().IsWhole()            &&
00511             partial_prod != eSeqlocPartial_Complete ) {
00512             PostErr(eDiag_Warning, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_PartialProblem,
00513                 "When SeqFeat.product is a partial Bioseq, SeqFeat.location "
00514                 "should also be partial", feat);
00515         }
00516         // gene on segmented set is now 'order', should also be partial
00517         else if ( feat.GetData ().IsGene ()  &&
00518             !is_partial                      &&
00519             partial_loc == eSeqlocPartial_Internal ) {
00520             PostErr(eDiag_Warning, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_PartialProblem,
00521                 "Gene of 'order' with otherwise complete location should "
00522                 "have partial flag set", feat);
00523         }
00524         // inconsistent combination of partial/complete product,location,partial flag - part 1
00525         else if (partial_prod == eSeqlocPartial_Complete  &&  feat.CanGetProduct()) {
00526             // if not local bioseq product, lower severity
00527             EDiagSev sev = eDiag_Warning;
00528             if ( IsOneBioseq(feat.GetProduct(), m_Scope) ) {
00529                 const CSeq_id& prod_id = GetId(feat.GetProduct(), m_Scope);
00530                 CBioseq_Handle prod =
00531                     m_Scope->GetBioseqHandleFromTSE(prod_id, m_Imp.GetTSE());
00532                 if ( !prod ) {
00533                     sev = eDiag_Info;
00534                 }
00535             }
00537             string str("Inconsistent: Product= complete, Location= ");
00538             str += (partial_loc != eSeqlocPartial_Complete) ? "partial, " : "complete, ";
00539             str += "Feature.partial= ";
00540             str += is_partial ? "TRUE" : "FALSE";
00541             PostErr(sev, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_PartialsInconsistent, str, feat);
00542         }
00543         // inconsistent combination of partial/complete product,location,partial flag - part 2
00544         else if ( partial_loc == eSeqlocPartial_Complete  ||  !is_partial ) {
00545             string str("Inconsistent: ");
00546             if ( feat.CanGetProduct() ) {
00547                 str += "Product= ";
00548                 str += (partial_prod != eSeqlocPartial_Complete) ? "partial, " : "complete, ";
00549             }
00550             str += "Location= ";
00551             str += (partial_loc != eSeqlocPartial_Complete) ? "partial, " : "complete, ";
00552             str += "Feature.partial= ";
00553             str += is_partial ? "TRUE" : "FALSE";
00554             PostErr(eDiag_Warning, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_PartialsInconsistent, str, feat);
00555         }
00556         // 5' or 3' partial location giving unclassified partial product
00557         else if ( (((partial_loc & eSeqlocPartial_Start) != 0)  ||
00558                    ((partial_loc & eSeqlocPartial_Stop) != 0))  &&
00559                   ((partial_prod & eSeqlocPartial_Other) != 0)  &&
00560                   is_partial ) {
00561             PostErr(eDiag_Warning, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_PartialProblem,
00562                 "5' or 3' partial location should not have unclassified"
00563                 " partial in product molinfo descriptor", feat);
00564         }
00566         // may have other error bits set as well 
00567         unsigned int partials[2] = { partial_prod, partial_loc };
00568         for ( int i = 0; i < 2; ++i ) {
00569             unsigned int errtype = eSeqlocPartial_Nostart;
00571             for ( int j = 0; j < 4; ++j ) {
00572                 if (partials[i] & errtype) {
00573                     if ( i == 1  &&  j < 2  &&  IsCDDFeat(feat) ) {
00574                         // supress warning
00575                     } else if ( i == 1  &&  j < 2  &&
00576                         IsPartialAtSpliceSite(feat.GetLocation(), errtype) ) {
00577                         PostErr(eDiag_Info, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_PartialProblem,
00578                             parterr[i] + ": " + parterrs[j] + 
00579                             " (but is at consensus splice site)", feat);
00580                     } else if ( i == 1  &&  j < 2  &&
00581                         (feat.GetData().Which() == CSeqFeatData::e_Gene  ||
00582                         feat.GetData().GetSubtype() == CSeqFeatData::eSubtype_mRNA) &&
00583                          IsSameAsCDS(feat) ) {
00584                         PostErr(eDiag_Info, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_PartialProblem,
00585                             parterr[i] + ": " + parterrs[j], feat);
00586                     } else if (feat.GetData().Which() == CSeqFeatData::e_Cdregion && j == 0) {
00587                         PostErr (eDiag_Warning, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_PartialProblem,
00588                             parterr[i] + 
00589                             ": 5' partial is not at start AND is not at consensus splice site",
00590                             feat); 
00591                     } else if (feat.GetData().Which() == CSeqFeatData::e_Cdregion && j == 1) {
00592                         PostErr (eDiag_Warning, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_PartialProblem,
00593                             parterr[i] + 
00594                             ": 3' partial is not at stop AND is not at consensus splice site",
00595                             feat);
00596                     } else {
00597                         PostErr (eDiag_Warning, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_PartialProblem,
00598                             parterr[i] + ": " + parterrs[j], feat);
00599                     }
00600                 }
00601                 errtype <<= 1;
00602             }
00603         }
00604     }
00605 }
00608 static int s_GetStrictGenCode(const CBioSource& src)
00609 {
00610     int gencode = 0;
00612     try {
00613       CBioSource::TGenome genome = src.IsSetGenome() ? src.GetGenome() : CBioSource::eGenome_unknown;
00615         if ( src.IsSetOrg()  &&  src.GetOrg().IsSetOrgname() ) {
00616             const COrgName& orn = src.GetOrg().GetOrgname();
00618             switch ( genome ) {
00619                 case CBioSource::eGenome_kinetoplast:
00620                 case CBioSource::eGenome_mitochondrion:
00621                     // bacteria and plant organelle code
00622                     gencode = orn.GetMgcode();
00623                     break;
00624                 case CBioSource::eGenome_chloroplast:
00625                 case CBioSource::eGenome_chromoplast:
00626                 case CBioSource::eGenome_plastid:
00627                 case CBioSource::eGenome_cyanelle:
00628                 case CBioSource::eGenome_apicoplast:
00629                 case CBioSource::eGenome_leucoplast:
00630                 case CBioSource::eGenome_proplastid:
00631                     // bacteria and plant plastids are code 11.
00632                     gencode = 11;
00633                     break;
00634                 default:
00635                     gencode = orn.GetGcode();
00636                     break;
00637             }
00638         }
00639     } catch (...) {
00640     }
00641     return gencode;
00642 }
00645 void CValidError_feat::ValidateGene(const CGene_ref& gene, const CSeq_feat& feat)
00646 {
00647     ++m_NumGenes;
00649     if ( (! gene.IsSetLocus()      ||  gene.GetLocus().empty())   &&
00650          (! gene.IsSetAllele()     ||  gene.GetAllele().empty())  &&
00651          (! gene.IsSetDesc()       ||  gene.GetDesc().empty())    &&
00652          (! gene.IsSetMaploc()     ||  gene.GetMaploc().empty())  &&
00653          (! gene.IsSetDb()         ||  gene.GetDb().empty())      &&
00654          (! gene.IsSetSyn()        ||  gene.GetSyn().empty())     &&
00655          (! gene.IsSetLocus_tag()  ||  gene.GetLocus_tag().empty()) ) {
00656         PostErr(eDiag_Warning, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_GeneRefHasNoData,
00657                 "There is a gene feature where all fields are empty", feat);
00658     }
00659     if ( gene.CanGetLocus()  &&  !gene.GetLocus().empty() ) {
00660         ITERATE (string, it, gene.GetLocus() ) {
00661             if ( isspace((unsigned char)(*it)) != 0 ) {
00662                 PostErr(eDiag_Warning, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_LocusTagProblem,
00663                     "Gene locus_tag '" + gene.GetLocus() + 
00664                     "' should be a single word without any spaces", feat);
00665                 break;
00666             }
00667         }         
00669     }
00670     if ( gene.CanGetDb () ) {
00671         m_Imp.ValidateDbxref(gene.GetDb(), feat);
00672     }
00673 }
00676 void CValidError_feat::ValidateCdregion (
00677     const CCdregion& cdregion, 
00678     const CSeq_feat& feat
00679 ) 
00680 {
00681     bool pseudo = (feat.CanGetPseudo()  &&  feat.GetPseudo())  ||
00682         IsOverlappingGenePseudo(feat);
00684     bool transl_except = false;
00686     FOR_EACH_GBQUAL_ON_FEATURE (it, feat) {
00687         const CGb_qual& qual = **it;
00688         if ( qual.CanGetQual() ) {
00689             const string& key = qual.GetQual();
00690             if ( NStr::EqualNocase(key, "pseudo") ) {
00691                 pseudo = true;
00692             } else if ( NStr::EqualNocase(key, "exception") ) {
00693                 if ( !feat.IsSetExcept() ) {
00694                     PostErr(eDiag_Warning, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_ExceptInconsistent,
00695                         "Exception flag should be set in coding region", feat);
00696                 }
00697             } else if ( NStr::EqualNocase(key, "transl_except") ) {
00698                 transl_except = true;
00699             } else if ( NStr::EqualNocase(key, "codon") ) {
00700                 PostErr(eDiag_Warning, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_WrongQualOnImpFeat,
00701                     "Use the proper genetic code, if available, "
00702                     "or set transl_excepts on specific codons", feat);
00703             } else if ( NStr::EqualNocase(key, "protein_id") ) {
00704                 PostErr(eDiag_Warning, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_WrongQualOnImpFeat,
00705                     "protein_id should not be a gbqual on a CDS feature", feat);
00706             } else if ( NStr::EqualNocase(key, "transcript_id") ) {
00707                 PostErr(eDiag_Warning, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_WrongQualOnImpFeat,
00708                     "transcript_id should not be a gbqual on a CDS feature", feat);
00709             }
00710         }
00711     }
00712     if ( transl_except  &&  feat.CanGetExcept_text()  &&
00713          NStr::FindNoCase(feat.GetExcept_text(), "RNA editing") != NPOS ) {
00714         PostErr(eDiag_Warning, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_TranslExceptAndRnaEditing,
00715             "CDS has both RNA editing /exception and /transl_except qualifiers", feat);
00716     }
00718     bool conflict = cdregion.CanGetConflict()  &&  cdregion.GetConflict();
00719     if ( !pseudo  &&  !conflict ) {
00720         ValidateCdTrans(feat);
00721         ValidateSplice(feat, false);
00722     } else if ( conflict ) {
00723         ValidateCdConflict(cdregion, feat);
00724     }
00725     ValidateCdsProductId(feat);
00727     x_ValidateCdregionCodebreak(cdregion, feat);
00729     if ( cdregion.IsSetOrf()  &&  cdregion.GetOrf ()  &&
00730          feat.IsSetProduct () ) {
00731         PostErr (eDiag_Warning, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_OrfCdsHasProduct,
00732             "An ORF coding region should not have a product", feat);
00733     }
00735     if ( pseudo && feat.CanGetProduct () ) {
00736         PostErr(eDiag_Warning, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_PseudoCdsHasProduct,
00737             "A pseudo coding region should not have a product", feat);
00738     }
00740     CBioseq_Handle bsh = m_Scope->GetBioseqHandle(feat.GetLocation());
00741     if ( bsh ) {
00742         // debug
00743         string label;
00744         (*(bsh.GetCompleteBioseq())).GetLabel(&label, CBioseq::eBoth);
00746         CSeqdesc_CI diter (bsh, CSeqdesc::e_Source);
00747         if ( diter ) {
00748             const CBioSource& src = diter->GetSource();
00749             int biopgencode = s_GetStrictGenCode(src);
00751             if ( cdregion.CanGetCode() ) {
00752                 int cdsgencode = cdregion.GetCode().GetId();
00753                 if ( biopgencode != cdsgencode ) {
00754                     int genome = 0;
00756                     if ( src.CanGetGenome() ) {
00757                         genome = src.GetGenome();
00758                     }
00760                     if ( IsPlastid(genome) ) {
00761                         PostErr(eDiag_Warning, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_GenCodeMismatch,
00762                             "Genetic code conflict between CDS (code " +
00763                             NStr::IntToString (cdsgencode) +
00764                             ") and BioSource.genome biological context (" +
00765                             s_PlastidTxt[genome] + ") (uses code 11)", feat);
00766                     } else {
00767                         PostErr (eDiag_Warning, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_GenCodeMismatch,
00768                             "Genetic code conflict between CDS (code " +
00769                             NStr::IntToString(cdsgencode) +
00770                             ") and BioSource (code " +
00771                             NStr::IntToString(biopgencode) + ")", feat);
00772                     }
00773                 }
00774             }
00775         }
00776     }
00778     ValidateBadGeneOverlap(feat);
00779     ValidateBadMRNAOverlap(feat);
00780     ValidateCommonCDSProduct(feat);
00781     ValidateCDSPartial(feat);
00782 }
00785 void CValidError_feat::x_ValidateCdregionCodebreak
00786 (const CCdregion& cds,
00787  const CSeq_feat& feat)
00788 {
00789     const CSeq_loc& feat_loc = feat.GetLocation();
00790     const CCode_break* prev_cbr = 0;
00792     FOR_EACH_CODEBREAK_ON_CDREGION (it, cds) {
00793         const CCode_break& cbr = **it;
00794         const CSeq_loc& cbr_loc = cbr.GetLoc();
00795         ECompare comp = Compare(cbr_loc, feat_loc, m_Scope);
00796         if ( (comp != eContained) && (comp != eSame)) {
00797             PostErr (eDiag_Error, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_Range, 
00798                 "Code-break location not in coding region", feat);
00799         }
00800         if ( prev_cbr != 0 ) {
00801             if ( Compare(cbr_loc, prev_cbr->GetLoc(), m_Scope) == eSame ) {
00802                 string msg = "Multiple code-breaks at same location";
00803                 string str;
00804                 cbr_loc.GetLabel(&str);
00805                 if ( !str.empty() ) {
00806                     msg += "[" + str + "]";
00807                 }
00808                 PostErr(eDiag_Error, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_DuplicateTranslExcept,
00809                    msg, feat);
00810             }
00811         }
00812         prev_cbr = &cbr;
00813     }
00814 }
00817 // non-pseudo CDS must have product
00818 void CValidError_feat::ValidateCdsProductId(const CSeq_feat& feat)
00819 {
00820     // bail if product exists
00821     if ( feat.CanGetProduct() ) {
00822         return;
00823     }
00824     // bail if pseudo
00825     bool pseudo = (feat.CanGetPseudo()  &&  feat.GetPseudo())  ||
00826         IsOverlappingGenePseudo(feat);
00827     if ( pseudo ) {
00828         return;
00829     }
00830     // bail if location has just stop
00831     if ( feat.CanGetLocation() ) {
00832         const CSeq_loc& loc = feat.GetLocation();
00833         if ( loc.IsPartialStart(eExtreme_Biological)  &&  !loc.IsPartialStop(eExtreme_Biological) ) {
00834             if ( GetLength(loc, m_Scope) <= 5 ) {
00835                 return;
00836             }
00837         }
00838     }
00839     // supress in case of the appropriate exception
00840     if ( feat.CanGetExcept()  &&  feat.CanGetExcept_text()  &&
00841          !IsBlankString(feat.GetExcept_text()) ) {
00842         if ( NStr::Find(feat.GetExcept_text(),
00843             "rearrangement required for product") != NPOS ) {
00844            return;
00845         }
00846     }
00848     // non-pseudo CDS must have /product
00849     PostErr(eDiag_Warning, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_MissingCDSproduct,
00850         "Expected CDS product absent", feat);
00851 }
00854 void CValidError_feat::ValidateCdConflict
00855 (const CCdregion& cdregion,
00856  const CSeq_feat& feat)
00857 {
00858     CBioseq_Handle nuc  = m_Scope->GetBioseqHandle(feat.GetLocation());
00859     CBioseq_Handle prot = m_Scope->GetBioseqHandle(feat.GetProduct());
00861     // translate the coding region
00862     string transl_prot;
00863     try {
00864         CCdregion_translate::TranslateCdregion(
00865             transl_prot, 
00866             nuc, 
00867             feat.GetLocation(), 
00868             cdregion,
00869             false,   // do not include stop codons
00870             false);  // do not remove trailing X/B/Z
00871     } catch ( const runtime_error& ) {
00872     }
00874     CSeqVector prot_vec = prot.GetSeqVector(CBioseq_Handle::eCoding_Iupac);
00875     prot_vec.SetCoding(CSeq_data::e_Ncbieaa);
00877     string prot_seq;
00878     prot_vec.GetSeqData(0, prot_vec.size(), prot_seq);
00880     if ( transl_prot.empty()  ||  prot_seq.empty()  ||  transl_prot == prot_seq ) {
00881         PostErr(eDiag_Error, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_BadConflictFlag,
00882             "Coding region conflict flag should not be set", feat);
00883     } else {
00884         PostErr(eDiag_Warning, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_ConflictFlagSet,
00885             "Coding region conflict flag is set", feat);
00886     }
00887 }
00890 void CValidError_feat::ValidateSplice(const CSeq_feat& feat, bool check_all)
00891 {
00892     // !!! suppress if NCBISubValidate
00893     //if (GetAppProperty ("NcbiSubutilValidation") != NULL)
00894     //    return;
00896     bool report_errors = true, has_errors = false;
00898     // specific biological exceptions suppress check
00899     if ( feat.CanGetExcept()  &&  feat.GetExcept()  &&
00900          feat.CanGetExcept_text() ) {
00901         if ( SuppressCheck(feat.GetExcept_text()) ) {
00902             report_errors = false;
00903         }
00904     }
00906     size_t num_of_parts = 0;
00907     ENa_strand  strand = eNa_strand_unknown;
00909     // !!! The C version treated seq_loc equiv as one whereas the iterator
00910     // treats it as many. 
