The ABCs of Bullying
Addressing, Blocking, and Curbing School Aggression

Module 1: School Bullying: What It Is and Why It Hurts - Page 6 of 12

Impact on Learning

Bullying can distract bullies, victims, and witnesses from learning. Bullies who are plotting their next attack or victims who are consumed with anxiety and fear about their next encounter with a bully will have difficulty focusing on the lesson at hand. Witnesses may:ref


Bullying is having tremendous health, educational, and other costs on society.

Truancy has been labeled one of the top ten major problems in schools in the United States and identified as one of the most powerful predictors of delinquency. Many students stay home from school because they are afraid of being bullied.ref Students who are not in schools learning may find other, less acceptable ways to occupy their time. About half of serious violent juvenile victimizations occur between noon and 6 p.m.ref

Decreased school attendance hurts the individual and society. Absence from school affects a student's achievement, promotion, graduation, self-esteem, and employment potential. Independent of the lost educational opportunities, truancy comes with other societal costs.