March 29, 2002

Laboratory under scrutiny

After reading the Daily Newsbulletin story "Laboratory under scrutiny at hearing Tuesday in Santa Fe," I was a little confused. Rep. Debbie Rodella states the Laboratory must, "get rid of that good old boy mentality" while simultaneously only hiring technical staff members from New Mexico schools and not allowing the Johnson Control Northern New Mexico contract to come up for rebid. Isn't only hiring from local schools and not allowing competition in service contracts a "good old boy mentality?" Maybe the concern is not that there are good old boys, but who the good old boys are.

Additionally, for the 2000-2001 school year, Massachusetts Institute of Technology had students from all 50 states. This would include New Mexico. Unfortunately, any student "dumb" enough to leave New Mexico to attend school at MIT would not be allowed to work at the Laboratory if these legislators had their way. I also found this information on MIT's Web page:

"We admit people for their brains and their resourcefulness, not for their pedigree or their parents' income. We believe that anyone who demonstrates an exceptional level of drive and commitment is entitled to the opportunities available here, so we offer need-based financial aid."

"Women and minorities have been a part of the MIT community since the earliest days of the Institute. Our commitment to diversity isn't lip service; it's as much a part of MIT as the bricks and mortar."

And lastly, I believe the Laboratory is a national resource and should be committed to seeking out and hiring the brightest individuals from around the country and around the world regardless of where these individuals live or went to school. And there is nothing "good old boy" about that.

--Michael K. Foster

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