00911     const CSeq_loc& location = feat.GetLocation ();
00913     for (CSeq_loc_CI citer(location); citer; ++citer) {
00914         ++num_of_parts;
00915         if ( num_of_parts == 1 ) {  // first part
00916             strand = citer.GetStrand();
00917         } else {
00918             if ( strand != citer.GetStrand() ) {
00919                 return;         //bail on mixed strand
00920             }
00921         }
00922     }
00924     if ( num_of_parts == 0 ) {
00925         return;
00926     }
00927     if ( !check_all  &&  num_of_parts == 1 ) {
00928         return;
00929     }
00931     bool partial_first = location.IsPartialStart(eExtreme_Biological);
00932     bool partial_last = location.IsPartialStop(eExtreme_Biological);
00935     size_t counter = 0;
00936     const CSeq_id* last_id = 0;
00937     CBioseq_Handle bsh;
00938     size_t seq_len = 0;
00939     CSeqVector seq_vec;
00940     string label;
00942     for (CSeq_loc_CI citer(location); citer; ++citer) {
00943         ++counter;
00945         const CSeq_id& seq_id = citer.GetSeq_id();
00946         if ( last_id == 0  ||  !last_id->Match(seq_id) ) {
00947             bsh = m_Scope->GetBioseqHandle(seq_id);
00948             if ( !bsh ) {
00949                 break;
00950             }
00951             seq_vec = 
00952                 bsh.GetSeqVector(CBioseq_Handle::eCoding_Iupac,
00953                                  citer.GetStrand());
00954             seq_len = seq_vec.size();
00956             // get the label. if m_SuppressContext flag in true, 
00957             // get the worst label.
00958             const CBioseq& bsq = *bsh.GetCompleteBioseq();
00959             bsq.GetLabel(&label, CBioseq::eContent, m_Imp.IsSuppressContext());
00961             last_id = &seq_id;
00962         }
00964         TSeqPos acceptor = citer.GetRange().GetFrom();
00965         TSeqPos donor = citer.GetRange().GetTo();
00967         TSeqPos start = acceptor;
00968         TSeqPos stop = donor;
00970         if ( citer.GetStrand() == eNa_strand_minus ) {
00971             swap(acceptor, donor);
00972             stop = seq_len - donor - 1;
00973             start = seq_len - acceptor - 1;
00974         }
00976         // set severity level
00977         // genomic product set or NT_ contig always relaxes to SEV_WARNING
00978         EDiagSev sev = eDiag_Warning;
00979         if ( m_Imp.IsSpliceErr()                   &&
00980              !(m_Imp.IsGPS() || m_Imp.IsRefSeq())  &&
00981              !check_all ) {
00982             sev = eDiag_Error;
00983         }
00985         // check donor on all but last exon and on sequence
00986         if ( ((check_all && !partial_last)  ||  counter < num_of_parts)  &&
00987              (stop < seq_len - 2) ) {
00988             try {
00989                 CSeqVector::TResidue res1 = seq_vec[stop + 1];    
00990                 CSeqVector::TResidue res2 = seq_vec[stop + 2];
00992                 if ( IsResidue(res1)  &&  IsResidue(res2) ) {
00993                     if ( (res1 != 'G')  || (res2 != 'T' ) ) {
00994                         has_errors = true;
00995                         string msg;
00996                         if ( (res1 == 'G')  && (res2 == 'C' ) ) { // GC minor splice site
00997                             sev = eDiag_Info;
00998                             msg = "Rare splice donor consensus (GC) found instead of "
00999                                 "(GT) after exon ending at position " +
01000                                 NStr::IntToString(donor + 1) + " of " + label;
01001                         } else {
01002                             msg = "Splice donor consensus (GT) not found after exon"
01003                                 " ending at position " + 
01004                                 NStr::IntToString(donor + 1) + " of " + label;
01005                         }
01006                         if (report_errors) {
01007                             PostErr(sev, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_NotSpliceConsensus, msg, feat);
01008                         }
01009                     }
01010                 }
01011             } catch ( exception& ) {
01012                 break;
01013             }
01014         }
01016         if ( ((check_all && !partial_first)  ||  counter != 1)  &&
01017              (start > 1) ) {
01018             try {
01019                 CSeqVector::TResidue res1 = seq_vec[start - 2];
01020                 CSeqVector::TResidue res2 = seq_vec[start - 1];
01022                 if ( IsResidue(res1)  &&  IsResidue(res2) ) {
01023                     if ( (res1 != 'A')  ||  (res2 != 'G') ) {
01024                         has_errors = true;
01025                         if (report_errors) {
01026                             PostErr(sev, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_NotSpliceConsensus,
01027                                 "Splice acceptor consensus (AG) not found before "
01028                                 "exon starting at position " + 
01029                                 NStr::IntToString(acceptor + 1) + " of " + label, feat);
01030                         }
01031                     }
01032                 }
01033             } catch ( exception& ) {
01034             }
01035         }
01036     } // end of for loop
01038     if (!report_errors  &&  !has_errors) {
01039         PostErr(eDiag_Warning, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_UnnecessaryException,
01040             "feature has exception but passes splice site test", feat);
01041     }
01042 }
01045 void CValidError_feat::ValidateProt(const CProt_ref& prot, const CSerialObject& obj) 
01046 {
01047     CProt_ref::EProcessed processed = CProt_ref::eProcessed_not_set;
01049     if ( prot.CanGetProcessed() ) {
01050         processed = prot.GetProcessed();
01051     }
01053     bool empty = true;
01054     if ( processed != CProt_ref::eProcessed_signal_peptide  &&
01055          processed != CProt_ref::eProcessed_transit_peptide ) {
01056         if ( prot.IsSetName()  &&
01057             (!prot.GetName().empty()  ||  !prot.GetName().front().empty()) ) {
01058             empty = false;
01059         }
01060         if ( prot.CanGetDesc()  &&  !prot.GetDesc().empty() ) {
01061             empty = false;
01062         }
01063         if ( prot.CanGetEc()  &&  !prot.GetEc().empty() ) {
01064             empty = false;
01065         }
01066         if ( prot.CanGetActivity()  &&  !prot.GetActivity().empty() ) {
01067             empty = false;
01068         }
01069         if ( prot.CanGetDb()  &&  !prot.GetDb().empty() ) {
01070             empty = false;
01071         }
01073         if ( empty ) {
01074             PostErr(eDiag_Warning, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_ProtRefHasNoData,
01075                 "There is a protein feature where all fields are empty", obj);
01076         }
01077     }
01078     if ( prot.CanGetDb () ) {
01079         m_Imp.ValidateDbxref(prot.GetDb(), obj);
01080     }
01081     if ( prot.CanGetDesc()  &&  !prot.GetDesc().empty()  &&
01082          prot.GetName().empty() ) {
01083         PostErr(eDiag_Warning, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_NoNameForProtein,
01084             "Protein feature has description but no name", obj);
01085     }
01086 }
01089 void CValidError_feat::ValidateRna(const CRNA_ref& rna, const CSeq_feat& feat) 
01090 {
01091     const CRNA_ref::EType& rna_type = rna.GetType ();
01093     if ( rna_type == CRNA_ref::eType_mRNA ) {
01094         bool pseudo = (feat.CanGetPseudo()  &&  feat.GetPseudo())  ||  IsOverlappingGenePseudo(feat);
01096         if ( !pseudo ) {
01097             ValidateMrnaTrans(feat);      /* transcription check */
01098             ValidateSplice(feat, false);
01099         }
01100         ValidateBadGeneOverlap(feat);
01101         ValidateCommonMRNAProduct(feat);
01102     }
01104     if ( rna.CanGetExt()  &&
01105          rna.GetExt().Which() == CRNA_ref::C_Ext::e_TRNA ) {
01106         const CTrna_ext& trna = rna.GetExt ().GetTRNA ();
01107         if ( trna.CanGetAnticodon () ) {
01108             const CSeq_loc& anticodon = trna.GetAnticodon();
01109             size_t anticodon_len = 0;
01110             bool bad_anticodon = false;
01111             for ( CSeq_loc_CI it(anticodon); it; ++it ) {
01112                 anticodon_len += GetLength(anticodon, m_Scope);
01113                 ECompare comp = sequence::Compare(anticodon,
01114                                                   feat.GetLocation(),
01115                                                   m_Scope);
01116                 if ( comp != eContained  &&  comp != eSame ) {
01117                     bad_anticodon = true;
01118                 }
01119             }
01120             if ( bad_anticodon ) {
01121                 PostErr (eDiag_Error, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_Range,
01122                     "Anticodon location not in tRNA", feat);
01123             }
01124             if ( anticodon_len != 3 ) {
01125                 PostErr (eDiag_Warning, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_Range,
01126                     "Anticodon is not 3 bases in length", feat);
01127             }
01128             ValidateAnticodon(anticodon, feat);
01129         }
01130         ValidateTrnaCodons(trna, feat);
01131     }
01133     if ( rna_type == CRNA_ref::eType_tRNA ) {
01134         FOR_EACH_GBQUAL_ON_FEATURE (gbqual, feat) {
01135             if ( NStr::CompareNocase((**gbqual).GetVal (), "anticodon") == 0 ) {
01136                 PostErr (eDiag_Error, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_InvalidQualifierValue,
01137                     "Unparsed anticodon qualifier in tRNA", feat);
01138                 break;
01139             }
01140         }
01141         /* tRNA with string extension */
01142         if ( rna.CanGetExt()  &&  
01143              rna.GetExt().Which () == CRNA_ref::C_Ext::e_Name ) {
01144             PostErr (eDiag_Error, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_InvalidQualifierValue,
01145                 "Unparsed product qualifier in tRNA", feat);
01146         }
01147     }
01149     if ( rna_type == CRNA_ref::eType_unknown ) {
01150         PostErr(eDiag_Warning, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_RNAtype0,
01151             "RNA type 0 (unknown) not supported", feat);
01152     }
01154     if ( feat.CanGetProduct() ) {
01155         ValidateRnaProductType(rna, feat);
01156     }
01157 }
01160 void CValidError_feat::ValidateAnticodon(const CSeq_loc& anticodon, const CSeq_feat& feat)
01161 {
01162     bool ordered = true;
01163     bool adjacent = false;
01164     bool unmarked_strand = false;
01165     bool mixed_strand = false;
01167     CSeq_loc_CI prev;
01168     for (CSeq_loc_CI curr(anticodon); curr; ++curr) {
01169         if ( !curr.GetSeq_loc().IsInt()  &&  !curr.GetSeq_loc().IsPnt() ) {
01170             continue;
01171         }
01173         if ( prev  &&  curr  &&
01174              IsSameBioseq(curr.GetSeq_id(), prev.GetSeq_id(), m_Scope) ) {
01175             CSeq_loc_CI::TRange prev_range = prev.GetRange();
01176             CSeq_loc_CI::TRange curr_range = curr.GetRange();
01177             if ( ordered ) {
01178                 if ( curr.GetStrand() == eNa_strand_minus ) {
01179                     if (prev_range.GetTo() < curr_range.GetTo()) {
01180                         ordered = false;
01181                     }
01182                     if (curr_range.GetTo() + 1 == prev_range.GetFrom()) {
01183                         adjacent = true;
01184                     }
01185                 } else {
01186                     if (prev_range.GetTo() > curr_range.GetTo()) {
01187                         ordered = false;
01188                     }
01189                     if (prev_range.GetTo() + 1 == curr_range.GetFrom()) {
