login : dspong comm-doingwell : Consulting, web-site, provision of a lot of good relevant information. comm-dodifferent : Add more computing resources (more CPU\'s, faster CPU\'s, more disk space, more memory, etc.) The allocation process could be further streamlined. Find some way to allow more mid-year flexibility in the resource allocation process. Get away from the current allocation model (which still tends to encourage a \"use-it-or-lose-it\" mentality). Perhaps you should consider under-allocating and then letting some fraction of the remaining time be made available in sort of a free-for-all mode. You need to offer a long queue (at least 4-8 hours) for serial jobs. Much post- processing of large parallel calculations cannot or has not been parallelized. There are also still many linear algebra/math library operations for which parallel codes have not been developed. With the demise of the Cray SV1\'s, there is also a need for a serial queue to run these applications on. Even when parallelization is possible, the human time involved in making all of these codes immediately parallel is expensive; computer time is not. Although some of these calculations can be done on local platforms (i.e., Linux) this is of limited use since local resources can quickly become overloaded and we may not have all of the needed libraries installed locally. comm-othercenters : Excellent. page_no : 10