~x-s1ave OEtorlea Page Four (Texae) linens. I druv in the car‘age with the white folks and. was ‘bout the moe‘ d.udish nig~ers in them dudish nigger in them parts. t, I used t o t end. the nursi in ‚ thread. The reason they cal led it that was wh~i the mami~es was confined with babies havin‘ to suck, they had to spin. I‘d take them the thread and bring it back to the house when lt was spinned. If they didn‘t spin seven or eight cuts a day, they‘d git~.a whuppin‘. It was consid.‘ble hard on a ~man when she had a frettin‘ baby. But every mornin‘ them babies had to be took to the bi~ house, so the white folks could see if they‘s dressed right. They was money tied. up in 1i‘l nigger you~n~‘uns. “They whu~peci the women nnd they whixpped the mens. I used. to work some in the tan‘ry and we made the wiups. They‘d tie them down to a stob, and give ‘em the whuppin‘ . Soaie niggers, it taken four men to *i~up ‘em, but they ~ot it. The nigger driver was meaner thai the white folks. They‘d better not leave a blade of grass in the rows. I seed ‘em beat a nigger half a ~iay to make him ‘fees up to stealin‘ a sheep or a shoat. Or they‘d whiip Iem for runnin ~ aw~‘ ‚ but not so hard if they come back of their own ‘cordance when they got hungry and sick in the swamps. But when they had to i‘u,n ‚ em down with the nigger dogs, they‘ d git in bad trouble. “The Carters never did have any real ‘corrigible niggers, but I heard of ‘em plenty on other places. When they was real ‘corrigible, the white folks said they was like mad dogs and didn‘t mind. to kifl them so much as killin‘ a sheep. They‘ d take ‚ em to the graveyard and shoot ‘em down and bury ‘em face downward, with their shoes on. I never seed it done, but they made some the niggere go for a lesson to them that they could git the same. WBut I didn‘t even have to carxy a pass to leave my own place, like the other niggers . I had a cap with a s ign on it : t Don‘ t bother thi s nigger,