01190                         adjacent = true;
01191                     }
01192                 }
01193             }
01194             ENa_strand curr_strand = curr.GetStrand();
01195             ENa_strand prev_strand = prev.GetStrand();
01196             if ( curr_range == prev_range  &&  curr_strand == prev_strand ) {
01197                 PostErr(eDiag_Warning, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_DuplicateInterval,
01198                     "Duplicate anticodon exons in location", feat);
01199             }
01200             if ( curr_strand != prev_strand ) {
01201                 if (curr_strand == eNa_strand_plus  &&  prev_strand == eNa_strand_unknown) {
01202                     unmarked_strand = true;
01203                 } else if (curr_strand == eNa_strand_unknown  &&  prev_strand == eNa_strand_plus) {
01204                     unmarked_strand = true;
01205                 } else {
01206                     mixed_strand = true;
01207                 }
01208             }
01209         }
01210         prev = curr;
01211     }
01212     if (adjacent) {
01213         PostErr(eDiag_Warning, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_AbuttingIntervals,
01214             "Adjacent intervals in Anticodon", feat);
01215     }
01217     // trans splicing exception turns off both mixed_strand and out_of_order messages
01218     bool trans_splice = false;
01219     if (feat.CanGetExcept()  &&  feat.GetExcept()  && feat.CanGetExcept_text()) {
01220         if (NStr::FindNoCase(feat.GetExcept_text(), "trans-splicing") != NPOS) {
01221             trans_splice = true;
01222         }
01223     }
01224     if (!trans_splice) {
01225         if (mixed_strand) {
01226             PostErr(eDiag_Warning, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_MixedStrand,
01227                 "Mixed strands in Anticodon", feat);
01228         }
01229         if (unmarked_strand) {
01230             PostErr(eDiag_Warning, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_MixedStrand,
01231                 "Mixed plus and unknown strands in Anticodon", feat);
01232         }
01233         if (!ordered) {
01234             PostErr(eDiag_Warning, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_SeqLocOrder,
01235                 "Intervals out of order in Anticodon", feat);
01236         }
01237     }
01238 }
01241 void CValidError_feat::ValidateRnaProductType
01242 (const CRNA_ref& rna,
01243  const CSeq_feat& feat)
01244 {
01245     CBioseq_Handle bsh = m_Scope->GetBioseqHandle(feat.GetProduct());
01246     if ( !bsh ) {
01247         return;
01248     }
01249     CSeqdesc_CI di(bsh, CSeqdesc::e_Molinfo);
01250     if ( !di ) {
01251         return;
01252     }
01253     const CMolInfo& mol_info = di->GetMolinfo();
01254     if ( !mol_info.CanGetBiomol() ) {
01255         return;
01256     }
01257     int biomol = mol_info.GetBiomol();
01259     switch ( rna.GetType() ) {
01261     case CRNA_ref::eType_mRNA:
01262         if ( biomol == CMolInfo::eBiomol_mRNA ) {
01263             return;
01264         }        
01265         break;
01267     case CRNA_ref::eType_tRNA:
01268         if ( biomol == CMolInfo::eBiomol_tRNA ) {
01269             return;
01270         }
01271         break;
01273     case CRNA_ref::eType_rRNA:
01274         if ( biomol == CMolInfo::eBiomol_rRNA ) {
01275             return;
01276         }
01277         break;
01279     default:
01280         return;
01281     }
01283     PostErr(eDiag_Error, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_RnaProductMismatch,
01284         "Type of RNA does not match MolInfo of product Bioseq", feat);
01285 }
01288 int s_LegalNcbieaaValues[] = { 42, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73,
01289                                75, 76, 77, 78, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85,
01290                                86, 87, 88, 89, 90 };
01292 // in Ncbistdaa order
01293 static const char* kAANames[] = {
01294     "---", "Ala", "Asx", "Cys", "Asp", "Glu", "Phe", "Gly", "His", "Ile",
01295     "Lys", "Leu", "Met", "Asn", "Pro", "Gln", "Arg", "Ser", "Thr", "Val",
01296     "Trp", "OTHER", "Tyr", "Glx", "Sec", "TERM"
01297 };
01300 const char* GetAAName(unsigned char aa, bool is_ascii)
01301 {
01302     try {
01303         if (is_ascii) {
01304             aa = CSeqportUtil::GetMapToIndex
01305                 (CSeq_data::e_Ncbieaa, CSeq_data::e_Ncbistdaa, aa);
01306         }
01307         return (aa < sizeof(kAANames)/sizeof(*kAANames)) ? kAANames[aa] : "OTHER";
01308     } catch (...) {
01309         return "OTHER";
01310     }
01311 }
01314 static string GetGeneticCodeName (int gcode)
01315 {
01316     const CGenetic_code_table& code_table = CGen_code_table::GetCodeTable();
01317     const list<CRef<CGenetic_code> >& codes = code_table.Get();
01319     for ( list<CRef<CGenetic_code> >::const_iterator code_it = codes.begin(), code_it_end = codes.end();  code_it != code_it_end;  ++code_it ) {
01320         if ((*code_it)->GetId() == gcode) {
01321             return (*code_it)->GetName();
01322         }
01323     }
01324     return "unknown";
01325 }
01327 void CValidError_feat::ValidateTrnaCodons(const CTrna_ext& trna, const CSeq_feat& feat)
01328 {
01329     if (!trna.IsSetAa()) {
01330         return;
01331     }
01333     vector<char> seqData;
01334     string str = "";
01336     switch (trna.GetAa().Which()) {
01337         case CTrna_ext::C_Aa::e_Iupacaa:
01338             str = trna.GetAa().GetIupacaa();
01339             CSeqConvert::Convert(str, CSeqUtil::e_Iupacaa, 0, str.size(), seqData, CSeqUtil::e_Ncbieaa);
01340             break;
01341         case CTrna_ext::C_Aa::e_Ncbi8aa:
01342             str = trna.GetAa().GetNcbi8aa();
01343             CSeqConvert::Convert(str, CSeqUtil::e_Ncbi8aa, 0, str.size(), seqData, CSeqUtil::e_Ncbieaa);
01344             break;
01345         case CTrna_ext::C_Aa::e_Ncbistdaa:
01346             str = trna.GetAa().GetNcbi8aa();
01347             CSeqConvert::Convert(str, CSeqUtil::e_Ncbistdaa, 0, str.size(), seqData, CSeqUtil::e_Ncbieaa);
01348             break;
01349         case CTrna_ext::C_Aa::e_Ncbieaa:
01350             seqData.push_back(trna.GetAa().GetNcbieaa());
01351             break;
01352         default:
01353             NCBI_THROW (CCoreException, eCore, "Unrecognized tRNA aa coding");
01354             break;
01355     }
01356     unsigned char aa = seqData[0];
01358     // make sure the amino acid is valid
01359     bool found = false;
01360     for ( int i = 0; i < 25; ++i ) {
01361         if ( aa == s_LegalNcbieaaValues[i] ) {
01362             found = true;
01363             break;
01364         }
01365     }
01366     if ( !found ) {
01367         PostErr(eDiag_Error, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_BadTrnaAA, 
01368             "Invalid tRNA amino acid (" + NStr::IntToString(aa) + ")", feat);
01369         aa = ' ';
01370     }
01372     // Retrive the Genetic code id for the tRNA
01373     int gcode = 1;
01374     CBioseq_Handle bsh = m_Scope->GetBioseqHandle(feat.GetLocation());
01375     if ( bsh ) {
01376         // need only the closest biosoure.
01377         CSeqdesc_CI diter(bsh, CSeqdesc::e_Source);
01378         if ( diter ) {
01379             gcode = diter->GetSource().GetGenCode();
01380         }
01381     }
01383     const string& ncbieaa = CGen_code_table::GetNcbieaa(gcode);
01384     if ( ncbieaa.length() != 64 ) {
01385         return;
01386     }
01388     string codename = GetGeneticCodeName (gcode);
01389     char buf[2];
01390     buf[0] = aa;
01391     buf[1] = 0;
01392     string aaname = buf;
01393     aaname += "/";
01394     aaname += GetAAName (aa, true);
01396     EDiagSev sev = (aa == 'U') ? eDiag_Warning : eDiag_Error;
01398     bool modified_codon_recognition = false;
01399     if ( feat.CanGetExcept_text()  &&
01400          NStr::FindNoCase(feat.GetExcept_text(), "modified codon recognition") != NPOS ) {
01401         modified_codon_recognition = true;
01402     }
01404     ITERATE( CTrna_ext::TCodon, iter, trna.GetCodon() ) {
01405         // test that codon value is in range 0 - 63
01406         if ( *iter < 0  ||  *iter > 63 ) {
01407             PostErr(sev, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_TrnaCodonWrong,
01408                 "tRNA codon value (" + NStr::IntToString(*iter) + 
01409                 ") out of range", feat);
01410             continue;
01411         }
01413         if ( !modified_codon_recognition ) {
01414             unsigned char taa = ncbieaa[*iter];
01415             if ( taa != aa ) {
01416                 if ( (aa == 'U')  &&  (taa == '*')  &&  (*iter == 14) ) {
01417                     // selenocysteine normally uses TGA (14), so ignore without requiring exception in record
01418                     // TAG (11) is used for pyrrolysine in archaebacteria
01419                     // TAA (10) is not yet known to be used for an exceptional amino acid
01420                 } else {
01421                     string codon = CGen_code_table::IndexToCodon(*iter);
01422                     NStr::ReplaceInPlace (codon, "T", "U");
01424                     PostErr(sev, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_TrnaCodonWrong,
01425                       "tRNA codon (" + codon + ") does not match amino acid (" 
01426                        + aaname + ") specified by genetic code ("
01427                        + NStr::IntToString (gcode) + "/" + codename + ")", feat);
01428                 }
01429             }
01430         }
01431     }
01432 }
01435 void CValidError_feat::ValidateImp(const CImp_feat& imp, const CSeq_feat& feat, bool is_insd_in_sep)
01436 {
01437     CSeqFeatData::ESubtype subtype = feat.GetData().GetSubtype();
01438     const string& key = imp.GetKey();
01440     switch ( subtype ) {
01441     case CSeqFeatData::eSubtype_exon:
01442         if ( m_Imp.IsValidateExons() ) {
01443             ValidateSplice(feat, true);
01444         }
01445         break;
01447     case CSeqFeatData::eSubtype_bad:
01448         PostErr(eDiag_Warning, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_UnknownImpFeatKey, 
01449             "Unknown feature key " + key, feat);
01450         break;
01452     case CSeqFeatData::eSubtype_virion:
01453     case CSeqFeatData::eSubtype_mutation:
01454     case CSeqFeatData::eSubtype_allele:
01455         PostErr(eDiag_Error, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_UnknownImpFeatKey,
01456             "Feature key " + key + " is no longer legal", feat);
01457         break;
01459     case CSeqFeatData::eSubtype_polyA_site:
01460         {
01461             CSeq_loc::TRange range = feat.GetLocation().GetTotalRange();
01462             if ( range.GetFrom() != range.GetTo() ) {
01463                 PostErr(eDiag_Warning, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_PolyAsiteNotPoint,
01464                     "PolyA_site should be a single point", feat);
01465             }
01466         }
01467         break;
01469     case CSeqFeatData::eSubtype_mat_peptide:
01470     case CSeqFeatData::eSubtype_sig_peptide:
01471     case CSeqFeatData::eSubtype_transit_peptide:
01472         PostErr(eDiag_Warning, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_InvalidForType,
01473             "Peptide processing feature should be converted to the "
01474             "appropriate protein feature subtype", feat);
01475         ValidatePeptideOnCodonBoundry(feat, key);
01476         break;
01478     case CSeqFeatData::eSubtype_mRNA:
01479     case CSeqFeatData::eSubtype_tRNA:
01480     case CSeqFeatData::eSubtype_rRNA:
01481     case CSeqFeatData::eSubtype_snRNA:
01482     case CSeqFeatData::eSubtype_scRNA:
01483     case CSeqFeatData::eSubtype_snoRNA:
01484     case CSeqFeatData::eSubtype_misc_RNA:
01485     case CSeqFeatData::eSubtype_precursor_RNA:
01486     // !!! what about other RNA types (preRNA, otherRNA)?
