Comment 04110277 From: Sent: Friday, August 26, 2005 10:11 AM To: Rulemaking, TTB Subject: Notice No. 41: Labeling and Advertising of Wines, Distilled Spirits and Malt Beverages U.S. TTB Dear U.S. TTB, I often review the Serving Facts labels and nutritional labels of the things I eat and drink. You can imagine my surprise then when I noticed that these labels are absent on most bottles of beer, wine and distilled spirits. As you well know, I am not the only American who would like this information available to me on the bottles of alcoholic beverages. Please allow alcohol companies to give us this information. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Roland Hilgarth 3751 Appian Way #294 Lexington, Kentucky 40517 cc: Senator Mitch McConnell Senator Jim Bunning Representative Ben Chandler Executive Director John Clay