National Park Service
Arches National Park photo: Sego lily (Nuttall's mariposa)

Photo: Arenaria fendleri
Photo © Alicia Lafever

Photo: Arenaria fendleri
Photo © Alicia Lafever




Fendler's Sandwort

Arenaria fendleri

Family: Caryophyllaceae - Pink Family

Perennial herbs; stems 0.8” to 9.8” (0.2 to 2.5 dm) tall

Leaves: opposite; linear; basal leaves 0.12” to 4.4” (0.3 to 11 cm) long; pungent; cauline leaves mainly in 2 to 6 pairs

Flowers: 5 white to brown or pinkish red to purple petals; petals 0.2” to 0.32” (5 to 8 mm) long; 5 sepals, greenish or suffed with purple; stamens usually 10; styles usually 3

Pollinators: other species in this genera are pollinated by insects

Fruits: capsule

Blooms in Arches National Park: May, June

Habitat in Arches National Park: desert shrub and pinyon-juniper communities

Location seen: Windows, Delicate Arch trail

Other: The genus name, “Arenaria”, means “growing in sandy places” and the species name, “fendleri” honors Augustus Wilhelm Fendler (1813-1883), a Prussian botanist who collected plant specimens in North America, Central America, South America, Prussia and Trinidad. Many of his American Southwest specimens were collected for botanist Asa Gray.