01487         PostErr(eDiag_Error, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_InvalidForType,
01488               "RNA feature should be converted to the appropriate RNA feature "
01489               "subtype, location should be converted manually", feat);
01490         break;
01492     case CSeqFeatData::eSubtype_Imp_CDS:
01493         {
01494             // impfeat CDS must be pseudo; fail if not
01495             bool pseudo = (feat.CanGetPseudo()  &&  feat.GetPseudo())  ||
01496                           IsOverlappingGenePseudo(feat);
01497             if ( !pseudo ) {
01498                 PostErr(eDiag_Info, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_ImpCDSnotPseudo,
01499                     "ImpFeat CDS should be pseudo", feat);
01500             }
01502             FOR_EACH_GBQUAL_ON_FEATURE (gbqual, feat) {
01503                 if ( NStr::CompareNocase( (*gbqual)->GetQual(), "translation") == 0 ) {
01504                     PostErr(eDiag_Error, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_ImpCDShasTranslation,
01505                         "ImpFeat CDS with /translation found", feat);
01506                 }
01507             }
01508         }
01509         break;
01510     case CSeqFeatData::eSubtype_imp:
01511         PostErr(eDiag_Error, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_UnknownImpFeatKey,
01512             "Unknown feature key " + key, feat);
01513         break;
01514     default:
01515         break;
01516     }// end of switch statement  
01518     // validate the feature's location
01519     if ( imp.CanGetLoc() ) {
01520         const string& imp_loc = imp.GetLoc();
01521         if ( imp_loc.find("one-of") != string::npos ) {
01522             PostErr(eDiag_Error, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_ImpFeatBadLoc,
01523                 "ImpFeat loc " + imp_loc + 
01524                 " has obsolete 'one-of' text for feature " + key, feat);
01525         } else if ( feat.GetLocation().IsInt() ) {
01526             const CSeq_interval& seq_int = feat.GetLocation().GetInt();
01527             string temp_loc = NStr::IntToString(seq_int.GetFrom() + 1) +
01528                 ".." + NStr::IntToString(seq_int.GetTo() + 1);
01529             if ( imp_loc != temp_loc ) {
01530                 PostErr(eDiag_Error, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_ImpFeatBadLoc,
01531                     "ImpFeat loc " + imp_loc + " does not equal feature location " +
01532                     temp_loc + "for feature " + key, feat);
01533             }
01534         }
01535     }
01537     if ( feat.CanGetQual() ) {
01538         ValidateImpGbquals(imp, feat, is_insd_in_sep);
01539     }
01541     // Make sure a feature has its mandatory qualifiers
01542     bool found = false;
01543     switch (subtype) {
01544     case CSeqFeatData::eSubtype_conflict:
01545     case CSeqFeatData::eSubtype_old_sequence:
01546         if (!feat.IsSetCit()  &&  NStr::IsBlank(feat.GetNamedQual("compare"))) {
01547             PostErr(eDiag_Warning, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_MissingQualOnImpFeat,
01548                 "Feature " + key + " requires either /compare or /citation (or both)",
01549                 feat);
01550         }
01551         break;
01552     default:
01553         ITERATE (CFeatQualAssoc::TGBQualTypeVec, required, CFeatQualAssoc::GetMandatoryGbquals(subtype)) {
01554             found = false;
01555             FOR_EACH_GBQUAL_ON_FEATURE (qual, feat) {
01556                 if (CGbqualType::GetType(**qual) == *required) {
01557                     found = true;
01558                     break;
01559                 }
01560             }
01561             if (!found) {
01562                 PostErr(eDiag_Warning, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_MissingQualOnImpFeat,
01563                     "Missing qualifier " + CGbqualType::GetString(*required) +
01564                     " for feature " + key, feat);
01565             }
01566         }
01567         break;
01568     }
01569 }
01572 static bool s_RptUnitIsBaseRange (string str, int& from, int& to)
01574 {
01575     if (str.length() > 25) {
01576         return false;
01577     }
01578     SIZE_TYPE pos = NStr::Find (str, "..");
01579     if (pos == string::npos) {
01580         return false;
01581     }
01582     try {
01583         from = NStr::StringToInt (str.substr(0, pos));
01584         to = NStr::StringToInt (str.substr (pos + 2));
01585     } catch (...) {
01586         return false;
01587     }
01588     if (from < 0 || to < 0) {
01589         return false;
01590     }
01591     return true;
01592 }
01594 typedef enum {
01595   eAccessionFormat_valid = 0,
01596   eAccessionFormat_no_start_letters,
01597   eAccessionFormat_wrong_number_of_digits,
01598   eAccessionFormat_null,
01599   eAccessionFormat_too_long,
01600   eAccessionFormat_missing_version,
01601   eAccessionFormat_bad_version } EAccessionFormatError;
01603 static EAccessionFormatError s_ValidateAccessionString (string accession, bool require_version)
01604 {
01605     if (NStr::IsBlank (accession)) {
01606         return eAccessionFormat_null;
01607     } else if (accession.length() >= 16) {
01608         return eAccessionFormat_too_long;
01609     } else if (accession.length() < 3 
01610                || ! isalpha (accession.c_str()[0]) 
01611                || ! isupper (accession.c_str()[0])
01612                || ! isalpha (accession.c_str()[1])
01613                || ! isupper (accession.c_str()[1])) {
01614         return eAccessionFormat_no_start_letters;
01615     }
01617     string str = accession;
01618     if (NStr::StartsWith (str, "NZ_")) {
01619         str = str.substr(3);
01620     }
01622     const char *cp = str.c_str();
01623     int numAlpha = 0;
01625     while (isalpha (*cp)) {
01626         numAlpha++;
01627         cp++;
01628     }
01630     int numUndersc = 0;
01632     while (*cp == '_') {
01633         numUndersc++;
01634         cp++;
01635     }
01637     int numDigits = 0;
01638     while (isdigit (*cp)) {
01639         numDigits++;
01640         cp++;
01641     }
01643     if ((*cp != '\0' && *cp != ' ' && *cp != '.') || numUndersc > 1) {
01644         return eAccessionFormat_wrong_number_of_digits;
01645     }
01647     EAccessionFormatError rval = eAccessionFormat_valid;
01649     if (require_version) {
01650         if (*cp != '.') {
01651             rval = eAccessionFormat_missing_version;
01652         }
01653         cp++;
01654         int numVersion = 0;
01655         while (isdigit (*cp)) {
01656             numVersion++;
01657             cp++;
01658         }
01659         if (numVersion < 1) {
01660             rval = eAccessionFormat_missing_version;
01661         } else if (*cp != '\0' && *cp != ' ') {
01662             rval = eAccessionFormat_bad_version;
01663         }
01664     }
01667     if (numUndersc == 0) {
01668         if ((numAlpha == 1 && numDigits == 5) 
01669             || (numAlpha == 2 && numDigits == 6)
01670             || (numAlpha == 3 && numDigits == 5)
01671             || (numAlpha == 4 && numDigits == 8)
01672             || (numAlpha == 5 && numDigits == 7)) {
01673             return rval;
01674         } 
01675     } else if (numUndersc == 1) {
01676         if (numAlpha != 2 || (numDigits != 6 && numDigits != 8 && numDigits != 9)) {
01677             return eAccessionFormat_wrong_number_of_digits;
01678         }
01679         char first_letter = accession.c_str()[0];
01680         char second_letter = accession.c_str()[1];
01681         if (first_letter == 'N' || first_letter == 'X' || first_letter == 'Z') { 
01682             if (second_letter == 'M' || second_letter == 'C'
01683                 || second_letter == 'T' || second_letter == 'P'
01684                 || second_letter == 'G' || second_letter == 'R'
01685                 || second_letter == 'S' || second_letter == 'W'
01686                 || second_letter == 'W' || second_letter == 'Z') {
01687                 return rval;
01688             }
01689         }
01690         if ((first_letter == 'A' || first_letter == 'Y')
01691             && second_letter == 'P') {
01692             return rval;
01693         }
01694     }
01696     return eAccessionFormat_wrong_number_of_digits;
01697 }
01700 static bool s_StringConsistsOf (string str, string consist)
01701 {
01702     const char *src = str.c_str();
01703     const char *find = consist.c_str();
01704     bool rval = true;
01706     while (*src != 0 && rval) {
01707         if (strchr (find, *src) == NULL) {
01708             rval = false;
01709         }
01710         src++;
01711     }
01712     return rval;
01713 }
01716 void CValidError_feat::ValidateImpGbquals
01717 (const CImp_feat& imp,
01718  const CSeq_feat& feat,
01719  bool is_insd_in_sep)
01720 {
01721     CSeqFeatData::ESubtype ftype = feat.GetData().GetSubtype();
01722     const string& key = imp.GetKey();
01724     FOR_EACH_GBQUAL_ON_FEATURE (qual, feat) {
01725         const string& qual_str = (*qual)->GetQual();
01727         if ( qual_str == "gsdb_id" ) {
01728             continue;
01729         }
01731         CGbqualType::EType gbqual = CGbqualType::GetType(qual_str);
01733         if ( gbqual == CGbqualType::e_Bad ) {
01734             if ( !qual_str.empty() ) {
01735                 PostErr(eDiag_Warning, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_UnknownImpFeatQual,
01736                     "Unknown qualifier " + qual_str, feat);
01737             } else {
01738                 PostErr(eDiag_Warning, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_UnknownImpFeatQual,
01739                     "Empty qualifier", feat);
01740             }
01741         } else {
01742             if ( !CFeatQualAssoc::IsLegalGbqual(ftype, gbqual) ) {
01743                 PostErr(eDiag_Warning, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_WrongQualOnImpFeat,
01744                     "Wrong qualifier " + qual_str + " for feature " + 
01745                     key, feat);
01746             }
01748             string val = (*qual)->GetVal();
01750             bool error = false;
01751             switch ( gbqual ) {
01752             case CGbqualType::e_Rpt_type:
01753                 {{
01754                     for ( size_t i = 0; 
01755                     i < sizeof(s_LegalRepeatTypes) / sizeof(string); 
01756                     ++i ) {
01757                         if ( val.find(s_LegalRepeatTypes[i]) != string::npos ) {
01758                             bool left = false, right = false;
01759                             if ( i > 0 ) {
01760                                 left = val[i-1] == ','  ||  val[i-1] == '(';
01761                             }
01762                             if ( i < val.length() - 1 ) {
01763                                 right = val[i+1] == ','  ||  val[i+1] == ')';
01764                             }
01765                             if ( left  &&  right ) {
01766                                 error = true;
01767                             }
01768                             break;
01769                         }
01770                     }
01771                 }}
01772                 break;
01774             case CGbqualType::e_Rpt_unit:
01775             case CGbqualType::e_Rpt_unit_seq:
01776                 {{
01777                     bool found = false, multiple_rpt_unit = true;
01778                     ITERATE(string, it, val) {
01779                         if ( *it <= ' ' ) {
01780                             found = true;
01781                         } else if ( *it == '('  ||  *it == ')'  ||
01782                             *it == ','  ||  *it == '.'  ||
01783                             isdigit((unsigned char)(*it)) ) {
01784                         } else {
01785                             multiple_rpt_unit = false;
01786                         }
01787                     }
01788                     /*
01789                     if ( found || 
01790                     (!multiple_rpt_unit && val.length() > 48) ) {
01791                     error = true;
01792                     }
01793                     */
01794                     if ( NStr::CompareNocase(key, "repeat_region") == 0  &&
01795                          !multiple_rpt_unit ) {
01796                         if (val.length() <= GetLength(feat.GetLocation(), m_Scope) ) {
01797                             bool just_nuc_letters = true;
01798                             static const string nuc_letters = "ACGTNacgtn";
01800                             ITERATE(string, it, val) {
01801                                 if ( nuc_letters.find(*it) == NPOS ) {
01802                                     just_nuc_letters = false;
01803                                     break;
01804                                 }
01805                             }
01807                             if ( just_nuc_letters ) {
01808                                 CSeqVector vec = GetSequenceFromFeature(feat, *m_Scope);
01809                                 if ( !vec.empty() ) {
01810                                     string vec_data;
01811                                     vec.GetSeqData(0, vec.size(), vec_data);
01812                                     if (NStr::FindNoCase (vec_data, val) == string::npos) {
01813                                         PostErr(eDiag_Warning, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_InvalidQualifierValue,
01814                                             "repeat_region /rpt_unit and underlying "
01815                                             "sequence do not match", feat);
01816                                     }
01817                                 }
01820                             } else {
01821                                 PostErr(eDiag_Info, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_InvalidQualifierValue,
01822                                     "rpt_unit_seq qualifier contains invalid characters", feat);
01823                             }
01824                         } else {
01825                             PostErr(eDiag_Info, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_InvalidQualifierValue,
01826                                 "Length of rpt_unit_seq is greater than feature length", feat);
01827                         }                            
01828                     }
01829                 }}
01830                 break;
01831             case CGbqualType::e_Rpt_unit_range:
01832                 {{
01833                     int from, to;
01834                     if (!s_RptUnitIsBaseRange(val, from, to)) {
01835                         PostErr (eDiag_Warning, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_InvalidQualifierValue,
01836                                  "/rpt_unit_range is not a base range", feat);
01837                     } else {
01838                         CSeq_loc::TRange range = feat.GetLocation().GetTotalRange();
01839                         if (from < range.GetFrom() || from > range.GetTo() || to < range.GetFrom() || to > range.GetTo()) {
01840                             PostErr (eDiag_Warning, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_InvalidQualifierValue,
01841                                      "/rpt_unit_range is not within sequence length", feat);   
01842                         }
01843                     }
01844                 }}
01845                 break;
01846             case CGbqualType::e_Label:
01847                 {{
01848                     bool only_digits = true,
01849                         has_spaces = false;
01851                     ITERATE(string, it, val) {
01852                         if ( isspace((unsigned char)(*it)) ) {
01853                             has_spaces = true;
01854                         }
01855                         if ( !isdigit((unsigned char)(*it)) ) {
01856                             only_digits = false;
01857                         }
01858                     }
01859                     if (only_digits  ||  has_spaces) {
01860                         PostErr (eDiag_Error, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_InvalidQualifierValue, "Illegal value for qualifier " + qual_str, feat);
01861                     }
01862                 }}
01863                 break;
01864             case CGbqualType::e_Replace:
01865                 {{
01866                     CBioseq_Handle bh = m_Scope->GetBioseqHandle(feat.GetLocation());
01867                     if (bh) {
01868                         if (bh.IsNa()) {
01869                             if (NStr::Equal(key, "variation")) {
01870                                 if (!s_StringConsistsOf (val, "acgt")) {
01871                                     PostErr (eDiag_Error, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_InvalidQualifierValue,
01872                                              val + "  is not a legal value for qualifier " + qual_str
01873                                              + " - should only be composed of acgt unambiguous nucleotide bases",
01874                                              feat);
01875                                 }
01876                             } else if (!s_StringConsistsOf (val, "acgtmrwsykvhdbn")) {
01877                                   PostErr (eDiag_Error, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_InvalidQualifierValue,
01878                                            val + "  is not a legal value for qualifier " + qual_str
01879                                            + " - should only be composed of acgtmrwsykvhdbn nucleotide bases",
01880                                            feat);
01881                             }
01882                         } else if (bh.IsAa()) {
01883                             if (!s_StringConsistsOf (val, "acdefghiklmnpqrstuvwy*")) {
01884                                 PostErr (eDiag_Error, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_InvalidQualifierValue,
01885                                          val + "  is not a legal value for qualifier " + qual_str
01886                                          + " - should only be composed of acdefghiklmnpqrstuvwy* amino acids",
01887                                          feat);
01888                             }
01889                         }
01891                         // if no point in location with fuzz, info if text matches sequence
01892                         bool has_fuzz = false;
01893                         for( objects::CSeq_loc_CI it(feat.GetLocation()); it && !has_fuzz; ++it) {
01894                             if (it.IsPoint() && it.GetSeq_loc().GetPnt().IsSetFuzz()) {
01895                                 has_fuzz = true;
01896                             }
01897                         }
01898                         if (!has_fuzz && val.length() == GetLength (feat.GetLocation(), m_Scope)) {
01899                             string bases = "";
01900                             bool match = false;
01901                             try {
01902                               CCdregion_translate::ReadSequenceByLocation (bases, bh, feat.GetLocation(), CCdregion_translate::eTruncate);
01903                               if (NStr::EqualNocase(val, bases)) {
01904                                   PostErr (eDiag_Info, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_SuspiciousQualifierValue,
01905                                            "/replace already matches underlying sequence (" + val + ")",
01906                                            feat);
01907                               }
01908                             } catch ( ... ) {
01909                             }
01910                         }
01911                     }
01912                 }}
01913                 break;
01915             case CGbqualType::e_Cons_splice:
01916                 {{
01917                     error = true;
01918                     for (size_t i = 0; 
01919                          i < sizeof(s_LegalConsSpliceStrings) / sizeof(string);
01920                          ++i) {
01921                         if ( NStr::CompareNocase(val, s_LegalConsSpliceStrings[i]) == 0 ) {
01922                             error = false;
01923                             break;
01924                         }
01925                     }
01926                 }}
01927                 break;
01929             case CGbqualType::e_Mobile_element:
01930                 {{
01931                 }}
01932                 break;
01934             case CGbqualType::e_Compare:
01935                 {{
01936                     if (!NStr::StartsWith (val, "(")) {
01937                         EAccessionFormatError valid_accession = s_ValidateAccessionString (val, true);  
01938                         if (valid_accession == eAccessionFormat_missing_version) {
01939                             PostErr (eDiag_Error, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_InvalidQualifierValue,
01940                                      val + " accession missing version for qualifier " + qual_str, feat);
01941                         } else if (valid_accession == eAccessionFormat_bad_version) {
01942                             PostErr (eDiag_Error, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_InvalidQualifierValue,
01943                                      val + " accession has bad version for qualifier " + qual_str, feat);
01944                         } else if (valid_accession != eAccessionFormat_valid) {
01945                             PostErr (eDiag_Error, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_InvalidQualifierValue,
01946                                      val + " is not a legal accession for qualifier " + qual_str, feat);
01947                         } else if (is_insd_in_sep && NStr::Find (val, "_") == string::npos) {
01948                             PostErr (eDiag_Error, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_InvalidQualifierValue,
01949                                      "RefSeq accession " + val + " cannot be used for qualifier " + qual_str, feat);
01950                         }
01951                     }
01952                 }}
01953                 break;
01955             default:
01956                 break;
01957             } // end of switch statement
01958             if ( error ) {
01959                 PostErr(eDiag_Error, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_InvalidQualifierValue,
01960                     val + " is not a legal value for qualifier " + qual_str, feat);
01961             }
01962         }
01963     }  // end of ITERATE 
01964 }
01967 void CValidError_feat::ValidatePeptideOnCodonBoundry
01968 (const CSeq_feat& feat, 
01969  const string& key)
01970 {
01971     const CSeq_loc& loc = feat.GetLocation();
01973     // !!! DEBUG {
01974     if( m_Imp.AvoidPerfBottlenecks() ) {
01975         return;
01976     } 
01977     // } DEBUG
01979     CConstRef<CSeq_feat> cds = GetOverlappingCDS(loc, *m_Scope);
01980     if ( !cds ) {
01981         return;
01982     }
01983     const CCdregion& cdr = cds->GetData().GetCdregion();
01985     TSeqPos pos1 = LocationOffset(cds->GetLocation(), loc, eOffset_FromStart);
01986     TSeqPos pos2 = pos1 + GetLength(loc, m_Scope);
01987     unsigned int frame = 0;
01988     switch (cdr.GetFrame()) {
01989         case CCdregion::eFrame_not_set:
01990         case CCdregion::eFrame_one:
01991             frame = 0;
01992             break;
01993         case CCdregion::eFrame_two:
01994             frame = 1;
01995             break;
01996         case CCdregion::eFrame_three:
01997             frame = 2;
01998             break;
01999     }
02000     // note - have to add 3 to prevent negative result from subtraction
02001     TSeqPos mod1 = (pos1 + 3 - frame) %3;
02002     TSeqPos mod2 = (pos2 + 3 - frame) %3;
02004     if ( mod1 != 0 && loc.IsPartialStart(eExtreme_Biological) 
02005          && cds->GetLocation().IsPartialStart(eExtreme_Biological) 
02006          && pos1 == 0) {
02007         mod1 = 0;
02008     }
02009     if ( mod2 != 0 && loc.IsPartialStop(eExtreme_Biological) 
02010          && cds->GetLocation().IsPartialStop(eExtreme_Biological) 
02011          && pos2 == GetLength (cds->GetLocation(), m_Scope)) {
02012         mod2 = 0;
02013     }
02015     if ( (mod1 != 0)  &&  (mod2 != 0) ) {
02016         PostErr(eDiag_Warning, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_PeptideFeatOutOfFrame,
02017             "Start and stop of " + key + " are out of frame with CDS codons",
02018             feat);
02019     } else if (mod1 != 0) {
02020         PostErr(eDiag_Warning, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_PeptideFeatOutOfFrame, 
02021             "Start of " + key + " is out of frame with CDS codons", feat);
02022     } else if (mod2 != 0) {
02023         PostErr(eDiag_Warning, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_PeptideFeatOutOfFrame,
02024             "Stop of " + key + " is out of frame with CDS codons", feat);
02025     }
02026 }
02029 static const string sc_BypassMrnaTransCheckText[] = {
02030     "RNA editing",
02031     "artificial frameshift",
02032     "mismatches in transcription"
02033     "reasons given in citation",
02034     "unclassified transcription discrepancy",    
02035 };
02036 DEFINE_STATIC_ARRAY_MAP(CStaticArraySet<string>, sc_BypassMrnaTransCheck, sc_BypassMrnaTransCheckText);
02039 void CValidError_feat::ValidateMrnaTrans(const CSeq_feat& feat)
02040 {
02041     bool has_errors = false, unclassified_except = false,
02042         mismatch_except = false, report_errors = true;
02043     string farstr;
02045     if (feat.CanGetPseudo()  &&  feat.GetPseudo()) {
02046         return;
02047     }
02048     if (!feat.CanGetProduct()) {
02049         return;
02050     }
02052     if (feat.CanGetExcept()  &&  feat.GetExcept()  &&
02053         feat.CanGetExcept_text()) {
02054         const string& except_text = feat.GetExcept_text();
02055         ITERATE (CStaticArraySet<string>, it, sc_BypassMrnaTransCheck) {
02056             if (NStr::FindNoCase(except_text, *it) != NPOS) {
02057                 report_errors = false;  // biological exception
02058             }
02059             if (NStr::FindNoCase(except_text, "unclassified transcription discrepancy") != NPOS) {
02060                 unclassified_except = true;
02061             }
02062             if (NStr::FindNoCase(except_text, "mismatches in transcription") != NPOS) {
02063                 mismatch_except = true;
02064                 report_errors = true;
02065             }
02066         }
02067     }
02069     CConstRef<CSeq_id> product_id;
02070     try {
02071         product_id.Reset(&GetId(feat.GetProduct(), m_Scope));
02072     } catch (CException&) {
02073     }
02074     if (!product_id) {
02075         return;
02076     }
02078     CBioseq_Handle nuc = m_Scope->GetBioseqHandle(feat.GetLocation());
02079     if (!nuc) {
02080         has_errors = true;
02081         if (report_errors  ||  unclassified_except) {
02082             PostErr(eDiag_Error, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_MrnaTransFail,
02083                 "Unable to transcribe mRNA", feat);
02084         };
02085     }
02086     if (nuc) {
02087         EDiagSev sev = eDiag_Error;
02088         CBioseq_Handle rna = m_Scope->GetBioseqHandleFromTSE(*product_id, nuc);
02089         if (!rna) {
02090             // if not local bioseq product, lower severity (with the exception of Refseq)
02091             sev = m_Imp.IsRefSeq() ? eDiag_Error : eDiag_Warning;
02092             if (m_Imp.IsFarFetchMRNAproducts()) {
02093                 rna = m_Scope->GetBioseqHandle(feat.GetProduct());
02094             }
02095             if (!rna) {
02096                 return;
02097             }
02098             farstr = "(far)";
02099         }
02100         _ASSERT(nuc  &&  rna);
02102         CSeqVector nuc_vec(feat.GetLocation(), *m_Scope,
02103                            CBioseq_Handle::eCoding_Iupac);
02104         CSeqVector rna_vec(feat.GetProduct(), *m_Scope,
02105                            CBioseq_Handle::eCoding_Iupac);
02107         size_t nuc_len = nuc_vec.size();
02108         size_t rna_len = rna_vec.size();
02110         if (nuc_len != rna_len) {
02111             has_errors = true;
02112             if (nuc_len < rna_len) {
02113                 size_t count_a = 0, count_no_a = 0;
02114                 // count 'A's in the tail
02115                 for (CSeqVector_CI iter(rna_vec, nuc_len); iter; ++iter) {
02116                     if ((*iter == 'A')  ||  (*iter == 'a')) {
02117                         ++count_a;
02118                     } else {
02119                         ++count_no_a;
02120                     }
02121                 }
02122                 if (count_a < (19 * count_no_a)) { // less then 5%
02123                     if (report_errors) {
02124                         PostErr(sev, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_TranscriptLen,
02125                             "Transcript length [" + NStr::IntToString(nuc_len) + 
02126                             "] less than " + farstr + "product length [" +
02127                             NStr::IntToString(rna_len) + "], and tail < 95% polyA",
02128                             feat);
02129                     }
02130                 } else {
02131                     if (report_errors) {
02132                         PostErr(eDiag_Info, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_TranscriptLen,
02133                             "Transcript length [" + NStr::IntToString(nuc_len) + 
02134                             "] less than " + farstr + "product length [" +
02135                             NStr::IntToString(rna_len) + "], but tail >= 95% polyA",
02136                             feat);
02137                     }
02138                 }            
02139             } else {
02140                 if (report_errors) {
02141                     PostErr(sev, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_TranscriptLen,
02142                         "Transcript length [" + NStr::IntToString(nuc_vec.size()) + "] " +
02143                         "greater than " + farstr +"product length [" + 
02144                         NStr::IntToString(rna_vec.size()) + "]", feat);
02145                 }
02146             }
02147             // allow base-by-base comparison on common length
02148             rna_len = nuc_len = min(nuc_len, rna_len);
02149         }
02150         _ASSERT(nuc_len == rna_len);
02152         if (nuc_len > 0) {
02153             CSeqVector_CI nuc_ci(nuc_vec);
02154             CSeqVector_CI rna_ci(rna_vec);
02155             size_t mismatches = 0;
02157             // compare content of common length
02158             while ((nuc_ci  &&  rna_ci)  &&  (nuc_ci.GetPos() < nuc_len)) {
02159                 if (*nuc_ci != *rna_ci) {
02160                     ++mismatches;
02161                 }
02162                 ++nuc_ci;
02163                 ++rna_ci;
02164             }
02165             if (mismatches > 0) {
02166                 has_errors = true;
02167                 if (report_errors  &&  !mismatch_except) {
02168                     PostErr(eDiag_Error, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_TranscriptMismatches,
02169                         "There are " + NStr::IntToString(mismatches) + 
02170                         " mismatches out of " + NStr::IntToString(nuc_len) +
02171                         " bases between the transcript and " + farstr + "product sequence",
02172                         feat);
02173                 }
02174             }
02175         }
02176     }
02178     if (!report_errors  &&  !has_errors) {
02179         PostErr(eDiag_Warning, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_UnnecessaryException,
02180             "mRNA has exception but passes transcription test", feat);
02181     }
02182 }
02185 void CValidError_feat::ValidateCommonMRNAProduct(const CSeq_feat& feat)
02186 {
02187     if ( (feat.CanGetPseudo()  &&  feat.GetPseudo())  ||
02188          IsOverlappingGenePseudo(feat) ) {
02189         return;
02190     }
02192     if ( !feat.CanGetProduct() ) {
02193         return;
02194     }
02196     CBioseq_Handle bsh = m_Scope->GetBioseqHandle(feat.GetProduct());
02197     if ( !bsh ) {
02198         const CSeq_id& sid = GetId(feat.GetProduct(), m_Scope);
02199         if ( sid.IsLocal() ) {
02200             if ( m_Imp.IsGPS()  ||  m_Imp.IsRefSeq() ) {
02201                 PostErr(eDiag_Error, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_MissingMRNAproduct,
02202                     "Product Bioseq of mRNA feature is not "
02203                     "packaged in the record", feat);
02204             }
02205         }
02206     } else {
02208         // !!! DEBUG {
02209         if( m_Imp.AvoidPerfBottlenecks() ) {
02210             return;
02211         } 
02212         // } DEBUG
02214         CFeat_CI mrna(
02215             bsh, SAnnotSelector(CSeqFeatData::e_Rna)
02216             .SetOverlapTotalRange()
02217             .SetResolveNone()
02218             .SetByProduct());
02219         while ( mrna ) {
02220             if ( &(mrna->GetOriginalFeature()) != &feat ) {
02221                     PostErr(eDiag_Critical, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_MultipleMRNAproducts,
02222                         "Same product Bioseq from multiple mRNA features", feat);
02223                     break;
02224             }
02225             ++mrna;
02226         }
02227     }
02228 }
02231 void CValidError_feat::ValidateBothStrands(const CSeq_feat& feat)
02232 {
02233     const CSeq_loc& location = feat.GetLocation ();
02234     bool bothstrands = false, bothreverse = false;
02236     for ( CSeq_loc_CI citer (location); citer; ++citer ) {
02237         ENa_strand strand = citer.GetStrand();
02238         if ( strand == eNa_strand_both ) {
02239             bothstrands = true;
02240         } else if (strand == eNa_strand_both_rev) {
02241             bothreverse = true;
02242         }
02243     }
02244     if (bothstrands || bothreverse) {
02245         EDiagSev sev = eDiag_Warning;
02246         string prefix = "Feature";
02247         if (feat.IsSetData()) {
02248             if (feat.GetData().IsCdregion()) {
02249                 prefix = "CDS";
02250                 sev = eDiag_Error;
02251             } else if (feat.GetData().IsRna() && feat.GetData().GetRna().IsSetType()
02252                        && feat.GetData().GetRna().GetType() == CRNA_ref::eType_mRNA) {
02253                 prefix = "mRNA";
02254                 sev = eDiag_Error;
02255             }
02256         }
02257         string suffix = "";
02258         if (bothstrands && bothreverse) {
02259             suffix = "(forward and reverse)";
02260         } else if (bothstrands) {
02261             suffix = "(forward)";
02262         } else if (bothreverse) {
02263             suffix = "(reverse)";
02264         }
02266         PostErr (sev, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_BothStrands, 
02267                 prefix + " may not be on both " + suffix + " strands", feat);  
02268     }
02269 }
02272 // Precondition: feat is a coding region
02273 void CValidError_feat::ValidateCommonCDSProduct
02274 (const CSeq_feat& feat)
02275 {
02276     if ( (feat.CanGetPseudo()  &&  feat.GetPseudo())  ||
02277           IsOverlappingGenePseudo(feat) ) {
02278         return;
02279     }
02281     if ( !feat.CanGetProduct() ) {
02282         return;
02283     }
02285     const CCdregion& cdr = feat.GetData().GetCdregion();
02286     if ( cdr.CanGetOrf() ) {
02287         return;
02288     }
02290     CBioseq_Handle prod = m_Scope->GetBioseqHandle(feat.GetProduct());
02291     if ( !prod ) {
02292         const CSeq_id* sid = 0;
02293         try {
02294             sid = &(GetId(feat.GetProduct(), m_Scope));
02295         } catch (const CObjmgrUtilException&) {}
02297         // okay to have far RefSeq product, but only if genomic product set
02298         if ( sid == 0  ||  !sid->IsOther() ) {
02299             if ( m_Imp.IsGPS() ) {
02300                 return;
02301             }
02302         }
02303         // or just a bioseq
02304         if ( m_Imp.GetTSE().IsSeq() ) {
02305             return;
02306         }
02308         // or in a standalone Seq-annot
02309         if ( m_Imp.IsStandaloneAnnot() ) {
02310             return;
02311         }
02313         PostErr(eDiag_Warning, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_MultipleCDSproducts,
02314             "Unable to find product Bioseq from CDS feature", feat);
02315         return;
02316     }
02317     CBioseq_Handle nuc  = m_Scope->GetBioseqHandle(feat.GetLocation());
02318     if ( nuc ) {
02319         CSeq_entry_Handle prod_nps = 
02320             prod.GetExactComplexityLevel(CBioseq_set::eClass_nuc_prot);
02321         CSeq_entry_Handle nuc_nps = 
02322             nuc.GetExactComplexityLevel(CBioseq_set::eClass_nuc_prot);
02324         if ( (prod_nps != nuc_nps)  &&  (!m_Imp.IsNT())  &&  (!m_Imp.IsGPS()) ) {
02325             PostErr(eDiag_Error, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_CDSproductPackagingProblem,
02326                 "Protein product not packaged in nuc-prot set with nucleotide", 
02327                 feat);
02328         }
02329     }
02330     const CSeq_feat* sfp = GetCDSForProduct(prod);
02331     if ( sfp == 0 ) {
02332         return;
02333     }
02335     if ( &feat != sfp ) {
02336         // if genomic product set, with one cds on contig and one on cdna,
02337         // do not report.
02338         if ( m_Imp.IsGPS() ) {
02339             // feature packaging test will do final contig vs. cdna check
02340             CBioseq_Handle sfh = m_Scope->GetBioseqHandle(sfp->GetLocation());
02341             if ( nuc != sfh ) {
02342                 return;
02343             }
02344         }
02345         PostErr(eDiag_Critical, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_MultipleCDSproducts, 
02346             "Same product Bioseq from multiple CDS features", feat);
02347     }
02348 }
02351 void CValidError_feat::ValidateCDSPartial(const CSeq_feat& feat)
02352 {
02353     if ( !feat.CanGetProduct()  ||  !feat.CanGetLocation() ) {
02354         return;
02355     }
02357     CBioseq_Handle bsh = m_Scope->GetBioseqHandle(feat.GetProduct());
02358     if ( !bsh ) {
02359         return;
02360     }
02362     CSeqdesc_CI sd(bsh, CSeqdesc::e_Molinfo);
02363     if ( !sd ) {
02364         return;
02365     }
02366     const CMolInfo& molinfo = sd->GetMolinfo();
02368     const CSeq_loc& loc = feat.GetLocation();
02369     bool partial5 = loc.IsPartialStart(eExtreme_Biological);
02370     bool partial3 = loc.IsPartialStop(eExtreme_Biological);
02372     if ( molinfo.CanGetCompleteness() ) {
02373         switch ( molinfo.GetCompleteness() ) {
02374         case CMolInfo::eCompleteness_unknown:
02375             break;
02377         case CMolInfo::eCompleteness_complete:
02378             if ( partial5 || partial3 ) {
02379                 PostErr(eDiag_Error, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_PartialProblem,
02380                     "CDS is partial but protein is complete", feat);
02381             }
02382             break;
02384         case CMolInfo::eCompleteness_partial:
02385             break;
02387         case CMolInfo::eCompleteness_no_left:
02388             if ( !partial5 ) {
02389                 PostErr(eDiag_Error, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_PartialProblem,
02390                     "CDS is 5' complete but protein is NH2 partial", feat);
02391             }
02392             if ( partial3 ) {
02393                 PostErr(eDiag_Error, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_PartialProblem,
02394                     "CDS is 3' partial but protein is NH2 partial", feat);
02395             }
02396             break;
02398         case CMolInfo::eCompleteness_no_right:
02399             if (! partial3) {
02400                 PostErr(eDiag_Error, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_PartialProblem,
02401                     "CDS is 3' complete but protein is CO2 partial", feat);
02402             }
02403             if (partial5) {
02404                 PostErr(eDiag_Error, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_PartialProblem,
02405                     "CDS is 5' partial but protein is CO2 partial", feat);
02406             }
02407             break;
02409         case CMolInfo::eCompleteness_no_ends:
02410             if ( partial5 && partial3 ) {
02411             } else if ( partial5 ) {
02412                 PostErr(eDiag_Error, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_PartialProblem,
02413                     "CDS is 5' partial but protein has neither end", feat);
02414             } else if ( partial3 ) {
02415                 PostErr(eDiag_Error, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_PartialProblem,
02416                     "CDS is 3' partial but protein has neither end", feat);
02417             } else {
02418                 PostErr(eDiag_Error, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_PartialProblem,
02419                     "CDS is complete but protein has neither end", feat);
02420             }
02421             break;
02423         case CMolInfo::eCompleteness_has_left:
02424             break;
02426         case CMolInfo::eCompleteness_has_right:
02427             break;
02429         case CMolInfo::eCompleteness_other:
02430             break;
02432         default:
02433             break;
02434         }
02435     }
02436 }
02439 void CValidError_feat::ValidateBadMRNAOverlap(const CSeq_feat& feat)
02440 {
02441     const CSeq_loc& loc = feat.GetLocation();
02443     // !!! DEBUG {
02444     if( m_Imp.AvoidPerfBottlenecks() ) {
02445         return;
02446     } 
02447     // } DEBUG
02449     CConstRef<CSeq_feat> mrna = GetBestOverlappingFeat(
02450         loc,
02451         CSeqFeatData::eSubtype_mRNA,
02452         eOverlap_Simple,
02453         *m_Scope);
02454     if ( !mrna ) {
02455         return;
02456     }
02458     mrna = GetBestOverlappingFeat(
02459         loc,
02460         CSeqFeatData::eSubtype_mRNA,
02461         eOverlap_CheckIntRev,
02462         *m_Scope);
02463     if ( mrna ) {
02464         return;
02465     }
02467     mrna = GetBestOverlappingFeat(
02468         loc,
02469         CSeqFeatData::eSubtype_mRNA,
02470         eOverlap_Interval,
02471         *m_Scope);
02472     if ( !mrna ) {
02473         return;
02474     }
02476     mrna = GetBestOverlappingFeat(
02477         loc,
02478         CSeqFeatData::eSubtype_mRNA,
02479         eOverlap_Subset,
02480         *m_Scope);
02482     EDiagSev sev = eDiag_Error;
02483     if ( m_Imp.IsNC()  ||  m_Imp.IsNT()  ||  
02484          (feat.CanGetExcept()  &&  feat.GetExcept()) ) {
02485         sev = eDiag_Warning;
02486     }
02487     if ( mrna ) {
02488         // ribosomal slippage exception suppresses CDSmRNArange warning
02489         bool supress = false;
02491         if ( feat.CanGetExcept_text() ) {
02492             const CSeq_feat::TExcept_text& text = feat.GetExcept_text();
02493             if ( NStr::FindNoCase(text, "ribosomal slippage") != NPOS ) {
02494                 supress = true;
02495             }
02496         }
02497         if ( !supress ) {
02498             PostErr(sev, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_CDSmRNArange,
02499                 "mRNA contains CDS but internal intron-exon boundaries "
02500                 "do not match", feat);
02501         }
02502     } else {
02503         PostErr(sev, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_CDSmRNArange,
02504             "mRNA overlaps or contains CDS but does not completely "
02505             "contain intervals", feat);
02506     }
02507 }
02510 void CValidError_feat::ValidateBadGeneOverlap(const CSeq_feat& feat)
02511 {
02512     const CGene_ref* grp = feat.GetGeneXref();
02513     if ( grp != 0 ) {
02514         return;
02515     }
02517     // !!! DEBUG {
02518     if( m_Imp.AvoidPerfBottlenecks() ) {
02519         return;
02520     } 
02521     // } DEBUG
02523     // look for overlapping genes
02524     if (GetOverlappingGene(feat.GetLocation(), *m_Scope)) {
02525         return;
02526     }
02528     // look for intersecting genes
02529     if (!GetBestOverlappingFeat(feat.GetLocation(),
02530                                   CSeqFeatData::e_Gene,
02531                                   eOverlap_Simple,
02532                                   *m_Scope)) {
02533         return;
02534     }
02536     // found an intersecting (but not overlapping) gene
02537     // set severity level
02538     EDiagSev sev = (m_Imp.IsNC()  ||  m_Imp.IsNT()) ? eDiag_Warning : eDiag_Error;
02540     // report error
02541     if (feat.GetData().IsCdregion()) {
02542         PostErr(sev, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_CDSgeneRange, 
02543             "gene overlaps CDS but does not completely contain it", feat);
02544     } else if (feat.GetData().IsRna()) {
02545         if (GetOverlappingOperon(feat.GetLocation(), *m_Scope)) {
02546             return;
02547         }
02548         PostErr(sev, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_mRNAgeneRange,
02549             "gene overlaps mRNA but does not completely contain it", feat);
02550     }
02551 }
02554 static const string s_LegalExceptionStrings[] = {
02555     "RNA editing",
02556     "reasons given in citation",
02557     "rearrangement required for product",
02558     "ribosomal slippage",
02559     "trans-splicing",
02560     "alternative processing",
02561     "artificial frameshift",
02562     "nonconsensus splice site",
02563     "modified codon recognition",
02564     "alternative start codon",
02565     "dicistronic gene",
02566     "transcribed product replaced",
02567     "translated product replaced",
02568     "transcribed pseudogene",
02569 };
02572 static const string s_RefseqExceptionStrings [] = {
02573     "unclassified transcription discrepancy",
02574     "unclassified translation discrepancy",
02575     "mismatches in transcription",
02576     "mismatches in translation",
02577     "adjusted for low-quality genome",
02578 };
02581 void CValidError_feat::ValidateExcept(const CSeq_feat& feat)
02582 {
02583     if (feat.IsSetExcept_text() && !NStr::IsBlank (feat.GetExcept_text()) && !feat.IsSetExcept()) {
02584         PostErr(eDiag_Warning, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_ExceptInconsistent,
02585             "Exception text is set, but exception flag is not set", feat);
02586     } else if (feat.IsSetExcept() && (!feat.IsSetExcept_text() || NStr::IsBlank (feat.GetExcept_text()))) {
02587         PostErr(eDiag_Warning, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_ExceptInconsistent,
02588             "Exception flag is set, but exception text is empty", feat);
02589     }
02590     if ( feat.CanGetExcept_text()  &&  !feat.GetExcept_text ().empty() ) {
02591         ValidateExceptText(feat.GetExcept_text(), feat);
02592     }
02593 }
02596 void CValidError_feat::ValidateExceptText(const string& text, const CSeq_feat& feat)
02597 {
02598     if ( text.empty() ) return;
02600     EDiagSev sev = eDiag_Error;
02601     bool found = false;
02603     string str;
02604     string::size_type   begin = 0, end, textlen = text.length();
02606     const string* except_begin = s_LegalExceptionStrings;
02607     const string* except_end = 
02608         &(s_LegalExceptionStrings[sizeof(s_LegalExceptionStrings) / sizeof(string)]);
02609     const string* refseq_begin = s_RefseqExceptionStrings;
02610     const string* refseq_end = 
02611         &(s_RefseqExceptionStrings[sizeof(s_RefseqExceptionStrings) / sizeof(string)]);
02613     while ( begin < textlen ) {
02614         found = false;
02615         end = min( text.find_first_of(',', begin), textlen );
02616         str = NStr::TruncateSpaces( text.substr(begin, end) );
02617         if ( find(except_begin, except_end, str) != except_end ) {
02618             found = true;
02619         }
02620         if ( !found  &&  (m_Imp.IsGPS() || m_Imp.IsRefSeq()) ) {
02621             if ( find(refseq_begin, refseq_end, str) != refseq_end ) {
02622                found = true;
02623             }
02624         }
02625         if ( !found ) {
02626             if ( m_Imp.IsNC()  ||  m_Imp.IsNT() ) {
02627                 sev = eDiag_Warning;
02628             }
02629             PostErr(sev, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_InvalidQualifierValue,
02630                 str + " is not legal exception explanation", feat);
02631         }
02632         begin = end + 1;
02633     }
02634 }
02639 void CValidError_feat::ReportCdTransErrors
02640 (const CSeq_feat& feat,
02641  bool show_stop,
02642  bool got_stop, 
02643  bool no_end,
02644  int ragged,
02645  bool report_errors,
02646  bool& has_errors)
02647 {
02648     if (show_stop) {
02649         if (!got_stop  && !no_end) {
02650             has_errors = true;
02651             if (report_errors) {
02652                 PostErr(eDiag_Error, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_NoStop, 
02653                     "Missing stop codon", feat);
02654             }
02655         } else if (got_stop  &&  no_end) {
02656             has_errors = true;
02657             if (report_errors) {
02658                 PostErr (eDiag_Error, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_PartialProblem,
02659                     "Got stop codon, but 3'end is labeled partial", feat);
02660             }
02661         } else if (got_stop  &&  !no_end  &&  ragged) {
02662             has_errors = true;
02663             if (report_errors) {
02664                 PostErr (eDiag_Error, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_TransLen, 
02665                     "Coding region extends " + NStr::IntToString(ragged) +
02666                     " base(s) past stop codon", feat);
02667             }
02668         }
02669     }
02670 }
02673 static const string sc_BypassCdsTransCheckText[] = {
02674   "RNA editing",
02675   "artificial frameshift",
02676   "mismatches in translation",
02677   "rearrangement required for product",
02678   "reasons given in citation",
02679   "unclassified translation discrepancy"  
02680 };
02681 DEFINE_STATIC_ARRAY_MAP(CStaticArraySet<string>, sc_BypassCdsTransCheck, sc_BypassCdsTransCheckText);
02684 static void s_LocIdType(const CSeq_loc& loc, CScope& scope, const CSeq_entry& tse,
02685                         bool& is_nt, bool& is_ng, bool& is_nw, bool& is_nc)
02686 {
02687     is_nt = is_ng = is_nw = is_nc = false;
02688     if (!IsOneBioseq(loc, &scope)) {
02689         return;
02690     }
02691     const CSeq_id& id = GetId(loc, &scope);
02692     CBioseq_Handle bsh = scope.GetBioseqHandleFromTSE(id, tse);
02693     if (bsh) {
02694         FOR_EACH_SEQID_ON_BIOSEQ (it, *(bsh.GetBioseqCore())) {
02695             CSeq_id::EAccessionInfo info = (*it)->IdentifyAccession();
02696             is_nt |= (info == CSeq_id::eAcc_refseq_contig);
02697             is_ng |= (info == CSeq_id::eAcc_refseq_genomic);
02698             is_nw |= (info == CSeq_id::eAcc_refseq_wgs_intermed);
02699             is_nc |= (info == CSeq_id::eAcc_refseq_chromosome);
02700         }
02701     }
02702 }
02705 void CValidError_feat::ValidateCdTrans(const CSeq_feat& feat)
02706 {
02707     // bail if not CDS
02708     if (!feat.GetData().IsCdregion()) {
02709         return;
02710     }
02712     bool prot_ok = true;
02713     int  ragged = 0;
02714     bool has_errors = false, unclassified_except = false,
02715         mismatch_except = false, report_errors = true;
02716     string farstr;
02718     if (feat.CanGetExcept()  &&  feat.GetExcept()  &&
02719         feat.CanGetExcept_text()) {
02720         const string& except_text = feat.GetExcept_text();
02721         ITERATE (CStaticArraySet<string>, it, sc_BypassCdsTransCheck) {
02722             if (NStr::FindNoCase(except_text, *it) != NPOS) {
02723                 report_errors = false;  // biological exception
02724             }
02725             if (NStr::FindNoCase(except_text, "unclassified transcription discrepancy") != NPOS) {
02726                 unclassified_except = true;
02727             }
02728             if (NStr::FindNoCase(except_text, "mismatches in transcription") != NPOS) {
02729                 mismatch_except = true;
02730                 report_errors = true;
02731             }
02732         }
02733     }
02735     // pseudo gene
02736     FOR_EACH_GBQUAL_ON_FEATURE (it, feat) {
02737         if ((*it)->IsSetQual()  &&  NStr::EqualNocase((*it)->GetQual(), "pseudo")) {
02738             return;
02739         }
02740     }
02742     const CCdregion& cdregion = feat.GetData().GetCdregion();
02744     // check for unparsed transl_except
02745     bool transl_except = false;
02746     if (!cdregion.IsSetCode_break()) {
02747         FOR_EACH_GBQUAL_ON_FEATURE (it, feat) {
02748             if ((*it)->IsSetQual()  &&  NStr::Equal((*it)->GetQual(), "transl_except")) {
02749                 transl_except = true;
02750             }
02751         }
02752     }
02754     const CSeq_loc& location = feat.GetLocation();
02756     int gc = 0;
02757     if ( cdregion.CanGetCode() ) {
02758         // We assume that the id is set for all Genetic_code
02759         gc = cdregion.GetCode().GetId();
02760     }
02761     string gccode = NStr::IntToString(gc);
02763     string transl_prot;   // translated protein
02764     bool alt_start = false;
02765     try {
02766         CCdregion_translate::TranslateCdregion(
02767             transl_prot, 
02768             feat, 
02769             *m_Scope,
02770             true,   // include stop codons
02771             false,  // do not remove trailing X/B/Z
02772             &alt_start,
02773             CCdregion_translate::eTruncate);
02774     } catch (CException&) {
02775     }
02776     if (transl_prot.empty()) {
02777         if (report_errors) {
02778             PostErr (eDiag_Error, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_CdTransFail, 
02779                 "Unable to translate", feat);
02780         }
02781     }
02783     // check alternative start codon
02784     if (alt_start  &&  gc == 1) {
02785         EDiagSev sev = eDiag_Warning;
02786         if (s_IsLocRefSeqMrna(feat.GetLocation(), *m_Scope)) {
02787             sev = eDiag_Error;
02788         } else if (s_IsLocGEDL(feat.GetLocation(), *m_Scope)) {
02789             sev = eDiag_Info;
02790         }
02791         if (sev != eDiag_Info  &&
02792             feat.CanGetExcept()  &&  feat.GetExcept()  &&
02793             feat.CanGetExcept_text()  &&  !feat.GetExcept_text().empty()) {
02794             if (feat.GetExcept_text().find("alternative start codon") != NPOS) {
02795                 sev = eDiag_Info;
02796             }
02797         }
02798         if (sev != eDiag_Info) {
02799             has_errors = true;
02800             if (report_errors) {
02801                 PostErr(sev, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_AltStartCodon,
02802                     "Alternative start codon used", feat);
02803             }
02804         }
02805     }
02807     bool no_end = false;
02808     unsigned int part_loc = SeqLocPartialCheck(location, m_Scope);
02809     unsigned int part_prod = eSeqlocPartial_Complete;
02810     if (feat.IsSetProduct()) {
02811         part_prod = SeqLocPartialCheck(feat.GetProduct(), m_Scope);
02812         if ( (part_loc & eSeqlocPartial_Stop)  ||
02813             (part_prod & eSeqlocPartial_Stop) ) {
02814             no_end = true;
02815         } else {    
02816             // complete stop, so check for ragged end
02817             ragged = CheckForRaggedEnd(location, cdregion);
02818         }
02819     }
02822     // check for code break not on a codon
02823     has_errors = x_ValidateCodeBreakNotOnCodon(feat, location, cdregion, report_errors);
02825     if (cdregion.GetFrame() > CCdregion::eFrame_one) {
02826         has_errors = true;
02827         EDiagSev sev = s_IsLocRefSeqMrna(feat.GetLocation(), *m_Scope) ?
02828             eDiag_Error : eDiag_Warning;
02829         if (!(part_loc & eSeqlocPartial_Start)) {
02830             if (report_errors) {
02831                 PostErr(sev, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_PartialProblem, 
02832                     "Suspicious CDS location - frame > 1 but not 5' partial",
02833                     feat);
02834             }
02835         } else if ((part_loc & eSeqlocPartial_Nostart)  &&
02836             !IsPartialAtSpliceSite(location, eSeqlocPartial_Nostart)) {
02837             if (report_errors) {
02838                 PostErr(sev, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_PartialProblem, 
02839                     "Suspicious CDS location - frame > 1 and not at consensus splice site",
02840                     feat);
02841             }
02842         }
02843     }
02845     bool no_beg = 
02846         (part_loc & eSeqlocPartial_Start)  ||  (part_prod & eSeqlocPartial_Start);
02848     bool reported_bad_start_codon = false;
02850     // count internal stops
02851     size_t internal_stop_count = 0;
02852     bool got_stop = false;
02853     if (!transl_prot.empty()) {
02854         bool got_dash = (transl_prot[0] == '-');
02855         got_stop = (transl_prot[transl_prot.length() - 1] == '*');
02857         ITERATE(string, it, transl_prot) {
02858             if ( *it == '*' ) {
02859                 ++internal_stop_count;
02860             }
02861         }
02862         if (got_stop) {
02863             --internal_stop_count;
02864         }
02866         if (internal_stop_count > 0) {
02867             has_errors = true;
02868             if (got_dash) {
02869                 if (report_errors  ||  unclassified_except) {
02870                     PostErr(eDiag_Error, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_StartCodon,
02871                         "Illegal start codon and " + 
02872                         NStr::IntToString(internal_stop_count) +
02873                         " internal stops. Probably wrong genetic code [" +
02874                         gccode + "]", feat);
02875                 }
02876             } 
02877             if (report_errors  ||  unclassified_except) {
02878                 PostErr(eDiag_Error, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_InternalStop, 
02879                     NStr::IntToString(internal_stop_count) + 
02880                     " internal stops. Genetic code [" + gccode + "]", feat);
02881             }
02882             prot_ok = false;
02883             if (internal_stop_count > 5) {
02884                 return;
02885             }
02886         } else if (got_dash) {
02887             has_errors = true;
02888             if (report_errors) {
02889                 PostErr(eDiag_Error, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_StartCodon, 
02890                     "Illegal start codon used. Wrong genetic code [" +
02891                     gccode + "] or protein should be partial", feat);
02892                 reported_bad_start_codon = true;
02893             }
02894         }
02895     }
02897     bool show_stop = true;
02899     const CSeq_id* protid = 0;
02900     CBioseq_Handle prot_handle;
02901     if (feat.IsSetProduct()) {
02902         try {
02903             protid = &GetId(feat.GetProduct(), m_Scope);
02904         } catch (CException&) {}
02905         if (protid != NULL) {
02906             prot_handle = m_Scope->GetBioseqHandleFromTSE(*protid, m_Imp.GetTSE());
02907             if (!prot_handle  &&  m_Imp.IsFarFetchCDSproducts()) {
02908                 prot_handle = m_Scope->GetBioseqHandle(*protid);
02909             }
02910         }
02911     }
02913     if (!prot_handle) {
02914         if  (!m_Imp.IsStandaloneAnnot()) {
02915             if (transl_prot.length() > 6) {
02916                 bool is_nt, is_ng, is_nw, is_nc;
02917                 s_LocIdType(location, *m_Scope, m_Imp.GetTSE(), is_nt, is_ng, is_nw, is_nc);
02918                 if (!(is_nt || is_ng || is_nw)) {
02919                     EDiagSev sev = eDiag_Error;
02920                     if (IsDeltaOrFarSeg(location, m_Scope)) {
02921                         sev = eDiag_Warning;
02922                     }
02923                     if (is_nc) {
02924                         sev = eDiag_Warning;
02925                         if ( m_Imp.GetTSE().IsSeq()) {
02926                             sev = eDiag_Info;
02927                         }
02928                     }
02929                     if (sev != eDiag_Info) {
02930                         has_errors = true;
02931                         if (report_errors) {
02932                             PostErr(sev, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_NoProtein, 
02933                                 "No protein Bioseq given", feat);
02934                         }
02935                     }
02936                 }
02937             }
02938             ReportCdTransErrors(feat, show_stop, got_stop, no_end, ragged,
02939                 report_errors, has_errors);
02940         }
02941     }
02943     // can't check for mismatches unless there is a product
02944     if (feat.IsSetProduct()) {
02945         CSeqVector prot_vec = prot_handle.GetSeqVector();
02946         prot_vec.SetCoding(CSeq_data::e_Ncbieaa);
02947         size_t prot_len = prot_vec.size(); 
02948         size_t len = transl_prot.length();
02950         if (got_stop  &&  (len == prot_len + 1)) { // ok, got stop
02951             --len;
02952         }
02954         // ignore terminal 'X' from partial last codon if present
02955         while (prot_len > 0) {
02956             if (prot_vec[prot_len - 1] == 'X') {  //remove terminal X
02957                 --prot_len;
02958             } else {
02959                 break;
02960             }
02961         }
02963         while (len > 0) {
02964             if (transl_prot[len - 1] == 'X') {  //remove terminal X
02965                 --len;
02966             } else {
02967                 break;
02968             }
02969         }
02971         vector<TSeqPos> mismatches;
02972         if (len == prot_len)  {                // could be identical
02973             for (TSeqPos i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
02974                 if (transl_prot[i] != prot_vec[i]) {
02975                     has_errors = true;
02976                     mismatches.push_back(i);
02977                     prot_ok = false;
02978                 }
02979             }
02980         } else {
02981             has_errors = true;
02982             if (report_errors) {
02983                 PostErr(eDiag_Error, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_TransLen,
02984                     "Given protein length [" + NStr::IntToString(prot_len) + 
02985                     "] does not match " + farstr + "translation length [" + 
02986                     NStr::IntToString(len) + "]", feat);
02987             }
02988         }
02990         // Mismatch on first residue
02991         string msg;
02992         if (!mismatches.empty()  &&  mismatches.front() == 0) {
02993             if (feat.IsSetPartial() && feat.GetPartial() && (!no_beg) && (!no_end)) {
02994                 if (report_errors) {
02995                     PostErr(eDiag_Error, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_PartialProblem, 
02996                         "Start of location should probably be partial",
02997                         feat);
02998                 }
02999             } else if (transl_prot[mismatches.front()] == '-') {
03000                 if (report_errors && !reported_bad_start_codon) {
03001                     PostErr(eDiag_Error, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_StartCodon,
03002                         "Illegal start codon used. Wrong genetic code [" +
03003                         gccode + "] or protein should be partial", feat);
03004                 }
03005             }
03006         }
03008         char prot_res, transl_res;
03009         string nuclocstr;
03010         if (mismatches.size() > 10) {
03011             // report total number of mismatches and the details of the 
03012             // first and last.
03013             nuclocstr = MapToNTCoords(feat, feat.GetProduct(), mismatches.front());
03014             prot_res = prot_vec[mismatches.front()];
03015             transl_res = Residue(transl_prot[mismatches.front()]);
03016             msg = 
03017                 NStr::IntToString(mismatches.size()) + " mismatches found. " +
03018                 "First mismatch at " + NStr::IntToString(mismatches.front() + 1) +
03019                 ", residue in protein [" + prot_res + "]" +
03020                 " != translation [" + transl_res + "]";
03021             if (!nuclocstr.empty()) {
03022                 msg += " at " + nuclocstr;
03023             }
03024             nuclocstr = MapToNTCoords(feat, feat.GetProduct(), mismatches.back());
03025             prot_res = prot_vec[mismatches.back()];
03026             transl_res = Residue(transl_prot[mismatches.back()]);
03027             msg += 
03028                 ". Last mismatch at " + NStr::IntToString(mismatches.back() + 1) +
03029                 ", residue in protein [" + prot_res + "]" +
03030                 " != translation [" + transl_res + "]";
03031             if (!nuclocstr.empty()) {
03032                 msg += " at " + nuclocstr;
03033             }
03034             msg += ". Genetic code [" + gccode + "]";
03035             if (report_errors  &&  !mismatch_except) {
03036                 PostErr(eDiag_Error, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_MisMatchAA, msg, feat);
03037             }
03038         } else {
03039             // report individual mismatches
03040             for (size_t i = 0; i < mismatches.size(); ++i) {
03041                 nuclocstr = MapToNTCoords(feat, feat.GetProduct(), mismatches[i]);
03042                 prot_res = prot_vec[mismatches[i]];
03043                 transl_res = Residue(transl_prot[mismatches[i]]);
03044                 msg = farstr + "Residue " + NStr::IntToString(mismatches[i] + 1) +
03045                     " in protein [" + prot_res + "]" +
03046                     " != translation [" + transl_res + "]";
03047                 if (!nuclocstr.empty()) {
03048                     msg += " at " + nuclocstr;
03049                 }
03050                 if (report_errors  &&  !mismatch_except) {
03051                     PostErr(eDiag_Error, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_MisMatchAA, msg, feat);
03052                 }
03053             }
03054         }
03056         if (feat.CanGetPartial()  &&  feat.GetPartial()  &&
03057             mismatches.empty()) {
03058             if (!no_beg  && !no_end) {
03059                 if (report_errors) {
03060                     if (!got_stop) {
03061                         PostErr(eDiag_Error, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_PartialProblem, 
03062                             "End of location should probably be partial", feat);
03063                     } else {
03064                         PostErr(eDiag_Error, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_PartialProblem,
03065                             "This SeqFeat should not be partial", feat);
03066                     }
03067                 }
03068                 show_stop = false;
03069             }
03070         }
03071     }
03073     ReportCdTransErrors(feat, show_stop, got_stop, no_end, ragged, 
03074         report_errors, has_errors);
03076     if (report_errors && transl_except) {
03077         if (prot_ok) {
03078             PostErr(eDiag_Warning, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_TranslExcept,
03079                 "Unparsed transl_except qual (but protein is okay). Skipped", feat);
03080         } else {
03081             PostErr(eDiag_Warning, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_TranslExcept,
03082                 "Unparsed transl_except qual. Skipped", feat);
03083         }
03084     }
03086     if (!report_errors  &&  has_errors) {
03087         PostErr(eDiag_Warning, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_UnnecessaryException,
03088             "CDS has exception but passes translation test", feat);
03089     }
03090 }
03093 bool CValidError_feat::x_ValidateCodeBreakNotOnCodon
03094 (const CSeq_feat& feat,
03095  const CSeq_loc& loc, 
03096  const CCdregion& cdregion,
03097  bool report_errors)
03098 {
03099     TSeqPos len = GetLength(loc, m_Scope);
03100     bool has_errors = false;
03102     FOR_EACH_CODEBREAK_ON_CDREGION (cbr, cdregion) {
03103         size_t codon_length = GetLength((*cbr)->GetLoc(), m_Scope);
03104         TSeqPos from = LocationOffset(loc, (*cbr)->GetLoc(), 
03105             eOffset_FromStart, m_Scope);
03106         TSeqPos to = from + codon_length - 1;
03108         // check for code break not on a codon
03109         if (codon_length == 3  ||
03110             ((codon_length == 1  ||  codon_length == 2)  &&  to == len - 1)) {
03111             size_t start_pos;
03112             switch (cdregion.GetFrame()) {
03113             case CCdregion::eFrame_two:
03114                 start_pos = 1;
03115                 break;
03116             case CCdregion::eFrame_three:
03117                 start_pos = 2;
03118                 break;
03119             default:
03120                 start_pos = 0;
03121                 break;
03122             }
03123             if ((from % 3) != start_pos) {
03124                 if (report_errors) {
03125                     PostErr(eDiag_Warning, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_TranslExceptPhase,
03126                         "transl_except qual out of frame.", feat);
03127                 }
03128                 has_errors = true;
03129             }
03130         }
03131     }
03132     return has_errors;
03133 }
03136 // Check for redundant gene Xref
03137 void CValidError_feat::ValidateGeneXRef(const CSeq_feat& feat)
03138 {
03139     const CGene_ref* grp = feat.GetGeneXref();
03140     if ( !grp  ||  grp->IsSuppressed() ) {
03141         return;
03142     }
03144     // !!! DEBUG {
03145     if( m_Imp.AvoidPerfBottlenecks() ) {
03146         return;
03147     } 
03148     // } DEBUG
03150     CConstRef<CSeq_feat> overlap = 
03151         GetOverlappingGene(feat.GetLocation(), *m_Scope);
03152     if ( !overlap ) {
03153         return;
03154     }
03156     const CGene_ref& gene = overlap->GetData().GetGene();
03157     if ( !gene.IsSuppressed() ) {
03158         if ( gene.CanGetAllele()  && !gene.GetAllele().empty() ) {
03159             const string& allele = gene.GetAllele();
03161             FOR_EACH_GBQUAL_ON_FEATURE (qual_iter, feat) {
03162                 const CGb_qual& qual = **qual_iter;
03163                 if ( qual.CanGetQual()  &&
03164                      NStr::Compare(qual.GetQual(), "allele") == 0 ) {
03165                     if ( qual.CanGetVal()  &&
03166                          NStr::CompareNocase(qual.GetVal(), allele) == 0 ) {
03167                         PostErr(eDiag_Warning, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_InvalidQualifierValue,
03168                             "Redundant allele qualifier (" + allele + 
03169                             ") on gene and feature", feat);
03170                     } else if (feat.GetData().GetSubtype() != CSeqFeatData::eSubtype_variation) {
03171                         PostErr(eDiag_Warning, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_InvalidQualifierValue,
03172                             "Mismatched allele qualifier on gene (" + allele + 
03173                             ") and feature (" + qual.GetVal() +")", feat);
03174                     }
03175                 }
03176             }
03177         }
03178     }
03180     string label, gene_label;
03181     grp->GetLabel(&label);
03182     gene.GetLabel(&gene_label);
03184     if ( NStr::CompareNocase(label, gene_label) == 0 ) {
03185         PostErr(eDiag_Warning, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_UnnecessaryGeneXref,
03186             "Unnecessary gene cross-reference " + label, feat);
03187     }
03188 }
03191 void CValidError_feat::ValidateOperon(const CSeq_feat& gene)
03192 {
03193     CConstRef<CSeq_feat> operon = 
03194         GetOverlappingOperon(gene.GetLocation(), *m_Scope);
03195     if ( !operon  ||  !operon->CanGetQual() ) {
03196         return;
03197     }
03199     string label;
03200     feature::GetLabel(gene, &label, feature::eContent, m_Scope);
03201     if ( label.empty() ) {
03202         return;
03203     }
03205     FOR_EACH_GBQUAL_ON_FEATURE (qual_iter, gene) {
03206         const CGb_qual& qual = **qual_iter;
03207         if( qual.CanGetQual()  &&  qual.CanGetVal() ) {
03208             if ( NStr::Compare(qual.GetQual(), "operon") == 0  &&
03209                  NStr::CompareNocase(qual.GetVal(), label) ) {
03210                 PostErr(eDiag_Warning, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_InvalidQualifierValue,
03211                     "Operon is same as gene - " + label, gene);
03212             }
03213         }
03214     }
03215 }
03218 bool CValidError_feat::IsPartialAtSpliceSite
03219 (const CSeq_loc& loc,
03220  unsigned int tag)
03221 {
03222     if ( tag != eSeqlocPartial_Nostart && tag != eSeqlocPartial_Nostop ) {
03223         return false;
03224     }
03226     CSeq_loc_CI first, last;
03227     for ( CSeq_loc_CI sl_iter(loc); sl_iter; ++sl_iter ) { // EQUIV_IS_ONE not supported
03228         if ( !first ) {
03229             first = sl_iter;
03230         }
03231         last = sl_iter;
03232     }
03234     if ( first.GetStrand() != last.GetStrand() ) {
03235         return false;
03236     }
03237     CSeq_loc_CI temp = (tag == eSeqlocPartial_Nostart) ? first : last;
03239     CBioseq_Handle bsh = m_Scope->GetBioseqHandle(temp.GetSeq_id());
03240     if ( !bsh ) {
03241         return false;
03242     }
03244     TSeqPos acceptor = temp.GetRange().GetFrom();
03245     TSeqPos donor = temp.GetRange().GetTo();
03246     TSeqPos start = acceptor;
03247     TSeqPos stop = donor;
03249     CSeqVector vec = bsh.GetSeqVector(CBioseq_Handle::eCoding_Iupac,
03250         temp.GetStrand());
03251     TSeqPos len = vec.size();
03253     if ( temp.GetStrand() == eNa_strand_minus ) {
03254         swap(acceptor, donor);
03255         stop = len - donor - 1;
03256         start = len - acceptor - 1;
03257     }
03259     bool result = false;
03262     if ( (tag == eSeqlocPartial_Nostop)  &&  (stop < len - 2) ) {
03263         try {
03264             CSeqVector::TResidue res1 = vec[stop + 1];
03265             CSeqVector::TResidue res2 = vec[stop + 2];
03267             if ( IsResidue(res1)  &&  IsResidue(res2) ) {
03268                 if ( (res1 == 'G'  &&  res2 == 'T')  || 
03269                     (res1 == 'G'  &&  res2 == 'C') ) {
03270                     result = true;
03271                 }
03272             }
03273         } catch ( exception& ) {
03274             return false;
03275         }
03276     } else if ( (tag == eSeqlocPartial_Nostart)  &&  (start > 1) ) {
03277         try {
03278             CSeqVector::TResidue res1 = vec[start - 2];    
03279             CSeqVector::TResidue res2 = vec[start - 1];
03281             if ( IsResidue(res1)  &&  IsResidue(res2) ) {
03282                 if ( (res1 == 'A')  &&  (res2 == 'G') ) { 
03283                     result = true;
03284                 }
03285             }
03286         } catch ( exception& ) {
03287             return false;
03288         }
03289     }
03291     return result;    
03292 }
03295 void CValidError_feat::ValidateFeatCit
03296 (const CPub_set& cit,
03297  const CSeq_feat& feat)
03298 {
03299     if ( !feat.CanGetCit() ) {
03300         return;
03301     }
03303     if ( cit.IsPub() ) {
03304         ITERATE( CPub_set::TPub, pi, cit.GetPub() ) {
03305             if ( (*pi)->IsEquiv() ) {
03306                 PostErr(eDiag_Warning, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_UnnecessaryCitPubEquiv,
03307                     "Citation on feature has unexpected internal Pub-equiv",
03308                     feat);
03309                 return;
03310             }
03311         }
03312     }
03313 }
03315 void CValidError_feat::ValidateFeatComment
03316 (const string& comment,
03317  const CSeq_feat& feat)
03318 {
03319     if ( m_Imp.IsSerialNumberInComment(comment) ) {
03320         PostErr(eDiag_Info, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_SerialInComment,
03321             "Feature comment may refer to reference by serial number - "
03322             "attach reference specific comments to the reference "
03323             "REMARK instead.", feat);
03324     }
03325 }
03328 void CValidError_feat::ValidateFeatBioSource
03329 (const CBioSource& bsrc,
03330  const CSeq_feat& feat)
03331 {
03332     if ( bsrc.IsSetIs_focus() ) {
03333         PostErr(eDiag_Error, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_FocusOnBioSourceFeature,
03334             "Focus must be on BioSource descriptor, not BioSource feature.",
03335             feat);
03336     }
03338     CBioseq_Handle bsh = m_Scope->GetBioseqHandle(feat.GetLocation());
03339     if ( !bsh ) {
03340         return;
03341     }
03342     CSeqdesc_CI dbsrc_i(bsh, CSeqdesc::e_Source);
03343     if ( !dbsrc_i ) {
03344         return;
03345     }
03347     const COrg_ref& org = bsrc.GetOrg();           
03348     const CBioSource& dbsrc = dbsrc_i->GetSource();
03349     const COrg_ref& dorg = dbsrc.GetOrg(); 
03351     if ( org.CanGetTaxname()  &&  !org.GetTaxname().empty()  &&
03352             dorg.CanGetTaxname() ) {
03353         string taxname = org.GetTaxname();
03354         string dtaxname = dorg.GetTaxname();
03355         if ( NStr::CompareNocase(taxname, dtaxname) != 0 ) {
03356             if ( !dbsrc.CanGetIs_focus()  &&  !m_Imp.IsTransgenic(dbsrc) ) {
03357                 PostErr(eDiag_Error, eErr_SEQ_DESCR_BioSourceNeedsFocus,
03358                     "BioSource descriptor must have focus or transgenic "
03359                     "when BioSource feature with different taxname is "
03360                     "present.", feat);
03361             }
03362         }
03363     }
03365     FOR_EACH_DBXREF_ON_FEATURE (it, feat) {
03366         if ((*it)->GetType() == CDbtag::eDbtagType_taxon) {
03367             PostErr(eDiag_Warning, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_TaxonDbxrefOnFeature,
03368                 "BioSource feature has taxon xref in common feature db_xref list",
03369                 feat);
03370         }
03371     }
03373     m_Imp.ValidateBioSource(bsrc, feat);
03374 }
03377 void CValidError_feat::ValidateBondLocs(const CSeq_feat& feat)
03378 {
03379     _ASSERT( ! feat.GetData().IsBond() );
03381     // Bond Seq_locs only allowed on Bond features.
03382     CSeq_loc_CI loc_ci(feat.GetLocation());
03383     for (; loc_ci; ++loc_ci) {
03384         if (loc_ci.GetSeq_loc().IsBond()) {
03385             PostErr(eDiag_Warning, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_ImproperBondLocation,
03386                 "Bond location should only be on bond features", feat);
03387             break;
03388         }
03389     }
03390 }
03392 // REQUIRES: feature is either Gene or mRNA
03393 bool CValidError_feat::IsSameAsCDS(const CSeq_feat& feat)
03394 {
03395     EOverlapType overlap_type;
03396     if ( feat.GetData().IsGene() ) {
03397         overlap_type = eOverlap_Simple;
03398     } else if ( feat.GetData().GetSubtype() == CSeqFeatData::eSubtype_mRNA ) {
03399         overlap_type = eOverlap_CheckIntervals;
03400     } else {
03401         return false;
03402     }
03404     CConstRef<CSeq_feat> cds = GetBestOverlappingFeat(
03405             feat.GetLocation(),
03406             CSeqFeatData::e_Cdregion,
03407             overlap_type,
03408             *m_Scope);
03409         if ( cds ) {
03410             if ( TestForOverlap(
03411                     cds->GetLocation(),
03412                     feat.GetLocation(),
03413                     eOverlap_Simple) == 0 ) {
03414                 return true;
03415             }
03416         }
03417     return false;
03418 }
03421 bool CValidError_feat::IsCDDFeat(const CSeq_feat& feat) const
03422 {
03423     if ( feat.GetData().IsRegion() ) {
03424         if ( feat.CanGetDbxref() ) {
03425             FOR_EACH_DBXREF_ON_FEATURE (db, feat) {
03426                 if ( (*db)->CanGetDb()  &&
03427                     NStr::Compare((*db)->GetDb(), "CDD") == 0 ) {
03428                     return true;
03429                 }
03430             }
03431         }
03432     }
03433     return false;
03434 }
03436 void CValidError_feat::x_ValidateSeqFeatLoc(const CSeq_feat& feat)
03437 {
03438     // check for location on multiple near non-part bioseqs
03439     //CSeq_entry_Handle tse = m_Scope->GetSeq_entryHandle(m_Imp.GetTSE());
03440     CSeq_entry_Handle tse = m_Imp.GetTSEH();
03441     const CSeq_loc& loc = feat.GetLocation();
03442     if (IsOneBioseq(loc, m_Scope)) {
03443         return;
03444     }
03446     CBioseq_Handle bsh;
03447     for (CSeq_loc_CI it(loc) ;it; ++it) {
03448         CBioseq_Handle seq = m_Scope->GetBioseqHandleFromTSE(it.GetSeq_id(), tse);
03449         if (seq  &&  !seq.GetExactComplexityLevel(CBioseq_set::eClass_parts)) {
03450             if (bsh  &&  seq != bsh) {
03451                 PostErr(eDiag_Error, eErr_SEQ_FEAT_MultipleBioseqs,
03452                     "Feature location refers to multiple near bioseqs.", feat);
03453             } else {
03454                 bsh = seq;
03455             }
03456         }
03457     }
03458 }
03461 END_SCOPE(validator)
03462 END_SCOPE(objects)

Generated on Sun Mar 15 19:46:08 2009 for NCBI C++ ToolKit by  doxygen 1.4.6
Modified on Mon Mar 16 12:50:19 2009 by rev. 117643